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Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811–1896)

Autore di La capanna dello zio Tom

227+ opere 20,066 membri 208 recensioni 10 preferito


Harriet Beecher was born in Litchfield, Connecticut, one of nine children of the distinguished Congregational minister and stern Calvinist, Lyman Beecher. Of her six brothers, five became ministers, one of whom, Henry Ward Beecher, was considered the finest pulpit orator of his day. In 1832 Harriet mostra altro Beecher went with her family to Cincinnati, Ohio. There she taught in her sister's school and began publishing sketches and stories. In 1836 she married the Reverend Calvin E. Stowe, one of her father's assistants at the Lane Theological Seminary and a strong antislavery advocate. They lived in Cincinnati for 18 years, and six of her children were born there. The Stowes moved to Brunswick, Maine, in 1850, when Calvin Stowe became a professor at Bowdoin College. Long active in abolition causes and knowledgeable about the atrocities of slavery both from her reading and her years in Cincinnati, with its close proximity to the South, Stowe was finally impelled to take action with the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act in 1850. By her own account, the idea of Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852) first came to her in a vision while she was sitting in church. Returning home, she sat down and wrote out the scene describing the death of Uncle Tom and was so inspired that she continued to write on scraps of grocer's brown paper after her own supply of writing paper gave out. She then wrote the book's earlier chapters. Serialized first in the National Era (1851--52), an important abolitionist journal with national circulation, Uncle Tom's Cabin was published in book form in March 1852. It was an immediate international bestseller; 10,000 copies were sold in less than a week, 300,000 within a year, and 3 million before the start of the Civil War. Family legend tells of President Abraham Lincoln (see Vol. 3) saying to Stowe when he met her in 1862: "So this is the little lady who made this big war?" Whether he did say it or not, we will never know, since Stowe left no written record of her interview with the president. But he would have been justified in saying it. Certainly, no other single book, apart from the Bible, has ever had any greater social impact on the United States, and for many years its enormous historical interest prevented many from seeing the book's genuine, if not always consistent, literary merit. The fame of the novel has also unfortunately overshadowed the fiction that Stowe wrote about her native New England: The Minister's Wooing (1859), Oldtown Folks (1869), Poganuc People (1878), and The Pearl of Orr's Island (1862), the novel that, according to Sarah Orne Jewett, began the local-color movement in New England. Here Stowe was writing about the world and its people closest and dearest to her, recording their customs, their legends, and their speech. As she said of one of these novels, "It is more to me than a story. It is my resume of the whole spirit and body of New England." (Bowker Author Biography) Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) remains one of the most influential writers in American history. Following the publication of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" she became an instant celebrity, speaking against slavery in the United States & Europe. (Publisher Provided) mostra meno

Comprende i nomi: H B STOWE, H.B. Stowe, Mrs. Stowe, Harriet Stowe, Beecher Stowe, Stowe Beecher, Harriet Stowe, h beecherstone, Harriet Beecher, Harriet Beecher, Harriet R Stowe, Beecher-Stowe H, H. Beecher-Stowe, H. Beecher Stowe, E. Beecher Stowe, Harriet B. Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Stowe, Harriet Beech Stowe, BEECHER - STOWE Mme, H.E. Beecher- Stowe, Hariet Beecher Stowe, Harret Beecher Stowe, stroweharrietbeecher, Harret Beecher Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Harrier Beecher Stowe, Harriet Beacher Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stiwe, Beecher Harriet Stowe, Mrs. H. Beecher Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Christopher Crowfield, Harriet Beecher-Stowe, Harriet Beacher Stowe, Harriet Beechers Stowe, Harriët Beecher-Stowe, Harriert Beecher-Stowe, Harriet Stowe; Beecher, Harriett Beecher Stowe, Harriët Beecher Stowe, Harriett Beecher-Stowe, Breecher Harriet Stowe, HHarriet beecher Stowe, Harrient Beecher Stowe, Harrriet Beecher Stowe, Harriett Beecher Stowe, Enriqueta Beecher Stowe, Harriet-E Beecher-Stowe, Enrichetta Beecher Stowe, Harriet E. Beecher Stowe, Stowe Harriet Beecher R7H6, Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, הריט ביצ׳ר סטו, Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Mevr. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Mistress Harriet Beecher Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe, Professor Harriet Beecher Stowe, Хариет Бичер Стоу, Бичер-Стоу Харриет, Гарриет Бичер-Стоу, HARRIET BEECHER STOWE 2 VOULME SET., Harriet Elizabeth Beecher-Stoweová, হ্যারিয়েট বিচার স্টো

Fonte dell'immagine: National Portrait Gallery

Opere di Harriet Beecher Stowe

La capanna dello zio Tom (1852) 17,271 copie, 191 recensioni
Uncle Tom's Cabin [Norton Critical Edition] (1993) 616 copie, 6 recensioni
The Minister's Wooing (1859) 218 copie, 1 recensione
The Annotated Uncle Tom's Cabin (2007) 211 copie, 1 recensione
The American Woman's Home (1869) 126 copie
Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp (1855) 104 copie, 2 recensioni
Oldtown folks (1869) 47 copie
Pink and White Tyranny (1871) 45 copie
Woman in Sacred History (1990) 36 copie
Poganuc People (1998) 34 copie
Palmetto Leaves (Florida Sand Dollar Books) (1999) 30 copie, 1 recensione
My Wife and I (2016) 22 copie
Lady Byron Vindicated (1970) 19 copie
Queer Little Folks (2006) 16 copie
Agnes of Sorrento (2016) 14 copie
We and Our Neighbors (2010) 14 copie
Uncle Tom's cabin (2013) 11 copie
Oldtown Fireside Stories (2008) 10 copie
House and Home Papers (2010) 6 copie
He's Coming To-morrow (1901) 4 copie
The New Housekeeper's Manual (1873) 4 copie, 1 recensione
Betty's Bright Idea (2019) 2 copie
La case de l'oncle Tom (1852) — Autore — 2 copie
House and Home Papers (1865) 2 copie
The Christian Slave (2004) 2 copie
Uncle Tom's Cabin (2015) 2 copie
Onkel Tom 1 copia
Une poignée de contes (2013) 1 copia
Stowe Novels 1 copia
Nelly's Heroics (1883) 1 copia
Hum, the Son of Buz (2014) 1 copia
La Cabaña de Tio Tom (2020) 1 copia, 1 recensione
Tamas batya kunyhoja (1993) 1 copia
De slavernij 1 copia
Dred Scott 1 copia
My Wife And I 1 copia
LITTLE FOXES (1878) 1 copia

Opere correlate

The Oxford Book of American Short Stories (1992) — Collaboratore — 761 copie, 3 recensioni
Americans in Paris: A Literary Anthology (2004) — Collaboratore — 300 copie, 3 recensioni
In the Nursery (1932) — Collaboratore — 294 copie
The Heath Anthology of American Literature, Volume 1 (1990) — Collaboratore, alcune edizioni256 copie
The Mammoth Book of Victorian and Edwardian Ghost Stories (1995) — Collaboratore — 169 copie, 4 recensioni
The Lincoln Anthology: Great Writers on His Life and Legacy from 1860 to Now (2008) — Collaboratore — 158 copie, 1 recensione
The Penguin Book of Ghost Stories: From Elizabeth Gaskell to Ambrose Bierce (2010) — Collaboratore — 149 copie, 4 recensioni
Life in the Iron Mills [Bedford Cultural Editions] (1997) — Collaboratore — 144 copie, 2 recensioni
Novel History: Historians and Novelists Confront America's Past and Each Other (2001) — Collaboratore — 134 copie, 1 recensione
The Penguin Book of Women's Humour (1996) — Collaboratore — 120 copie
The Prentice Hall Anthology of Science Fiction and Fantasy (2000) — Collaboratore — 93 copie, 2 recensioni
The Heath Anthology of American Literature, Concise Edition (2003) — Collaboratore — 69 copie, 1 recensione
200 Years of Great American Short Stories (1975) — Collaboratore — 69 copie, 1 recensione
The Giant Book of Ghost Stories (2006) — Collaboratore — 60 copie, 1 recensione
The Vintage Book of American Women Writers (2011) — Collaboratore — 57 copie
Pearl S. Buck's Book of Christmas (1974) — Collaboratore — 47 copie, 1 recensione
Gaslit Nightmares (1988) — Collaboratore — 44 copie
The Signet Classic Book of Contemporary American Short Stories (1985) — Collaboratore — 43 copie, 1 recensione
The Junior Classics Volume 08: Animal and Nature Stories (1912) — Collaboratore — 42 copie
Best Loved Short Stories of Nineteenth Century America (2003) — Collaboratore — 39 copie
American Gothic Short Stories (2019) — Collaboratore — 39 copie
100 Tiny Tales of Terror (1996) — Collaboratore — 33 copie
Rediscoveries: American Short Stories by Women, 1832-1916 (1994) — Collaboratore — 32 copie
American Literature: The Makers and the Making (In Two Volumes) (1973) — Collaboratore, alcune edizioni26 copie
The World's Greatest Books Volume 08 Fiction (2004) — Collaboratore — 24 copie
A Budget of Christmas Tales by Charles Dickens and Others (2014) — Collaboratore — 21 copie
Haunted Women: The Best Supernatural Tales by American Women Writers (1985) — Collaboratore — 15 copie, 2 recensioni
Truth Stranger than Fiction: Father Henson's Story of His Own Life (1876) — Introduzione; Prefazione, alcune edizioni15 copie, 1 recensione
Cat Encounters: A Cat-Lover's Anthology (1979) — Collaboratore — 11 copie
Father Henson's Story of His Own Life (1986) — Introduzione, alcune edizioni11 copie
The Banned Books Compendium: 32 Classic Forbidden Books — Collaboratore — 10 copie, 7 recensioni
Inside View of Slavery; or, A Tour Among the Planters (2010) — Introduzione — 9 copie
Representative American Short Stories — Collaboratore — 5 copie, 1 recensione
Famous Stories of Five Centuries (1934) — Collaboratore — 4 copie
Uncle Tom's Cabin [1927 film] (1927) — Original book — 4 copie
Exponent II, July 1974, Vol. 1, No. 1 (1974) — Collaboratore — 1 copia


Informazioni generali

Nome legale
Beecher, Harriet Elizabeth
Altri nomi
Crowfield, Christopher
Data di nascita
Data di morte
Luogo di sepoltura
Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, USA
Nazione (per mappa)
Luogo di nascita
Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Luogo di morte
Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Causa della morte
Modern researchers now speculate that at the end of her life she was suffering from Alzheimer's disease
Luogo di residenza
Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Hartford Female Seminary, Connecticut, USA
Attività lavorative
short story writer
Beecher, Lyman (father)
Beecher, Henry Ward (brother)
Beecher, Charles (brother)
Beecher, Edward (brother)
Hooker, Isabella Beecher (sister)
Beecher, Catharine Esther (sister) (mostra tutto 9)
Perkins, Frederic B. (nephew)
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (grand-niece)
Stowe, Charles Edward (son)
Premi e riconoscimenti
The Hall of Fame for Great Americans (1910)
Breve biografia
Harriet Beecher of the remarkable Beecher clan attended the school for girls run by her sister Catharine. In 1836, she married Calvin Ellis Stowe, a professor of Biblical literature. To help support her growing family (she had 7 children), Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote short stories and ran a small school in her home. She was catapulted to fame and helped turn millions of people away from slavery with the publication of her instant bestseller Uncle Tom's Cabin in 1851. Upon meeting her in 1862, President Abraham Lincoln is alleged to have said, "So you're the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war!"

Harriet Elisabeth Beecher Stowe (June 14, 1811 – July 1, 1896) was an American abolitionist and author. She came from the Beecher family, a famous religious family, and is best known for her novel Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852), which depicts the harsh conditions for enslaved African Americans. The book reached millions as a novel and play, and became influential in the United States and Great Britain, energizing anti-slavery forces in the American North, while provoking widespread anger in the South. Stowe wrote 30 books, including novels, three travel memoirs, and collections of articles and letters. She was influential for both her writings and her public stances and debates on social issues of the day.



Oldtown Folks group read in 75 Books Challenge for 2011 (Mag 2011)


La capanna dello zio Tom è un romanzo che ha avuto un'eco vastissima ed ha contribuito fortemente alla causa dell'abolizionismo.
Certo non bisogna dimenticare che è figlio del suo tempo, infatti non mancano semplificazioni e stereotipi sugli afro-americani; anche lo stile ricalca in pieno quello sentimentale e paternalistico tanto in voga nel XIX secolo; il tema della religione poi è fin troppo centrale: la fede (rigorosamente cristiana) è la soluzione di tutti i problemi e chi non ne ha non può sperare di salvarsi.
Questi difetti, evidenti ad un occhio moderno, non riescono però a cancellare i meriti dell'opera. Innanzitutto il messaggio in essa contenuto non è solo lodevole, ma per l'epoca anche coraggioso e progressista. Inoltre dietro al moralismo si nasconde un'analisi acuta della società: non sempre abolizionismo e razzismo andavano di pari passo, anzi spesso erano i proprietari del sud a formare dei legami d'affetto coi loro servi di colore, mentre al nord predicavano la libertà ma non volevano avere niente a che fare con i neri. Questo nel romanzo è espresso chiaramente, insieme a molti altri piccoli dettagli che dimostrano come la Stowe avesse una visione lucida del contesto politico di quegli anni.
Dal punto di vista strettamente letterario è un libro coinvolgente e scorrevole, che nonostante calchi la mano sui buoni sentimenti presenta dei personaggi complessi come la piccola Topsy e Augustine St. Claire.
Forse non è un'opera invecchiata bene, ma vale comunque la pena di leggerla sia come documento storico che per commuoversi di fronte ad una trama ingenua ma toccante.
… (altro)
Lilirose_ | 190 altre recensioni | Jun 18, 2019 |


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