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The Buried Giant (Vintage International) di…
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The Buried Giant (Vintage International) (originale 2015; edizione 2016)

di Kazuo Ishiguro (Autore)

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5,3662672,052 (3.63)1 / 341
Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:NATIONAL BESTSELLER From the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature and author of Never Let Me Go and the Booker Prizewinning novel The Remains of the Day comes a luminous meditation on the act of forgetting and the power of memory.
In post-Arthurian Britain, the wars that once raged between the Saxons and the Britons have finally ceased. Axl and Beatrice, an elderly British couple, set off to visit their son, whom they haven't seen in years. And, because a strange mist has caused mass amnesia throughout the land, they can scarcely remember anything about him. As they are joined on their journey by a Saxon warrior, his orphan charge, and an illustrious knight, Axl and Beatrice slowly begin to remember the dark and troubled past they all share.

By turns savage, suspenseful, and intensely moving, The Buried Giant is a luminous meditation on the act of forgetting and the power of memory.
… (altro)
Titolo:The Buried Giant (Vintage International)
Autori:Kazuo Ishiguro (Autore)
Info:Vintage (2016), Edition: Reprint, 336 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:fantasy, britons, saxons, Arthurian tale

Informazioni sull'opera

The Buried Giant di Kazuo Ishiguro (2015)

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Gruppo ArgomentoMessaggiUltimo messaggio 
 Folio Society Devotees: The Buried Giant20 non letti / 20stopsurfing, Novembre 2023

» Vedi le 341 citazioni

Inglese (252)  Tedesco (4)  Olandese (2)  Spagnolo (2)  Italiano (1)  Finlandese (1)  Svedese (1)  Cinese (tradizionale) (1)  Tutte le lingue (264)
Attraversando terre coperte da una nebbia sottile che confonde e cancella i ricordi, Axl e Beatrice viaggiano alla ricerca del figlio. Nel paese dei britanni e dei sassoni, dove regna ormai da tempo la pace imposta da re Artù, l'uomo e la donna incontrano creature fantastiche, assistono a prodigi e sfuggono a pericoli mortali. La strada li porterà lontano, là dove li attende la prova più grande: saggiare la purezza del proprio cuore.
  kikka62 | Jan 25, 2020 |
Fantasy and historical fiction and myth here run together with the Matter of Britain, in a novel that’s easy to admire, to respect and to enjoy, but difficult to love. Still, “The Buried Giant” does what important books do: It remains in the mind long after it has been read, refusing to leave, forcing one to turn it over and over. On a second reading, and on a third, its characters and events and motives are easier to understand, but even so, it guards its secrets and its world close.
There are authors who write in tidy, classifiable, immediately recognizable genres — Jane Austen, Alexandre Dumas, William Faulkner, Gabriel García Márquez, to name a few — and then there are those who adamantly do not. These others can surprise us with story lines and settings that are guises to be worn and shucked after the telling. Masters of reinvention, they slip from era to era, land to land, changing idioms, adapting styles, heedless of labels. They are creatures of a nonsectarian world, comfortable in many skins, channelers of languages. What interests them above all in their invented universes is the abiding human heart.

Kazuo Ishiguro is such a writer.
aggiunto da lorax | modificaWashington Post, Marie Arana (Feb 24, 2015)

» Aggiungi altri autori (1 potenziale)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Ishiguro, Kazuoautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Bützow, HeleneTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Gower, NeilEndpaper art; (cover?) typographyautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Horovitch, DavidNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Mendelsund, PeterProgetto della copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Weinstein, IrisDesignerautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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You would have searched a long time for the sort of winding lane or tranquil meadow for which England later became celebrated.
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Risorse esterne che parlano di questo libro

Wikipedia in inglese (2)

Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:NATIONAL BESTSELLER From the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature and author of Never Let Me Go and the Booker Prizewinning novel The Remains of the Day comes a luminous meditation on the act of forgetting and the power of memory.
In post-Arthurian Britain, the wars that once raged between the Saxons and the Britons have finally ceased. Axl and Beatrice, an elderly British couple, set off to visit their son, whom they haven't seen in years. And, because a strange mist has caused mass amnesia throughout the land, they can scarcely remember anything about him. As they are joined on their journey by a Saxon warrior, his orphan charge, and an illustrious knight, Axl and Beatrice slowly begin to remember the dark and troubled past they all share.

By turns savage, suspenseful, and intensely moving, The Buried Giant is a luminous meditation on the act of forgetting and the power of memory.

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The Buried Giant in Folio Society Devotees

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