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Addio a tutto questo (1929)

di Robert Graves

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3,742653,426 (4)199
Robert Graves' searing autobiography and an emotional firsthand account of life in the First World War trenches. A superb and graphic storyteller, Graves begins with the petty cruelties of his public school upbringing. Then, almost in 'fly-on-the wall' documentary style, he paints devastating portraits of war: of a young man's hell, of meaningless sacrifice, of everyday heroism, and of the idiocy of the military command. Even accomplishing some moments of humour, Goodbye to All That is an enthralling listen, bringing the listener into the midst of the battleground. It is widely recognised as one of the most powerful insights into the experience of war; of what it actually felt like to be there and to be a survivor.… (altro)
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For Remembrance Day, I posted a Sensational Snippet on my blog: ( )
  anzlitlovers | Jan 9, 2024 |
Good-Bye to All That är en självbiografi av Robert Graves som dök upp första gången 1929, när författaren var 34 år gammal. "Det var mitt bittra avsked från England", skrev han i en prolog till den reviderade andra upplagan 1957, "där jag nyligen hade brutit mot en hel del konventioner". [1] Titeln kan också peka på övergången av en gammal ordning efter katastrofen under första världskriget ; patriotismens förmodade otillräcklighet, vissas intresse för ateism , feminism , socialism och pacifism, förändringarna i det traditionella äktenskapslivet, och inte minst uppkomsten av nya litterära uttryckssätt, behandlas alla i verket, som har direkt betydelse för Graves liv. Den osentimentala och ofta komiska behandlingen av banaliteterna och intensiteterna i livet för en brittisk arméofficer under första världskriget gav Graves berömmelse, [1] ryktbarhet och ekonomisk trygghet, [1] men bokens ämne är också hans familjehistoria, barndom , skolgång och, omedelbart efter kriget, tidigt äktenskapsliv; alla faser vittnar om det "särskilda sättet att leva och tänka" som utgör en poetisk sensibilitet. [1]
  CalleFriden | Mar 7, 2023 |
Mostly WW I memories with a bit of boarding school history in the beginning. His description of homosexuality at boarding school was surprising to me given how Alan Turing was treated after WW II. ( )
  Castinet | Dec 11, 2022 |
Good-Bye to All That by Robert Graves is a memoir about his formative years in England and his years at war. He had a somewhat privileged upbringing at various boarding schools, and the war interfered with his attending Oxford. Nevertheless, he served in WWI and provided many gruesome details of life in the trenches as he performed his duties. I was surprised at how little training soldiers received. However, I was not surprised at the loss of innocence due to the war and the need for people like Graves to leave his childhood behind and acknowledge the atrocities such as murder, rape, mutilation, and torture. By the way, Graves claims that the atrocities were equal on both sides.
Some of the book's messages that will remain with me are:

1. Respirators. Graves says, "the first respirator issued in France was a gauze-pad filled with chemically treated cotton waste, for tying across the mouth and nose. Reputedly it could not keep out the German gas…a week or two later came the 'smoke helmet,' a greasy gry-felt bag with a talc window to look through, but no mouthpiece, certainly ineffective against gas." (p. 95)

2. Two young miners disliked their sergeant and reported to their Adjutant: "'We've come to report, Sir, that we're very sorry, but we've shot our company sergeant-major.'
The Adjutant said, 'Good heavens, how did that happen?'
'It was an accident, Sir.'
'What do you mean, you damn fools? Did you mistake him for a spy?'
"No, Sir, we mistook him for our platoon sergeant.'"
They were both court-martialled and shot by a firing squad of their own company. (p.109)

3. Graves was treated with reserve since he had a German name and was suspected of being a spy. Incredible!

4. Local French peasants didn't care whether the soldiers were on the German or British side of the line. They had no use for foreign soldiers. Wow!

5. Self-medication with alcohol and drugs was common—probably a survival mechanism.

6. Prose and poetry were critical during wartime and afterward. ( )
1 vota LindaLoretz | Nov 15, 2022 |
There's not much to say about this book that hasn't already been said: it is an excellent account of the Great War, up there with [b:Journey to the End of the Night|12395|Journey to the End of the Night|Louis-Ferdinand Céline||1551463].

The entire fourth season of Black Adder seems to be based on observations made in this book: the boorish New Army recruits gradually replacing the mannered regimentals, the captains eating muck in the trenches while the colonel dines on filet mignon a few hundred yards away, the officer with a German consul for an uncle who just might be passing classified material to the enemy.

The book's weakness lay in its not clearly distinguishing between a poet's supra-logical thought processes and the supra-logical process of the common psychopath.
( )
  mkfs | Aug 13, 2022 |
Writing "Good-bye to All That," Graves seized numerous opportunities to render the literal truth of the trenches in theatrical terms. And Graves was by no means alone in this: Just before the attack at Loos, a typical officer is recorded as experiencing "a feeling of unreality, as if I were acting on a stage." Seeking theatrical metaphors for the trench war, some journalists invoked the idea of tragedy. Graves will have none of such pretentiousness: To him, events at the front are more likely to resemble melodrama, comedy, farce or music hall. Or even that once-stylish English dramatic form, the Comedy of Humors, in which stock eccentric characters ("Humors") reveal their crazy obsessions and generally muddle things up.

Robert Graves's superbly sardonic account of his childhood, schooling, the great war and his first marriage was written in just four months in 1929, when he was 33. It was his attempt at "a formal good-bye to you and to you and to you and to me and to all that". By then he had separated from his wife and was living with the American poet Laura Riding. The idea of a farewell to the past was hers.
aggiunto da SnootyBaronet | modificaThe Guardian, PD Smith

» Aggiungi altri autori (40 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Graves, Robertautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Fussell, PaulIntroduzioneautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Graves, Richard PercevalA cura diautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Jarvis, MartinReaderautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Seymour, MirandaIntroduzioneautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Spencer, StanleyImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Trevelyan, RaleighIntroduzioneautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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As a proof of my readiness to accept autobiographical conventions, let me at once record my two earliest memories.
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The most useful and, at the same time, most dangerous gift that I owe to my father’s side of the family – probably more to the Cheynes than to the Graves’s – is that I am always able, when dealing with officials, or getting privileges from public institutions which grudge them, to masquerade as a gentleman.
After tea we went into the garden, where Hardy asked to see some of my new poems. I fetched him one, and he wondered whether he might offer a suggestion: the phrase ‘the scent of thyme’, which occurred in it was, he said, one of the clichés which poets of his generation had studied to avoid. Could I perhaps alter it? When I replied that his contemporaries had avoided it so well that I could now use it without offence, he withdrew the objection.
Professor Edgeworth, of All Souls’, avoided conversational English, persistently using words and phrases that one expects to meet only in books. One evening, Lawrence returned from a visit to London, and Edgeworth met him at the gate. ‘Was it very caliginous in the Metropolis?’
‘Somewhat caliginous, but not altogether inspissated,’ Lawrence replied gravely.
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Robert Graves' searing autobiography and an emotional firsthand account of life in the First World War trenches. A superb and graphic storyteller, Graves begins with the petty cruelties of his public school upbringing. Then, almost in 'fly-on-the wall' documentary style, he paints devastating portraits of war: of a young man's hell, of meaningless sacrifice, of everyday heroism, and of the idiocy of the military command. Even accomplishing some moments of humour, Goodbye to All That is an enthralling listen, bringing the listener into the midst of the battleground. It is widely recognised as one of the most powerful insights into the experience of war; of what it actually felt like to be there and to be a survivor.

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