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An Amish Heirloom: A Legacy of Love, The Cedar Chest, The Treasured Book, A Midwife's Dream

di Amy Clipston

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A Legacy of Love by Amy Clipston Local volunteer fire fighter Leon King agrees to repair his ex-girlfriend Susie Bontrager's grandparents' antique rocking chairs for her future home with her fiance and is forced to acknowledge that his feelings for her have not quite gone away. As Susie spends time with Leon, she begins to recognize she is marrying the wrong man for all the wrong reasons. The Cedar Chest by Beth Wiseman Decades after inheriting her great grandmother's cedar chest, Emma Fisher decides to pry it open only to discover a beautiful love story in the form of letters between her great grandparents. But as Emma immerses herself in their story, family secrets are revealed, and she must decide whether to share them to preserve family history or honor her great grandparents' decision to leave them hidden. The Treasured Book by Kathleen Fuller For the past two years, Shane Broyles has felt God leading him to join the Amish. He's staying with his friends Noah and Ivy Schlabach in Birch Creek, OH, where he is reunited with Lucy Fisher, an old friend of Noah's family. Shane and Lucy have never revealed their feelings for each other, but when they stumble upon an antique Bible at a flea market, they feel drawn to each other and to the mystery of the contents found within. The Midwife's Dream by Kelly Irvin Iris Beachy serves as a midwife in her district where she longs for a family of her own. When her friend's brother Mahon Kurtz seeks her help in delivering the baby of two young teenagers who have sought refuge in their town, they begin to see each other in a different light. Unprepared for parenthood, the young couple leave their baby girl behind in an antique crib quilt resembling the one destined for Iris when she becomes a mother. Mahon and Iris come together to take care of the baby as they try to find her parents, and they begin to see new possibilities for their future.… (altro)
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This was a really good book! I love this compilation of authors. My favorite was "The Cedar Chest".
Susie asks her old boyfriend to repair her grandparents rocking chairs. Leon soon realizes that he still has feelings for Susie. Susie must follow her heart and it leads to Leon.

Emma decides to open her great gramothers cedar chest and finds a love story that unfolds through letters. These letters help her daughter to realize that all married couples have tough times even her own mothers.

Shane has felt like he should become Amish. He's reunited with Lucy, an old friend. She has kept an antique Bible that he gave her. They decide to see 8f their friendship can blossom into something more.

Iris is a midwife who longs for babies of her own. She doesn't realize that Mahon cares for her because she's nursing a broken heart. Mahon brings a pregnant teenage girl to Iris's house and the girl leaves her baby behind. Iris nurtures the baby and has a hard time letting her go when her mother comes back. Mahon fills the hole in her heart. ( )
  Sassyjd32 | Dec 22, 2023 |
An heirloom is defined as "a valuable object that has belonged to a family for several generations," and in An Amish Heirloom we read about four different heirlooms in four, beautifully written stories that weave the past with the present by way of one treasure.

"A Legacy of Love" by Amy Clipson
After the death of a fellow volunteer firefighter Leon King is reassessing the choices that he's made in his life. Seeing his ex-girlfriend Susie Bontrager on the arm of her fiancé doesn't help matters either. Susie was the one that got away and Leon is quickly figuring that out.

Susie is preparing the house that she will soon share with her fiancé Joshua Chupp and the first thing she wants to put in her new home is a pair of rocking chairs that were left to her by her grandparents but they are badly in need of repair and Susie asks Leon, who is a skilled woodworker, to repair them for her. These heirlooms bring Susie back into Leon's life and rekindles their friendship as well as reignites feelings that have been tucked away in both of their hearts.

I really enjoyed this story and how the author connects these two characters and weaves the past with both the present and the future. You can feel the confusion and dynamics that both the lead characters struggle through and as the reader you feel the constant will they won't that played out throughout the entire story. Wonderfully written and such a sweet story of legacy and love.

"The Cedar Chest" by Beth Wiseman
Catherine Fisher has an unwavering faith but she has recently started worrying about her daughter Emma. Catherine and Emma had always been close but since Emma got married and moved away Emma has been distant and untalkative and Catherine cannot figure out what might be wrong. A donation that Catherine wants to give to a local auction brings the two women into Catherine's basement where there lies an old cedar chest. Emma is instantly intrigued but the chest has been locked for decades with the key broken inside and even Catherine doesn't know the contents of the chest. Together the two women unlock the cedar chest and the contents not only bring out secrets from the past but it also brings out the secrets that Emma herself has been hiding.

I've never read anything by BethWiseman but this story was gripping from beginning to end. The reader is in constant wonder about where all of the secrets will leave the two women, as well as the fates of those whose secrets have been tucked away for so long. It was hard to put this story down, with the reader constantly wondering how the stories will eventually play out. A charming and wondrous premise that is marvelously written and a joy to read.

"The Treasured Book" by Kathleen Fuller
Lucy hasn't seen Shane Broyles in years but after a chance meeting it all comes flooding back to her as does the feelings that had one gripped her. What Lucy doesn't know is that Shane has been feeling a tug in his heart to join the Amish ever since meeting Lucy and her family. He has been staying with his Amish friends in Birch Creek, Ohio and Lucy is in Birch Creek to help care for an old family friend. When they had met in Iowa years before they had both had feelings for each other but there were several major complications that kept them apart. They had went to a flea market together and had found an old Bible and now, years later, they have found each other again in the most unlikely of places, and both want to explore not only the mystery of the Bible, but their feelings as well.

This was a sweet story but out of all of the novellas in An Amish Heirloom this one was my least favorite. In saying that there is nothing wrong with this story. The characters were lovable and I really liked the premise but there was something about the story that fell short with me. This is the first book that I've read by Kathleen Fuller but I will not let it be my last as she does have a decent writing style.

"The Midwife's Dream" by Kelly Irvin
Iris Beachy is the bridesmaid that is never a bride. She is a midwife who dreams of having a family of her own one day and with each delivery that she assists with her yearning grows stronger and stronger. One night, after helping with a very hard and long delivery, she is sought out by her friend Mahon to help deliver a baby of two young teenagers, neither of whom are ready for parenthood. When the baby finally arrives in the wee hours of the morning, Iris leaves the young family in her room and wakes the next morning to find the baby all alone with a note telling her that they will be back for the baby soon.

Iris tries as hard as she can to not fall in love with the sweet little girl, especially when the quilt that has been left for the baby looks just like the quilt that Iris will inherit once she has her first baby. Together Mahon and Iris care for the baby as well as reveal their feelings for each other.

I remember having those same yearnings years ago and can sympathize with Iris and her wanting a family of her own. You feel the tug she feels for this child as well as the craving for what others have that you do not possess. The character development for Iris was pretty in-depth but I wish there would've been a little more for Mahon, though I know with it being a novella that the author only has so much time to give to her characters.

All in all I thought it was a wonderfully sweet and beautiful story, as was all the novellas in An Amish Heirloom. They are clean, wholesome stories that really make you feel more than just Lovey-dovey. You do read stories of love but you also feel the friendship and community that comes with many Amish fictions. I highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to read stories that will uplift you and show you that you never know where an heirloom might lead you.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Zondervan through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. ( )
  cflores0420 | May 16, 2022 |
Each novella in this collection is a story of Christian faith and trust. The themes of these stories are tied together by items of importance, special to the family to whom each belonged. Often passed down through generations and given in love, these items represented the love of family to future offspring. Well written with endearing characters, these tales gently offer lessons in faith, in hope, and in love. ( )
  Maydacat | Feb 13, 2021 |

Legacy of Love by Am Clipston

I love reading stories by this author because she has a gift of making her characters come to life. Leon is a hard worker and seems a bit lonely. I loved the reaction he has when he runs into his old girlfriend Susie. Its not hard to imagine that he still cares for her. Having a relationship is hard when one wants to get married and the other isn't ready to make that commitment.

When Susie drops off rocking chairs for Leo to repair, I could instantly feel a spark between them. I would love to have those chairs on my front porch. The hours I would spend rocking in them with my husband would be priceless. Those chairs have a precious memory for Susie. Can Leon restore them back to their original beauty? Why does Susie keep visiting Leon even though she is engaged? The story is sweet and captures the beauty of what being in love with someone is.

The Cedar Chest by Beth Wiseman

From the beginning the author intrigued me when Emma and her daughter Catherine discover a forgotten cedar chest in the basement. The excitement as they open it is an attention grabber. The author has a unique ability to write stories that take us to different places and time periods with a sense of being there with the characters. I felt like I was peeking over their shoulders as the chest was opened. What they find inside will change Catherine in many ways. I loved how the author told a story of love and forgiveness. through a couple that lived many years ago. Married couples have problems and sometimes they decide not to fix them.

I loved reading about Isaac and Elizabeth as they tried to reconcile to each other. Through their story, Catherine was able to capture how dear her husband was. I admired Isaac and his willingness to protect Elizabeth. Their story is one that reminds me of my great granddad and great grandmother. They traveled by wagon to homestead their land. They were young but so in love. Many obstacles tried to keep them apart, but my great granddad said he never gave up. They had a wonderful life together and I treasured the stories that were shared about them. Catherine and Abram find themselves drifting apart. Will the letters that Catherine finds help her find peace? I loved this story so much because the author shares a love story of long ago that helps several characters find hope and unconditional love. I think I need to get a cedar chest and fill it will memories for my children to open after I am gone. What a treasure to leave behind family history that shows how God can change hearts.

The Treasured Book by Kathleen Fuller

I have never met anyone like Cevilla but I loved her character so much, She injured herself and has Lucy come stay with her. Lucy wants to help out anyway she can. Does Cevilla have another reason for Lucy being there? Shane is very interesting and has decided he wants to join the Amish church . I loved reading how Shane and Lucy hit it off with each other. I suspect there could be a little matchmaking going on . Cevilla is quite the character. She is feisty and at times very obvious at what she is trying to accomplish. Does Shane and Lucy have feelings for each other? I loved how the author writes a story with fun characters that make readers laugh. You can't help but love the humor that the author draws from the characters.

When an unexpected visitor shows up, will it cause friction between Shane and Lucy? Those darn silly people who get dumped just don't know when to give up. I would be furious if an ex showed up at the man's house I was visiting. This woman has some nerve. Now it's up to Shane to set her straight if he wants any chance with Lucy. Shane and Lucy will each have to examine their heart and see where God leads them. It's a great story about new beginnings and letting go of the past.

The Midwife's Dream by Kelly Irvin

Iris is a very gifted midwife. She loves what she does, but at times it is hard for her. She longs to have a child of her own but is waiting on God for the right time for it to happen. I love how excited she gets each time she helps bring a child into the world. Her smile is contagious and the parents are so comfortable with her there.

An unexpected delivery will surprises Iris. The girl is a mere teenager and the young man with her is not much older. They are not Amish but Iris helps them because she knows God would want her to. I was shocked to learn that the teens had left their baby behind. Why would they do that? They have confidence that Iris will take care of their child until they are able to provide for her. My first thought was how will Iris care for this precious child knowing that someday the parents could come back and claim her? This has to be put in God's hands for now until Iris can figure out what to do. The story is tenderhearted and explores how hard it is to give up something you love. I cried at the end because the author showed how God was there the whole time protecting the baby knowing what the outcome would be. Iris is a selfless person who has a heart filled with love and faith. You don't want to miss this story that will restore your faith in people.

At the end of each story the author's have provided discussion questions. I encourage you to read them and answer them with an humble and true heart.

I received a copy of this book from the authors and The Fiction Guild. ( )
  Harley0326 | Jun 5, 2018 |
This is a wonderful collection of stories! Amy, Kathleen, and Kelly are among authors that I love to read and read over again. An Amish Heirloom is beautifully written and collaborated, and each story brought something new to the table. As soon as I opened the book, I was hooked.

Amy, Kathleen and Kelly all wrote amazing stories for this novella. I loved the firefighter in Amy’s story! Of course, I’m married to one so I’m always partial to them. But, in trademark Amy fashion she creates a story that is believable and captivating, and full of second chances. Her characters, Leon and Susie, are chiseled perfectly and she always leaves me wanting more.

Kathleen’s story of longing and hope is stunning and also beautifully written. Shane and Lucy are sweet characters and I loved watching them interact! The connection they share over a Bible is felt throughout their story and I didn’t want it to end.

Kelly wrote a sweet story of a quilt and a baby bringing two people who have longed for each other together is another well rounded, believable story and I loved every second of it! Kelly, like Kathleen and Amy, is a well seasoned author when it comes to creating stories of hope, longing and inspiration.

However, despite me loving those stories, I wasn’t overly fond of Beth’s story in this one. For a while now, I’ve had a hard time getting into her stories. Something about her writing style has changed and I find it difficult to get into. But, I didn’t let that deter me. I read her story and pushed on and finished it, and while I didn’t care for this one, it still lent a nice piece to the collaboration.

That all said, this is a 4 star read for me! These ladies bring inspiring messages to the table for their fans and left me wanting more from them. Each story has something in it that is special to the characters, and really made miss my grandmother (she passed away in 2017), and how she would make everyone a quilt here, or give them something special there, to cherish and love. Well done ladies, and I look forward to another collaboration!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.* ( )
  JboyzMom | Apr 15, 2018 |
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A Legacy of Love by Amy Clipston Local volunteer fire fighter Leon King agrees to repair his ex-girlfriend Susie Bontrager's grandparents' antique rocking chairs for her future home with her fiance and is forced to acknowledge that his feelings for her have not quite gone away. As Susie spends time with Leon, she begins to recognize she is marrying the wrong man for all the wrong reasons. The Cedar Chest by Beth Wiseman Decades after inheriting her great grandmother's cedar chest, Emma Fisher decides to pry it open only to discover a beautiful love story in the form of letters between her great grandparents. But as Emma immerses herself in their story, family secrets are revealed, and she must decide whether to share them to preserve family history or honor her great grandparents' decision to leave them hidden. The Treasured Book by Kathleen Fuller For the past two years, Shane Broyles has felt God leading him to join the Amish. He's staying with his friends Noah and Ivy Schlabach in Birch Creek, OH, where he is reunited with Lucy Fisher, an old friend of Noah's family. Shane and Lucy have never revealed their feelings for each other, but when they stumble upon an antique Bible at a flea market, they feel drawn to each other and to the mystery of the contents found within. The Midwife's Dream by Kelly Irvin Iris Beachy serves as a midwife in her district where she longs for a family of her own. When her friend's brother Mahon Kurtz seeks her help in delivering the baby of two young teenagers who have sought refuge in their town, they begin to see each other in a different light. Unprepared for parenthood, the young couple leave their baby girl behind in an antique crib quilt resembling the one destined for Iris when she becomes a mother. Mahon and Iris come together to take care of the baby as they try to find her parents, and they begin to see new possibilities for their future.

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