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Perdido Street Station di China Mieville
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Perdido Street Station (originale 2000; edizione 2008)

di China Mieville (Autore)

Serie: Bas-Lag (1)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
9,522317862 (4.04)688
WINNER OF THE AUGUST DERLETH AND ARTHUR C. CLARKE AWARDS • A masterpiece brimming with scientific splendor, magical intrigue, and fierce characters, from the author who “has reshaped modern fantasy” ( The Washington Post ) “[China Miéville’s] fantasy novels, including a trilogy set in and around the magical city-state of New Crobuzon, have the refreshing effect of making Middle-earth seem plodding and flat.”— The New York Times The metropolis of New Crobuzon sprawls at the center of the world. Humans and mutants and arcane races brood in the gloom beneath its chimneys, where the river is sluggish with unnatural effluent and foundries pound into the night. For a thousand years, the Parliament and its brutal militias have ruled over a vast economy of workers and artists, spies and soldiers, magicians, crooks, and junkies. Now a stranger has arrived, with a pocketful of gold and an impossible demand. And something unthinkable is released. The city is gripped by an alien terror. The fate of millions lies with a clutch of renegades. A reckoning is due at the city’s heart, in the vast edifice of brick and wood and steel under the vaults of Perdido Street Station. It is too late to escape.… (altro)
Titolo:Perdido Street Station
Autori:China Mieville (Autore)
Info:Tor (2008), Edition: Main Market, 753 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

Informazioni sull'opera

Perdido Street Station di China Miéville (2000)

  1. 80
    Embassytown di China Miéville (mclewe)
    mclewe: For Miéville's ability to create a complete world, incomprehensible, fascinating, intelligent.
  2. 70
    City of Saints and Madmen di Jeff VanderMeer (bertilak)
  3. 96
    The Windup Girl di Paolo Bacigalupi (souloftherose)
    souloftherose: Although The Windup Girl is more science fiction than steampunk/fantasy, I felt there were similarities in the exoticness of the world-building and readers who enjoyed Perdido Street Station may also enjoy The Windup Girl.
  4. 30
    Il treno degli dei di China Miéville (kaipakartik)
    kaipakartik: Same universe, a lot of the same creatures. Brilliantly done as well
  5. 53
    Cuori sgozzati di Katherine Dunn (fyrefly98)
  6. 10
    This Alien Shore di C. S. Friedman (MyriadBooks)
    MyriadBooks: For the world building, for the heft of the plot.
  7. 10
    Sea of Ghosts di Alan Campbell (iftyzaidi)
  8. 33
    Dhalgren di Samuel R. Delany (aaronius)
    aaronius: Another dystopian dream-city to get lost in with weird sex and fantastic writing.
  9. 11
    God's War di Kameron Hurley (electronicmemory)
    electronicmemory: Two excellent examples of twisted, dark and brutal stories with unexpected sci-fi/fantasy elements and engrossing worlds.
  10. 22
    The Etched City di K. J. Bishop (Jarandel)
    Jarandel: Similar dark, steampunk-ish urban environments that sometime veer into the horrific and fantastical.
  11. 00
    The Dervish House di Ian McDonald (majkia)
    majkia: no idea why exactly, but the two seem similar to me.
  12. 00
    The Last City di Nina D'Aleo (GuyMontag)
  13. 00
    City of Bohane di Kevin Barry (Macon)
  14. 00
    Viriconium: "The Pastel City", "A Storm of Wings", "In Viriconium", "Viriconium Nights" di M. John Harrison (g33kgrrl)
    g33kgrrl: "Weird cities" staples.
  15. 02
    Santa Olivia di Jacqueline Carey (Aerrin99)
    Aerrin99: An interesting world filled with unexpected people.
  16. 13
    Terra di David Brin (freddlerabbit)
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Mieville ha una grande inventiva ed originalità, ma in questo libro pecca di eccesso nelle descrizioni ambientali (anche diverse pagine alla volta), il che mi ha reso la lettura molto più pesante di quello che avrebbe potuto essere. Senza questo eccesso sarebbe stata una stella in più. Fortunatamente altre recensioni indicano che nelle sue opere successive la sua prosa è più tersa.

PS Questa recensione fa riferimento alla edizione inglese e non a quella tradotta da Fanucci ( )
  Rouge2507 | Aug 30, 2010 |
Mostra 2 di 2
Perdido Street Station is a well written and absorbing story aimed at breaking the rules for a number of different fantasy concepts.

» Aggiungi altri autori (14 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Miéville, Chinaautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Bauche-Eppers, EvaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Bauche-Eppers, EvaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Lee, JohnNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Miller, EdwardImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Miller, EdwardIllustratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Oliver, JonathanNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Stevenson, DavidImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Villa, ElisaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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'I even gave up, for a while, stopping by the window of the room to look out at the lights and deep, illuminated streets. That's a form of dying, that losing contact with the city like that.'

Philip K. Dick, We Can Build You
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to Emma
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Veldt to scrub to fields to farms to these first tumbling houses that rise from the earth.
Ultime parole
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(Click per vedere. Attenzione: può contenere anticipazioni.)
Nota di disambiguazione
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Do not combine with either Die Falter or Der Weber. Perdido Street Station was split into two volumes for publication in Germany.
Redattore editoriale
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Risorse esterne che parlano di questo libro

Wikipedia in inglese (1)

WINNER OF THE AUGUST DERLETH AND ARTHUR C. CLARKE AWARDS • A masterpiece brimming with scientific splendor, magical intrigue, and fierce characters, from the author who “has reshaped modern fantasy” ( The Washington Post ) “[China Miéville’s] fantasy novels, including a trilogy set in and around the magical city-state of New Crobuzon, have the refreshing effect of making Middle-earth seem plodding and flat.”— The New York Times The metropolis of New Crobuzon sprawls at the center of the world. Humans and mutants and arcane races brood in the gloom beneath its chimneys, where the river is sluggish with unnatural effluent and foundries pound into the night. For a thousand years, the Parliament and its brutal militias have ruled over a vast economy of workers and artists, spies and soldiers, magicians, crooks, and junkies. Now a stranger has arrived, with a pocketful of gold and an impossible demand. And something unthinkable is released. The city is gripped by an alien terror. The fate of millions lies with a clutch of renegades. A reckoning is due at the city’s heart, in the vast edifice of brick and wood and steel under the vaults of Perdido Street Station. It is too late to escape.

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