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An Amish Reunion: Four Amish Stories

di Amy Clipston

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559485,957 (4.33)1
Their True Home by Amy Clipston : When Marlene Bawell moved from Bird-in-Hand ten years ago, she was in the deepest of mourning for her mother. Now her family has moved back so her father can seek employment after being laid off. To help save money, Marlene works at the hardware store owned by Rudy Swarey's father. She knew Rudy growing up and had a secret crush on him, though he never seemed to notice her. But just as a friendship between them begins to blossom, her life is once again turned upside down. Will Marlene ever have a chance to find her own true home? A Reunion of Hearts by Beth Wiseman : Ruth and Gideon Beiler experienced one of life's most tragic events. Unable to get past their grief, the couple abandoned their Amish faith and went in different directions, though neither could bear to formally dissolve the marriage. When their loved ones reach out to them to come home for a family reunion, Ruth has reason to believe that Gideon won't be there. Gideon also thinks that Ruth has declined the invitation. Family and friends are rooting for them to reunite, but will it all be enough for Ruth and Gideon to get past their grief and recapture a time when they were in love and had a bright future ahead of them? A Chance to Remember by Kathleen Fuller : Cevilla Schlabach, Birch Creek's resident octogenarian matchmaker, is surprised when Richard, a man from her Englisch past, arrives in Birch Creek for a visit. While he and Cevilla take several walks down memory lane, they wonder what the future holds for them at this stage of life--friendship, or the possibility of something else? Mended Hearts by Kelly Irvin : At eighteen Hannah Kauffman made a terrible mistake. Her parents and members of her Jamesport Amish community say they've forgiven her. But she feels their eyes following her everywhere she goes with eighteen-month-old Evie. Thaddeus, Evie's father, escaped this fate by running away from Jamesport. Now that Thaddeus is gone, Hannah's old friend Phillip is stepping up to be by her side. He has waited patiently for Hannah to realize just how much he cares for her. But when Thaddeus returns after two years, Hannah can't deny the love she feels for him. Does the fact that Phillip has waited patiently for her all this time mean that she owes him something? Can she trust either one of them? Can she trust herself? She has repented and been forgiven by the One who is most important--her heavenly Father. But is she willing to risk making more mistakes by opening herself up to love?… (altro)
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My Review:

Rating and Recommendation: 3 stars, and recommended for 13 up.

My Thoughts on Their True Home by Amy Clipston:

This was a cute opening to this collection of Amish stories. I loved the characters and their story. Having read Amy Clipstion’s books before I knew I would enjoy this one . . . and I did though it may now be my favorite of her Amish books! *wishes it was longer* And that cover is so beautiful! If you like Amish books you need to check this one out. A plus was that it wasn’t too over the top with the characters not wanting to admit that they aren’t good together though they do protest loving each other – of course.

My Thoughts on A Reunion of Hearts by Beth Wiseman

Wow, I’ve never read an Amish book like this and I’m not sure if I liked it or not . . . I didn’t care for the theme of divorce. I liked the story otherwise and Becky was super cute! I loved the ending and the beginning was okay. I’m just going to say that it was the oddest Amish book I’ve ever read and yet it was a slightly enjoyable book. If I hadn’t read books by the author I would have assumed that the author knew nothing about Amish but I know she does know a good bit from other books and Beth Wiseman seems to take an overdone Amish story and turn it into a new idea.

My Thoughts on A Chance to Remember by Kathleen Fuller

Awwwwwwwwww! This one was really sweet and adorable, with an older couple and a granddaughter. Characters may or may not have gotten lost a time or two but . . . I’m not saying they did. I was surprised that a relationship was even considered since Richard isn’t Amish . . . I feel that it was slightly unrealistic even if sweet.

My Thoughts on Mended Hearts by Kelly Irvin

I haven’t read the last story in the collection yet but may at a later date.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program as well as NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

( )
  abigailkayharris | Jan 1, 2024 |
Their True Home - by Clipston
A Reunion of Hearts - by Wiseman
A Chance to Remember - by Fuller
Mended Hearts - by Irvin
  JimandMary69 | Aug 16, 2023 |
I love books like this because readers get to read stories from four amazing authors. They each have a gift for writing and giving us characters we can relate to. Sit back and enjoy these stories about reunions, family, love and hope.


It is not always easy to come home especially for Marlene and her family. Her father is very concerned about providing for his family since he lost his job. His decision to return to their home they had ten years ago is very hard on the family. I loved how the family pitched in to help with chores and expenses. Her dad is still grieving the loss of his wife and I think his pride is a little hurt having to return to the town he left long ago. When Marlene finds a job to help out, I wondered if her father would be pleased with her. Rudy and Marlene hit if off pretty well and working together helps build a good friendship. I liked the story and how welcoming the community was to Marlene and her family. What will happen when Marlene’s dad gets news of a job from the town they just left? Can Marlene convince her dad that they are already home? Lovely story of finding your way home and falling in love.


My heart ached as I read that Ruth was coming home for a reunion that would bring back painful memories. I could feel her grieve as she relived the day she received news that her precious daughter and mother-in-law had died in an accident. The pain was too much for Ruth and her husband Gideon. They both left their faith and went their separate ways. Will the reunion heal their wounds? Can it bring them back together? Ruth’s fear is great and she will have to let God help her through her grief and take away any fear she has. I felt sorry for Gideon who was hurting but didn’t really know what to say to Ruth. The story is about healing not just from losing someone but losing faith in God. It is emotional at times and I could feel Ruth and Gideon pain as they shared how hard it was for them to lose their child. Can God restore their marriage? Will forgiveness bring them closer to each other ? This reunion is full of tears, dealing with the past and allowing God to heal your broken heart.


There is no way not to fall in love with Cevilla. She is a wonderful character who welcomes Richard and his granddaughter to stay with her while they are in town. I love Cevilla's take charge attitude and sincere love of life. It had been awhile since Cevilla and Richard have seen each other. The author gives us a lovely story of two mature adults who reminiscence about their past together and along the way find happiness again with each other. Meghan is out of sorts in her live and maybe this visit will be just what she needs. Her love for her grandfather is obvious and together they will come to terms with the past and find new memories to cherish. We are all worthy of love and these characters will find out how much they are loved in this heart warming story.


Hannah is a sweet young lady who made a mistake according to the community and had been banned for a period of time. For her it seems like people are still treating her like she has not been forgiven. I liked how Hannah took responsibility and does her best to support herself and her little girl Evie. It angered me to read that the father skipped out and left Hannah all alone with a baby. The story is a wonderful example of forgiveness. I don't know how I would respond if the father of my child deserted us and then shows up two years later. We all want to be forgiven but for Hannah it is much more than forgiveness. For Hannah it is about trusting someone who broke your heart and left you to face the community on your own. The story is an emotional journey as two people try to repair the hurt from their past. I thought it was a great example of how easy it is to hold on to something you thought you had forgiven.

I received a copy of this book from the authors and Fiction Guild. The review is my own opinion. ( )
  Harley0326 | Apr 23, 2019 |
An Amish Reunion contains four heartwarming and appealing stories. I found them to be well-written with steady pacing. All four stories contain relatable characters and situations. They deal with grief, heartbreak, self-doubt, loss of faith, and trust issues. Grief affects each one of us differently. As one of the characters said in Reunion of the Hearts “people say all kinds of things when they are grieving”. People say things they do not mean and later regret. We get to see how it affected our characters and changed their lives. I enjoyed getting the stories on characters I have come to know and love from these authors series. Cevilla is known for playing matchmaker and now the tables are turned. Hannah was shunned for her disobedience, but while she has been forgiven, no one has forgotten. I have wanted to know what happened to Hannah after her shunning (and now I do). One of the phrases I appreciated from this novella was “it is never too late to right a wrong”. The Christian elements are woven throughout each story. We see the importance of faith and prayer in one’s life. Amy Clipston’s Their True Home was an engaging story. I am drawn in immediately, read too quickly and am sorry when the story ends (best kind of books). My favorite story was A Chance to Remember featuring Cevilla. It was such a sweet story that reminds us it is never too late to reconnect with a friend or to find love. My favorite phrase from that story is from Cevilla “I always put my trust in God and always will”. One expression that is especially meaningful is “love is a home where your heart can live forever”. There are discussion questions after each novella. I delighted in reading these four heartfelt and impactful Amish novellas. ( )
  Kris_Anderson | Apr 12, 2019 |
I love reading novellas, specifically Amish novellas. They are short, quick reads full of life, love, beautiful characters and inspirational messages. Each author creates a story that is different, yet within the collections they blend beautifully.

I loved all four of these novellas but my favorite was Amy Clipston’s Their True Home. I love Clipston’s writing style and how she instantly hooks you into the story. Her characters are flawed, yet perfect. Her messages flow magnificently within the story and by the time you realize you’re at the end of the story, you want more.

In Their True Home, Marlene returns home, and reconnects with old friends, especially Rudy. But, it’s not easy, and God truly is felt through this story of renewal, faith, and hope. Clipston had me hooked from page one, and I felt myself being transported to Bird-In-Hand, working along side Rudy and Marlene, feeling the emotional roller coaster they went through. The connection between Rudy and Marlene is powerful, and I loved watching them find their true place in life!

If you love the simplicity of the Amish life, the way they love with all they have and the way they believe in hope and forgiveness, then order this book now. It’s filled with tender characters, hope filled messages and beautiful writing styles. Definitely 4 star worthy!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley, Zondervan and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.* ( )
  cover2covercafe | Apr 11, 2019 |
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Their True Home by Amy Clipston : When Marlene Bawell moved from Bird-in-Hand ten years ago, she was in the deepest of mourning for her mother. Now her family has moved back so her father can seek employment after being laid off. To help save money, Marlene works at the hardware store owned by Rudy Swarey's father. She knew Rudy growing up and had a secret crush on him, though he never seemed to notice her. But just as a friendship between them begins to blossom, her life is once again turned upside down. Will Marlene ever have a chance to find her own true home? A Reunion of Hearts by Beth Wiseman : Ruth and Gideon Beiler experienced one of life's most tragic events. Unable to get past their grief, the couple abandoned their Amish faith and went in different directions, though neither could bear to formally dissolve the marriage. When their loved ones reach out to them to come home for a family reunion, Ruth has reason to believe that Gideon won't be there. Gideon also thinks that Ruth has declined the invitation. Family and friends are rooting for them to reunite, but will it all be enough for Ruth and Gideon to get past their grief and recapture a time when they were in love and had a bright future ahead of them? A Chance to Remember by Kathleen Fuller : Cevilla Schlabach, Birch Creek's resident octogenarian matchmaker, is surprised when Richard, a man from her Englisch past, arrives in Birch Creek for a visit. While he and Cevilla take several walks down memory lane, they wonder what the future holds for them at this stage of life--friendship, or the possibility of something else? Mended Hearts by Kelly Irvin : At eighteen Hannah Kauffman made a terrible mistake. Her parents and members of her Jamesport Amish community say they've forgiven her. But she feels their eyes following her everywhere she goes with eighteen-month-old Evie. Thaddeus, Evie's father, escaped this fate by running away from Jamesport. Now that Thaddeus is gone, Hannah's old friend Phillip is stepping up to be by her side. He has waited patiently for Hannah to realize just how much he cares for her. But when Thaddeus returns after two years, Hannah can't deny the love she feels for him. Does the fact that Phillip has waited patiently for her all this time mean that she owes him something? Can she trust either one of them? Can she trust herself? She has repented and been forgiven by the One who is most important--her heavenly Father. But is she willing to risk making more mistakes by opening herself up to love?

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