Pete does 2024

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Pete does 2024

Nov 28, 2023, 8:57 am

Hopefully better than 2023

Every year I have grand plans, every year I fail to live up to them. As ever the TBR grows - more this year it seems. So I'll try and reduce it.

In the spirit of Kaizen I shall start with small goals. My aim is to read 1 TBR book of any type or length in 2024.
Once I've managed that feat I'll celebrate and then add a new goal to read 1 more TBR book in 2024 in the category Fiction. Once I've managed that feat I'll celebrate and then add a new goal to read 1 more TBR book in 2024 in the category nonfiction.

Nov 28, 2023, 8:59 am



Books Acquired

Nov 28, 2023, 8:59 am



Books Acquired

Nov 28, 2023, 8:59 am



Books Acquired

Nov 28, 2023, 8:59 am



Books Acquired

Nov 28, 2023, 9:00 am



Books Acquired

Nov 28, 2023, 9:00 am



Books Acquired

Nov 28, 2023, 9:00 am



Books Acquired

Nov 28, 2023, 9:06 am

Might have to have a 1 in 1 out policy in 2024

And am going to start a 5 year policy - although that won't kick in for a few more years as I only labelled books as 'pre-2022' back in 22 - but that does give me a ticking clock from then as books on the TBR now have a 5 year window and some have 2 years already...

Nov 28, 2023, 9:10 am

As ever - if I manage to read the books I have been gifted for Xmas and my birthday (beginning of Jan) then they don't go on the TBR and also they're all shiny and new :-) But they don't count as TBR books which means I don't get to my goal of 1 TBR book until they're all read. Although looking at my shelves there are two books I was bought as gifts last xmas or birthday that I've still not read...

Nov 28, 2023, 3:29 pm

I hope your goals go well, and happy reading!

Nov 28, 2023, 3:48 pm

Good luck!

Nov 28, 2023, 6:51 pm

>14 psutto: "1 in 1 out" sounds like a good plan! Happy reading!

Nov 28, 2023, 7:13 pm

Glad to see you set up and ready for 2024. "Small steps" seems like the best plan - hopefully you will whittle that TBR down!

Nov 28, 2023, 7:58 pm

Taking it one book at a time sounds like a good plan. Best of luck!

Nov 28, 2023, 8:00 pm

Good luck with your 2024 reading goals.

Nov 29, 2023, 10:19 am

Hmm, I may have to try a "one in, one out" policy myself! Good luck with your 2024 reading!

Modificato: Nov 29, 2023, 9:45 pm

Small steps sounds like a great way to manage it. I know my TBR is daunting when viewed in its entirety!
Looking forward to seeing your progress in 2024 as I am all about keeping track of the numbers.

Nov 30, 2023, 5:34 am

Wishing you success with your plans!

Nov 30, 2023, 3:34 pm

All the best for reducing the tbr pile. Wishing you an enjoyable reading year.

Dic 9, 2023, 11:38 am

Small goals sounds like a good plan! Happy reading in 2024!

Dic 24, 2023, 10:33 am

I've spent the morning moving books from shelf to shelf in an aimless sort of way. I finished my current read, Traces of Enayat and didn't want to start a new book as I'll be getting some to unwrap tomorrow (I hope). I've been contemplating the challenge and wondering where to start. I have several years worth of reading on the TBR and need a plan. So my thinking is as follows - I shall prioritise thus: Hardback over Paperback, Person of Colour over white, woman over man. Then the mood read can lead - do I fancy non-fiction or fiction? Crime of Scifi etc...
My birthday is at the beginning of Jan, and again I'm hoping there'll be some books to unwrap. Following that I shall be back here to list what I got.
Happy Holidays!

Dic 24, 2023, 12:05 pm

Looking forward to seeing what books are under the tree for you!

Dic 24, 2023, 12:37 pm

>27 psutto: - That sounds like a good plan. I'd like to get some hardbacks off my shelf too.

Gen 1, 7:07 am

late Xmas present/early birthday present - Known and strange things

Modificato: Gen 1, 7:14 am

My current read is The condition of secrecy and I'm about to go on a trip (birthday treat) to Portugal so I'm going to try and read a book translated from Portugese I have on my TBR The posthumous memoirs of Bras Cubas. I'll be back next week to add all the books I got for my birthday to this thread and, no doubt, books I've bought in Lisbon (which is, by all accounts, a bookish city). But then from next Monday it's a strict no buy policy for the year. (let's see how that goes considering I'm going to Worldcon in August!)

Gen 1, 10:56 am

>31 psutto: I think a no-buy policy that makes exceptions for Lisbon and Worldcon is quite sensible! Enjoy your trip, and happy early birthday!

Gen 6, 4:17 am

Added the birthday haul to the January post

Gen 6, 4:52 am

I have read a TBR book - so my challenge now is to read a TBR fiction book - however I'll be reading my xmas and birthday book haul first.

Modificato: Gen 27, 2:28 pm

good news! I packed 4 boxes of (read) books and sold them to a second hand dealer
bad news! I accidentally bought a book today as I went into a bookshop to get a needed item

So -1 to the score - which currently stands at 0

But in not adding books to the TBR - so far have read 3 xmas books and 4 birthday books

But it's almost February so think next month will also be on a theme of xmas & birthday books to which I'll add the book I bought today - Illuminations

I'm currenty reading the history of the siege of Lisbon which was a birthday addition

Gen 27, 10:52 pm

The History of the Siege of Lisbon is one of my favorite books, and it sealed José Saramago’s place as one of my favorite authors. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Gen 29, 9:19 am

>36 Charon07: Not sure I enjoyed it as much as you but I did enjoy it

Feb 15, 4:44 am

Went to an event in a bookshop, won two books in a raffle - think that counts as not buying books :-)

Although I may have slipped and bought a few Tai Chi books as I'm learning that right now

Feb 15, 11:03 am

>38 psutto: Absolutely -- books you win or receive as gifts shouldn't count!

Feb 29, 8:56 am

I managed to read more in February than I expected to - but also splurged on buying books after the mostly drought of doing so in January and I really should stick to not acquiring new books... So, better luck in March!

Happy Leap Year extra day of reading!

Mar 26, 12:47 pm

Read the first book I've rated 'Brilliant' in March - Mountain in the sea

Mar 26, 8:29 pm

>41 psutto: Bumping this one up on my TBR list!

Apr 21, 6:42 am

I had something in my eye at the end of this book which made the last few pages quite blurry. Recommended with warning...

A life with footnotes

Giu 5, 4:01 am

I appear to be in a mid-year reading slump - think I need a fun book to jolt me out of it...