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The View from Coral Cove

di Amy Clipston

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When a jilted romance novelist escapes to a small beach town, the last thing she expected to find was the start of an even better love story. In the wake of a broken engagement and the death of her last surviving family member, romance novelist Maya Reynolds moves to the haven of Coral Cove, North Carolina, to take over her great-aunt's toy store. Some of her grief is immediately eased by imaginative eight-year-old Ashlyn Tanner, who talks her into adopting a kitten and inspires Maya to create a princess tea-party room in the store. Ashlyn's dad, local veterinarian Brody Tanner, is quickly smitten by the newest resident of his hometown. As a single parent, he sacrifices a lot in order to give Ashlyn the world, so a romantic entanglement with Maya is not a distraction he is looking for. As the three develop a deepening bond in the seaside town where Maya experienced some of her happiest childhood memories, clouds cast a shadow over Maya's hope for the future: an impossible deadline looms over her next novel, a long-held secret by her late mother about Maya's absent father comes to light, and Brody's resolve to avoid romance seems unbreakable. But together, they just might discover that sometimes happy endings happen outside the pages of Maya's novels too.… (altro)
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Every book by Amy Clipston just gets better and better! Wholesome romance that grips your heart. The characters are relatable and genuine. The setting is sublime- the beach, my favorite! I felt as if the characters were friends of mine and I was experiencing life's twist and turns with them.
Maya, a romance writer, has just had her heart broken by a fiancé that called it quits and the death of her Aunt CeCe. She decides to move to Coral Cove and take over her aunts toy store. There she meets two people who will change her life. Veterinarian, Brody and his daughter Ashlyn run an adoption agency for pets. Ashlyn talks Maya into adopting a kitten and inspires Maya to expand her store by offering princess tea parties. Brody and Maya grow close but they both are hesitant to commit. They must decide if they can give love another chance. ( )
  Sassyjd32 | Dec 22, 2023 |
rounded up from 4.75 stars ( )
  tackyj | Aug 3, 2023 |
Maya is still reeling from her broken engagement, which her fiancé called off with no explanation. She moves back to a place she had been happy as a child, her great aunt’s toy store in a small town. Though now a successful writer, she plans to run the store which she has inherited with her great aunt’s death. She chances to find a lost kitten at her store, which is followed by a little girl looking for the kitten, who is followed by a father looking for his little daughter. Yeah, readers know where this is all headed. It’s an interesting journey, as Maya finds a way to put her broken engagement behind her and move on with her life. She also must come to grips with a letter left to her by aunt, exposing a secret about Maya’s mother that directly affects Maya. The new man in her life is also working through some problems of his own. And we haven’t heard the last of the errant fiancé, either! Whew! It’s a lot to put in one book, but Amy Clipston manages it with delightful results. The story is well written and quite entertaining, and the characters are well developed and likable, especially the young girl. ( )
  Maydacat | Jun 13, 2022 |
A disillusioned author, a commitment-shy single father, and a beautiful small-town setting are the promises of a great story but throw in an adorable little girl and a kitten, and you're guaranteed a winning read! In her newest book, Amy Clipston displays her special talent for creating characters we'd all like to know, placing them in realistic situations, and then helping them work their way to a happy ending. These are the keys to satisfying fans of contemporary romance, and The View from Coral Cove is definitely satisfying!

Clipston poignantly shares Maya Reynold's varying emotions as she faces grief and loneliness, and her uncertainty about finding her long-absent father. She also paints a vivid picture of Brody Tanner's reluctance to allow Maya into his heart. Their slowly developing attraction is a joy to savor, but it is the special connection between Maya and Brody's daughter that is especially touching! Who wouldn't love this little girl who is also hungry for a family?

If you're looking for a great beach read, grab a copy of The View from Coral Cove. It is a heartwarming story of friendship, hope, and a chance to begin again.

I received a copy of this book from the author and publisher. There was no obligation for a favorable review. These are my own thoughts. ( )
  fcplcataloger | May 27, 2022 |
Title: The View from Coral Cove
Author: Amy Clipston
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"The View from Coral Cove" by Amy Clipston

My Assessment:

'The View from Coral Cove' was a sweet romantic read that one will find hard to put down until the end. The read was about 'family, friendship, forgiveness, reconciliation, trust and new love' that will have you enjoying the read with some awesome characters from the story. The heroine has been through a lot after losing her mother and great aunt; she has moved to Coral Cove after her ex-boyfriend Kyle has called off the wedding. However, Maya meets some beautiful people like Ashlyn and her father Brody, all due to an energetic kitten as she has now run her great aunt Cece's toy store in Coral Cove.

The story moves along quite nicely as Maya finds a letter that leads her to the father that she has always wanted in her life. Why did her mom and aunt not tell Maya about him? As things seem to be going well for Maya, her interest in Brody becomes evident. But will Brody have the same feelings for Maya? What had happened in Brody's life that kept him not wanting to move too fast in a relationship? What will happen when Maya's ex comes back into the picture?

The questions and more will be answered after the reader picks up "The View from Coral Cove," as this author tells a captivating story.

Thank you, Netgalley and Thomas Nelson, for allowing me to read this book for an honest review. ( )
  arlenadean | May 9, 2022 |
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When a jilted romance novelist escapes to a small beach town, the last thing she expected to find was the start of an even better love story. In the wake of a broken engagement and the death of her last surviving family member, romance novelist Maya Reynolds moves to the haven of Coral Cove, North Carolina, to take over her great-aunt's toy store. Some of her grief is immediately eased by imaginative eight-year-old Ashlyn Tanner, who talks her into adopting a kitten and inspires Maya to create a princess tea-party room in the store. Ashlyn's dad, local veterinarian Brody Tanner, is quickly smitten by the newest resident of his hometown. As a single parent, he sacrifices a lot in order to give Ashlyn the world, so a romantic entanglement with Maya is not a distraction he is looking for. As the three develop a deepening bond in the seaside town where Maya experienced some of her happiest childhood memories, clouds cast a shadow over Maya's hope for the future: an impossible deadline looms over her next novel, a long-held secret by her late mother about Maya's absent father comes to light, and Brody's resolve to avoid romance seems unbreakable. But together, they just might discover that sometimes happy endings happen outside the pages of Maya's novels too.

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