Serie dei libri per running1book

Serie a cui appartengono i libri della biblioteca di running1book

Riepilogo: 51 Serie

Accidentally Paranormal

Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter

Beka Cooper

Black Dagger Brotherhood

The Black Jewels Series

The Breeds

Broken Heart Holidays

Broken Heart Vampires

Chronicles of Narnia: Chronological

Chronicles of Narnia: Publication order

Chronicles of Nick

Circle of Magic

The Circle Opens

The Circle Reforged

The Circle Universe

Coyote Breeds


Dark-Hunter Universe

Demon Romance


Feline Breeds

Fred the Mermaid

Harry Potter


The Heroes of Olympus

The Hunger Games

The Immortals Quartet

The Kane Chronicles

Keeper of the Lost Cities

Lupine Breeds

Meredith Gentry

The Mortal Instruments

Night Huntress Universe

Night Prince

The Others, Chronological Order -- Christine Warren

The Others: Publication Order

Pegasus {Kate O'Hearn)

Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Protector of the Small Quartet

Queen Betsy

Reaper Diaries

The School for Good and Evil

The Shadowhunter Chronicles: Author-recommended order

Song of the Lioness Quartet

Tir Alainn Trilogy

Tortall Universe

Trickster Duology


Wizards of Nevermore

Wolf Breeds

Wyndham Werewolves