Nuvola degli autori per DShaunS

Ben Aaronovitch(1) Dan Abnett(2) Guy Adams(1) Richard Adams(1) Charles Addams(1) Lloyd Alexander(5) Barth Anderson(1) V. C. Andrews(1) Piers Anthony(25) Antoine de Saint-Exupéry(1) Darren Aronofsky(1) Brian Azzarello(2) Richard Bach(2) Christina Baldwin(1) Clive Barker(8) Jonathan Barnes(4) Mike W. Barr(1) Joshua Bartok(1) Charles Baudelaire(2) Scott Beatty(1) Alison Bechdel(1) Samuel Beckett(1) Brian Michael Bendis(3) Robert Jackson Bennett(3) Marshall Berman(1) Algernon Blackwood(1) J.M.C. Blair(1) Judy Blume(1) Giovanni Boccaccio(1) Alain de Botton(1) Ray Bradbury(8) Alan Bradley(2) Libba Bray(2) David Brin(1) Poppy Z. Brite(7) Robert Brockway(1) Charlotte Brontë(1) Max Brooks(1) Dan Brown(3) Dee Brown(1) S. G. Browne(1) Ed Brubaker(1) John Brunner(1) John Buchan(1) Matthew Bunson(1) Augusten Burroughs(4) P. D. Cacek(1) James M. Cain(1) Ian Caldwell(1) Chris Calremont(1) Ramsey Campbell(1) Truman Capote(1) Orson Scott Card(2) Mike Carey(22) M. R. Carey(1) Eric Carle(1) Mike Carlin(1) Caleb Carr(2) John le Carré(1) Mac Carter(1) Jordan Castillo Price(1) Willa Cather(1) Robert W. Chambers(1) Raymond Chandler(1) Geoffrey Chaucer(1) Susan Cheever(1) Agatha Christie(62) Marcus Tullius Cicero(1) Chris Claremont(4) Simon Clark(1) Inga Clendinnen(1) Peter Clines(1) Genevieve Cogman(1) Moosewood Collective(1) Wilkie Collins(1) DC Comics(1) John Connolly(1) Joseph Conrad(1) Paul Cornell(2) Andrew Cosby(1) Mike Costa(1) Stephen R. Covey(1) William J. Crerend(1) Michael Crichton(3) Justin Cronin(1) Israel Aleister; Regardie Crowley(1) Howard Cruse(1) John Curran(1) Roald Dahl(1) Rick Dakan(1) Dark Horse(1) Ellen Datlow(1) Helen Davies(1) Richard Dawkins(1) Joy Dawson(1) Jamie Delano(1) Don DeLillo(1) Guillermo del Toro(3) August Derleth(1) Richard M. Derus(1) Guy Deutscher(1) Godfrey Devereux(1) Charles Dickens(3) Emily Dickinson(1) Philip K. Dick(2) Doug Dorst(1) Lee Doty(1) Arthur Conan Doyle(4) Theodore Dreiser(1) Robert Dunbar(1) Glen Duncan(1) Hal Duncan(2) Katherine Dunn(1) Umberto Eco(2) Dave Eggers(1) T. S. Eliot(1) Bret Easton Ellis(1) Warren Ellis(5) Ruthanna Emrys(1) Steve Englehart(1) Garth Ennis(7) Steven Erikson(4) Penelope Farmer(1) Jasper Fforde(8) Harvey Fierstein(1) Joseph Fink(1) Charlie Fletcher(2) E. M. Forster(2) John Fowles(1) R. Austin Freeman(1) Neil Gaiman(36) Lewis Gannett(1) Mark Gatiss(3) William Gibson(1) Keith Giffen(1) Charlotte Perkins Gilman(1) William Golding(1) Goldstone; Lawrence and Nancy(1) Migene Gonzalez-Wippler(1) Edward Gorey(12) Jane Green(1) Simon R. Green(2) Daryl Gregory(5) Matt Groenig(1) Austin Grossman(1) Lev Grossman(2) Peter Gross(1) Michael Gruber(2) Mark Gruenwald(3) Paula Guran(1) Lars Gustafsson(1) Barbara Hambly(2) Edith Hamilton(1) Laurell K. Hamilton(1) Dashiell Hammett(3) Elizabeth Hand(3) Errol Lawrence Hardin(1) Daniel Harms(2) Thomas Harris(1) Paula Hawkins(1) Scott Hawkins(1) Nathaniel Hawthorne(1) Heinlein(1) Robert A. Heinlein(6) O. Henry(1) Frank Herbert(4) Michael Alan Nelson,Mateus Santolouco Todd Herman(1) Hermann Hesse(1) Mike Higgs(1) Joe Hill(6) Susan Hill(1) David Hine(1) S. E. Hinton(1) Mark Hodder(1) William Hope Hodgson(2) Phil Hogan(1) Julie Holland(1) Alan Hollinghurst(2) Homer(2) Nancy Horan(1) Jonathan L. Howard(5) Charlie Huston(2) John Irving(1) Washington Irving(1) William Irwin(1) Shirley Jackson(4) John Hornor Jacobs(1) Henry James(1) M. R. James(1) P. D. James(1) Paul Jenkins(1) S. T. Joshi(1) Richard Kadrey(7) Franz Kafka(1) Ron Kanfi(1) Gene Kannenberg, Jr.(1) Sam Kean(1) Carolyn Keene(2) Gordon Kerr(1) Lukas Ketner(1) Daniel Keyes(1) Caitlín R. Kiernan(2) Danny King(1) Stephen King(9) Robert Kirkman(1) Todd Klein(1) Herman Koch(1) Dean Koontz(2) Jim Krueger(2) Henry Kuttner(1) Craig Kyle(1) Bruno Latour(1) Richard Laymon(1) Camilla Läckberg(1) James Lear(1) David Leavitt(1) Edward Lee, Jr.(1) Harper Lee(1) Kizette de Lempicka-Foxhall(1) Madeleine L'Engle(1) C. S. Lewis(4) Thomas Ligotti(1) Till Lindemann(1) Scott Lobdell(3) H. P. Lovecraft(16) Charlie Lovett(1) Eric Luke(1) Sergei Lukyanenko(5) Brian Lumley(8) Jonathan Maberry(1) Niccolò Machiavelli(1) Gregory Maguire(2) William Maltese(1) Ngaio Marsh(1) Armistead Maupin(6) Daphne du Maurier(1) Robert R. McCammon(2) Nick McDonell(1) Dave McKean(1) Graham McNeill(1) Ryan Mecum(1) Gordon Merrick(1) William Messner-Loebs(2) John William and Ford Messner-Loebs(1) China Miéville(5) Mike Mignola(1) Mark Millar(5) Arthur Miller(1) Doug Moench(1) Alan Moore(5) Christopher Moore(10) Graham Moore(1) Mark P. O. Morford(1) Richard K. Morgan(1) Erin Morgenstern(1) Grant Morrison(4) Helen Morrison(1) Robbie Morrison(2) Paul Murgatroyd(1) Jon J. Muth(1) Paul Neilan(1) Arvid Nelson(4) Michael Nelson(2) Michael Alan Nelson(4) Katherine Neville(3) Scott Nicholson(2) Friedrich Nietzsche(1) Steve Niles(1) Christopher Norris(1) Robert C. O'Brien(1) Simon Oliver(1) George Orwell(1) Ovid(1) Lauren Owen(1) Peggy Parish(1) Matthew Pearl(1) Iain Pears(1) Harvey Pekar(1) Nigel Pennick(1) Arturo Pérez-Reverte(1) Ellis Peters(1) Sean Phillips(1) Sarah Pinborough(2) Stefanie Pintoff(1) Robert M. Pirsig(1) Sadie Plant(1) Plato(1) Edgar Allan Poe(2) Frederik Pohl(1) David Pond(1) Terry Pratchett(4) Alexandre Dumas(1) Douglas Preston(1) Richard Preston(1) Cherie Priest(1) Jerry Prosser(1) Annie Proulx(1) Philip Pullman(3) François Rabelais(1) Pete Rawlik(2) Wilson Rawls(1) Phillip Rawson(1) John (editors) (Neil Gaiman Michael; Pelan Reaves(1) Rick R. Reed(1) Rick Remender(1) Anne Rice(6) Phil Rickman(2) John Ridley(1) Philip Ridley(1) John Ney Rieber(6) Ransom Riggs(1) Mary Roberts Rinehart(1) Mary Roach(2) Tom Robbins(1) Darick Robertson(1) Spider Robinson(1) Cameron Rogers(1) Alex Ross(3) Clifford Ross(1) Philip Roth(1) J. K. Rowling(9) Ray Russell(1) Miguel de Cervantes(1) J. D. Salinger(1) John Sandford(1) Joseph Schindelman(1) Michael Scott(6) David Sedaris(2) Brandon Seifert(2) George Selden(1) Maurice Sendak(1) Diane Setterfield(1) Dr. Seuss(7) Anne Sexton(1) William Shakespeare(6) Mary Shelley(2) Kieran Shields(1) Ronnie Shushan(1) Shel Silverstein(3) Dan Simmons(7) Rebecca Skloot(1) Robin Sloan(1) Scott Snyder(1) Alexandra Sokoloff(1) Elizabeth George Speare(1) Art Spiegelman(3) Gabriel Squailia(1) Jim Starlin(2) Neal Stephenson(3) Roger Stern(1) Robert Louis Stevenson(3) Bram Stoker(1) J. Michael Straczynski(1) Todd Strasser(1) Peter Straub(1) Dominic Streatfeild(1) Whitley Strieber(1) Anton Strout(1) Lilah Sturges(4) Jonathan Swift(1) Erika Swyler(1) Brett J. Talley(2) Andrew Taylor(1) Josephine Tey(1) Dylan Thomas(1) Roy Thomas(1) Jill Thompson(1) Rupert Thomson(1) Lavie Tidhar(1) J. R. R. Tolkien(5) Ian Tregillis(4) Paul Tremblay(1) Danielle Trussoni(1) Scott Turow(1) Mark Twain(2) Donald Tyson(2) Jeff VanderMeer(2) vários(1) Jhonen Vasquez(1) Brian K. Vaughan(4) Jules Verne(1) Voltaire(1) Kurt Vonnegut(1) Matt Wagner(1) Mark Waid(2) Matthew Ward(1) Sarah Waters(1) Helene Wecker(1) H. G. Wells(1) Patricia Wentworth(1) Michael West(1) John Whalen(1) E. B. White(1) Edmund White(2) Oscar Wilde(2) Margery Williams(1) Tennessee Williams(2) Bill Willingham(1) F. Paul Wilson(1) G. Willow Wilson(1) Robert A. Wilson(1) Marv Wolfman(1) David Wong(2) Chris Wooding(1) Carlos Ruiz Zafón(2) Gary Zebrun(1) Roger Zelazny(1) Markus Zusak(1)