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Arthur Ransome (1884–1967)

Autore di Swallows and Amazons

100+ opere 16,423 membri 273 recensioni 48 preferito


Children's author Arthur Ransome was born in Leeds, England on January 18, 1884. As a child, he spent many vacations sailing, camping, and exploring the countryside in England's Lake Country. He studied chemistry for one year at Yorkshire College before dropping out to become a writer. He worked mostra altro for a London publisher and then for the Manchester Guardian newspaper. He wrote his first book, Bohemia in London, in 1907 and went to study folklore in Russia in 1913. In 1916, he published Old Peter's Russian Tales, a collection of 21 folktales. During World War I, he became a reporter for the Daily News and covered the war on the Eastern Front. While in Russia, he also covered the Russian Revolution in 1917. He eventually settled in England's Lake District with his second wife. In 1929, he wrote Swallows and Amazons, which was the first book in his well-know Swallows and Amazons series about children who sail and explore the lakes and mountains of England. He drew inspiration for the books from his own childhood memories. In 1936, he won the Carnegie Medal for children's literature for Pigeon Post. He died on June 3, 1967. (Bowker Author Biography) mostra meno


Opere di Arthur Ransome

Swallows and Amazons (1930) 3,948 copie, 84 recensioni
Swallowdale (1931) 1,481 copie, 20 recensioni
Winter Holiday (1933) 1,115 copie, 11 recensioni
Peter Duck (1932) 1,052 copie, 9 recensioni
We Didn't Mean to Go to Sea (1937) 1,020 copie, 12 recensioni
Pigeon Post (1936) 976 copie, 18 recensioni
Coot Club (1934) — Autore; Illustratore, alcune edizioni882 copie, 14 recensioni
Secret Water (1939) 834 copie, 9 recensioni
The Picts and the Martyrs (1942) 789 copie, 8 recensioni
The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship (1968) 742 copie, 36 recensioni
The Big Six (1940) 733 copie, 9 recensioni
Great Northern? (1947) 719 copie, 8 recensioni
Missee Lee (1941) 696 copie, 7 recensioni
Old Peter's Russian Tales (1916) 336 copie, 13 recensioni
Favorite Russian Fairy Tales (1995) 139 copie, 1 recensione
Racundra's First Cruise (1923) 103 copie, 1 recensione
Coot Club / The big six (1983) 50 copie
Sei settimane in Russia nel 1919 (1919) 48 copie, 2 recensioni
Rod and line (1929) 35 copie
Pond and stream (1906) 34 copie
Bohemia in London (1907) 32 copie
We Didn't Mean to Go to Sea [extract] (1937) 26 copie, 2 recensioni
Racundra's Third Cruise (2002) 20 copie
The crisis in Russia (1921) 15 copie
Russian Fairy Tales (1946) 13 copie, 1 recensione
The Swallows and Amazons Adventures, Part I (2004) 11 copie, 1 recensione
The soldier & Death (1920) 10 copie
Mainly About Fishing (1994) 9 copie, 1 recensione
Little Daughter of the Snow (2005) 9 copie, 1 recensione
Revolutionary Russia (1995) 8 copie
Contes des pays de neige (1992) 7 copie, 2 recensioni
Fishing (1955) 5 copie, 1 recensione
The things in our garden (2019) 4 copie
The elixir of life (2018) 4 copie, 1 recensione
The Chinese puzzle (1927) 3 copie
Stories by the essayists (1909) 2 copie
Salt 1 copia
Wyspa krabów 1 copia
The blue treacle (1993) 1 copia
[Unknown] 1 copia
Fair cops and glowworms (2011) 1 copia

Opere correlate

La bambina di neve (2011) — Collaboratore, alcune edizioni4,611 copie, 341 recensioni
Daemon Voices: On Stories and Storytelling (2017) — Illustratore, alcune edizioni571 copie, 7 recensioni
La signorina Scuderi (1819) — Traduttore, alcune edizioni470 copie, 4 recensioni
Solo, intorno al mondo: e, Viaggio della liberdade (1948) — Introduzione, alcune edizioni131 copie, 3 recensioni
The Far-Distant Oxus (1937) — Prefazione, alcune edizioni118 copie, 8 recensioni
Folk and Fairy Tales (Childcraft) (1949) — Collaboratore — 80 copie, 2 recensioni
Stories for Seven Year Olds (1964) — Collaboratore — 72 copie
Key Words Reading Scheme: The Open Door to Reading (1967) — Collaboratore — 52 copie, 1 recensione
A Golden Land (1958) — Collaboratore — 43 copie
Nine Witch Tales (1973) — Collaboratore — 42 copie, 1 recensione
Tellers of tales (1969) — Collaboratore, alcune edizioni41 copie
The cruise of the Teddy (1933) — Introduzione, alcune edizioni40 copie
A Night in the Luxembourg (1912) — Translator/Preface/Appendix, alcune edizioni40 copie, 1 recensione
Adventures Among Books (1901) — Collaboratore, alcune edizioni38 copie, 1 recensione
The Cruise of the Alerte (1890) — Introduzione, alcune edizioni34 copie, 2 recensioni
The Voyage Alone in the Yawl "Rob Roy" (1867) — Introduzione, alcune edizioni33 copie, 1 recensione
Down Channel (1869) — Biographical foreword, alcune edizioni33 copie
Witches, Witches, Witches (1958) — Collaboratore — 32 copie
Swallows and Amazons [2016 film] (2016) — Original book — 29 copie
The Cruise of the Kate (1985) — Introduzione, alcune edizioni24 copie, 1 recensione
Tales of Dungeons and Dragons (1986) — Collaboratore — 24 copie
The Falcon on the Baltic (1888) — Introduzione, alcune edizioni21 copie, 2 recensioni
Annual Macabre 1998 (1998) — Collaboratore — 14 copie, 1 recensione
The wind in the sails (1948) — Traduttore, alcune edizioni12 copie, 1 recensione
A Second Storyteller's Choice (1965) — Collaboratore — 12 copie
Tales (1978) — A cura di, alcune edizioni12 copie
The Country Child (1992) — Collaboratore — 11 copie
The book of the fly-rod (1921) — Collaboratore — 10 copie, 1 recensione
A week (1922) — Traduttore, alcune edizioni; Introduzione, alcune edizioni6 copie
Interviews given to foreign correspondents (1970) — Interviewer — 6 copie, 1 recensione
Chosen for Children (1957) — Collaboratore — 5 copie
Stories by Théophile Gautier (1836) — A cura di — 5 copie
Writing Books for Boys and Girls (1952) — Collaboratore, alcune edizioni5 copie
The constant fisherman (1957) — Prefazione, alcune edizioni4 copie
Stories by Prosper Mérimée (1908) — A cura di — 4 copie
The Cremona Violin (1817) — Traduttore, alcune edizioni4 copie
Stories by Gustave Flaubert (1910) — A cura di; Introduzione — 3 copie
Stories by Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1817) — A cura di — 3 copie
Stories by Daudet and Coppée — A cura di — 3 copie
Stories by Chateaubriand (1909) — A cura di; Introduzione; Traduttore — 2 copie
The Children's Own Treasure Book (1947) — Collaboratore — 2 copie
F. W. Hirst by his friends (1958) — Collaboratore — 2 copie
Stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne (1908) — A cura di — 2 copie
Stories by Honoré de Balzac (1909) — A cura di — 2 copie
The dream garden : a children's annual (1905) — Collaboratore — 2 copie
Stories by Cervantes (1909) — A cura di; A cura di — 2 copie
Mixed moss, vol. 1, no. 1, 1990 (1990) — Collaboratore — 1 copia
Collecting our thoughts (2015) — Collaboratore — 1 copia
The Odd Volume, 1912 (1912) — Collaboratore — 1 copia
The tramp, January 1911 (1911) — Collaboratore — 1 copia
Essays of the year (1929-1930) (1930) — Collaboratore — 1 copia
Stories for girls — Collaboratore — 1 copia
Stories by Edgar Allan Poe (1908) — A cura di — 1 copia
You and your reading — Collaboratore, alcune edizioni1 copia
Das Forum, year 4, issue 6 (March 1920) (1920) — Collaboratore — 1 copia


Informazioni generali



Arthur Ransome in Legacy Libraries (Agosto 2013)


This is an old classic of children's literature.

I grew up with Enid Blyton's books, where a group of young children went on holidays on their own, came across some strange going-ons and had adventures, outwitting some hapless criminal gang. I just loved the sense of freedom of those kids, allowed to organize a holiday on their own, their friendship, the thrill of an adventure without adults. Blyton was already writing in 1930, when this book was published, but she still had not started writing adventure books like the ones I have described. I have no doubt that this book influenced her.

However, despite the similarities the style here is different. Swallows and Amazons is written in more complex language, and it describes a more idyllic childhood holiday. It's really enchanting and timeless.

The story begins with a group of siblings vacationing with their mother, their baby sister and the baby's nurse in a house by a lake. Using a spyglass from a nearby hill, the Walker children watch wistfully a small desert island in the middle of the lake. They have asked their mother for permission to take their boat and camp there on their own, and she has agreed provided their father also gives permission. Shortly afterwards, the father's reply comes by telegram, giving permission in this way: "Better drowned than duffers, if not duffers won't drown."

So the children cheer and start preparing. Twelve-year-old John will be the captain; ten-year-old Susan will be ship's mate; eight-year-old Titty will be able-seaman; and seven-year-old Roger will also be allowed to go as ship's boy, provided he listens to his older siblings. Soon afterwards they are sailing in their small sailboat, the Swallow, towards the island. They establish their camp, and soon afterwards they meet a couple of girls who have their own sailboat, the Amazon. Rivals at first, they start a friendly war. The side that is able to capture the enemy's ship wins, and the winning captain will lead the joint navy in a war against the retired pirate who lives on a houseboat on the lake.

The story is filled with the magic, innocence and the joy of childhood. The children are responsible and self-sufficient in their outdoors adventures, but they live in a world of fantasy and games. They are pirates or explorers, as required, and their fantasy world is more real to them than the world of the adults (whom they call "the natives"). They explore their lake, play, learn and have a great time. Nothing much happens apart from their games, although there is a real burglary, but in their minds they have lived the greatest adventures.

The story is a bit slow to begin with, with some difficult sailing vocabulary, but it soon gets very interesting once the competition between the "swallows" and the "amazons" begins. We watch the children making their plans and being outwitted by the other side, only for the competition being decided by a daring and clever action.

Can be enjoyed by children, if it's not too old-fashioned for them, with the freedom given to children and the absence of smartphones, and by adults, who will remember their childhood with nostalgia.
… (altro)
jcm790 | 83 altre recensioni | May 26, 2024 |
I loved [Amazons and Swallows], the first book in the famous children's series by British author, Arthur Ransome. Chronologically this book is second, although it was published third. In hindsight I wish I had read it in publication order, because we learn in [Swallowdale] that [Peter Duck] is a fictional tale written by one of the characters. That goes a long way to explaining some of the things I did not like about it, thinking that it was meant to be realistic.

The children have gathered in Lowestoft to join Captain Flint (Nancy and Peggy's uncle) on the schooner Wild Cat. They meet a crusty old salt named Peter Duck who volunteers to fill in for the other adult who is delayed and can't join them. Peter tells them a yarn about being shipwrecked as a ship's boy and seeing pirates bury treasure at the foot of a palm tree. Excited by the prospect of real buried treasure, Captain Flint and the Swallows and Amazons crew are off for the Caribbees, trailed by the notorious pirate Black Jake and The Viper. Adventures abound and once more the children must rely on their wits and each other as they sail across the Atlantic.

Although the middle of the book dragged a bit, the action in the last third is nonstop excitement. I look forward to returning to England and the adventures of the Swallows and Amazon in a more realistic setting.
… (altro)
labfs39 | 8 altre recensioni | Feb 3, 2024 |
I liked it, it was a fun read. There was A LOT of boating terminology, which I don't understand; at first it wasn't so bad, but I found myself having to skim entire paragraphs that were simply describing how parts of the boat were working. For this I'm knocking off a star because it really did take up quite a lot of the book. Aside from that I found the plot and writing charming.
blueskygreentrees | 11 altre recensioni | Jan 4, 2024 |
The Walker children (John, Susan, Titty and Roger) are on school holiday in the Lake District and are sailing a borrowed catboat named "Swallow," when they meet the Blackett children (Nancy and Peggy), who sail the boat, "Amazon." The children camp together on Wild Cat Island where a plot is hatched against the Blackett's Uncle Jim who is too busy writing his memoirs to be disturbed.

Fireworks--literally--ensue along with a dangerous contest, a run-in with houseboat burglars, and the theft of Uncle Jim's manuscript. How all this is resolved makes for an exciting and very satisfying story.… (altro)
PlumfieldCH | 83 altre recensioni | Dec 28, 2023 |


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