Immagine dell'autore.

Sigrid Undset (1882–1949)

Autore di Kristin figlia di Lavrans

197+ opere 10,677 membri 218 recensioni 52 preferito


Sigrid Undset was the daughter of archeologist Ingvald Undset. Cultural, autobiographical, and religious topics constitute a large and interesting portion of her fiction, which in Norway is categorized according to the time of action: medieval or modern. Jenny (1911), an idealistic and tragic love mostra altro story, is one of the latter novels. Undset's comprehensive knowledge of medieval Scandinavian culture has its literary monuments in Kristin Lavransdatter (1920--22) and The Master of Hestviken (1925--27), historical novels that depict life in the Norwegian Middle Ages. She was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1928. Norwegian criticism of Sigrid Undset's writing centers on her religiosity (she became a conservative, almost reactionary Catholic in Lutheran Norway in the 1920s; she possesses an intensity of belief that is rather naturally expressed in the medieval novels. Yet while she has written religious polemics, the medieval novels are not tendentious. In fact, the central motifs are eroticism, marriage, and family life, in short, the full life of a medieval woman who sees herself in the light of contemporary Christian beliefs. These novels are great, realistic delineations of medieval personalities. During World War II she escaped the German occupation of Norway and fled to America, where she wrote her autobiographical Happy Times in Norway (1942). (Bowker Author Biography) mostra meno
Nota di disambiguazione:

(nor) Sigrid Undset's sitat: "Menneskenes hjerter forandres aldeles intet i alle dager. Det er bare de ytre forholdende, vanene og miljø som har forandret seg, ikke følelsene, kjærligheten, skylden og ansvaret".

Fonte dell'immagine: Sigrid Undset - photo: Eivind Enger, Kristiania, 1905


Opere di Sigrid Undset

Kristin figlia di Lavrans (1920) 3,076 copie, 74 recensioni
Kristin Lavransdatter I: The Wreath (1920) 1,741 copie, 38 recensioni
Kristin Lavransdatter II: The Wife (1921) 1,084 copie, 21 recensioni
Kristin Lavransdatter III: The Cross (1922) 1,014 copie, 18 recensioni
The Master of Hestviken, Vol. 1: The Axe (1925) 369 copie, 11 recensioni
Gunnar's Daughter (1909) 356 copie, 8 recensioni
Catherine of Siena (1951) 339 copie, 1 recensione
Jenny (1911) 306 copie, 9 recensioni
The Master of Hestviken, Vol. 2: The Snake Pit (1925) 236 copie, 4 recensioni
The Master of Hestviken (1925) 200 copie, 5 recensioni
The Master of Hestviken, Vol. 4: The Son Avenger (1927) 193 copie, 5 recensioni
Ida Elisabeth (1932) 141 copie, 1 recensione
Primavera (1914) 85 copie, 2 recensioni
The Wild Orchid (1929) 83 copie, 1 recensione
The Faithful Wife (1936) 70 copie, 3 recensioni
Return to the future (2001) 68 copie, 1 recensione
L'età felice (1942) 68 copie, 1 recensione
The Burning Bush (1930) 65 copie
Madame Dorthea (1973) 65 copie
The Longest Years (1934) 64 copie
Stages on the Road (1934) 58 copie, 1 recensione
Marta Oulie: A Novel of Betrayal (1907) 58 copie, 2 recensioni
True and Untrue and Other Norse Tales (2013) 50 copie, 1 recensione
Olav Audunssøn og hans barn (1978) 42 copie, 1 recensione
Saga of Saints (1977) 28 copie
Images in a Mirror (2020) 27 copie
Four Stories (1969) 23 copie
Fru Marta Oulie ; Den lykkelige alder (1996) 18 copie, 1 recensione
Men, Women, and Places (1939) 12 copie
Tolv år (1998) 10 copie
De kloge jomfruer (1982) 9 copie
Fru Hjelde (2021) 9 copie
Ungdom : dikt (1986) 8 copie
Splinten av troldspeilet (1980) 6 copie
Fattige skjæbner (2005) 6 copie
Kjære Dea (1979) 5 copie
Den hellige Sunniva (2000) 4 copie
Småflickor (2021) 3 copie
Etapper 3 copie
Undset : Sitater (2010) 2 copie
Et kvinnesynspunkt (1982) 2 copie
Harriet Waage (1959) 2 copie
Sigrid Undset 2 copie
Yarina Dönüs (2022) 1 copia
La edad feliz 1 copia
Katholsk propaganda (1927) 1 copia
Fortellinger i utvalg (1999) 1 copia
Olav Audunsohn und Eirik (1978) 1 copia
Undset Sigrid 1 copia
Sunniva 1 copia
Cuatro mujeres (1978) 1 copia
Thjodolf 1 copia
Visa jungfrur 1 copia

Opere correlate

A World of Great Stories (1947) 263 copie, 4 recensioni
Women and Fiction: Volume 2 (1978) — Collaboratore — 73 copie
Witches, Witches, Witches (1958) — Collaboratore — 32 copie
The Seas of God: Great Stories of the Human Spirit (1944) — Collaboratore — 26 copie, 2 recensioni
Echo: Scandinavian Stories about Girls (2000) — Collaboratore — 16 copie
Kristin Lavransdatter [1995 film] (2002) — Original book — 8 copie
Norway's Best Stories (1977) — Collaboratore — 4 copie
The Undying Past (1961) — Collaboratore — 2 copie, 1 recensione


Informazioni generali

Nome canonico
Undset, Sigrid
Nome legale
Undset, Sigrid
Data di nascita
Data di morte
Luogo di sepoltura
Mesnalia kirkegård
Nazione (per mappa)
Luogo di nascita
Kalundborg, Denemarken
Luogo di morte
Lillehammer, Noorwegen
Luogo di residenza
Kalundborg, Denemarken
Christiania, Oslo, Noorwegen
Rome, Italië
London, Engeland
Rome, Italië
Ski, Noorwegen (mostra tutto 10)
Sinsen, Christiania, Oslo, Noorwegen
Bjerkebæk, Lillehammer, Noorwegen
'40-'45 Hotell Margaret, 97, Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, Amerika
Bjerkebæk, Lillehammer, Noorwegen
Attività lavorative
American Academy of Arts and Letters (Foreign Honorary ∙ Literature ∙ 1943)
Premi e riconoscimenti
Grand Cross of St. Olav voor patriottische inspanningen tijdens WO II (1947)
Nobelprijs voor Literatuur (1928)
Breve biografia
Sigrid Undset (Kalundborg, 20 mei 1882 – Lillehammer, 10 juni 1949) was een Noorse romanschrijfster die in 1928 de Nobelprijs voor de Literatuur won.

Undset werd in Kalundborg in Denemarken geboren, maar haar familie verhuisde naar Noorwegen toen zij twee jaar oud was. In 1924 bekeerde ze zich tot het katholicisme. Ze vluchtte in 1940 naar de Verenigde Staten wegens haar verzet tegen nazi-Duitsland en de Duitse bezetting, maar na de Tweede Wereldoorlog in 1945 keerde ze terug. Haar bekendste werk is Kristin Lavransdatter, een modernistische trilogie over het leven in Scandinavië in de middeleeuwen. Het boek speelt zich af in middeleeuws Noorwegen en werd van 1920 tot 1922 in drie delen gepubliceerd. Kristin Lavransdatter beeldt het leven van een vrouw van geboorte tot dood uit.

Undset stierf in Lillehammer op 67-jarige leeftijd.



Group read: Kristin Lavransdatter in 2018 Category Challenge (Giugno 2018)


Return to the Future was originally published in 1942 and covers the events related to the author's exile from Norway to the United States via Sweden, Russia and Japan following Norway's defeat at the hands of Nazi Germany in 1940. Thus, the book was written in 1941 when the fortunes of the Nazis was still in the ascendant and the fate of Western civilization was clinging to the resistance being put up by Great Britain. There is no reference to Hitler's June,1941 invasion of his non-aggression partner, the Soviet Union, and no mention of Pearl Harbor.

Despite the desperate outlook for European freedom, Undset maintains a positive outlook for the eventual overthrow of Nazism and the regeneration of the states of Europe, both their political independence and their civilizational heritage.

The book begins with her account of the heroic but ultimately doomed resistance by a militarily unprepared Norway to the German invasion and the abortive British attempt to prevent the Nazis from overrunning Norway. It was all over within a couple of months but to the credit of a nation of some three millions their fight lasted longer than that of France with its million man army following the end of the phony war when the Germans invaded the Netherlands, Belgium and France.

Undset lost her older son Anders in the fight, but managed to get to Sweden with her younger son Hans where she depended to a great extent on the kindness of strangers to survive until she could get authorization for the next phase of her journey, crossing the Soviet Union from Sweden to Vladivostok.

Her two weeks in Russia were best characterized as an unending immersion into filth and squalor that were previously unimaginable to an inhabitant of a Scandinavian country in the 20th century. Once upon a time the Western socialist sympathizers with the Bolshevik Revolution returned from Russia and informed the readers that they had "seen the future and it works" (looking at you, Lincoln Steffens). Sigurd Undset could faithfully report that in fact, almost nothing worked. Anything that still possessed the character of an advanced European civilization was in fact a remnant of the ancien regime and was in the process of falling apart due to neglect. Imagine a nine day train trip across the expanse of the Soviet Union with no functioning toilets or faucets. No wonder that when they got to Japan they went shopping for a whole new wardrobe.

Having experienced the blessings of Russian communism including an encounter with a prison train heading in the opposite direction to the Gulag on a track parallel to their own, Undset and son experience a return to civilization as soon as they board the Japanese ship, the Harbin Maru. Mindful of the brutality that the Japanese military was conducting against the Chinese, and the repression of political dissenters at home, Undset, nevertheless, has plenty positive to say about her experiences in Japan and reveals that she is well versed in Japanese history and culture.

She concludes the chapter on Japan with some thoughts on the subject of democracy and the mores of the Western nations some of which are worth quoting.

"The ideas of the democracies about freedom, equality, and brotherhood are the fruits of Christianity in peoples which before they were Christianized had regarded freedom as the highest good in the world. It was here that the community of freeborn men, under the influence of Christianity, slowly spread out to embrace larger and larger strata of the populace, here there were steadily opened more and easier paths from the strata of men bound to serve into the ranks of independent men."

Finally, the Undsets were able to board the S.S. President Cleveland just a few months before Pearl Harbor and depart for the United States which in her words marked the real beginning of their return to Norway. The final chapter is an essay containing Undset's reflections on the immediate future and the distinct possibility of the end of Western civilization as well as her long term optimism about what it will take to recover from the disasters of the world wars of the 20th century.

She is not of the opinion that the Nazi regime was an outlier in which the cultured European regime enjoyed by the citizens of Germany had been accidentally lost to a rogue gang of bandits. On the contrary, Undset presents a caustic and bitter account of the German history and the character of the Germans dating back to the earliest times, she takes pains to reject the Nazi conceit that the Germans and the Scandinavian peoples are in any way related.

Despite questioning the Western assumptions about the universality of their core beliefs and institutions, Undset sees a future in which those values will be recovered through what can only be described as a United Nations style regime and the dependence on science and the rule of experts. If she was writing from the vantage point of the first quarter of the 21st century, I would argue that she would have ample cause to rethink her position.

Return to the Future is an erudite, profound, and at times a beautiful work to which I am unable to do justice except to observe that the Nobel Prize winner of 1928 would have deserved to win it again in 1942.
… (altro)
citizencane | Jul 7, 2024 |
Free at NB 1992
Kringla | 8 altre recensioni | Mar 18, 2024 |
I read the first two of three books in this incredibly long epic Norwegian story. I liked it, except when I didn't. I may never go finish it, because I am not sure I care what happens to characters who continue making such horrible life mistakes.
mslibrarynerd | 73 altre recensioni | Jan 13, 2024 |
This is very long, there is a big focus on religion and I spent a good part of the book wanting to tell Kristin to snap out of it. But even so, you don't read books set in medieval Norway every day, the relationships were complex and I was invested in knowing how lives would play out. Good for a long winter read.
mmcrawford | 73 altre recensioni | Dec 5, 2023 |


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