Inky Awards
Attributo da Centre for Youth Literature, State Library of Victoria
25 opere 160,569 libri 8,123 recensioni 4.2
The Inkys are international awards for teenage literature, voted for online by the readers of There are three awards: the Gold Inky for an Australian book, the Silver Inky for mostra altro an international book, and the Creative Reading Prize, won by a young person for a creative response to a book they love, in any format they choose. mostra meno
Winner 22
Shortlist 2
Opera | Categoria | Anno |
Lucy and Linh di Alice Pung | 2015 | |
A Brief History of Montmaray di Michelle Cooper | Gold Inky | 2008 |
Nominee 1
Opera | Categoria | Anno |
A Confusion of Princes di Garth Nix | Gold Inky | 2013 |
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