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The Cherished Quilt

di Amy Clipston

Serie: Amish Heirloom (3)

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10310273,042 (4.73)Nessuno
"Emily Fisher is eager to meet the new employee at her father's shop in Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania. But when Christopher Hochstetler arrives, his cold demeanor freezes her attempts at building a friendship. Longing for a fresh start, Christopher travels from Ohio to Bird-in-Hand to work at his uncle's shop. Christopher's heart is still wounded from memories of home, and making new friends is the last thing on his mind--he knows the pain that comes with losing those you love. When Emily is kind to him, he tries to remain distant, but he soon finds himself stealing glances at her throughout the day. When Christopher shares his tragic reasons for leaving home, Emily decides to make a quilt for him as a gesture of their friendship. Even though he is not a member of the church, she's found someone with whom she can imagine a future. The two are quickly falling in love when a family emergency calls Christopher back to Ohio without warning. Emily finishes the quilt, in spite of her pain. But when Christopher receives it, will he have the courage to follow his heart?"--… (altro)
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  WBCLIB | Feb 9, 2024 |
When Chris leaves his home and parents to work in his uncle’s leather shop, he not only looking for a new way to earn a living, he is also fleeing an untenable home situation concerning his father. Emily decides he needs a friend. Clearly, he does, but it’s just as clear he has trouble accepting her friendship. This story is an interesting one, as the author deals with the questions that arise from misdirected guilt and responsibility, with the characters eventually arriving at acceptance. ( )
  Maydacat | Jun 13, 2020 |
This is a beautiful story where both Emily, the youngest of the Fisher sisters, and Christopher, a new comer to Bird in Hand, deal with guilt. There are various types of guilt and Amy showcases two very different types in The Cherished Quilt. Emily and Christopher’s romance starts off rocky turns to friendship and slowly blossoms into more mainly due to Emily’s compassionate nature. To show her friendship Emily decides to make Christopher a lap quilt out of material from her Mamm.

The way Amy brought family values, and traditions out in all three books was so inspiring. However, the heart-to-heart talks between Emily and her Mamm in this story really touched me, and don’t even get me started on the talks Emily and Christopher had. Let’s just say I had a hard time holding back the tears.

I received a complimentary copy (or ARC) of this book from the author via NetGalley. I was under no obligation to write a review, and all options expressed in this review are completely my own. ( )
  ladyharris | Jan 21, 2019 |
I was really looking forward to Emily's story - Emily who has been the one to help others, always putting her family first before herself - and Amy does not disappoint. This is clearly the best story in the series so far, but I think the final one will be the best. Who isn't curious about the parents, after all the clues throughout the first three titles, and this cliffhanger! ( )
  cecilywolfe | Jan 4, 2018 |
After finishing the Courtship Basket, I jumped right into the Cherished Quilt. And, since it's release date is November 29, I refuse to spoil it for anyone.

The youngest Fisher daughter, Emily, has watched her sisters fall in love, and despite her happiness for them, she is not wondering if there is someone out there for her too...

When Christopher arrives at his Uncle Hank and Aunt Tillie's to stay, Emily doesn't know his story, but knows that he needs a friend. What is his story?

If you want to know, you'll have to buy the book on November 29! ( )
  shannon.dolgos | Sep 5, 2017 |
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"Emily Fisher is eager to meet the new employee at her father's shop in Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania. But when Christopher Hochstetler arrives, his cold demeanor freezes her attempts at building a friendship. Longing for a fresh start, Christopher travels from Ohio to Bird-in-Hand to work at his uncle's shop. Christopher's heart is still wounded from memories of home, and making new friends is the last thing on his mind--he knows the pain that comes with losing those you love. When Emily is kind to him, he tries to remain distant, but he soon finds himself stealing glances at her throughout the day. When Christopher shares his tragic reasons for leaving home, Emily decides to make a quilt for him as a gesture of their friendship. Even though he is not a member of the church, she's found someone with whom she can imagine a future. The two are quickly falling in love when a family emergency calls Christopher back to Ohio without warning. Emily finishes the quilt, in spite of her pain. But when Christopher receives it, will he have the courage to follow his heart?"--

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