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La mia biblioteca
I've been a voracious reader since the age of 4. I still have the Little Golden Books I was given as a baby--no teething marks or slobber, which proves that I was born with the passion. My library hovers around 3000 volumes. I joined Paperback Swap in 2008 and have sent around 700 books to new homes so I now have room to bring more in!

This is as good a time as any to mention that my LT account is a physical catalog of my library. As I send out or donate books, I remove them from my LT catalog, so what you see listed isn't necessarily a true indication of my reading. My book blog (listed as my homepage) is a true indication of all my reading since June 2008.

Informazione su di me
I was born and raised in a small farm town in central Illinois, went to college in Utah, and moved to Phoenix, Arizona in 1976. I've worked for Target for the past 25+ years. I imported an Englishman I met online and got married for the first time in 2002. In my spare time, (besides reading), I like to travel, fix up this old ranch house, entice birds and butterflies to my property, take the Jeep Liberty out on trails in this beautiful state, work on my website, and photograph nature and landscapes.
Phoenix, Arizona
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Librerie: Bookmans - Phoenix, Singing Wind Bookshop, The Poisoned Pen

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