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La figlia del tempo (1951)

di Josephine Tey

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

Serie: Alan Grant (5)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiConversazioni / Citazioni
6,0032261,692 (3.94)2 / 696
The fifth book in the Inspector Alan Grant series. The Daughter of Time remains Josephine Tey's most enduringly popular mystery. Can a bed-ridden 20th-century detective solve a 500-year-old crime? The murder of the young princes in the Tower of London in 1483 is the most notorious crime in English royal history. The prime suspect has long been Richard III, portrayed as a monster by everyone from early propagandists writing immediately after Richard's death to Shakespeare himself. In this, the book repeatedly voted one of the best mystery novels of all time, queen of Golden Age crime Josephine Tey tackles the question of Richard's guilt via her own celebrated detective.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dawpaul.johnson, JoeB1934, bluenancyhawaii907, Rtrace, dht7, karenkidd
Biblioteche di personaggi celebriEdward Estlin Cummings
  1. 121
    The Sunne in Splendour di Sharon Kay Penman (LisaMaria_C)
    LisaMaria_C: For me The Daughter of Time and The Sunne in Splendour go hand in hand. The first is the classic mystery "solving" the mystery of the Two Princes in the Tower and the second a sympathetic biographical novel of Richard III which is well-researched and moving.… (altro)
  2. 90
    The Murders of Richard III di Elizabeth Peters (Cynara)
    Cynara: Both books are, broadly speaking, mysteries debunking the popular misconceptions around Richard III; Tey's book is entirely concerned with the subject, and Peters' does so as a sort of subplot, in addition to a more traditional mystery. I'd suggest reading Tey first, as her mystery has less to offer once you've read Peters.… (altro)
  3. 61
    La fanciulla è morta di Colin Dexter (Cynara)
    Cynara: Two hospitalised detectives work through historical mysteries, investigating from their cots. Tey's is the more famous work, and will give you a good education on the ins and outs of the rehabilitation of Richard III, but to my mind, Dexter's book is better.
  4. 50
    Richard the Third di Paul Murray Kendall (myshelves)
    myshelves: Biography
  5. 62
    Riccardo III di William Shakespeare (bookwoman247)
    bookwoman247: This is a mystery involving Richard III and the two princes in the tower, and seems to have garnered a bit of respect. It's a great read on its own, and would make a great companion read to Shakespeare's Richard III.
  6. 30
    We Speak No Treason di Rosemary Hawley Jarman (Imprinted, KayCliff)
  7. 31
    Royal Blood: King Richard III and the Mystery of the Princes di Bertram Fields (inge87)
  8. 10
    The Black Tower di Louis Bayard (bjappleg8)
    bjappleg8: Both novels use detectives to explore historical mysteries surrounding princes banished to towers and whose fates can never be known for certain.
  9. 00
    Yorkists: The History of a Dynasty di Anne Crawford (KayCliff)
  10. 00
    Maigret e il pazzo di Bergerac di Georges Simenon (shaunie)
    shaunie: The detective solves the crime whilst bedridden in both. Both also somewhat overrated?
  11. 00
    Chatterton di Peter Ackroyd (kmcmahon)
    kmcmahon: Though very different types of book, both feature modern day characters trying to solve famous mysterious deaths from centuries before.
1950s (28)
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Romanzo molto carino. In una stanza d'ospedale si cerca di stabilire l'innocenza di Riccardo III per quanto concerne il crimine di assassinio dei nipoti imputatogli ad arte. ( )
  zinf | Nov 21, 2008 |

» Aggiungi altri autori (19 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Tey, Josephineautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Barnard, RobertIntroduzioneautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Jacobi, DerekNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Manninen, AnteroTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Sheban, ChrisImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Weir, AlisonIntroduzioneautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Weller, LucyIllustratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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"Truth is the daughter of time."
(Sir Francis Bacon, Novum Organum, Book I, 84)
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Grant lay on his high white cot and stared at the ceiling.
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You don't like to think of a man you've known and admired flung stripped and dangling across a pony like a dead animal.
A frisson of horror may go down one's spine at wholesale destruction but one's heart stays unmoved. A thousand people drowned in floods in China are news: a solitary child drowned in a pond is tragedy.
It was, moreover, the almost-respectable form of historical fiction which is merely history-with-conversation, so to speak. An imaginative biography rather than an imagined story.
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

The fifth book in the Inspector Alan Grant series. The Daughter of Time remains Josephine Tey's most enduringly popular mystery. Can a bed-ridden 20th-century detective solve a 500-year-old crime? The murder of the young princes in the Tower of London in 1483 is the most notorious crime in English royal history. The prime suspect has long been Richard III, portrayed as a monster by everyone from early propagandists writing immediately after Richard's death to Shakespeare himself. In this, the book repeatedly voted one of the best mystery novels of all time, queen of Golden Age crime Josephine Tey tackles the question of Richard's guilt via her own celebrated detective.

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