Libri controversi per dllibrary

Questa pagina mostra i libri più "controversi" in questa biblioteca, misurati in base alla più alta deviazione standard delle valutazioni in stelle dei membri.

Deviazione standard Valutazione media La tua valutazione Titolo
1.189 3.53 Mangia, prega, ama di Elizabeth Gilbert
1.18 3.15 A New Kind of Science di Stephen Wolfram
1.175 3.69 Invention by Design; How Engineers Get from Thought to Thing di Henry Petroski
1.109 3.96 Rick Steves' Italy di Rick Steves
1.106 3.95 Main Street / Babbitt di Sinclair Lewis
1.087 3.7 Choosing Civility: The Twenty-five Rules of Considerate Conduct di P. M. Forni
1.054 3.59 What We See When We Read di Peter Mendelsund
1.053 3.76 Notes on the State of Virginia di Thomas Jefferson
1.046 3.87 Color Index: Over 1100 Color Combinations, CMYK and RGB Formulas, for Print and Web Media di Jim Krause
1.036 4.19 Essays: First Series and Second Series di Ralph Waldo Emerson
1.031 3.99 La via dell'artista: come ascoltare e far crescere l'artista che è in noi di Julia Cameron
1.03 3.77 National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Butterflies di Robert Michael Pyle
1.021 3.91 L'arte del colore di Betty Edwards
1.017 4.2 The Weaving, Spinning, and Dyeing Book di Rachel Brown
1.01 3.6 The Pencil: A History of Design and Circumstance di Henry Petroski
1.002 3.6 To Engineer Is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design di Henry Petroski
0.995 4.13 Color Play: Easy Steps to Imaginative Color in Quilts di Joen Wolfrom
0.98 3.78 The Ransom of Russian Art di John McPhee
0.976 3.8 The Age of Homespun: Objects and Stories in the Creation of an American Myth di Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
0.97 3.71 La rosa nera di Martin Cruz Smith
0.963 4 Basin and Range di John McPhee
0.962 4.05 Interazione del colore di Josef Albers
0.959 3.55 Cuba di Stephen Coonts
0.959 3.86 The Splendid Table's How to Eat Supper: Recipes, Stories, and Opinions from Public Radio's Award-Winning Food Show di Lynne Rossetto Kasper
0.949 3.44 L' archivista di Martha Cooley
0.946 3.87 To a God Unknown di John Steinbeck
0.946 3.81 Table of Contents di John McPhee
0.945 3.79 Autobiografia di Benjamin Franklin
0.942 3.88 The Founding Fish di John McPhee
0.939 3.52 Arthur's Britain di Leslie Alcock
0.938 4.02 Our Oriental Heritage di Will Durant
0.93 3.87 Hand Bookbinding: A Manual of Instruction di Aldren Watson
0.921 4.05 KnitKnit: Profiles + Projects from Knitting's New Wave di Sabrina Gschwandtner
0.918 3.82 Omoo di Herman Melville
0.916 4.02 Il tormento e l'estasi di Irving Stone
0.915 3.68 Benjamin Franklin di Edmund S. Morgan
0.913 3.84 The Journalist and the Murderer di Janet Malcolm
0.91 3.81 The Creators: A History of Heroes of the Imagination di Daniel Boorstin
0.91 3.71 The Pioneers / The Last of the Mohicans / The Prairie di James Fenimore Cooper
0.904 4.14 Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life di Barbara Kingsolver
0.901 4.24 Nathaniel Hawthorne : Tales and Sketches (Library of America) di Nathaniel Hawthorne
0.899 3.81 Zero. La storia di un'idea pericolosa di Charles Seife
0.898 4.09 A Degree of Mastery: A Journey through Book Arts Apprenticeship di Annie Tremmel Wilcox
0.895 4.06 Questions about Angels: Poems di Billy Collins
0.895 4.17 Secondo natura. Tutte le prescrizioni per stare bene e curarsi da soli con vitamine, minerali, erbe e integratori alimentari di Phyllis A. Balch
0.895 3.88 The Little Book of Common Sense Investing di John C. Bogle
0.894 4.23 Annals of the Former World di John McPhee
0.894 4.42 Steinbeck: The Grapes of Wrath and Other Writings, 1936-1941 di John Steinbeck
0.892 4.24 Masters of Deception: Escher, Dalí & the Artists of Optical Illusion di Al Seckel
0.887 3.69 Lo spirituale nell'arte di Wassily Kandinsky
0.887 3.95 Il formidabile esercito svizzero di John McPhee
0.88 3.55 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth di Earthworks Group
0.88 4.03 Giving Good Weight di John McPhee
0.877 3.59 The Deltoid Pumpkin Seed di John McPhee
0.875 4.06 Looking for a Ship di John McPhee
0.872 3.86 Folk Vests di Cheryl Oberle
0.872 4.04 La caffettiera del masochista: psicopatologia degli oggetti quotidiani di Donald A. Norman
0.871 4 Pieces of the Frame di John McPhee
0.866 3.58 Basic Bookbinding di A. W. Lewis
0.862 3.84 The Middle Ages di Morris Bishop
0.861 3.88 Colour: Travels Through the Paintbox di Victoria Finlay
0.86 3.82 King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table di Roger Lancelyn Green
0.855 4.3 The Dain Curse / The Thin Man / The Glass Key / Red Harvest / The Maltese Falcon di Dashiell Hammett
0.851 3.83 A Thread Across the Ocean: The Heroic Story of the Transatlantic Cable di John Steele Gordon
0.845 4.03 In Suspect Terrain di John McPhee
0.845 4.12 The Elements of Color: A Treatise on the Color System of Johannes Itten Based on His Book the Art of Color di Johannes Itten
0.843 3.93 La teoria dei colori di Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
0.842 4.14 Il nucleare tra guerra e pace di John McPhee
0.842 3.83 Il segnale e il rumore: arte e scienza della previsione di Nate Silver
0.842 4.08 The Pine Barrens di John McPhee
0.838 4.41 Crime Novels: American Noir of the 1930s and 40s di Robert Polito
0.832 4.1 A Photographer's Life: 1990-2005 di Annie Leibovitz
0.83 4.11 Coming into the Country di John McPhee
0.828 3.62 The Air We Breathe di Andrea Barrett
0.826 3.56 The Evolution of Useful Things di Henry Petroski
0.824 3.91 The Survival of the Bark Canoe di John McPhee
0.824 4.18 More Than You Know: Finding Financial Wisdom in Unconventional Places di Michael J. Mauboussin
0.818 3.93 Used and Rare: Travels in the Book World di Lawrence Goldstone
0.817 3.84 Uncommon Carriers di John McPhee
0.817 3.95 The Headmaster: Frank L. Boyden of Deerfield di John McPhee
0.815 4.07 Lab Girl di Hope Jahren
0.813 4.08 Cover to Cover: Creative Techniques for Making Beautiful Books, Journals & Albums di Shereen LaPlantz
0.81 4.2 The Knitter's Companion di Vicki Square
0.808 4.28 Crime Novels: American Noir of the 1950s di Robert Polito
0.807 3.99 The Best of Interweave Knits: Our Favorite Designs from the First Ten Years di Ann Budd
0.806 4.37 Speeches and Writings: Volume 1: 1832-1858 di Abraham Lincoln
0.805 3.71 The Discovery of King Arthur di Geoffrey Ashe
0.803 3.78 The Crofter and the Laird di John McPhee
0.802 3.84 The Wisdom of Menopause di Christiane Northrup
0.797 4.22 Knitting Nature: 39 Designs Inspired by Patterns in Nature di Norah Gaughan
0.795 4.06 Encounters with the Archdruid di John McPhee
0.794 4.02 The Last Days of the Incas di Kim MacQuarrie
0.794 4.5 Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts: Twelve Journeys into the Medieval World di Christopher De Hamel
0.794 4.23 John Shaw's Nature Photography Field Guide di John Shaw
0.788 4.08 The Library Book di Susan Orlean
0.786 4.09 Oranges di John McPhee
0.784 4.45 Thurber: Writings and Drawings di James Thurber
0.781 4.03 A Sense of Where You Are di John McPhee
0.781 4.3 Art of M.C. Escher di Doris Schattschneider
0.779 4.42 Redburn / White-Jacket / Moby Dick di Herman Melville
0.777 3.87 Joan Miro, 1893-1983 di Janis Mink
0.775 4.05 Card Weaving di Candace Crockett
0.773 4.2 Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living di Pema Chödrön
0.77 4.32 What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 1815-1848 di Daniel Walker Howe
0.767 4.02 Breve storia della pittura moderna di Herbert Read
0.766 4.14 Lo specchio magico di Maurits Cornelis Escher di Bruno Ernst
0.765 4.29 No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Home Front in World War II di Doris Kearns Goodwin
0.762 4.24 Il controllo della natura di John McPhee
0.76 3.92 Cotton: The Biography of a Revolutionary Fiber di Stephen Yafa
0.76 4.05 A Roomful of Hovings and Other Profiles di John McPhee
0.758 4.55 Flannery O'Connor: Collected Works di Sally Fitzgerald
0.755 3.88 The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century's On-Line Pioneers di Tom Standage
0.753 4.14 The John McPhee Reader di John McPhee
0.752 3.95 Irons in the Fire di John McPhee
0.742 4.33 Alexander Hamilton di Ron Chernow
0.74 4.34 Hammett: Crime Stories and Other Writings di Dashiell Hammett
0.738 4.54 Learning to Weave di Deborah Chandler
0.735 4.35 Japanese Bookbinding: Instructions From A Master Craftsman di Kojiro Ikegami
0.732 4.17 Color Works: The Crafter's Guide to Color di Deb Menz
0.728 3.94 Punto, linea, superficie: contributo all'analisi degli elementi pittorici di Wassily Kandinsky
0.721 3.75 Wassily Kandinsky di Hajo Düchting
0.718 4.49 Mississippi Writings: Tom Sawyer / Life on the Mississippi / Huckleberry Finn / Pudd'nhead Wilson di Mark Twain
0.716 4.11 A Splendor of Letters: The Permanence of Books in an Impermanent World di Nicholas A. Basbanes
0.715 4.03 John Shaw's Closeups in Nature di John Shaw
0.715 3.65 The NPR Guide to Building a Classical CD Collection: The 350 Essential Works di Ted Libbey
0.707 4.13 Draft No. 4: On the Writing Process di John McPhee
0.703 4.11 Democracy/Esther/Mont Saint Michel and Chartres/The Education of Henry Adams di Henry Adams
0.701 4.19 Rising from the Plains di John McPhee
0.69 3.75 Good Prose: The Art of Nonfiction di Tracy Kidder
0.686 4.49 Cannery Row | East of Eden | The Moon is Down | The Pearl di John Steinbeck
0.683 4.43 Non-Adhesive Binding Books without Paste or Glue di Keith A. Smith
0.681 3.61 The Panama Hat Trail di Tom Miller
0.679 4.46 Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End di Atul Gawande
0.677 3.36 The Tycoons: How Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Jay Gould, and J. P. Morgan Invented the American Supereconomy di Charles R. Morris
0.676 4.43 Knitter's Handbook : A Comprehensive Guide to the Principles and Techniques of Handknitting di Montse Stanley
0.673 4.32 Nature Writings di John Muir
0.654 4.09 Levels of the Game di John McPhee
0.654 4.09 Strong Women Stay Young di Miriam E. Nelson
0.645 4 The Ledge: An Adventure Story of Friendship and Survival on Mount Rainier di Jim Davidson
0.644 3.93 Lightning Man: The Accursed Life of Samuel F. B. Morse di Kenneth Silverman
0.642 4.06 The Leatherstocking Tales di James Fenimore Cooper
0.634 4.54 Later novels and other writings di Raymond Chandler
0.63 4.18 Assembling California di John McPhee
0.63 4.5 National Geographic Atlas of The World, 8th Edition di National Geographic
0.627 4.29 Henry Thoreau: A Life of the Mind di Robert D. Richardson Jr.
0.62 4.73 A Handweaver's Pattern Book di Marguerite Porter Davison
0.583 3.66 Paul Klee di Susanna Partsch
0.582 4.48 The Techniques of Tablet Weaving di Peter Collingwood
0.557 4.64 The Handweaver's Pattern Directory di Anne Dixon
0.526 4.77 The Penland Book of Handmade Books: Master Classes in Bookmaking Techniques di Lark Books
0.517 4.62 Mastering Weave Structures: Transforming Ideas into Great Cloth di Sharon Alderman