The Bookie Awards!

Conversazioni75 Books Challenge for 2008

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The Bookie Awards!

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Dic 8, 2008, 12:45 pm

I thought it would be interesting to have an awards ceremony of the books you have read this year. So I came up with a list of awards!! Too dosed up on painkillers for a coherent response but can just about manage the titles. So......

Best fiction book:

Best non-fiction book:

Best short story:

Worst fiction book:

Worst non-fiction book:

Worst short story:

Best character:

Worst character:

Best book within a genre (ie fantasy/historical/sci-fi/romance etc)

Worst book within a genre:

Most original idea:

Most cliche'd plotline:

Book you couldn't put down:

Book you couldn't wait to put down:

Best overall read of 2008:

or just tell me if this idea is daft ;)

Dic 8, 2008, 1:04 pm

Great idea! When can we start nominating books?

Dic 8, 2008, 4:01 pm

lunacat...I love the idea, but do we need a separate thread for each award, or do we just do one post for all of this? Not sure I'll have time right now, but may early in the New year, as we wrap up old challenges and start new ones????

Dic 8, 2008, 5:54 pm

one post for all of this i reckon. and just nominate books whenever you want, doesn't matter when I don't think!!!

Just thought it would be interesting to see if some books pop up again and again on people's lists, or if every nomination is individual

Dic 8, 2008, 7:27 pm

Really great idea. Gotta go think about it some more though. Some categories are easy and some I am a bit hesistant to pick cause I may just read something between now and Dec 31st that will top them.

Dic 10, 2008, 2:56 pm

Love, love, love the idea. More lists - I never get tired of lists. Like Trish, I too want to wait just a little longer before making any decisions - still 21 days left to the year.

Dic 13, 2008, 10:31 am

Definitely will be participating, but want to wait as well...

Dic 13, 2008, 5:42 pm

I'll participate too, I have some to nominate, but 2008 is not over yet...
This will be best served in the first week of January I think!

Dic 20, 2008, 5:25 pm

OK, I'm going to give this a try. I'm having a lot of trouble narrowing down to a few "Bests." I've read so many good books this year. But here are a few:

Best Fiction: The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon and Mudbound by Hillary Jordan (please, don't make me choose between these two!)

Best Nonfiction: Brother I'm Dying by Edwidge Danticat - Amazing!

Best Short Stories: The Boat by Nam Le - With a story set in Iowa City, how could Le go wrong!

Best Re-Read: Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson

How Could It End That Way (fiction): The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

How Could It End That Way (nonfiction): The Last Flight of the Scarlet Macaw by Bruce Barcott - It wasn't the author's fault - that just the way real life goes sometimes.

I Loved This Character: Taylor Greer - Heroine of The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver

How Nice to See an Old Friend: Home to Holly Springs by Jan Karon - For fans of the Mitford series, it's great to have Father Tim back again.

I Felt Like I Should Like It, but I Didn't: The Sea by John Banville

What fun this was! Thanks for starting the thread, lunacat!

Modificato: Dic 30, 2008, 6:39 am

Gosh, that was a bit harder than I expected! Here are my thoughts on the best and worst of the year...

Best non-fiction book:
Paris to the Moon - Adam Gopnik
Brunelleschi's Dome - Ross King

Best short story:
The Loudest Sound and Nothing - Clare Wigfall

Worst fiction book:
The Emperor's Children - Claire Messud

Best crime book:
close tie between Christine Falls (Benjamin Black) and Sharp Objects (Gillian Flynn)

Book I couldn't put down (even though I hated myself for it):
Little Face - Sophie Hannah

Book I couldn't wait to put down:
The Golden Notebook - Doris Lessing. Occupied a completely unfair amount of reading time.

Best re-read:
Self-Help - Lorrie Moore
A Rich Full Death - Michael Dibdin

Best overall read (and best fiction book) of 2008 - no surprises here:
The Wasted Vigil - Nadeem Aslam. Everyone should read it.

and a few more light-hearted picks....

Book I Was Most Surprised To Have Enjoyed Because It's Not Normally My Sort of Thing AT ALL:
The Book of Lost Things - John Connolly

I Felt Like I Should Like It, but I Didn't:
The Northern Clemency - Philip Hensher

Books I Was Most Looking Forward To That Completely Failed To Live Up to My Expectations:
The Rain Before It Falls - Jonathan Coe. O, Jonathan. Try harder next time, please.
First Among Sequels - Jasper Fforde
The Fire Gospel - Michel Faber

Book I Was Most Looking Forward to That Completely Did:
Paris to the Moon - Adam Gopnik. The ten-year wait since I first copied this down out of the New Yorker's books column was well worth it.

Most Over-Hyped:
The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini. Meh.

Guilty Pleasures:
The Devil Wears Prada - Lauren Weisberger
Little Face - Sophie Hannah

Books Most Poorly Served By Their Marketers:
The Landscape of Love - Sally Beauman (The Sisters Mortland in the US). Packaged and titled like a crappy supermarket romance novel. So not that.
The Lost Dog - Michelle de Kretser. I would never in a million years have read this based on the packaging alone if it hadn't been on the Booker longlist, and it was amazing.

Book That Should Have Won But Didn't:
The Secret Scripture - Sebastian Barry. I can forgive him the pat ending because the rest was incredible.

See you in 2009!

grr. edit for typoes.