Nuvola degli autori per brainee

Peter Ackroyd(1) Mark Acres(1) Richard Adams(1) Robert Aickman(2) Brian W. Aldiss(4) Aaron Allston(1) Steve Alten(2) Kingsley Amis(1) Dana M. Anderson(1) Poul Anderson(1) Patricia Anthony(1) Piers Anthony(1) Michael A. Arnzen(1) Isaac Asimov(10) Brian Augustyn(1) Brian Azzarello(3) Beryl Bainbridge(4) J. G. Ballard(4) Chas Balun(1) Iain Banks(1) Iain Banks(7) Iain M. Banks(6) Ian Banks(1) Clive Barker(17) Steven Barnes(1) Wolfgang Baur(2) Greg Bear(11) Charles Beaumont(1) William Beckford(1) Peter Benchley(1) Brian Michael Bendis(10) Benford(1) Gregory Benford(9) E. F. Benson(1) Ambrose Bierce(1) Donald J. Bingle(1) David Bishop(1) Michael Bishop(4) Algernon Blackwood(4) William Peter Blatty(2) James P. Blaylock(1) Blish(1) Robert Bloch(14) Ray Bradbury and Robert Bloch(1) Thomas Block(1) Michael Blumlein(1) Jorge Luis Borges(2) Rich Borg(1) Anthony Boucher(1) Marjorie Bowen(1) William Boyd(1) Randall Boyll(1) Leigh Brackett(1) Ray Bradbury(7) Gary Brandner(3) Gary A. Braunbeck(1) Joseph Payne Brennan(4) David Brin(4) Poppy Z. Brite(2) Dulan Barber(3) Max Brooks(1) John Brosnan(1) Dan Brown(1) Dave J. Browne(4) Fredric Brown(2) Jim Brown(1) Tim Brown(1) John Brunner(5) Edward Bryant(1) Anthony Burgess(1) Kurt Busiek(1) James Branch Cabell(2) Richard Calder(3) Ramsey Campbell(11) Lisa W. Cantrell(2) Truman Capote(3) Orson Scott Card(7) Mike Carr(1) Jonathan Carroll(7) Terry Carr(1) David Case(1) Mort Castle(2) William Castle(1) Hugh B. Cave(2) Robert Chambers(1) Robert W. Chambers(3) Fred Chappell(1) Suzy McKee Charnas(2) G.K. Chesterton(1) Lincoln Child(4) Agatha Christie(1) Joseph A. Citro(1) Arthur C. Clarke(9) Susanna Clarke(1) Simon Clark(4) Clegg(1) Douglas Clegg(5) C. Terry Cline(1) John Cobb(1) Andrei Codrescu(1) Nancy A. Collins(2) DC Comics(1) David Cook(3) David "Zeb" Cook(2) Monte Cook(1) Robin Cook(10) Basil Copper(5) Bruce R. Cordell(10) Robert Cormier(1) Matthew J. Costello(4) Mary Elizabeth Counselman(1) John Coyne(2) Crews(1) Michael Crichton(8) Peter Crowther(2) Roald Dahl(3) Brian D'Amato(1) Les Daniels(1) John Darnton(1) Ellen Datlow(2) Ron Dee(1) Jamie Delano(2) Samuel R. Delany(8) John Dell(1) J. M. DeMatteis(1) August Derleth(1) Robert Devereaux(3) Gary Devon(1) Gene DeWeese(1) Philip K. Dick(11) Gordon R. Dickson(2) Thomas M. Disch(11) Stephen Dobyns(1) Stephen R. Donaldson(1) Gardner Dozois(1) Tananarive Due(5) Katherine Dunn(1) Stefan Dziemianowicz(2) Daniel Easterman(1) Umberto Eco(1) Stanley Ellin(3) Bret Easton Ellis(1) Harlan Ellison(32) Roger Elwood(1) Guy Endore(1) Garth Ennis(7) S. K. Epperson(1) Steven Erikson(8) Dennis Etchison(6) Elena Yates Eulo(1) John Everson(2) M. M. Faraday(1) Philip José Farmer(20) John Farris(10) Raymond E. Feist(1) Frank De Felitta(1) (1) Robert Ferrigno(2) Ruth Baker Field(1) Jack Finney(3) Eric Flanders(1) Kenneth C. Flint(3) Mick Foley(1) Alan Dean Foster(3) Christopher Fowler(5) John Fowles(2) Mark Frost(2) Neil Gaiman(23) Stephen Gallagher(3) Lewis Gannett(1) Erle Stanley Gardner(1) John Gardner(1) John Gardner(1) Ray Garton(3) R. Patrick Gates(3) Patricia Geary(1) Jeff Gelb(1) Dave Gibbons(1) William Gibson(3) Sephera Giron(1) Christopher Golden(2) J. F. Gonzalez(2) Kathleen Ann Goonan(1) Ed Gorman(2) Gary Gottesfeld(1) Daniel Gower(2) Almudena Grandes(1) Charles Grant(1) Charles L. Grant(4) Muriel Gray(1) Martin H. Greenberg(4) Irving A. Greenfield(1) Ed Greenwood(1) Philippa Gregory(1) Stephen Gregory(3) Rudolph Grey(1) Ken Grimwood(1) Dave Gross(1) Michael Gruber(3) Sara Gruen(1) Ursula K. Le Guin(4) Gary Gygax(10) H. Rider Haggard(1) Joe Haldeman(2) Edmond Hamilton(1) Laurell K. Hamilton(4) Peter F. Hamilton(6) Allen Hammack(2) Elizabeth Hand(4) Mary Hanner(1) W.A. Harbinson(2) Jack C. Harris(1) Harry Harrison(7) M. John Harrison(1) Robert Harris(1) Thomas Harris(3) David G. Hartwell(4) James Neal Harvey(1) Judith Hawkes(1) Mo Hayder(3) Marcy Heidish(1) Robert A. Heinlein(2) Joseph Heller(3) Frank Herbert(1) James Herbert(8) Tracy Hickman(3) Tracy & Laura Hickman(1) Tony Hillerman(6) Alfred Hitchcock(1) William Hjortsberg(3) Robin Hobb(12) Brian Hodge(3) William Hope Hodgson(6) James P. Hogan(2) Nancy Holder(1) Robert Holdstock(2) A. M. Homes(1) Dale Hoover(1) Geoffrey Household(1) Robert Howard(1) Robert E. Howard(1) L. Ron Hubbard(12) Robert Hughes(1) Noel Hynd(3) Robert Irwin(1) Kazuo Ishiguro(1) Junji Ito(3) Alexander Jablokov(3) Shirley Jackson(5) Charlee Jacob(1) Carl Jacobi(3) Mark Jacobson(1) Bill James(1) Del James(1) M. R. James(2) Bill Jemas(1) Connie Jiang(1) Penn Jillette(1) Denis Johnson(1) Harold Johnson(2) Kenneth R. Johnson(1) William W. Johnstone(3) Bruce Jones(7) Darryl Jones(1) David Lee Jones(1) D. F. Jones(4) Stephen Jones(1) Marvin Kaye(1) Brian Keene(7) Jonathan Kellerman(10) Joe Kelly(4) Gerald Kersh(2) Jack Ketchum(9) Daniel Keyes(1) L. J. Key(1) Caitlín R. Kiernan(7) Stephen King(37) Russell Kirk(2) T.E.D. Klein(2) Nigel Kneale(4) Damon Knight(1) Kathe Koja(4) Dean Koontz(31) Jerzy Kosiński(2) Michael P. Kube-McDowell(1) Henry Kuttner(7) Marc Laidlaw(1) Michael Laimo(1) Alexander Laing(1) Lenard Lakofka(1) Joe R. Lansdale(18) Richard Laymon(14) Tim Lebbon(1) Edward Lee(1) Elaine Lee(1) Gentry Lee(1) Tanith Lee(10) Fritz Leiber(12) Ira Levin(5) Edward Levy(2) C. S. Lewis(1) Thomas Ligotti(2) David Lindsay(3) Lindsey(1) Bentley Little(1) Jeph Loeb(2) longfrank-1(1) Frank Belknap Long(6) Jeff Long(3) H. P. Lovecraft(10) Tim Lucas(1) Brian Lumley(29) Eric Van Lustbader(16) Jonathan Maberry(4) Arthur Machen(4) David Mack(4) Roderick MacLeish(1) Gregory Maguire(1) Doug Mahnke(1) Norman Mailer(11) Bernard Malamud(2) John W. Mangrum(1) Robert Marasco(1) George R. R. Martin(9) Valerie Martin(1) Graham Masterton(11) Richard Matheson(10) Richard Christian Matheson(1) Guy de Maupassant(1) Daphne du Maurier(1) John R. Maxim(1) David Mazzucchelli(1) Ed McBain(1) Patrick McCabe(1) Mccammon(3) Robert R. McCammon(9) Robert P. McCammon(1) Cormac McCarthy(4) Colin McComb(1) Michael McDowell(7) Ian McEwan(3) Patrick McGrath(5) Dave McKean(1) John Meaney(1) China Miéville(4) Frank Miller(3) Henry Miller(1) Rex Miller(1) Peter Milligan(1) Doug Moench(3) Kim Mohan(1) Tom Moldvay(4) Susie Moloney(1) Paul Monette(1) Joseph Monninger(1) Monteleone(1) Elizabeth E. Monteleone(1) Michael Moorcock(2) Alan Moore(17) James A. Moore(2) Roger Moore(1) Roger Moore(2) David Morrell(4) Mark Morris(3) Grant Morrison(8) Jerrold Mundis(1) Ronald Munson(1) Bruce Nesmith(1) Kim Newman(4) Douglas Niles(1) Anaïs Nin(2) Larry Niven(10) John Norman(2) Philip Nutman(1) J Oates(2) Joyce Carol Oates(6) Arch Oboler(1) Fitz James O'Brien(1) Michael Avon Oeming(1) Dennis O'Neil(1) Oliver Onions(1) Michael Paine(1) Chuck Palahniuk(6) Michael Palmer(3) Norman Partridge(1) Mervyn Peake(3) John Pelan(1) Tom Piccirilli(2) Christopher Pike(3) Sarah Pinborough(2) Frederik Pohl(2) Powers(1) Tim Powers(9) Byron Preiss(1) Douglas Preston(12) Cherie Priest(1) Bill Pronzini(1) Thomas Pynchon(1) Seabury Quinn(5) Simon Quinn(2) John D. Rateliff(1) Tom Reamy(2) Elizabeth Redfern(1) James Reese(1) Garfield Reeves-Stevens(4) Thomas Reid(3) Matthew Reilly(1) William Relling, Jr.(1) Ruth Rendell(1) Judy-Lynn del Rey(1) Alastair Reynolds(2) Sean K Reynolds(1) Daniel Rhodes(1) Anne Rice(17) Phil Rickman(5) John Ney Rieber(1) Frank M. Robinson(1) Jeremy Robinson(1) Alan Rodgers(4) Sax Rohmer(22) James Rollins(9) Mark Waid Alex Ross(3) Theodore Roszak(4) Ray Russell(3) John Russo(1) Alan Ryan(3) Geoff Ryman(1) Fred Saberhagen(1) R. A. Salvatore(2) John Sandford(1) Sarban(3) Carl Sargent(1) Al Sarrantonio(2) John Saul(2) Steven E. Schend(1) Lawrence Schick(2) David J. Schow(3) Sydney J. Van Scyoc(1) Diane Setterfield(1) William Shakespeare(1) Harry Shannon(1) Michael Shea(5) Robert Shea(1) Lucius Shepard(1) Carl Sherrell(1) Lewis Shiner(1) John Shirley(2) Lionel Shriver(1) Scott Sigler(1) David B. Silva(1) Robert Silverberg(5) Clifford D. Simak(2) Dan Simmons(17) David J. Skal(3) John Skipp(8) Michael Slade(9) Lisa Smedman(2) Clark Ashton Smith(9) Cordwainer Smith(3) Martin Cruz Smith(1) Scott Smith(1) Scott B. Smith(1) Wilbur Smith(3) S. P. Somtow(3) William Browning Spencer(1) Norman Spinrad(5) Brian Stableford(3) Robert Stallman(3) Olaf Stapledon(3) John Steakley(1) Neal Stephenson(2) Howard Stern(2) Roger Stern(1) Shane Stevens(1) S. M. Stirling(3) Peter Straub(9) Whitley Strieber(5) Theodore Sturgeon(20) Patrick Süskind(1) Wizards of the Coast(1) Teeuwynn(1) Melanie Tem(1) Steve Rasnic Tem(1) Tessier(1) Thomas Tessier(2) Steve Thayer(1) Paul Theroux(2) Earl Thompson(4) Rupert Thomson(1) Cathal Tohill(1) J. R. R. Tolkien(3) Tristan Travis(1) William Trevor(1) Dalton Trumbo(1) Thomas Tryon(1) TSR Inc.(6) H. C. Turk(1) Harry Turtledove(1) Lisa Tuttle(1) John Updike(2) Jack Vance(1) Steve Vance(1) John Varley(6) Brian K. Vaughan(5) Rick Veitch(1) Vernor Vinge(4) Kurt Vonnegut(1) Wagner(1) Karl Edward Wagner(3) Michael D. Wagner(1) Alex Ross Mark Waid(2) Mark Waid(3) Graham Watkins(2) Ian Watson(3) Bill Watterson(2) Gus Weill(1) Len Wein(1) Fay Weldon(1) Manly Wade Wellman(8) H. G. Wells(2) Marvin Werlin(1) Nathanael West(1) Mark Wheatley(1) Kelley Wilde(1) Kate Wilhelm(10) Chet Williamson(1) Jack Williamson(1) J. N. Williamson(3) Penny Williams(1) Skip Williams(2) Tad Williams(11) Bill Willingham(5) Connie Willis(8) Colin Wilson(3) F. Paul Wilson(12) Paul Wilson(1) Robert C. Wilson(3) Robert Charles Wilson(7) David Wingrove(6) Douglas E. Winter(1) Steve Winter(1) Donald A. Wollheim(1) T.M. Wright(2) J. Wyndham(1) John Wyndham(4) Chelsea Quinn Yarbro(6) Jane Yolen(1) Barbara Young(1) Barbara G. Young(23) Carlos Ruiz Zafón(1) Timothy Zahn(3) Roger Zelazny(1)