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Wolf Hall (2009)

di Hilary Mantel

Altri autori: Hege Mehren (Traduttore)

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

Serie: Wolf Hall Trilogy (1)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiConversazioni / Citazioni
13,685652447 (3.98)6 / 2279
Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:

In the ruthless arena of King Henry VIII's court, only one man dares to gamble his life to win the king's favor and ascend to the heights of political power
England in the 1520s is a heartbeat from disaster. If the king dies without a male heir, the country could be destroyed by civil war. Henry VIII wants to annul his marriage of twenty years, and marry Anne Boleyn. The pope and most of Europe opposes him. The quest for the king's freedom destroys his adviser, the brilliant Cardinal Wolsey, and leaves a power vacuum.
Into this impasse steps Thomas Cromwell. Cromwell is a wholly original man, a charmer and a bully, both idealist and opportunist, astute in reading people and a demon of energy: he is also a consummate politician, hardened by his personal losses, implacable in his ambition. But Henry is volatile: one day tender, one day murderous. Cromwell helps him break the opposition, but what will be the price of his triumph?
In inimitable style, Hilary Mantel presents a picture of a half-made society on the cusp of change, where individuals fight or embrace their fate with passion and courage. With a vast array of characters, overflowing with incident, the novel re-creates an era when the personal and political are separated by a hairbreadth, where success brings unlimited power but a single failure means death.

.… (altro)
  1. 141
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    I mille autunni di Jacob de Zoet di David Mitchell (kidzdoc)
    kidzdoc: This is another excellent British historical novel.
  4. 101
    The Six Wives of Henry VIII di Alison Weir (ijustgetbored)
  5. 123
    Anna Bolena, una questione di famiglia di Hilary Mantel (zhejw)
  6. 70
    La quarta verità di Iain Pears (souci)
    souci: A look at the machinations behind the throne as England passes out of placid Catholicism moving fitfully and violently towards Protestantism.
  7. 50
    Henry VIII di J. J. Scarisbrick (robeik)
    robeik: Somewhat academic, but chock-full of detail on Henry's divorce proceedings from Catherine and the Roman Catholic Church.
  8. 52
    Al di là del nero di Hilary Mantel (otherstories)
  9. 41
    Six Wives: The Queens of Henry VIII di David Starkey (souloftherose)
  10. 41
    Abundance di Sena Jeter Naslund (bell7)
    bell7: Both biographical novels explore well-known historical events through the eyes of one sympathetic character close to the action.
  11. 31
    Virgin and the Crab: Sketches, Fables and Mysteries from the early life of John Dee and Elizabeth Tudor di Robert Parry (RochieRochel)
  12. 20
    Lo specchio e la luce di Hilary Mantel (guurtjesboekenkast)
  13. 21
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    Rizzio di Denise Mina (hazzabamboo)
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    La scomparsa del fuoco greco di C. J. Sansom (brenzi)
    brenzi: Another book concerning the Henry VIII and Thomas Chromwell.
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    A Bloody Field by Shrewsbury di Edith Pargeter (ansate)
    ansate: Different time period, but another fantastically written historical novel
  20. 22
    L'anno del contagio di Connie Willis (Utente anonimo)
    Utente anonimo: This is another book that really brings a period of history to life around you.

(vedi tutti i 25 consigli)

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bel libro che prende molto il lettore; per apprezzarlo completamente bisognerebbe conoscere meglio la storia di Inghilterra ( )
  emiliom | Apr 17, 2013 |
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Hilary Mantel sets a new standard for historical fiction with her latest novel Wolf Hall, a riveting portrait of Thomas Cromwell, chief advisor to King Henry VIII and a significant political figure in Tudor England. Mantel’s crystalline style, piercing eye and interest in, shall we say, the darker side of human nature, together with a real respect for historical accuracy, make this novel an engrossing, enveloping read.
aggiunto da clamairy | modificaBookPage, Lauren Bufferd (Mar 2, 2011)
hard to read but enjoyable
aggiunto da AAGP | modificaSlate Audio Book Club (Mar 15, 2010)
A sequel is plainly in view, as we are given glimpses of the rival daughters who plague the ever-more-gross monarch’s hectic search for male issue. The ginger-haired baby Elizabeth is mainly a squalling infant in the period of the narrative, which chiefly covers the years 1527–35, but in the figure of her sibling Mary, one is given a chilling prefiguration of the coming time when the bonfires of English heretics will really start to blaze in earnest. Mantel is herself of Catholic background and education, and evidently not sorry to be shot of it (as she might herself phrase the matter), so it is generous of her to show the many pettinesses and cruelties with which the future “Bloody Mary” was visited by the callous statecraft and churchmanship of her father’s court. Cromwell is shown trying only to mitigate, not relieve, her plight. And Mary’s icy religiosity he can forgive, but not More’s. Anyone who has been bamboozled by the saccharine propaganda of A Man for All Seasons should read Mantel’s rendering of the confrontation between More and his interlocutors about the Act of Succession, deposing the pope as the supreme head of the Church in England.
Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall is a startling achievement, a brilliant historical novel focused on the rise to power of a figure exceedingly unlikely, on the face of things, to arouse any sympathy at all.
Thomas Cromwell remains a controversial and mysterious figure. Mantel has filled in the blanks plausibly, brilliantly. “Wolf Hall” has epic scale but lyric texture. Its 500-plus pages turn quickly, winged and falconlike... [It] is both spellbinding and believable.

» Aggiungi altri autori (29 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Mantel, Hilaryautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Mehren, HegeTraduttoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Bridge, AndyIllustratie Omslagautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Simon SlaterNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Simon VanceNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Willems, IneTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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'There are three kinds of scenes, one called the tragic, second the comic, third the satyric. Their decorations are different and unlike each other in scheme. Tragic scenes are delineated with columns, pediments, statues and other objects suited to kings; comic scenes exhibit private dwellings, with balconies and views representing rows of windows, after the manner of ordinary dwellings; satyric scenes are decorated with trees, caverns, mountains and other rustic objects delineated in landscape style.'

Vitruvius, De Architectura, on the theatre, c. 27 B.C.
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To my singular friend
Mary Robertson this be given.
Dedicated to my sister Wendy with thanks and love for her unconditional acceptance and pride in what I do.
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'So now get up.'
Felled, dazed, silent, he has fallen; knocked full length on the cobbles of the yard. His head turns sideways; his eyes are turned towards the gate, as if someone might arrive to help him out. One blow, properly placed, could kill him now.
As soon as David pushed the café door open, he knew he'd made a mistake.
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The Cardinal, a Bachelor of Arts at fifteen, a Bachelor of Theology by his mid-twenties, is learned in the law but does not like its delays; he cannot quite accept that real property cannot be changed into money, with the same speed and ease with which he changes a wafer into the body of Christ.
"You're sweeter to look at than the cardinal", he says. - "That's the smallest compliment a woman ever received."
It is surprising how international is the language of old men, swapping tips on salves for aches, commiserating with petty wretchedness and discussing the whims and demands of their wives.
"Tell us, Master Cromwell, you've been abroad. Are they particularly an ungrateful nation? It seems to me that they like change for the sake of it?" - "I don't think it's the English. I think it's just people. They always hope there may be something better."
Christ, he thinks, by my age I ought to know. You don't get on by being original. You don't get on by being bright. You don't get on by being strong. You get on by being a subtle crook; somehow he thinks that's what Norris is, and he feels an irrational dislike taking root, and he tries to dismiss it, because he prefers his dislikes rational.
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Wikipedia in inglese (3)

Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:

In the ruthless arena of King Henry VIII's court, only one man dares to gamble his life to win the king's favor and ascend to the heights of political power
England in the 1520s is a heartbeat from disaster. If the king dies without a male heir, the country could be destroyed by civil war. Henry VIII wants to annul his marriage of twenty years, and marry Anne Boleyn. The pope and most of Europe opposes him. The quest for the king's freedom destroys his adviser, the brilliant Cardinal Wolsey, and leaves a power vacuum.
Into this impasse steps Thomas Cromwell. Cromwell is a wholly original man, a charmer and a bully, both idealist and opportunist, astute in reading people and a demon of energy: he is also a consummate politician, hardened by his personal losses, implacable in his ambition. But Henry is volatile: one day tender, one day murderous. Cromwell helps him break the opposition, but what will be the price of his triumph?
In inimitable style, Hilary Mantel presents a picture of a half-made society on the cusp of change, where individuals fight or embrace their fate with passion and courage. With a vast array of characters, overflowing with incident, the novel re-creates an era when the personal and political are separated by a hairbreadth, where success brings unlimited power but a single failure means death.


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Il libro di Hilary Mantel Wolf Hall è stato disponibile in LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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