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Fallen di Lauren Kate
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Fallen (edizione 2010)

di Lauren Kate

Serie: Fallen (1)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
7,5244021,244 (3.44)145
Suspected in the death of her boyfriend, seventeen-year-old Luce is sent to a Savannah, Georgia, reform school where she meets two intriguing boys and learns the truth about the strange shadows that have always haunted her.
Autori:Lauren Kate
Info:Delacorte Books for Young Readers (2010), Paperback, 496 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Fallen di Lauren Kate

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I am almost done with Fallen and so far it's kind of like Twilight. The only difference is that instead of Vampire and Wolves they are Angels and Demons ( )
  Mariafrendo | Apr 6, 2024 |
Please note, this is the review I posted on Goodreads, lol
❗Edited 3/15/2024❗
I enjoyed the book and felt it wasn't as horrible as some of the reviews I read. It is very slow paced and I can see why some people didn't like the predictable aspects of it, I personally didn't mind it as much also going into this I already set the expectation that I am not the targeted audience for this book.
The reasons I read reviews is so I can get more insight on what the book is about because let's be honest the goodreads summary or the back of the book don't always give a best description as to what a book is about. I've also come to the realization that sometimes we and I say we because I have also been guilty about this, but sometimes we forget that everyone's opinion is different. Yes, a review is supposed to be what you feel about the book but sorry not sorry some people here on goodreads are extremely harsh, like some take this way too seriously. Are you are getting graded for your review or paid? That I would understand the harsh criticism. I mean to each their own but I personally don't try to be harsh because 1. I am not a professional writer 2. I am not a professional critic, I just like to read and let my mind escape into a world that is not that of my own. I look for the basic things to find a book appealing and good to me:
- The cover, sorry I judge a book by it's cover most of the time, Fallen I love this cover
- Does the book make me imagine a new world? Do I invision in my mind these characters as if I was watching a movie? Yes, Fallen accomplish that
- Does the book keep me captivated, involved in some way? - For the most part Fallen did this for me
- How fast is the pace? Is it too slow where I get bored and want to push through it just to get it over with? It was a rough start with me to get into the book that I switched to the audiobook for at least the first 4 chapters, just to get me into it.
- And finally does the story make me feel any kind of good emotions or even good frustration? Yes, I admit this is very slow paced, there isn't a lot of action and you think the story is mainly about Luce, I really didn't get that she is the main plot character to this story and I like that. I love this concept and storyline of Fallen angels that fall in love and want to be here on earth for it, I love that this causes a ripple and war of sorts between good and evil because this shouldn't be. Forbidden love if you will.
So after sleeping on it and letting this book fully soak in I did change my rating and my review. I give it 4 out of 5 stars because I would read this again given the chance and mood to be in for a forbidden love.
This was the first time I read this book, I've had it for over 5 years in my personal library, and this year was either I read it or I pass it on to someone who might enjoy it. I personally enjoyed it enough so looks like I will keep it and continue on to the next book.
Happy Reading, may your next read fill your heart with joy. ( )
  Enid007 | Mar 15, 2024 |
El primer libro de la saga es bueno, pero debería haberse quedado ahí ( )
  kiwi452 | Mar 14, 2024 |
The story was all right, and kept me reading until 2am to finish it up. I have the next books in the series, but I wasn't compelled to continue reading them. ( )
  PurplOttr | Dec 1, 2023 |
There are a lot of books I have finished and had a smile on my face or been really happy about them. There are not many books that I sit there speechless in a good way and can only formulate the word 'wow'. As the book goes along you begin to get ideas of what is happening, but even then some of it came as a big surprise.

So in other words; READ IT. It is a great book. You may find it starts off a little slow for your liking and there are a few unanswered questions, but hey that's what the second book is for. ( )
  justgeekingby | Jun 6, 2023 |
Many elements are not resolved, such as the cause of the fire and why angels are at this school. Still, fans of supernatural romance will be lining up for this book despite its flaws, and begging for a sequel.

» Aggiungi altri autori (11 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Lauren Kateautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Luc, ElisabethTraduttoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Eyre, JustineNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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But paradise is locked and bolted.... We must make a journey around the world to see if a back door has perhaps been left open. -- Heinrich von Kleist, "On the Puppet Theater"
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For my family, with gratitude and love
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Around midnight, her eyes at last took shape.
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Some things are more important than love. You won’t understand, but you have to trust me.
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Wikipedia in inglese (2)

Suspected in the death of her boyfriend, seventeen-year-old Luce is sent to a Savannah, Georgia, reform school where she meets two intriguing boys and learns the truth about the strange shadows that have always haunted her.

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