UtenteBookWallah(He, Him)

Tutte le collezioni (3,947), Preferiti (321), Hierarchy (8), Avocational Room (743), Business Vocational Room (584), Educational Room (526), Faith Room (592), Fictional Room (811), Social Vocational Room (682), Adventure (161), Apologetics (43), American Southwest (130), Arts & Crafts (106), Asian Fiction (34), Books about Books (84), Book Mystery (22), Business Analysis (46), Business Biography (23), Business (94), Children's Literature (65), Children's Science (14), Christian Fiction (44), Christianity (213), Community Development (77), Cultures Other (38), Cultures General (82), DEI Topics (11), Eastern Literature (21), Everest Ascents (46), Fundraising (51), Health (36), Himalayan Region (69), Historical Fiction (62), History (274), Devotional & Study Aids (46), Education (63), Home & Garden (87), Fiction General (47), Humor (97), Information Technology (77), Innovation (59), International (99), Landscape Photography (87), Leadership (33), Management (102), Marketing (112), Missiology (68), Missions Biography (87), Missions (68), Mountaineering (102), Mystery (119), Native American Cultures (137), Nautical Fiction (49), Nonprofit (76), Other Subjects (73), Pacific Northwest (84), Photography (105), Prayer (41), Products & Services (44), Psychology (56), Religions (50), Career (78), Sailing (37), Science Field Guide (65), Science (154), SE Asia and Oceania (26), Social Justice (29), Sherpas (151), South Asian Cultures (73), Technology (142), Theology (79), Thriller (383), Travel (72), Vocation (40), Western Literature (96), Westerns (35), World Religions (49), La tua biblioteca (1,361), Letti ma non posseduti (1,825), Lista dei desideri (54), Referenced (740), Ref:To Eval (167), To catalog (20)
NONFICTION (3,107), read but unowned (1,815), owns (1,363), .500 -- FICTIONAL Room (811), FICTION (809), referenced (740), .100 -- AVOCATIONAL Room (734), .200 -- SOCIAL VOCATIONAL Room (680), .300 -- FAITH Room (589), .600 -- BUSINESS VOCATIONAL Room (580), .400 -- EDUCATIONAL Room (528), .510 - ADVENTURE NOVELS bookcase (494), favorite author (415), to reference (385), 2014donated (380), .220 - CULTURES bookcase (378), .517 Thriller Novels (THRN) (340), THRILLER (340), .330 - CHRISTIANITY bookcase (328), favorited book (316), Himalayas (278), .410 - SCIENCE bookcase (261), .120 - TRAVEL bookcase (260), Nepal (255), illustrated (249), .610 - TECHNOLOGY bookcase (236), reviewed (231), .110 - ADVENTURE bookcase (227), travel (221), history (215), biography (214), action thriller (208), photos (202), .620 - BUSINESS bookcase (198), 2015donated (193), .320 - MISSIONS bookcase (188), guidebook (186), .130 - PHOTOGRAPHY bookcase (186), to evaluate (178), inherited (162), 2014keeper (160), 2013donated (159), .339 General Christianity (XNTY) (149), CHRISTIANITY (149), .690 - VOCATION bookcase (148), .520 - LITERATURE bookcase (148), .490 - OTHER bookcase (144), early reviewer's (134), Christian living (134), .590 - OTHER FICTION bookcase (132), memoir (126), maps (120), SCIENCE (118), .221 Sherpa People (SHRP) (118), .419 General Science (GSCI) (118), SHERPAS (118), coffee table (117), instruction (115), know author (112), .210 - PHILANTHROPY bookcase (111), photos in color (110), to read (109), British fiction (104), PHOTOGRAPHY (103), .139 General Photography (PHTG) (103), Mystery (102), classic (102), .230 - INTERNATIONAL bookcase (102), global (100), OverSized (95), expeditionary mountaineering (95), .223 Native American Cultures (NACL) (92), NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURES (92), .290 - SOCIAL bookcase (91), India (90), National Parks (89), BOOKLET (89), MYSTERY (88), .519 Mystery Novels (MYSN) (88), TECHNOLOGY (88), Washington State (87), .619 General Technology (TECG) (87), Landscape photography (86), MARKETING (86), .621 Marketing (MKTG) (86), Pacific Northwest (84), .112 Mountaineering (MTNS) (84), MOUNTAINEERING (84), 19th century (83), .131 Landscape Photography (LANP) (82), LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY (82), Mt. Everest (82), .321 Missions Biography (MBIO) (80), INTERNATIONAL (80), MISSIONS BIOGRAPHY (80), .239 International (INT) (79), .529 Western Literature (WLIT) (79), WESTERN LITERATURE (79), 2023Donated (78), American Southwest (78), personal development (77), USA (77), .229 General Cultures (CLTG) (77), CULTURES GENERAL (77), .310 - RELIGION bookcase (75), art (74), .499 Other Subjects (OTRS) (72), OTHER SUBJECTS (72), reference book (72), HOME and GARDEN (71), .491 Home and Garden (HNG) (71), natural history (70), PACIFIC NORTHWEST (69), .420 - HISTORY bookcase (69), favorite book by favorite author (69), .129 Other Travel (TRVO) (69), .121 Pacific Northwest (PNW) (69), TRAVEL OTHER (69), .429 General History (HSTR) (68), HISTORY (68), Christianity (68), NONPROFIT (66), .212 Nonprofit Organizations (NPRF) (66), needs cover photo (66), Leadership (65), Wiley Media (65), .140 - ARTS bookcase (64), THEOLOGY (64), .332 Theology (THEO) (64), ARTS and CRAFTS (64), alpine mountaineering (64), ADVENTURE (63), .119 General Adventure (ADVG) (63), .149 Arts and Crafts (ANC) (63), INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (62), .613 Information Technology (TECI) (62), Management (61), .322 Missiology (MLGY) (60), MISSIOLOGY (60), Oregon (60), Islam (60), American history (60), National Geographic (59), geography (59), humor (59), BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS (58), Psychology (58), Community development (57), lib:KK (57), .692 Books about Books (BABO) (57), CAREER (57), .470 - K-12 SCHOOL RESOURCES bookcase (57), .691 Career (CRR) (57), favorite photographer (56), SOUTH ASIAN CULTURES (56), .222 South Asian Cultures (SACL) (56), social media (56), ethnography (56), .411 Science Field Guide (SFG) (55), SCIENCE FIELD GUIDE (55), Technology (55), O'Reilly Media (55), communication (54), PSYCHOLOGY (54), .413 Psychology (PSY) (54), tribal (53), American fiction (53), .522 Children's Literature (CHLT) (52), design (52), .292 Innovation (INO) (52), current events (52), CHILDREN'S LITERATURE (52), .122 American Southwest (ASW) (51), Business (51), war (51), AMERICAN SOUTHWEST (51), portrait photography (51), INNOVATION (51), Arts and crafts (50), 2020donated (49), Native American cultures (49), Innovation (49), 2017donated (48), .629 General Business (BIZG) (48), BUSINESS (48), book and movie (47), .329 General Missions (MSNS) (47), MISSIONS (47), exploration (47), California (47), Information technology (47), young adult (47), sailors (47), HIMALAYAN REGION (46), sociology (46), environment (46), .124 Himalayan Region (HML) (46), Asia (45), @eBook (45), MANAGEMENT (45), digital photography (45), adventure (45), .622 Management (MGMT) (45), .612 Business Analysis (BIZA) (44), BUSINESS ANALYSIS (44), .599 General Fiction (FICG) (44), FUNDRAISING (44), DEVOTIONAL and STUDY AIDS (44), EDUCATION (44), EVEREST ASCENTS (44), .211 Development and Fundraising (FUNR) (44), .111 Everest Ascents (EVRS) (44), .479 General Education (EDUG) (44), FICTION GENERAL (44), .333 Devotional and Study Aids (DEVO) (44), strategy (43), HUMOR (43), UK (43), .592 Humor (HMR) (43), Devotional (42), .611 Products and Services (PNS) (42), place (42), multiple editions (42), Science (42), PRODUCTS and SERVICES (42), Historical fiction (42), Internet (42), ethnographies (42), Thriller (41), China (41), spy thriller (41), RELIGIONS (41), .319 General Religion (GREL) (41), fantasy (40), comic strips (40), .530 - CHRISTIAN FICTION bookcase (40), Southeast Asia (40), Oceania (40), England (40), police procedural (40), Tibet (39), The Mountaineers (39), CHRISTIAN FICTION (39), .539 General Christian Fiction (XNF) (39), Navajo people (38), philosophy (38), Africa (38), politics (37), NAUTICAL FICTION (37), .512 Nautical Fiction (NATF) (37), women (37), Bible study (37), anthropology (37), short stories (37), multiple copies (36), SAILING (35), .113 Sailing (SLNG) (35), anthology (35), CULTURES OTHER (34), writing (34), .227 Other Cultures (CLTO) (34), Middle East (34), .699 General Vocation (VOCG) (33), .412 Health (HLT) (33), music (33), PRAYER (33), software development (33), WORLD RELIGIONS (33), VOCATION (33), software applications (33), .331 Prayer (PRYR) (33), WWII (33), .311 World Religions (WREL) (33), legal thriller (32), terrorism (32), Sherpas (32), HEALTH (32), 20th century (30), photographs in color (30), Egypt (30), know people (30), folk arts (29), epic (29), science fiction (29), Tibetan Buddhism (29), Canada (28), creativity (28), Books about books (28), market research (28), Utah (28), children (28), intelligence services (27), Marketing (27), Afghanistan (27), American literature (27), LEADERSHIP (27), mountaineering history (27), .291 Leadership (LDR) (27), Arizona (27), NGO story (27)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Feb 28, 2007
Nome vero
Scott David Anderson (Scott Anderson)
La mia biblioteca
I virtually classify and physically shelve my library books topically into six mutually exclusive areas which I call “Rooms”:

AVOCATIONAL Room – which covers my varied interests that I choose not to earn a living from at this time. Sample topics include: Adventure (locomotion), Travel (destination), Photography, and Arts.

SOCIAL VOCATIONAL Room – covers topics I have personally used to earn a living in the Social Sector (aka the Nonprofit world). My working pursuits split broadly into Philanthropy, Cultures (i.e. cross cultural settings), and International. They are further broken out into more granular topics like: Fundraising issues, Nonprofit Orgs, Leadership and Innovation, and Other Cultures.

BUSINESS VOCATIONAL Room – covers topics I have personally used to earn a living in the Private Sector (aka the Business world). My working pursuits split broadly into Technology, Business, and Vocation. They are further broken out into more granular topics like: General Technology, Management, Marketing, Products and Services, and General Vocation.

FAITH Room – covers the spiritual realm from a decidedly Christian worldview. My topics include World Religions, Theology, Missiology, and General Christianity.

EDUCATIONAL Room – covers all other nonfiction of a more general nature, including Science, History, General Education, and Other subjects.

FICTIONAL Room – covers the spectrum of fiction I personally enjoy. It ranges from standard cozy mysteries to a large selection of modern thrillers (with highlights to nautical fiction and mysteries about books) to a variety of literature and other fiction.

Geographic and Location details:
• I have an exhaustive collection of books on the Sherpa People of Nepal, who I had the privilege to live among for 4 years. Related topics include South Asian cultures, the Himalayan Region, and of course Mount Everest itself.
• I am drawn to books that evoke a strong sense of geographic place”. This is reflected in both my selection of books as well as my tagging of them.
• My Travel bookcase is further divided into shelves on Pacific Northwest, American Southwest and Southeast Asia and Oceania, and Himalayan Region to reflect the primary “places” of my personal exploration.

Classification detail:
• My library uses a hierarchical taxonomy of three-tiers: “Room – Bookcase – Shelf”. Room I equate to walking into a room with multiple bookcases on one domain of knowledge (generally >500 books). Bookcase I equate to an entire bookcase devoted to three or more related subjects (generally >100 books). Shelf is one or more shelves devoted to a single subject (generally around 25-100 books).
• For a complete up-to-date list of all shelf names please consult the first column of all tags.
Informazione su di me
Experientially I am a husband, a father, an adventurer, a developer, a musician, a lover of natural beauty, and a man of faith. I have enjoyed living in Seattle, Washington; Southeast Asia; Pasadena, California; Kathmandu, Nepal; Salt Lake City, Utah; and Portland, Oregon. I have visited over 25 countries, but I still believe some of the world’s best natural beauty lies in the USA’s National Park system.

Vocationally I am a technology product and program management professional with 20 years experience in the creation and delivery of innovative IT services, software/hardware products, Internet services, professional services and community development/ICT programs (for more see LinkedIn profile). I have long history of active service in the nonprofit sector and international work experience involving programs in over 25 countries.

Avocationally I enjoy being a landscape photographer, a hand percussionist (and drummer with strong leanings towards jazz improvisation), a volleyball coach, an alpine mountaineer, a blue water sailor, and an unabashed bibliophile.
Portland, Oregon, USA
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Librerie: Amazon Books (Portland - Washington Square), Blackwell's Oxford, Pilgrims Book House, Powell's Books at Cedar Hills Crossing, Powell's City of Books (Portland), The Archives Bookshop, The Mountaineers Bookstore, Third Place Books Lake Forest Park, University Bookstore

Biblioteche: Beaverton City Library, Charles E. Young Research Library (UCLA), Edmonds Library, Library of Congress, Nepal National Library, Tigard Public Library, University of Washington - Suzzallo Library

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Biblioteca interessante
Dead People