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Leviathan di Scott Westerfeld
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Leviathan (edizione 2010)

di Scott Westerfeld, Keith Thompson (Illustratore)

Serie: Leviathan (1)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiConversazioni / Citazioni
5,6893491,868 (3.91)2 / 539
In an alternate 1914 Europe, fifteen-year-old Austrian Prince Alek, on the run from the Clanker Powers who are attempting to take over the globe using mechanical machinery, forms an uneasy alliance with Deryn who, disguised as a boy to join the British Air Service, is learning to fly genetically-engineered beasts.… (altro)
Autori:Scott Westerfeld
Altri autori:Keith Thompson (Illustratore)
Info:Simon Pulse (2010), Edition: Reprint, Paperback, 464 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura

Informazioni sull'opera

Leviathan di Scott Westerfeld

  1. 120
    Airborn di Kenneth Oppel (Maid_Marian)
  2. 90
    Temeraire: il drago di sua maesta: romanzo di Naomi Novik (PghDragonMan)
  3. 80
    Behemoth di Scott Westerfeld (PghDragonMan)
    PghDragonMan: An alternate history taking place on the eve of World War I.
  4. 92
    Boneshaker di Cherie Priest (ahstrick)
  5. 50
    Hunger games di Suzanne Collins (SheReads)
  6. 50
    Macchine mortali di Philip Reeve (Maid_Marian)
  7. 30
    Bloody Jack: Being an Account of the Curious Adventures of Mary "Jacky" Faber, Ship's Boy di L. A. Meyer (Caramellunacy)
    Caramellunacy: 'Both stories are about an adventurous and headstrong girl disguising herself as a boy for a chance to join the military. Jacky is trying to make a living for herself and escape poverty during the Napoleonic Wars and joins the Navy as a ship\'s boy in Bloody Jack. Deryn Sharp wants nothing more than to join the Royal Air Corps in Leviathan - a steampunk alternate history of WWI. Both books are packed full of adventure and spunky protagonists.… (altro)
  8. 20
    Dreadnought di Cherie Priest (SunnySD)
  9. 20
    The Manual of Aeronautics: An Illustrated Guide to the Leviathan Series di Scott Westerfeld (LAKobow)
  10. 10
    Etiquette & Espionage di Gail Carriger (LAKobow)
  11. 10
    Larklight: A Rousing Tale of Dauntless Pluck in the Farthest Reaches of Space di Philip Reeve (themulhern)
    themulhern: Both are alternate history with a bunch of Englishness thrown in. Larklight is set during the reign of Queen Victoria, Leviathan WWI.
  12. 10
    ˆLe ‰furie di Calderon: volume primo della serie Codex Alera di Jim Butcher (majkia)
    majkia: Another coming of age book, but granted, in a completely different environment. Still, both have strong central characters who grow, and change to the backdrop of war, and have a marked impact on their worlds.
  13. 00
    All Men of Genius di Lev AC Rosen (LAKobow)
  14. 11
    Dinotopia: The World Beneath di James Gurney (themulhern)
    themulhern: mechanical monsters fight biological monsters. Leviathan has the better story, by far, but Dinotopia has more illustrations.
  15. 00
    The Looking Glass Wars di Frank Beddor (BookshelfMonstrosity)
  16. 00
    The Firebird Mystery: A Steampunk Detective Novel di Darrell Pitt (lkernagh)
    lkernagh: Same style of fast paced, alternate reality adventure with air ships.
  17. 00
    La bussola d'oro di Philip Pullman (Aleana)
  18. 00
    Black Powder War di Naomi Novik (PghDragonMan)
    PghDragonMan: Alternate histories of great military events tie these together.
  19. 00
    The Hunchback Assignments di Arthur Slade (ShelfMonkey)
  20. 00
    Worldshaker di Richard Harland (Maid_Marian)

(vedi tutti i 21 consigli)

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» Vedi le 539 citazioni

If this is a strong example of “Steampunk”, I think I like this genre. ..Although, it could be the “Biopunk” inclusion that makes this story particularly creative. This 2009 award winning Young Adult historical fiction is the first of a trilogy about World War I, with a fantasy/science fiction edge and a couple of young people for protagonists.
Apparently, steampunk generally involves revising history with a science fiction style focus on steam-powered technology. And “Biopunk,” likewise, apparently involves fantasized revisions of biological science.
I listened to the audio version of this, very nicely narrated by Alan Cummings, but I understand the print version has nice illustrations, so I’ll have to take a look at that too. I intend to read (or listen to) the 2nd and 3rd books in this trilogy as soon as my Hold status releases them to me. ( )
  TraSea | Apr 29, 2024 |
Scott Westerfeld is a well-known YA author, most notably for his “Uglies” series. Leviathan is the first book in the YA “Leviathan” trilogy. Set in a steampunk world during the equivalent of our First World War, it focuses on the story of two teenagers – one in Britain and one in the Austria-Hungary empire.

Rich in details, it is a fast-paced, interesting story that takes us through the very early days of a potential war between the Darwinists (Britain), who have bred amazing animal hybrids (“fabrications”), and The Clankers (Germans), who rely exclusively on fantastical mechanical machines. At the beginning of the novel, the other Euro-Asian countries have begun either to take sides or negotiate their loyalties.

As the first book in the trilogy, it does an excellent job of setting up the world, the politics, and the origin story of the two heroes: Deryn, a girl disguised as a boy so she can be in the British Air Service, and Prince Aleksander, the heir to the Austria-Hungary empire, in hiding ever since his parents were murdered for political purposes.

The story of the two heroes, initially related separately, converges early on and does not bog down with sentiment. Deryn (under the name Dylan) is well-drawn and engaging. She plunges head-long into adventures and her exploits keep you turning the pages. Alek, the secret heir, is true to type: a bit spoiled and naïve about how the world works, having been raised in the sheltered world of royalty. To its credit, the narrative does not linger on this aspect unduly, only as an opportunity to introduce another element of the “real” world on the brink of war.

Despite some detailed discussions of the animal hybrids and the machines, the reader is drawn into this fantastical world, the intrepid heroes, and the political machinations of the various factions. The main story of the teens will keep young adults interested, and the plausible alternate political history will interest adults.

It was a good page-turner that had me keen to pick up the second book in series: Behemoth. ( )
  Dorothy2012 | Apr 22, 2024 |
I thought it was just another young adult book with a slightly interesting concept, but it turned out to be captivating and I read most of it in one sitting. Westerfeld has a way of doing that. He's also a first-class world builder. ( )
  caedocyon | Feb 23, 2024 |
World War I
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
Listened to this for the narrator who was amazing. The book though was just okay. ( )
  Fortunesdearest | Feb 2, 2024 |
The novel is a study in opposites, of boy versus girl, working class versus aristocracy, British versus German, and its overlying thematic division of Darwinists and Clankers gives all of these a distinctive torque, while avoiding mapping neatly to any specific agenda. The novel’s concluding set piece features a grand, elegant and very satisfying hybridization that suggests that opposites can meet, collapse and mingle, and that this story has natural sequels, which I will undoubtedly read.
Westerfeld writes gripping, relentless coming-of-age novels that are equally enjoyable by boys and girls, adults and kids, and Leviathan is no exception. I'm looking forward to volume two -- and many more to come.
aggiunto da lampbane | modificaBoing Boing, Cory Doctorow (Oct 6, 2009)

» Aggiungi altri autori (17 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Scott Westerfeldautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Cumming, AlanNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Helweg, AndreasTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Helweg, AndreasTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Helweg, AndreasTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Rosamilia, MikeDesignerautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Thompson, KeithIllustratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Yuen, Sammy, Jr.Progetto della copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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To my NYC writing crew,
for knowing the importance of Craft
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The Austrian horses glinted in the moonlight, their riders standing tall in the saddle, swords raised.
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His Majesty's London Zoo was squawking like a bag of budgies on fire.
No one could night-walk like him.
Having your parents die was exactly like the world exploding, like a war being declared.
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Wikipedia in inglese (2)

In an alternate 1914 Europe, fifteen-year-old Austrian Prince Alek, on the run from the Clanker Powers who are attempting to take over the globe using mechanical machinery, forms an uneasy alliance with Deryn who, disguised as a boy to join the British Air Service, is learning to fly genetically-engineered beasts.

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