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Charles Portis (1933–2020)

Autore di Il grinta

17+ opere 6,816 membri 310 recensioni 25 preferito


Charles Portis lives in Arkansas, where he was born (1933) and educated. Portis served as a reporter for the New York Herald-Tribune and was also its London bureau chief. His first novel, Norwood, was published in 1966. His other novels are True Grit, The Dog of the South, Masters of Atlantis, and mostra altro Gringos. True Grit has been made into a movie two times, once in 1969 with John Wayne (who won his only academy award by playing the main character of Rooster Cogburn), and a second time in 2010 with Jeff Bridges as the main character. Mr. Bridges was nominated for the Rooster Cogburn role, but did not win. Charles Portis died on February 17, 2020 in Little Rock, Arkansas at age 86. He had been under hospice care for two years. (Bowker Author Biography) mostra meno

Comprende i nomi: Charles Portis, Chrales Portis

Opere di Charles Portis

Il grinta (1968) 4,374 copie, 212 recensioni
The Dog of the South (1979) 846 copie, 41 recensioni
Norwood (1966) 522 copie, 22 recensioni
Masters of Atlantis (1985) 478 copie, 19 recensioni
Gringos (1991) 331 copie, 9 recensioni
Escape Velocity: A Charles Portis Miscellany (2012) 106 copie, 4 recensioni
True Grit: Young Readers Edition (1999) 49 copie, 2 recensioni
The Best of John Wayne (1992) — Writer — 3 copie
Čovjek zvan hrabrost (2011) 2 copie

Opere correlate

True Grit [2010 film] (2010) — Original book — 388 copie, 4 recensioni
True Grit [1969 film] (1969) — Original book — 262 copie, 4 recensioni
Speed: Stories of Survival from Behind the Wheel (2002) — Collaboratore — 6 copie


Informazioni generali



True Grit in Westerns (Dicembre 2016)


laughed for two hours straight after reading this. “the naïve elegance of the American voice”
kaeriot | 211 altre recensioni | May 29, 2024 |
#765 in our old book database. Not rated.
villemezbrown | 211 altre recensioni | Apr 28, 2024 |
This was a great book made better by narrator Donna Tartt, who captured the language, the 'Twang', the salt and spice of the American West with every word. She was excellent. I read this book on the recommendation of Scott Smith and it did not disappoint.

But I suppose some credit is due to the author. You really get the sense that this was a lived experience or Portis, so well does he settle you into the milieu of his world. It's so full of rich detail on so many aspects of life in the period and in the place that it's no wonder it's been adapted into movies several times. It was a brilliant stroke to make his main character a female in this world, and make her push so hard against the patriarchy at every step. That enriched the characters and the storytelling and gave you a hero to cheer for at many points along the way.

It as also fun to meet the (in)famous Rooster Cogburn on the page, having seen several depictions on film. He is quite a character, but even he seems small in the presence of Mattie Ross. She's just one of the great, best drawn characters, male or female, in American literature.
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1 vota
jsmick | 211 altre recensioni | Apr 19, 2024 |
MASTERS OF ATLANTIS | read 2023-09

Portis's flat, journalistic delivery masks a thoroughgoing farce of American culture, and attentive readers steadily come to know more of what's going on than the characters. While Portis uses 3P omniscient throughout, he doesn't employ authorial asides to make this clear, and one result is a distinctive narrative tone. Masters of Atlantis is more serious than deadpan comedy and more sympathetic toward its characters than mockery or ridicule.

Essentially Gnomonism --the mystery cult driving the plot-- is rooted in a classic con, but Jimmerson, the believer behind its rise in America, doesn't realise this himself. It's important to note a few things before dismissing Portis's tale as simply a comedy of simpletons duped by nonsense and conned into buying a bill of goods.

● Portis never addresses whether the mysteries are real or not; the closest he gets is in describing the reactions of other characters and currents in American society. The reader is no wiser than the characters on this specific point.

● Jimmerson is described as unfailingly sincere in his efforts at sharing the mysteries with Americans; if Gnomonism isn't "real", Jimmerson at worst is unwitting perpetrator, never shyster. This is not to say the story doesn't treat of shysters nor that the Gnomon Society avoids this part of the American character, merely that the story is not solely or even principally about that.

● The character representing establishment opposition to Gnomonism generally, and Jimmerson and Hen personally, is that of Pharris White, a lawyer, former adept, and current FBI agent every bit as absurd, comical, and inept as any Gnomon. Portis presents us with no America more competent or less absurd than that of the Gnomons.

This story is not about the mysteries purportedly at the heart of Gnomonism, then. It's about people who believe in the mysteries, the people they attempt to win over, others who seek out Gnomons to persuade of other things "more important", and finally the reactions of everyone else these various characters encounter. The bewildering plot and intertwined interests form the North American companion to Foucault's Pendulum, that very Continental novel of secret societies and conspiracies (enticingly published just a few years after Portis's novel).


To read:
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1 vota
elenchus | Apr 1, 2024 |


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