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Amy ClipstonRecensioni

Autore di A Gift of Grace

80+ opere 4,398 membri 484 recensioni 5 preferito


WBCLIB | 8 altre recensioni | Jun 12, 2024 |
From beginning to end this is a sweet read that you hope will end the way you want it to.

The author does highlight, from personal experience, kidney transplants! Then throw in some sweet romance, along with some secrets, and you will be page turning for answers.

There is a lot of heartbreak and betrayal here, and obstacles to overcome, or will they. Close held secrets may be their undoing, and we are there to see how everything unfolds!

What a sweet story to get lost in!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Thomas Nelson, and was not required to give a positive review.
alekee | May 26, 2024 |
Bethany operates the coffee corner in Bird-in-Hand's marketplace. Each Saturday morning Micah Zook and his grandfather Enos pay her a visit to sample her flavors. Two of her cousins married. One is temporarily on leave from the market; the other who just had a small child will be setting up her baking business at a stand at her home when the child is old enough for her to do so. Bethany's feeling that all the guys like her cousins but that she's just not the type they choose to wed. She's attracted to Micah, but Micah's running from his past--a bad relationship with his father and an engagement that ended with his beloved dying. Can he open up his heart to Bethany? I enjoyed this story. Clipston is quickly becoming one of my favorite Amish fiction authors because of her interesting stories.
thornton37814 | 9 altre recensioni | May 7, 2024 |
In this latest installment in the Amish Legacy series, a young couple struggles to overcome fears and misunderstandings to forge a loving and solid relationship. Kira is visiting Pennsylvania from her Indiana home in order to help her Aunt Ellen take care of her children and her newborn baby. However, Kira is also trying to recover from her broken engagement, so she is understandably uncertain when she meets Jayden, with whom she feels an instant connection. This sweet and clean Christian novel tells the story of these two sweethearts and how they overcome their fears about a new relationship. Along the way, Kira and her new friends play matchmaker to an older couple.

Readers familiar with the other novels in this series will encounter old friends as well as a new part of the continuing storyline. However, this novel can also be read as a standalone novel. The Christian message is overt, and the story contains no descriptive violence, steamy scenes, or strong language.

I received this novel from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are my own.
LadyoftheLodge | 2 altre recensioni | Apr 20, 2024 |
still love Amy’s books but I feel like this one showed a lot of judgement from the community that wouldn’t necessarily there after so many years.
libraryofemma | 7 altre recensioni | Apr 18, 2024 |
I have had an ARC of this book for what feels like forever. Every few months I went back and started reading the book but lost interest quite quickly. I have enjoyed almost every Amy Clipston book in the past but this one just missed the mark for me. It felt a like a very stereotypical Amish novel. Maybe I will give this book a chance in the future, but that day is not today.
Rating: DNF
*I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All thoughts are my own and a positive review was not required.
libraryofemma | 10 altre recensioni | Apr 18, 2024 |
Oh boy. I have very mixed feelings about this book. Let me explain.
I am one of Clipston's biggest fans (if I do say so myself). I have not read one of her books that I did not like until this one. I often recommend her novels to others (the Roadside Assistance trilogy is phenomenal.) One huge compliment I have about this book is that I was drawn into the story despite what I did not like.
A Welcome at Our Door was a bit different. I still love Clipston's writing. I felt like the romance between Drew and Cindy could have been in a YA romance novel. :( The novel was a bit cheesy and I felt the Romeo and Juliet vibes. (that was alright, I guess)
Even though this was not my favorite book, I will still be reading more works written by Amy Clipston in the future.

Rating: 3 Stars
Content: 4 Stars
*I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the publisher. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.
libraryofemma | 8 altre recensioni | Apr 18, 2024 |
The Heart’s Shelter by Amy Clipston is the fourth An Amish Legacy Novel. We get Jayden’s story in this addition. I have liked Jayden since the beginning, and I have been looking forward to his tale. I find Jayden to be a kind man with a good heart. I thought The Heart’s Shelter was a sweet story, but I found it to be repetitive. I like the Bontrager family as well as Kira’s aunt. I had trouble liking Kira. She is older than Jayden, but he was the more mature person in the relationship. I did like that Kira and her group of friends did kind deeds for those who were struggling in the community. I thought the story lacked depth. The same details are repeated in each chapter. I liked catching up with the other characters in the series. I have enjoyed seeing them develop and watching the Bontrager family grow closer. The Heart’s Shelter can be read as a standalone as the author provided the necessary background information for new readers.
Kris_Anderson | 2 altre recensioni | Feb 16, 2024 |
After Seth dies in a work accident, Jason blames himself for not being there to catch him, and Veronica his girlfriend is grieving in her own way. When Jason spots Veronica at the funeral, he knows he wants to spend time with her and share the grief they both experience. When Veronica finds an old family recipe, she begins baking raspberry pies and making jams and jellies to sell at a stand. When Jason visits the stand, he can't find a way to share he knew Seth because his attraction to Veronica is so strong. With the help of their families, the two struggle through their grief and the awkwardness of the situation. I listened to the audiobook, and it was easy to follow and a great way to spend time while commuting to and from work.
thornton37814 | 11 altre recensioni | Feb 15, 2024 |
WBCLIB | 9 altre recensioni | Feb 9, 2024 |
WBCLIB | 8 altre recensioni | Feb 9, 2024 |
My Review:

Rating and Recommendation: 3 stars, and recommended for 13 up.

My Thoughts on Their True Home by Amy Clipston:

This was a cute opening to this collection of Amish stories. I loved the characters and their story. Having read Amy Clipstion’s books before I knew I would enjoy this one . . . and I did though it may now be my favorite of her Amish books! *wishes it was longer* And that cover is so beautiful! If you like Amish books you need to check this one out. A plus was that it wasn’t too over the top with the characters not wanting to admit that they aren’t good together though they do protest loving each other – of course.

My Thoughts on A Reunion of Hearts by Beth Wiseman

Wow, I’ve never read an Amish book like this and I’m not sure if I liked it or not . . . I didn’t care for the theme of divorce. I liked the story otherwise and Becky was super cute! I loved the ending and the beginning was okay. I’m just going to say that it was the oddest Amish book I’ve ever read and yet it was a slightly enjoyable book. If I hadn’t read books by the author I would have assumed that the author knew nothing about Amish but I know she does know a good bit from other books and Beth Wiseman seems to take an overdone Amish story and turn it into a new idea.

My Thoughts on A Chance to Remember by Kathleen Fuller

Awwwwwwwwww! This one was really sweet and adorable, with an older couple and a granddaughter. Characters may or may not have gotten lost a time or two but . . . I’m not saying they did. I was surprised that a relationship was even considered since Richard isn’t Amish . . . I feel that it was slightly unrealistic even if sweet.

My Thoughts on Mended Hearts by Kelly Irvin

I haven’t read the last story in the collection yet but may at a later date.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program as well as NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

abigailkayharris | 8 altre recensioni | Jan 1, 2024 |
I've been anxiously awaiting Korey's story, and it did not disappoint! A truly wonderful book! I loved getting to know Savannah Zook! She's a great sister and friend. Korey and Savannah agree to pretend to date, but little do they realize that true love is waiting! A definite must read!
Sassyjd32 | 3 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
A sweet romance story with fantastic characters! Christine is a successful business owner, a doting aunt and a little lonely. Brent has had a bit of hard luck in business and love. Aunt Midge is my favorite character! She's fiesty and not afraid to share her opinion! Christine and Brent soon discover their true treasure is in each other! A definite must read!
Sassyjd32 | 4 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
A heartwarming Amish story filled with hope, love and the importance of family and trust in God.
Sassyjd32 | 6 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
Every book by Amy Clipston just gets better and better! Wholesome romance that grips your heart. The characters are relatable and genuine. The setting is sublime- the beach, my favorite! I felt as if the characters were friends of mine and I was experiencing life's twist and turns with them.
Maya, a romance writer, has just had her heart broken by a fiancé that called it quits and the death of her Aunt CeCe. She decides to move to Coral Cove and take over her aunts toy store. There she meets two people who will change her life. Veterinarian, Brody and his daughter Ashlyn run an adoption agency for pets. Ashlyn talks Maya into adopting a kitten and inspires Maya to expand her store by offering princess tea parties. Brody and Maya grow close but they both are hesitant to commit. They must decide if they can give love another chance.
Sassyjd32 | 9 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
Four Amish books by we'll known authors! I enjoyed each one of these books immensely!
Sassyjd32 | 9 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
Four great novellas by some fantastic authors! I really enjoyed all of them.
Sassyjd32 | 9 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
A wonderful Amish story filled with poignant life lessons of family, love, forgiveness, and faith in God.
A beautiful love story between two people who are wary of commitment. Jamie is a volunteer fire fighter and Kayla lost her brother Simeon to a fire. They each must decide if love is worth fighting for.
Sassyjd32 | 12 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
Great novels by some wonderful authors!
Kristina has found solace in being a midwife. While she rejoices at each new birth she longs for a husband and children of her own. Aiden, her ex boyfriend moves back into town and their romance is rekindled.
Joanna is debating whether she should continue being a midwife after an unfortunate incident. Her friend Dwight's sister insists that Joanna be her midwife. Dwight helps Joanna overcome her past and he promises her a future with him.
Anna takes over for her aunt as midwife on Christmas day. Her night turns exciting with three deliveries. Asa is her driver for the night and he and Anna find true love.
Sassyjd32 | 5 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
I really enjoyed reading this book! These are some of my favorite authors and they never disappoint.
Joanne hears about the loss of Colin's grandmother's quilt and decides to remake it. Colin is wary of letting Joanne into his heart because whoever he married would have to take care of his grandmother. Things work out in the end!
Alex is coming back home from traveling and the only seat on the bus is with Susie. Susie has always had a crush on Alex and can't believe her luck. Her mother tries to convince her that Alex will leave and never come back; just like her father did. He goes away to help a friend but his heart calls him back to Susie.
Rosie wants to be the top earner in the Pinecraft Mennonite Quilt Sale. But God has other plans. Tim, her sisters husband's brother comes to visit and wants to do touristy things. Her sister is pregnant and overwhelmed with her 4 year old twins. She is forced to get her priorities straight and perhaps find true love.
Sassyjd32 | 6 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
A great compilation of short novels by some of my favorite authors. I enjoyed all of the novels but I liked "Baskets of Sunsine" best!
Kevin works for Phoebe's dad and is anxious to start a family. Phoebe is instantly attracted to Kevin but he shies away from her. Eventually they learn that they love each other.
Esther works with Jasper at his families store. Jasper's father has a heart attack and Jasper must take over running the store. He and Esther are stuck overnight when the store loses power due to a storm. Overcoming their shyness the find that they like each other.
Nina and Ira are fishing buddies but Nina longs for more. She attempts to let Ira know how she feels but each attempt leads to disaster. Ira finally realizes that he loves Nina and they come together.
Faith and David had went on a date 4 years ago that had a disastrous ending. David must learn compassion as he realizes that Faith is dehabilitated by claustrophobia. They find some old love letters that help them to rethink the past and move on to the future.
Sassyjd32 | 11 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
This was a really good book! I love this compilation of authors. My favorite was "The Cedar Chest".
Susie asks her old boyfriend to repair her grandparents rocking chairs. Leon soon realizes that he still has feelings for Susie. Susie must follow her heart and it leads to Leon.

Emma decides to open her great gramothers cedar chest and finds a love story that unfolds through letters. These letters help her daughter to realize that all married couples have tough times even her own mothers.

Shane has felt like he should become Amish. He's reunited with Lucy, an old friend. She has kept an antique Bible that he gave her. They decide to see 8f their friendship can blossom into something more.

Iris is a midwife who longs for babies of her own. She doesn't realize that Mahon cares for her because she's nursing a broken heart. Mahon brings a pregnant teenage girl to Iris's house and the girl leaves her baby behind. Iris nurtures the baby and has a hard time letting her go when her mother comes back. Mahon fills the hole in her heart.
Sassyjd32 | 7 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
This was a pretty interesting book. It did kind of drag on for me. I have mixed feelings about the main character. I sympathized with her loss but found that her stubbornness almost cost her, her happiness.
Cindy lost her mother 7 years ago to a tragic accident. She feels like her entire family has moved on but she can't. She questions her faith.
Drew is an Englisher who starts working at a nearby farm. He and Cindy start a secret relationship. She struggles with leaving her faith or bring with Drew. Through many heartbreaking circumstances they finally decide to join the Amish faith.
Sassyjd32 | 8 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |