Puckers goes beyond 1001

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Puckers goes beyond 1001

Ago 31, 2020, 4:55 pm

My last thread finished with book number 1001, but Boxall’s 1001 list now extends to 1315 so I’ll continue with the journey here.

Modificato: Ott 13, 2023, 8:43 pm

Pre 1700

✔ Aesopus - Aesop's Fables
✔ Ovid - Metamorphoses Book 629
Chariton - Chaireas and Kallirhoe - Chariton
✔ Heliodorus - Aithiopika Book 632
✔ Anonymous - The Thousand and One Nights Book 400
Anonymous - The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter
✔ Shikibu, Murasaki - The Tale of Genji Book 1000
✔ Guanzhong, Luo - Romance of the Three Kingdoms Book 600
✔ Nai'an, Shi -The Water Margin Book 833
✔ Apuleius, Lucius - The Golden Ass Book 192
✔ Martorell, Joanot - Tirant lo Blanc Book 777
✔ de Rojas, Fernando - La Celestina Book 779
✔ De Montalvo, Garci Rodriguez - Amadis of Gaul Book 501
✔ Anonymous - The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes -Book 371
✔ Rabelias, Francois - Gargantua and Pantagruel Book 342
✔ de Camos, Luis Vaz - The Lusiad Book 354
✔ Ch'eng-en, Wu - Monkey - Journey to the West Book 287
Lyly, John - Euphues : The Anatomy of Wit
✔ Nashe, Thomas - The Unfortunate Traveller Book 395
✔ Deloney, Thomas - Thomas of Reading Book 497
✔ de Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel - Don Quixote
de Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel - The Travels of Persiles and Sigismunda
✔ del Castillo, Bernal Diaz - The Conquest of New Spain Book 270
✔ von Grimmelshausen, Hans - The Adventurous Simplicissimus Book 616
✔ Bunyan, John - The Pilgrim's Progress - John Bunyan
✔ de La Fayette, Madame - The Princess of Cleves Book 482
✔ Behn, Aphra - Oroonoko Book 238

1700 to 1799

✔ Swift, Jonathan - A Tale of a Tub Book 959
✔ Defoe, Daniel - Robinson Crusoe Book 490
✔ Haywood, Eliza - Love in Excess Book 632
✔ Defoe, Daniel - Moll Flanders
✔ Defoe, Daniel - Roxana Book 929
✔ Swift, Jonathan - Gulliver's Travels Book 823
✔ Swift, Jonathan - A Modest Proposal
✔ Fielding, Henry - Joseph Andrews Book 572
✔ Arbuthnot, John - Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus Book 1061
✔ Richardson, Samuel - Pamela Book 894
✔ Richardson, Samuel - Clarissa Book 221
✔ Smollett, Tobias George - Roderick Random Book 945
✔ Fielding, Henry - Tom Jones Book 1065
✔ Cleland, John - Fanny Hill Book 398
✔ Smollett, Tobias George - Peregrine Pickle Book 174
✔ Fielding, Henry - Amelia Book 839
✔ Lennox, Charlotte - The Female Quixote Book 252
✔ Voltaire - Candide Book 562
✔ Johnson, Samuel - Rasselas Book 681
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques - Julie; or, the New Eloise
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques - Emile; or, On Education
✔ Walpole, Horace - The Castle of Otranto Book 979
✔ Goldsmith, Oliver - The Vicar of Wakefield Book 605
✔ Sterne, Laurence - Tristram Shandy Book 911
✔ Sterne, Laurence - A Sentimental Journey Book 161
✔ Mackenzie, Henry - The Man of Feeling Book 552
✔ Smollett, Tobias George - Humphry Clinker Book 828
✔ von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang - The Sorrows of Young Werther
✔ Burney, Fanny - Evelina Book 338
✔ Rousseau, Jean-Jacques - Reveries of a Solitary Walker Book 916
✔ de Laclos, Pierre Choderlos - Dangerous Liaisons Book 473
✔ Rousseau, Jean-Jacques - Confessions Book 703
✔ Burney, Fanny - Cecilia Book 264
✔ de Sade, Marquis - The 120 Days of Sodom Book 502
✔ Moritz, Karl Philipp - Anton Reiser Book 1110
✔ Beckford, William Thomas - Vathek Book 236
✔ de Sade, Marquis - Justine Book 148
Xueqin, Cao - A Dream of Red Mansions
✔ Godwin, William - The Adventures of Caleb Williams
✔ Equiano, Olaudah - The Interesting Narrative Book 535
✔ Radcliffe, Ann - The Mysteries of Udolpho Book 141
✔ von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang - Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship Book 1069
✔ Lewis, M.G. - The Monk
✔ Burney, Fanny - Camilla Book 1015
Diderot, Denis - Jacques the Fatalist
✔ Diderot, Denis - The Nun Book 509
✔ Holderlin, Friedrich - Hyperion Book 646

1800 to 1849

✔ Edgeworth, Maria - Castle Rackrent Book 158
✔ Novalis - Henry of Ofterdingen Book 584
✔ Diderot, Denis - Rameau's Nephew Book 896
✔ von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang - Elective Affinities Book 602
✔ Edgeworth, Maria - The Absentee Book 541
✔ von Kleist, Heinrich - Michael Kohlhaas Book 423
✔ Austen, Jane - Sense and Sensibility Book 376
✔ Austen, Jane - Pride and Prejudice
✔ Austen, Jane - Mansfield Park Book 838
✔ Austen, Jane - Emma
✔ Scott, Sir Walter - Rob Roy Book 319
✔ Edgeworth, Maria - Ormond Book 1019
✔ Austen, Jane - Persuasion Book 730
✔ Austen, Jane - Northanger Abbey
✔ Shelley, Mary - Frankenstein Book 856
✔ Scott, Sir Walter - Ivanhoe Book 903
✔ Scott, Sir Walter - The Monastery Book 273
✔ Maturin, Charles Robert - Melmoth the Wanderer Book 782
Maturin, Charles Robert - The Albigenses
Hoffman, E.T.A. - The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr
✔ Hogg, James - The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner Book 145
✔ von Eichendorff, Joseph - The Life of a Good-for-Nothing Book 696
✔ Cooper, James Fenimore - Last of the Mohicans Book 480
✔ Manzoni, Alessandro - The Betrothed Book 771
✔ Stendhal - The Red and the Black Book 171
✔ Hugo, Victor - The Hunchback of Notre Dame Book 290
✔ Pushkin, Alexander - Eugene Onegin Book 744
✔ de Balzac, Honore - Eugenie Grandet Book 491
✔ de Balzac, Honore - Le Pere Goriot Book 176
✔ Gogol, Nikolay - The Nose Book 1070
✔ Dickens, Charles - Oliver Twist
✔ Dickens, Charles - The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby
✔ Conscience, Hendrik - The Lion of Flanders Book 479
✔ Stendhal - The Charterhouse of Parma Book 597
✔ Poe, Edgar Allan - The Fall of the House of Usher
Hildebrand - Camera Obscura
✔ Lermontov, Mikhail Yurevich - A Hero of Our Time Book 729
✔ Gogol, Nikolay - Dead Souls Book 603
✔ Dickens, Charles - A Christmas Carol Book 551
✔ de Balzac, Honore - Lost Illusions Book 1024
✔ Poe, Edgar Allan - The Pit and the Pendulum
✔ Dickens, Charles - Martin Chuzzlewit Book 440
✔ Poe, Edgar Allan - The Purloined LetterBook 889
✔ Dumas, Alexandre - The Three Musketeers Book 513
✔ Dumas, Alexandre - Le Reine Margot Book 372
Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino - Facundo
✔ Sand, George - The Devil's Pool Book 923
✔ Dumas, Alexandre - The Count of Monte-Cristo Book 136
✔ Bronte, Charlotte - Jane Eyre
✔ Thackeray, William Makepeace - Vanity Fair Book 526
✔ Bronte, Anne - Agnes Grey Book 164
✔ Bronte, Emily - Wuthering Heights
✔ Bronte, Anne - The Tenant of Wildfell Hall Book 409
✔ Gaskell, Elizabeth - Mary Barton Book 595
✔ Bronte, Charlotte - Shirley Book 418

1850 to 1899

✔ Dickens, Charles - David Copperfield Book 507
✔ Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The Scarlet Letter Book 625
✔ Melville, Herman - Moby Dick
✔ Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The House of the Seven Gables Book 229
✔ Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The Blithedale Romance Book 733
✔ Stowe, Harriet Beecher - Uncle Tom's Cabin Book 405
✔ Gaskell, Elizabeth - Cranford Book 559
✔ Bronte, Charlotte - Villette Book 179
✔ Dickens, Charles - Bleak House Book 200
✔ Thoreau, Henry David - Walden Book 149
✔ Dickens, Charles - Hard Times Book 633
Keller, Gottfried - Green Henry
✔ Gaskell, Elizabeth - North and South Book 985
✔ Flaubert, Gustave - Madame Bovary
Stifter, Adalbert - Indian Summer
✔ Eliot, George - Adam Bede Book 216
✔ Gocharov, Ivan - Oblomov Book 607
✔ Dickens, Charles - A Tale of Two Cities Book 193
✔ Collins, Wilkie - The Woman in White Book 259
✔ Eliot, George - The Mill on the Floss Book 333
✔ Trollope, Anthony - Castle Richmond Book 276
✔ Turgenev, Ivan - On the Eve Book 668
Multatuli - Max Havelaar
✔ Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The Marble Faun Book 1078
✔ Dickens, Charles - Great Expectations Book 753
✔ Eliot, George - Silas Marner Book 203
✔ Turgenev, Ivan - Fathers and Sons
✔ Hugo, Victor - Les Miserables Book 209
✔ Kingsley, Charles - The Water-Babies
✔ Dostoevsky, Fyodor - Notes from the Underground Book 317
✔ Le Fanu, Sheridan - Uncle Silas Book 723
✔ Dickens, Charles - Our Mutual Friend Book 863
✔ Carroll, Lewis - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Book 459a
✔ Verne, Jules - Journey to the Centre of the Earth Book 972
✔ Dostoevsky, Fyodor - Crime and Punishment
✔ Trollope, Anthony - The Last Chronicle of Barset Book 849
✔ Zola, Emile - Therese Raquin Book 358
✔ Collins, Wilkie - The Moonstone Book 478
✔ Alcott, Louisa May - Little Women
✔ Dostoevsky, Fyodor - The Idiot Book 669
✔ de Lautreaumont, Comte - Maldoror Book 1040
✔ Trollope, Anthony - Phineas Finn Book 951
✔ Flaubert, Gustave - Sentimental Education
✔ Tolstoy, Leo - War and Peace
✔ Trollope, Anthony - He Knew He Was Right Book 151
✔ Turgenev, Ivan - King Lear of the Steppes Book 967
✔ Carroll, Lewis - Through the Looking Glass Book 459
✔ Eliot, George - Middlemarch Book 460
✔ Turgenev, Ivan - Spring Torrents Book 564
✔ Butler, Samuel - Erewhon Book 425
✔ Dostoevsky, Fyodor -The Devils Book 1041
✔ Le Fanu, Sheridan - In a Glass Darkly
✔ Verne, Jules - Around the World in Eighty Days
✔ Leskov, Nikolai - The Enchanted Wanderer Book 731
✔ Hardy, Thomas - Far from the Madding Crowd Book 220
✔ Flaubert, Gustave - The Temptation of Saint Anthony Book 576
✔ Hardy, Thomas - The Hand of Ethelberta Book 1077
✔ Eliot, George - Daniel Deronda Book 536
Turgenev, Ivan - Virgin Soil
✔ Valera, Juan - Pepita Jimenez Book 279
de Queiros, Jose Maria Eca - The Crime of Father Amaro
Zola, Emile - Drunkard
✔ Tolstoy, Leo - Anna Karenina Book 300
✔ Hardy, Thomas - Return of the Native Book 330
Hernandez, Jose - Martin Fierro
✔ Strindberg, August - The Red Room
✔ Dostoevsky, Fodor - The Brothers Karamazov Book 508
✔ Wallace, Lew - Ben-Hur Book 784
Zola, Emile - Nana
✔ James, Henry - The Portrait of a Lady Book 350
Verga, Giovanni - The House by the Medlar Tree
de Assis, Joaquim Maria Machado - The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas
✔ Flaubert, Gustave - Bouvard and Pecuchet Book 417
✔ Stevenson, Robert Louis - Treasure Island
✔ de Maupassant, Guy - A Woman's Life Book 498
✔ Tolstoy, Leo - The Death of Ivan Ilyich Book 948
✔ Huysmans, Joris-Karl - Against the Grain Book 334
Alas, Leopoldo - The Regent's Wife
✔ de Maupassant, Guy - Bel-Ami Book 339
✔ Pater, Walter - Marius the Epicurean Book 875
✔ Twain, Mark - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Book 554
✔ Zola, Emile - Germinal Book 454
✔ Haggard, H. Rider - King Solomon's Mines Book 819
✔ Stevenson, Robert Louis - Kidnapped
✔ Hardy, Thomas - The Mayor of Casterbridge Book 432
✔ van Eeden, Frederik - The Quest Book 973
✔ Stevenson, Robert Louis - The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde Book 955
✔ Haggard, H. Rider - She
✔ Hardy, Thomas - The Woodlanders Book 1018
✔ Bazan, Emilia Pardo - The Manors of Ulloa Book 399
✔ Strindberg, August - The People of Hemso Book 957
✔ Perez Galdos, Benito - Fortunata y Jacinta Book 1042
✔ de Maupassant, Guy - Pierre and Jean Book 1044
✔ Stevenson, Robert Louis - The Master of Ballantrae Book 153
Vazov, Ivan - Under the Yoke
✔ D'Annunzio, Gabriele The Child of Pleasure Book 516
Couperus, Louis - Eline Vere
✔ Hamsun, Knut - Hunger Book 933
Strindberg, August - By the Open Sea
✔ Zola, Emile - La Bete Humaine Book 567
✔ France, Anatole - Thais Book 582
✔ Tolstoy, Leo - The Kreutzer Sonata Book 970
✔ Wilde, Oscar - The Picture of Dorian Gray
✔ Huysmans, Joris-Karl - Down There Book 655
✔ Hardy, Thomas - Tess of the D'Urbervilles
✔ Lagerlof, Selma - Gosta Berling's Saga Book 305
✔ Gissing, George - New Grub Street
✔ Morris, William - News from Nowhere Book 811
✔ Conan Doyle, Arthur - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
✔ Grossmith, George - Diary of a Nobody Book 618
✔ Gissing, George - Born in Exile Book 654
✔ Perkins Gilman, Charlotte - The Yellow Wallpaper Book 885
✔ Ross, Somerville - The Real Charlotte Book 1034
De Roberto, Federico - The Viceroys
✔ Hardy, Thomas - Jude the Obscure Book 619
✔ Fontane, Theodor - Effi Briest Book 577
✔ Wells, H.G. - The Time Machine
✔ Wells, H.G. - The Island of Dr. Moreau Book 804
✔ Sienkiewicz, Henryk - Quo Vadis Book 445
✔ Stoker, Bram - Dracula
✔ James, Henry - What Maisie Knew
✔ Wells, H.G. - The Invisible Man
✔ Galdos, Benito Perez - Compassion Book 588
Prus, Boleslaw - Pharoah
✔ Gide, Andre - Fruits of the Earth Book 756
✔ Wells, H.G. - The War of the Worlds
✔ James, Henry - The Turn of the Screw Book 675
Svevo, Italo - As a Man Grows Older
✔ de Assis, Joaquim Maria Machado - Dom Casmurro Book 489
✔ Chopin, Kate - The Awakening - Book 466
Fontane, Theodor - The Stechlin
✔ Gardonyi, Geza - Eclipse of the Crescent Moon Book 606
✔ Somerville and Ross - Some Experiences of an Irish R.M. Book 949
Salgari, Emilio - Sandokan: The Tigers of Mompracem

1900 to 1919

✔ Dreiser, Theodore - Sister Carrie Book 198
✔ Conrad, Joseph - Lord Jim Book 470
Schnitzler, Arthur - None but the Brave
✔ Kipling, Rudyard - Kim
✔ Mann, Thomas - Buddenbrooks Book 353
✔ Conan Doyle, Arthur - The Hound of the Baskervilles
✔ Conrad, Joseph - Heart of Darkness
✔ James, Henry - The Wings of the Dove Book 471
✔ Gide, Andre - The Immoralist Book 1068
✔ James, Henry - The Ambassadors Book 1032
✔ James, Henry - The Golden Bowl Book 658
✔ Childers, Erskine - The Riddle of the Sands Book 469
✔ London, Jack - The Call of the Wild Book 695
Schreber, Daniel Paul - Memoirs of my Nervous Illness
✔ Butler, Samuel - The Way of All Flesh Book 1023
✔ Rolfe, Frederick - Hadrian the Seventh Book 195
✔ Conrad, Joseph - Nostromo
✔ Forster, E.M. - Where Angels Fear to Tread Book 1060
✔ Wharton, Edith - The House of Mirth Book 189
Mann, Heinrich - Professor Unrat
Catala, Victor - Solitude
✔ Musil, Robert - Young Torless Book 825
✔ Galsworthy, John - The Forsyte Saga Book 241
✔ Sinclair, Upton - The Jungle Book 183
✔ Conrad, Joseph - The Secret Agent Book 415
✔ Gorky, Maxim - Mother Book 1072
✔ Hodgson, William Hope - The House on the Borderland Book 647
✔ Bennett, Arnold - The Old Wives' Tale Book 213
✔ London, Jack - The Iron Heel Book 745
✔ Barbusse, Henri - The Inferno Book 388
✔ Wells, H.G. - Tono-Bungay Book 964
✔ Forster, E.M. - A Room With a View Book 219
✔ Gide, Andre - Strait is the Gate Book 601
✔ London, Jack - Martin Eden Book 1104
✔ Stein, Gertrude - Three Lives Book 950
✔ Rilke, Rainer Maria - The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge Book 907
✔ Forster, E.M. - Howards End Book 515
✔ Roussel, Raymond - Impressions of Africa Book 917
✔ Allain, Marcel - Fantamos Book 177
✔ Wharton, Edith - Ethan Frome Book 443
Stephens, James - The Charwoman's Daughter
✔ Mann, Thomas - Death in Venice Book 705
✔ Lawrence, D.H. - Sons and Lovers
✔ Tressell, Robert - The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists Book 761
✔ Jimenez, Juan Ramon - Platero and I Book 678
✔ Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan of the Apes Book 344
Hesse, Herman - Rosshalde
Roussel, Raymond - Locus Solus
✔ Soseki, Natsume - Kokoro Book 831
✔ Buchan, John - The Thirty-Nine Steps Book 204
✔ Lawrence, D.H. - The Rainbow Book 719
✔ Maugham, W. Somerset - Of Human Bondage
✔ Woolf, Virginia - The Voyage Out Book 472
✔ Ford, Ford Madox - The Good Soldier
✔ Ryunosuke, Akutagawa - Rashomon Book 890
✔ Barbusse, Henri - Under Fire Book 224
✔ Joyce, James - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Wharton, Edith - Bunner Sisters
✔ Azuela, Mariano - The Underdogs Book 188
Timmermans, Felix - Pallieter
✔ Tagore, Rabindranath - The Home and the World Book 946
✔ Hamsun, Knut - Growth of the Soil Book 623
✔ Wharton, Edith - Summer Book 249
✔ Conrad, Joseph - The Shadow Line Book 271
✔ West, Rebecca - The Return of the Soldier Book 988
✔ Lewis, Wyndham - Tarr Book 740
✔ Woolf, Virginia - Night and Day Book 311

1920 to 1929

✔ Junger, Ernst - The Storm of Steel Book 685
✔ Lawrence, D.H. - Women in Love Book 437
✔ Lewis, Sinclair - Main Street Book 739
✔ Wharton, Edith - The Age of Innocence Book 566
Huxley, Aldous - Crome Yellow
✔ Lawrence, D.H. - The Fox Book 1093
✔ Papini, Giovanni - Life of Christ Book 1117
✔ Joyce, James - Ulysses Book 500
✔ Lewis, Sinclair - Babbit Book 368
✔ Lawrence, D.H. - Aaron's Rod Book 304
Kraus, Karl - The Last Days of Humanity
✔ Colette - Claudine's House Book 1037
✔ Sinclair, May - Life and Death of Harriett Frean Book 898
✔ Wharton, Edith - Glimpses of the Moon Book 969
Rebreanu, Liviu - The Forest of the Hanged
✔ Hesse, Herman - Siddhartha Book 638
Woolf, Virginia - Jacob's Room
✔ Cummings, E.E. - The Enormous Room Book 448
✔ Mansfield, Katherine - The Garden Party
✔ Undset, Sigrid - Kristin Lavransdatter Book 800
✔ Zweig, Stefan - Amok Book 844
✔ Huxley, Aldous - Antic HayBook 653
✔ Toomer, Jean - Cane Book 874
✔ Radiguet, Raymond - The Devil in the Flesh Book 904
✔ Svevo, Italo - Zeno's Conscience Book 937
✔ Forster, E.M. - A Passage to India Book 581
✔ Zamyatin, Yevgeny - We Book 1022
✔ Mann, Thomas - The Magic Mountain Book 450
✔ Arlen, Michael - The Green Hat Book 266
✔ Melville, Herman - Billy Budd, Foretopman Book 803
Sellase, Blattengeta Heruy Welde - The New World
✔ Cather, Willa - The Professor's House Book 302
✔ Gorky, Maxim - The Artamonov Business Book 609
✔ Kafka, Franz - The Trial
✔ Gide, Andre - The Counterfeiters Book 307
✔ Fitzgerald, F. Scott - The Great Gatsby
✔ Woolf, Virginia - Mrs. Dalloway re-read
✔ Passos, John Dos - Manhattan Transfer Book 1048
Mofolo, Thomas Chaka the Zulu
✔ Stein, Gertrude - The Making of Americans Book 1091
✔ Christie, Agatha - The Murder of Roger Ackroyd Book 150
✔ Pirandello, Luigi - One, No One and One Hundred Thousand Book 1030
✔ Lawrence, D.H. - The Plumed Serpent Book 285
Bernanos, Georges - Under Satan's Sun
✔ Hasek, Jaroslav - The Good Soldier Svejk Book 580
✔ Sandel, Cora - Alberta and Jacob Book 924
✔ Kafka, Franz - The Castle Book 687
✔ Green, Henry - Blindness Book 1075
✔ Hemingway, Ernest - The Sun Also Rises Book 1079
✔ Kafka, Franz - Amerika Book 250
✔ Zweig, Arnold - The Case of Sergeant Grischa Book 698
✔ Williamson, Henry - Tarka the Otter Book 984
✔ Woolf, Virginia - To The Lighthouse Book 747
✔ Proust, Marcel - Remembrance of Things Past Book 1001
✔ Hesse, Herman - Book 140
✔ Breton, Andre - Nadja Book 1028
✔ Larsen, Nella - Quicksand Book 716
✔ Waugh, Evelyn - Decline and Fall
✔ Rhys, Jean - Quartet
Lewis, Wyndham - The Childermass
✔ Tanizaki, Junichiro - Some Prefer Nettles Book 965
✔ Ford, Ford Madox - Parade's End Book 579
✔ Hall, Radclyffe - The Well of Loneliness
✔ Lawrence, D.H. - Lady Chatterley's Lover Book 546
✔ Woolf, Virginia - Orlando Book 352
✔ Bataille, Georges - Story of the Eye Book 1011
Shahnour, Shahan - Retreat Without Song
✔ Cocteau, Jean - Les Enfants Terribles Book 475
✔ Faulkner, William - The Sound and the Fury Book 570
✔ West, Rebecca - Harriet Hume Book 284
✔ Bowen, Elizabeth - The Last September Book 243
✔ Doblin, Alfred - Berlin Alexanderplatz Book 1049
✔ Remarque, Erich Maria - All Quiet on the Western Front Book 568
✔ Moravia, Alberto - The Time of Indifference Book 1109
✔ Green Henry - Living Book 613
✔ Hammett, Dashiell - The Red Harvest Book 1067
Wilson, Edmund - I Thought of Daisy
✔ Hemingway, Ernest - A Farewell to Arms Book 240
✔ Larsen, Nella - Passing Book 692
de Chirico, Giorgio - Hebdomeros
Wolfe, Thomas - Look Homeward, Angel

Modificato: Ott 13, 2023, 8:47 pm

1930 to 1939

✔ Hammett, Dashiell - The Maltese Falcon Book 556
✔ Waugh, Evelyn - Vile Bodies Book 453
✔ Manning, Frederic - Her Privates We Book 748
✔ Lewis, Wyndham - the Apes of God Book 1101
✔ Maugham, W. Somerset - Cakes and Ale Book 1038
✔ Hammett, Dashiell - The Glass Key Book 939
✔ Lewis, Saunders - Monica Book 815
Witkiewicz, Stanislaw Ignacy - Insatiability
✔ Woolf, Virginia - The Waves Book 855
✔ Bowen, Elizabeth - To the North Book 895
✔ Hammett, Dashiell - The Thin Man Book 621
✔ Celine, Louis-Ferdinand - Journey to the End of the Night Book 391
✔ Gibbon, Lewis Grassic - Sunset Song
Krieza, Miroslav - The Return of Philip Latinowicz
✔ Roth, Joseph - The Radetzky March Book 312
Slauerhoff, Jan Jacob - The Forbidden Realm
✔ Gibbons, Stella - Cold Comfort Farm Book 139
✔ Huxley, Aldous - Brave New World Book 225
✔ Mauriac, Francois - Vipers' Tangle Book 783
✔ Musil, Robert - The Man Without Qualities Book 1119
Eisschot, Willem - Cheese
✔ Malraux, Andre - Man's Fate Book 768
✔ Jameson, Storm - A Day Off Book 674
✔ Brittain, Vera - Testament of Youth Book 199
✔ Stein, Gertrude - The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas Book 873
✔ Sayers, Dorothy - Murder Must Advertise Book 699
✔ West, Nathanael - Miss Lonelyhearts Book 987
✔ Roth, Henry - Call it Sleep Book 914
✔ Schultz, Bruno - The Street of Crocodiles Book 926
✔ Wodehouse, P.G. - Thank You, Jeeves Book 659
✔ Fitzgerald, F. Scott - Tender is the Night Book 575
✔ Waugh, Evelyn - A Handful of Dust Book 356
✔ Miller, Henry - Tropic of Cancer Book 805
✔ Cain, James M. - The Postman Always Rings Twice Book 187
✔ Ageyev, M. - Novel With Cocaine Book 361
✔ Brecht, Bertolt - Threepenny Novel Book 289
Cioran, Emil - On the Heights of Despair
Aragon, Louis - The Bells of Basel
✔ Sayers, Dorothy L. - The Nine Tailors Book 893
✔ Orwell, George - Burmese Days Book 377
✔ Greene, Graham - England Made Me Book 615
✔ Bowen, Elizabeth - The House in Paris Book 412
✔ Canetti, Elias - Auto-da-Fe Book 135
✔ McCoy, Horace - They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
✔ Isherwood, Christopher - The Last of Mr. Norris Book 938
✔ Anand, Mulk Raj - Untouchable Book 367
✔ Laxness, Halldor - Independent People Book 401
✔ Barnes, Djuna - Nightwood Book 390
✔ Lovecraft, H.P. - At the Mountains of Madness Book 721
✔ Faulkner, William - Absalom, Absalom! Book 329
✔ MacPherson, Ian - Wild Harbour Book 746
✔ Capek, Karel - War with the Newts Book 373
✔ Orwell, George - Keep the Aspidistra Flying Book 798
✔ Mitchell, Margaret - Gone with the Wind Book 700
West, Rebecca - The Thinking Reed
✔ Huxley, Aldous - Eyeless in Gaza Book 1083
✔ Warner, Sylvia Townsend - Summer Will Show Book 980
✔ Hemingway, Ernest - To Have and Have Not Book 447
She, Lao - Rickshaw Boy
✔ Dinesen, Isak - Out of Africa Book 512
Lewis, Wyndham - The Revenge for Love
Jones, David - In Parenthesis
Gombrowicz, Witold - Ferdydurke
✔ Hedayat, Sadegh - The Blind Owl Book 1095
✔ Tolkein, J.R.R - The Hobbit
✔ Woolf, Virginia - The Years
✔ Hurston, Zora Neale - Their Eyes Were Watching God Book 837
✔ Steinbeck, John - Of Mice and Men
✔ Beckett, Samuel - Murphy Book 832
✔ Dos Passos, John - U.S.A. Book 518
✔ Greene, Graham - Brighton Rock Book 297
✔ Ambler, Eric - Cause for Alarm Book 364
Bartol, Vladimir - Alamut
✔ du Maurier, Daphne - Rebecca Book 522
✔ Satre, Jean-Paul - Nausea Book 301
✔ Watson, Winifred - Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day Book 834
Warner, Sylvia Townsend - After the Death of Don Juan
Krleza, Miroslav - On the Edge of Reason
✔ Chandler. Raymond - The Big Sleep Book 462
✔ Isherwood, Christopher - Goodbye to Berlin Book 671
✔ Orwell, George - Coming Up for Air Book 332
✔ Steinbeck, John - The Grapes of Wrath Book 919
✔ Green, Henry - Party Going Book 614
✔ Rhys, Jean - Good Morning, Midnight
✔ Miller, Henry - Tropic of Capricorn Book 1108
✔ O'Brien, Flann - At Swim-Two-Birds Book 861
✔ Joyce, James - Finnegans Wake Book 683

1940 to 1949

✔ Wright, Richard - Native Son Book 1043
✔ Buzzati, Dino - The Tartar Steppe Book 520
✔ Greene, Graham - The Power and the Glory Book 664
✔ Hemingway, Ernest - For Whom the Bells Toll Book 138
✔ Chandler, Raymond - Farewell My Lovely
✔ Faulkner, William - The Hamlet Book 442
✔ Woolf, Virginia - Between the Acts Book 274
✔ Hamilton, Patrick - Hangover Square Book 627
✔ Stead, Christine - The Man Who Loved Children Book 759
✔ Alegria, Ciro - Broad and Alien is the World Book 1002
✔ White, Patrick - The Living and the Dead
✔ O'Brien, Flann - The Poor Mouth Book 1116
Pavese, Cesare - The Harvesters
Vittorini, Elio - Conversations in Sicily
✔ Camus, Albert - The Outsider Book 166
✔ Faulkner, William - Go Down, Moses Book 1058
✔ Marai, Sandor - Embers Book 773
✔ Zweig, Stefan - Chess Story Book 999
✔ Hesse, Herman - The Glass Bead Game Book 1081
✔ Green, Henry - Caught Book 278
✔ Mann, Thomas - Joseph and His Brothers Book 555
✔ de Saint-Exupery, Antoine - The Little Prince Book 505
✔ Bellow, Saul - Dangling Man Book 406
✔ Borges, Jorge Luis - Ficciones Book 201
✔ Maugham, W. Somerset - The Razor's Edge Book 763
Seghers, Anne - Transit
✔ Lindgren, Astrid Book 246
✔ Green, Henry - Loving Book 612
✔ Mitford, Nancy - The Pursuit of Love Book 772
✔ Steinbeck, John - Cannery Row Book 517
✔ Orwell, George - Animal Farm
✔ Andric, Ivo - The Bridge on the Drina Book 369
✔ Levi, Carlo - Christ Stopped at Eboli Book 262
Breton, Andre - Arcanum 17
✔ Waugh, Evelyn - Brideshead Revisited Book 565
✔ Andric, Ivo - Bosnian Chronicle Book 726
✔ Roy, Gabrielle - The Tin Flute Book 1106
✔ Laforet, Carmen - Andrea Book 1092
Broch, Hermann - The Death of Virgil
✔ Peake, Mervyn - Titus Groan
✔ Kazantzakis, Nikos - Zorba the Greek Book 707
Green, Henry - Back
Caldwell, Erskine - House in the Uplands
✔ Calvino, Italo - The Path to the Nest of Spiders Book 1030
✔ Lowry, Malcolm - Under the Volcano Book 751
✔ Levi, Primo - If This Is a Man Book 737
✔ Queneau, Raymond - Exercises in Style Book 891
✔ Bellow, Saul - The Victim Book 431
✔ Camus, Albert - The Plague Book 456
✔ Mann, Thomas - Doctor Faustus Book 770
✔ Mahfouz, Naguib - Midaq Alley Book 419
Vian, Boris - Froth on the Daydream
✔ Cela, Camilo Jose - Journey to the Alcarria Book 1035
✔ Andrzejewski, Jerzy - Ashes and Diamonds Book 370
Moravia, Alberto - Disobedience
✔ Desani, G.V. - All About Hatterr Book 506
✔ Paton, Alan - Cry, The Beloved Country Book 876
✔ Greene, Graham - The Heart of the Matter Book 223
Agnon, Shmuel Yosef - In the Heart of the Seas
&$x2714 Borowski, Tadeusz - This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen Book 1021
Blanchot, Maurice - Death Sentence
✔ Orwell, George - Nineteen Eighty-Four Book 865
✔ Algren, Nelson - The Man with the Golden Arm Book 275
✔ Carpentier, Alejo - Kingdom of this World Book 458
✔ Bowen, Elizabeth - The Heat of the Day Book 434
✔ Mitford, Nancy - Love in a Cold Climate Book 801
✔ Serge, Victor - The Case of Comrade Tulayev Book 813

1950 to 1959

Vestdijk - The Garden Where the Brass Band Played
✔ Asimov, Isaac - I, Robot
✔ Lessing, Doris - The Grass is Singing Book 348
✔ Shute, Nevil - A Town Like Alice
✔ Pavese, Cesare - The Moon and the Bonfires Book 660
✔ Peake, Mervyn - Gormenghast Book 883
✔ Thurber, James - The 13 Clocks Book 781
✔ Greene, Graham - The Third Man Book 433
✔ Paz, Octavio - The Labyrinth of Solitude Book 877
✔ Bataille, Georges - The Abbot C Book 397
✔ Broch, Hermann - The Guiltless Book 1029
✔ Lagerkvist, Par - Barabbas Book 320
✔ Greene, Graham - The End of the Affair Book 549
✔ Beckett, Samuel - Molloy Book 402
✔ Camus, Albert - The Rebel Book 1031
✔ Salinger, J.D. - The Catcher in the Rye
✔ Gracq, Julien - The Opposing Shore Book 1073
✔ Asimov, Isaac - Foundation Book 154
✔ Beckett, Samuel - Malone Dies Book 403
✔ Wyndham, John - Day of the Triffids
✔ Yourcenar, Marguerite - Memoirs of Hadrian Book 590
✔ Thompson, Jim - The Killer Inside Me Book 899
✔ Cela, Camilo Jose - The Hive Book 465
✔ O'Connor, Flannery - Wise Blood Book 797
✔ Hemingway, Ernest - The Old Man and the Sea Book 635
✔ Ellison, Ralph - Invisible Man Book 532
Durrenmatt, Friedrich - The Judge and His Hangman
✔ Pym, Barbara - Excellent Women Book 167
✔ Kawabata, Yasunari - A Thousand Cranes Book 688
✔ Baldwin, James - Go Tell It on the Mountain Book 381
✔ Bellow, Saul - The Adventures of Augie March Book 205
✔ Fleming, Ian - Casino Royale Book 184
✔ Burroughs, William - Junkie
✔ Amis, Kingsley - Lucky Jim Book 1003
Carpentier, Alejo - The Lost Steps
Koeppen, Wolfgang - The Hothouse
✔ Beckett, Samuel - Watt Book 1013
✔ Beckett, Samuel - The Unnamable Book 404
✔ Chandler, Raymond - The Long Goodbye Book 998
✔ Hartley, L.P. - The Go-Between Book 630
✔ Laye, Camara - The Dark Child Book 718
Kosmac, Ciril - A Day in Spring
✔ Moravia, Alberto - A Ghost at Noon Book 810
✔ Reage, Pauline - The Story of O Book 905
✔ Murdoch, Iris - Under the Net Book 709
✔ Golding, William - The Lord of the Flies
✔ de Beauvoir, Simone - The Mandarins Book 492
✔ Sagan, Francoise - Bonjour Tristesse Book 806
✔ Koeppen, Wolfgang - Death in Rome Book 711
✔ Mishima, Yukio - The Sound of Waves Book 656
✔ Linna, Vaino - The Unknown Soldier Book 741
Lewis, Wyndham - Self Condemned
✔ Frisch, Max - I'm Not Stiller Book 463
✔ Pasolini, Pier Paulo - The Ragazzi Book 872
✔ Gaddis, William - The Recognitions Book 589
Rulfo, Juan - The Burning Plain and Other Stories
✔ Greene, Graham - The Quiet American
✔ Plunkett, James - The Trusting and the Maimed Book 888
✔ Bowen, Elizabeth - A World of Love Book 1026
✔ White, Patrick - The Tree of Man Book 829
✔ Kazantzakis, Nikos - The Last Temptation of Christ Book 1085
✔ Rosa, Joao Guimaraes - The Devil to Pay in the Backlands Book 900
✔ Nabokov, Vladimir - Lolita Book 251
✔ Highsmith, Patricia - The Talented Mr. Ripley Book 642
✔ Tolkien, J.R.R. - The Lord of the Rings
✔ Selvon, Sam - The Lonely Londoners Book 932
✔ Gary, Romain - The Roots of Heaven Book 269
✔ Barth, John - The Floating Opera Book 394
✔ Bellow, Saul - Seize the Day Book 548
✔ Baldwin, James - Giovanni's Room Book 996
✔ Durrell, Lawrence - Justine Book 525
✔ Thurber, James - The Wonderful "O" Book 952
Junger, Ernst - The Glass Bees
✔ Pasternak, Boris - Doctor Zhivago Book 870
✔ Nabokov, Vladimir - Pnin Book 827
✔ Kerouac, Jack - On the Road Book 254
Meri, Veijo - The Manila Rope
Ruyslinck, Ward - The Deadbeats
✔ Frisch, Max - Homo Faber Book 586
Bataille, Georges - Blue of Noon
✔ Wyndham, John - The Midwich Cuckoo Book 324
✔ White, Patrick - Voss Book 976
✔ Robbe-Grillet, John - Jealousy Book 908
Vesaas, Tarjei - The Birds
✔ White, John - The Once and Future King Book 808
✔ Barth, John - The End of the Road Book 1009
✔ Murdoch, Iris - The Bell Book 256
✔ Behan, Brendan - Borstal Boy Book 1014
✔ Gallico, Paul - Mrs 'Arris Goes to Paris Book 592
✔ Amado, Jorge - Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon Book 363
✔ Sillitoe, Alan - Saturday Night and Sunday Morning Book 936
✔ Achebe, Chinua - Things Fall Apart Book 228
✔ Dillon, Ellis - The Bitter Glass Book 511
✔ Narayan, R.K. - The Guide Book 836
✔ di Lampedusa, Giuseppe Tomasi - The Leopard Book 704
Arguedas, Jose Maria - Deep Rivers
✔ - Capote, Truman - Breakfast at Tiffany's Book 457
✔ Oe, Kenzaburo - Pluck the Bud and Destroy the Offspring Book 557
✔ Boll, Heinrich - Billiards at Half-Past Nine Book 411
✔ Spark, Muriel - Memento Mori Book 499
✔ Bellow, Saul - Henderson the Rain King Book 1016
✔ Mphahlele, Es'kia - Down Second Avenue Book 1094
✔ Lee, Laurie - Cider with Rosie Book 725
✔ Grass, Gunter - The Tin Drum Book 611
✔ Burroughs, William - Naked Lunch Book 422
✔ Waterhouse, Keith - Billy Liar Book 310
✔ MacInnes, Colin - Absolute Beginners Book 764

1960 to 1969

✔ Gary, Romain - Promise at Dawn Book 594
✔ Updike, John - Rabbit, Run
✔ Lee, Harper - To Kill a Mockingbird
✔ Singer, Isaac Bashevis - The Magician of Lublin Book 943
Walser, Martin - Halftime
✔ O'Brien, Edna - The Country Girls Book 859
Calvino, Italo - Our Ancestors
Beckett, Samuel - How It Is
✔ O'Connor, Flannery - The Violent Bear it Away Book 708
Cassola, Carlo - Bebo's Girl
Sembene, Ousmane - God's Bit of Wood
✔ Onetti, Juan Carlos - The Shipyard Book 867
✔ Heller, Joseph - Catch-22 Book 636
✔ Lem, Stanislaw - Solaris Book 727
✔ Grass, Gunter - Cat and Mouse Book 1050
✔ Spark, Muriel - The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Book 355
✔ Murdoch, Iris - A Severed Head
✔ Salinger, J.D. - Franny and Zooey Book 922
✔ Marquez, Gabriel Garcia - No One Writes to the Colonel Book 1066
✔ Frame, Janet - Faces in the Water Book 217
Vilas, Xose Neira - Memoirs of a Peasant Boy
✔ Heinlein, Robert - Stranger in a Strange Land Book 631
✔ Borges, Jorge Luis - Labyrinths Book 133
✔ Lessing, Doris - The Golden Notebook Book 156
✔ Ballard, J.G. - The Drowned World Book 187
Santos, Luis Martin - Time of Silence
✔ Nabokov, Vladimir - Pale Fire Book 931
✔ Burgess, Anthony - A Clockwork Orange
✔ Kesey, Ken - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Book 697
✔ Fowles, John - The Collector Book 446
✔ O'Brien, Edna - Girl with Green Eyes Book 860
Fuentes, Carlos - The Death of Artemio Cruz
✔ Llosa, Mario Vargas - The Time of the Hero Book 749
✔ Bassani, Giorgio - The Garden of the Finzi-Continis
✔ Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr - One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Book 948
Taksis, Costas - The Third Wedding
✔ Grass, Gunter - Dog Years Book 1074
✔ Plath, Sylvia - The Bell Jar Book 318
✔ Burgess, Anthony - Inside Mr. Enderby Book 267
✔ Spark, Muriel - The Girls of Slender Means Book 694
✔ Le Carre, John - The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Book 553
Pagnol, Marcel - Manon des Sources
✔ Webb, Charles - The Graduate Book 982
✔ Vonnegut, Kurt - Cat's Cradle Book 341
✔ Pynchon, Thomas - V. Book 1123
✔ Bellow, Saul - Herzog Book 175
✔ Duras, Marguerite - The Ravishing of Lol V. Stein Book 524
✔ Achebe, Chinua - Arrow of God Book 316
Barthelme, Donald - Come Back, Dr Caligari
✔ Infante, Guillermo Cabrera - Three Trapped Tigers Book 670
✔ Kesey, Ken - Sometimes a Great Notion Book 930
✔ Lispector, Clarice - The Passion According to G.H. Book 742
Wolkers, Jan - Back to Oegstgeest
✔ Hrabal, Bohumil - Closely Watched Trains Book 650
✔ Thiong'o, Ngugi wa - The River Between Book 767
Kis, Danilo - Garden, Ashes
✔ - O'Connor, Flannery - Everything That Rises Must Converge Book 484
✔ Vonnegut, Kurt - God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater Book 975
✔ O'Brien, Edna - August is a Wicked Month Book 1115
✔ Perec, Georges - Things: A Story of the Sixties Book 881
✔ Capote, Truman - In Cold Blood Book 142
Selimovic, Mesa - Death and the Dervish
✔ Endo, Shusaku - Silence Book 410
Sciascia, Leonardo - To Each His Own
✔ Pynchon, Thomas - The Crying of Lot 49 Book 902
Barth, John - Giles Goat-Boy
✔ Goytisolo, Juan - Marks of Identity Book 610
Duras, Marguerite - The Vice-Consol
✔ Fowles, John - The Magus Book 573
✔ Johnson, B.S. - Trawl Book 291
✔ West, Rebecca - The Birds Fall Down Book 294
✔ Perec, Georges - A Man Asleep Book 882
✔ Bulgakov, Mikhail - The Master and the Margarita Book 424
✔ Rhys, Jean - Wide Sargasso Sea
O'Brien, Flann - The Third Policeman
✔ Mahfouz, Naguib - Miramar Book 420
✔ Vassilikos, Vassilis - Z Book 956
✔ Kundera, Milan - The Joke Book 713
✔ Richardson, Dorothy - Pilgrimage Book 757
✔ Singer, Isaac Bashevis - The Manor Book 280
✔ Marquez, Gabriel Garcia - One Hundred Years of Solitude
✔ Llosa, Mario Vargos - The Cubs and Other Stories Book 974
✔ Wyndham, John - Chocky Book 495
Wilson, Angus - No Laughing Matter
✔ Merle, Robert - Day of the Dolphin Book 735
✔ Wolfe, Tom - The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test Book 994
✔ Bowen, Elizabeth - Eva Trout Book 550
Honchar, Oles - The Cathedral
✔ Hines, Barry - A Kestrel for a Knave Book 644
✔ Brautigan, Richard - In Watermelon Sugar Book 414
✔ Lenz, Siegfried - The German Lesson Book 1091
✔ Lowry, Malcolm - Dark as the Grave Wherein My Friend is Laid Book 325
✔ Wolf, Christa - The Quest for Christa T. Book 992
✔ Dick, Philip K. - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Book 218
✔ Clarke, Arthur C. - 2001: A Space Odyssey Book 474
Cohan, Albert - Belle du Seigneur
✔ Murdoch, Iris - The Nice and the Good Book 824
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr - Cancer Ward
✔ Vidal, Gore - Myra Breckinridge Book 954
✔ Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr - The First Circle Book 558
✔ Perec, Georges - A Void Book 239
✔ Oates, Joyce Carol - them Book 438
✔ Nabokov, Vladimir - Ada Book 768
✔ Puzo, Mario - The Godfather Book 775
✔ Roth, Philip - Portnoy's Complaint Book 547
✔ Becker, Jurek - Jacob the Liar Book 1012
✔ Amis, Kingsley - The Green Man Book 365
✔ Fowles, John - The French Lieutenant's Woman
✔ Vonnegut, Kurt - Slaughterhouse Five Book 194
✔ Himes, Chester - Blind Man with a Pistol Book 643
✔ Coover, Robert - Pricksongs and Descants Book 481
Amado, Jorge - Tent of Miracles

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1970 to 1979

✔ Ballard, J.G. - The Atrocity Exhibition Book 430
✔ Konrad, Gyorgy - The Case Worker Book 1087
Erofeyev, Venedikt - Moscow Stations
✔ Puig, Manuel - Heartbreak Tango Book 981
✔ Salih, Tayeb - Seasons of Migration to the North Book 337
Poniatowska, Elena - Here's to You, Jesusa
✔ Davies, Robertson - Fifth BusinessBook 487
✔ Didion, Joan - Play It As It Lays Book 510
✔ Johnson, Uwe - Jahrestage Book 1100
✔ Farrell J.G. - Troubles Book 428
✔ Beckett, Samuel - Mercier and Camier Book 346
Echenique, Alfredo Bryce - A World for Julius
✔ Angelou, Maya - I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Book 309
Handke, Peter - Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick Book 1076
Morrison, Toni - The Bluest Eye
Tournier, Michael - The Ogre
✔ Spark, Muriel - The Driver's Seat Book 383
✔ Mishima, Yukio - The Sea of Fertility Book 755
✔ Updike, John - Rabbit Redux Book 942
✔ Burroughs, William - The Wild Boys Book 277
Osadchyi, Mykhailo - Cataract
✔ Boll, Heinrich - Group Portrait with Lady Book 657
✔ Thompson, Hunter S. - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Book 444
✔ Doctorow, E. L. - The Book of Daniel Book 1051
✔ Munro, Alice - Lives of Girls and Women Book 820
✔ Johnson, B.S. - House Mother Normal Book 680
✔ Naipaul, V.S. - In a Free State Book 197
✔ Atwood, Margaret - Surfacing Book 427
✔ Berger, John - G Book 407
✔ Jansson, Tove - The Summer Book Book 328
✔ Roth, Philip - The Breast Book 915
✔ Ariyoshi, Sawako - The Twilight Years Book 1007
✔ Welty, Eudora - The Optimist's Daughter Book 986
✔ Calvino, Italo - Invisible Cities Book 455
✔ Morrison, Toni - Sula Book 359
✔ Murdoch, Iris - The Black Prince Book 159
✔ Pynchon, Thomas - Gravity's Rainbow Book 315
✔ Greene, Graham - The Honorary Consul Book 752
✔ Ballard, J.G. - Crash Book 155
✔ Calvino, Italo - The Castle of Crossed Destinies Book 561
✔ Farrell, J.G. - The Siege of Krishnapur
✔ Head, Bessie - A Question of Power Book 1122
✔ Jong, Erica - Fear of Flying Book 682
✔ Vonnegut, Kurt - Breakfast of Champions Book 786
✔ Le Carre, John - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Book 345
✔ Le Guin, Ursula K. - The Dispossessed Book 736
✔ Laurence, Margaret - The Diviners Book 717
✔ Boll, Heinrich - The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum Book 1020
✔ Coetzee, J. M. - Dusklands Book 435
✔ Kotzwinkle, William - The Fan Man Book 1088
Soljan, Antun - The Port
✔ Doctorow, E.L. - Ragtime
✔ Anderson, Jessica - The Commandant Book 1004
✔ Paasilinna, Arto - The Year of the Hare Book 869
Bellow, Saul - Humboldt's Gift
✔ Ballard, J.G. - High Rise Book 662
✔ Saadawi, Nawal El - Woman at Point Zero Book 533
✔ Brautigan, Richard - Willard and His Bowling Trophies Book 1025
✔ Kertesz, Imre - Fateless Book 701
✔ Barthelme, Donald - The Dead Father Book 396
✔ Rushdie, Salman - Grimus Book 452
✔ Bernhard, Thomas - Correction Book 818
✔ Amis, Martin - Dead Babies Book 366
✔ Powell, Anthony - A Dance to the Music of Time Book 237
Perec, Georges - W, or the Memory of Childhood
✔ Garcia Marquez, Gabriel - Autumn of the Patriarch
Wolf, Christa - Patterns of Childhood
Barthelme, Donald - Amateurs
✔ Taylor, Elizabeth - Blaming Book 281
✔ Thornburg, Newton - Cutter and Bone Book 966
✔ Rice, Anne - Interview with the Vampire
Coover, Robert - The Public Burning
✔ DeLillo, Don - Ratner's Star Book 436
✔ Handke, Peter - The Left-Handed Woman Book 624
✔ Puig, Manuel - Kiss of the Spider Woman Book 897
Murakami, Ryu - Almost Transparent Blue
✔ Coetzee, J.M. - In the Heart of the Country Book 244
Skvorecky, Josef - The Engineer of Human Souls
✔ Pym, Barbara - Quartet in Autumn Book 901
✔ Lispector, Clarice - The Hour of the Star Book 1102
✔ Morrison, Toni - Song of Solomon Book 1111
✔ Thiong'o, Ngugi wa - Petals of Blood Book 1113
✔ Findley, Timothy - The Wars Book 574
✔ Herr, Michael - Dispatches Book 639
✔ King, Stephen - The Shining Book 234
✔ Nin, Anais - Delta of Venus Book 930
✔ Carter, Angela - The Passion of New Eve Book 1033
✔ Munro, Alice - The Beggar Maid Book 1112
Selby Jr, Hubert - Requiem for a Dream
✔ Farrell, J.G. - The Singapore Grip Book 560
✔ Murdoch, Iris - The Sea, The Sea
✔ Perec, Georges - Life: A User's Manual Book 1120
✔ Irving, John - The World According to Garp Book 245
Gaite, Carmen Martin - The Back Room
✔ Byatt, A.S. - The Virgin in the Garden Book 426
Bernhard, Thomas - Yes
✔ McEwan, Ian - The Cement Garden Book 351
✔ Adams, Douglas - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Book 134
✔ Calvino, Italo - If On a Winter's Night a Traveler
Boll, Heinrich - The Safety Net
✔ Ba, Mariama - So Long a Letter Book 380
✔ Gordimer, Nadine - Burger's Daughter Book 608
✔ Naipaul, V.S. - A Bend in the River Book 835
✔ Lessing, Doris - Shikasta Book 732
✔ Brink, Andre - A Dry White Season Book 416
✔ Kundera, Milan - The Book of Laughter and Forgetting
Douka, Maro - Fool's Gold
✔ Le Carre, John - Smiley's People Book 720
Montalban, Manuel Vazquez - Southern Seas

1980 to 1989

✔ Eco, Umberto - The Name of the Rose
Leonard, Elmore - City Primeval
✔ Desai, Anita - Clear Light of Day Book 504
✔ Toole, John Kennedy - Confederacy of Dunces Book 210
✔ Nooteboom, Cees - Rituals Book 846
Kossman, Alfred - Smell of Sadness
Kadare, Ismail - Broken April
✔ Golding, William - Rites of Passage Book 604
✔ Rushdie, Salman - Midnight's Children
✔ Coetzee, J.M. - Waiting for the Barbarians Book 477
✔ Tsypkin, Loenid - Summer in Baden-Baden Book 789
✔ The House with the Blind Glass Windows Book 503
✔ Jie, Zhang - Leaden Wings Book 677
✔ Llosa, Mario Vargas - The War of the End of the World Book 1103
✔ Gray, Alasdair - Lanark Book 286
✔ Updike, John - Rabbit is Rich Book 323
✔ DeLillo, Don - The Names Book 880
Bernhard, Thomas - Concrete
Strauss, Botho - Couples, Passerby
✔ Gordimer, Nadine - July's People Book 1071
✔ McEwan, Ian - The Comfort of Strangers Book 451
✔ Chatwin, Bruce - On the Black Hill Book 468
✔ Banville, John - The Newton Letter Book 848
✔ Allende, Isabel - The House of Spirits Book 265
✔ Keneally, Thomas - Schindler's Ark Book 693
✔ Ishiguro, Kazuo - A Pale View of the Hills Book 1084
✔ Bernhard, Thomas - Wittgenstein's Nephew Book 1017
✔ Walker, Alice - The Colour Purple Book 852
✔ White, Edmund - A Boy's Own Story Book 989
✔ Levi, Primo - If Not Now, When? Book 1099
✔ Pessoa, Fernando - The Book of Disquiet Book 886
✔ Saramago, Jose - Baltasar and Blimunda Book 232
✔ Claus, Hugo - The Sorrow of Belgium Book 1118
✔ Jelinek, Elfriede - The Piano Teacher Book 676
✔ Lessing, Doris - The Diary of Jane Somers Book 1098
✔ Coetzee, J.M. - The Life and Times of Michael K Book 212
✔ Swift, Graham - Waterland
✔ Leonard, Elmore - La Brava Book 1097
✔ Trevor, William - Fools of Fortune Book 854
Beckett, Samuel - Worstward Ho
Tunstrom, Goran - The Christmas Oratorio
Antunes, Antonio Lobo - Fado Alexandrino
✔ Saer, Juan Jose - The Witness Book 921
✔ Rushdie, Salman - Shame Book 920
✔ Amis, Martin - Money: A Suicide Note
✔ Barnes, Julian - Flaubert's Parrot
Kross, Jaan - Professor Marten's Departure
✔ Acker, Kathy - Blood and Guts in High School Book 172
Rios, Julian - Larva: Midsummer Night's Babel
Carter, Angela - Nights at the Circus
✔ Gibson, William - Neuromancer Book 335
✔ Banks, Iain - The Wasp Factory Book 385
✔ Didion, Joan - Democracy Book 1047
✔ Duras, Marguerite - The Lover Book 1053
✔ Saramago, Jose - The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis Book 392
✔ Ballard, J.G. - Empire of the Sun Book 384
✔ Kelman, James - The Busconductor Hines Book 690
✔ Pavis, Milorad - Dictionary of the Khazars Book 375
✔ Kundera, Milan - The Unbearable Lightness of Being
✔ Gemmell, David - Legend Book 587
Strauss, Botho - The Young Man
✔ Erdrich, Louise - Love Medicine Book 537
✔ DeLillo, Don - White Noise Book 661
✔ Bernhard, Thomas - Old Masters Book 408
✔ Xianliang, Zhang - Half of Man is Woman Book 997
✔ Hempel, Amy - Reasons to Live Book 641
✔ Atwood, Margaret - The Handmaid's Tale Book 734
✔ Ackroyd, Peter - Hawksmoor
✔ Burroughs, William - Queer Book 378
✔ Suskind, Patrick - Perfume
✔ McCarthy, Cormac - Blood Meridian Book 313
✔ Sagan, Carl - Contact Book 483
✔ Ellis, Brett Easton - Less Than Zero
✔ Fowles, John - A Maggot Book 1064
✔ Fredriksson, Marianne - Simon and the Oaks Book 226
✔ Irving, John - The Cider House Rules Book 1063
✔ Winterson, Jeanette - Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit Book 357
✔ Kincaid, Jamaica - Annie John Book 702
✔ Hofmann, Gert - The Parable of the Blind Book 645
✔ Marquez, Gabriel Garcia - Love in the Time of Cholera Book 591
Heerden, Etienne von - Ancestral Voices
✔ Szczypiorski, Andrzej - The Beautiful Mrs. Seidenman Book 961
Levi, Primo - The Drowned and the Saved
✔ Coetzee, J.M. - Foe
✔ Moore, Alan - Watchmen Book 168
✔ Oates, Joyce Carol - Marya Book 858
Bernhard, Thomas - Extinction
✔ Ishiguro, Kazuo - An Artist of the Floating World Book 722
✔ Galeano, Eduardo - Memory of Fire Book 593
✔ Amis, Kingsley - The Old Devils
✔ Thiong'o, Ngugi wa - Matigari Book 842
✔ Moore, Lorrie - Anagrams Book 809
✔ Leavitt, David - Lost Language of Cranes Book 724
Cho, Jung Rae - The Taebaek Moutains
Paskov, Viktor - Ballad for Georg Henig
✔ Naipaul, V.S. - Enigma of Arrival Book 758
✔ Boyle, T. Coraghessan - World's End Book 413
✔ Suskind, Patrick - The Pigeon Book 958
✔ Allende, Isabel - Of Love and Shadows Book 362
✔ Morrison, Toni - Beloved Book 439
Marias, Javier - All Souls
✔ Auster, Paul - The New York Trilogy Book 242
✔ Oz, Amos - Black Box Book 868
✔ Wolfe, Thomas - The Bonfire of the Vanities
✔ Ellroy, James - The Black Dahlia Book 214
✔ Winterson, Jeannette - The Passion Book 850
Handle, Peter - The Afternoon of the Writer
✔ Drabble, Margaret - The Radiant Way
✔ Yoshimoto, Banana - Kitchen Book 162
✔ Adams, Douglas - Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency Book 360
✔ Adams, Douglas - The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul Book 840
Matthews, Henry - Cigarettes
✔ McEwan, Ian - The Child in Time
✔ Dandarembga, Tsitsi - Nervous Conditions Book 488
✔ Banks, Iain M. - The Player of Games Book 665
✔ DeLillo, Don - Libra Book 496
✔ Hebert, Anne - The First Garden Book 633
✔ Ransmayr, Christoph - The Last World Book 628
✔ Carey, Peter - Oscar and Lucinda
✔ Hollinghurst, Alan - The Swimming Pool Library Book 648
✔ Rushdie, Salman - The Satanic Verses Book 857
Markson, David - Wittgenstein's Mistress
White, Edmund - The Beautiful Room is Empty
✔ Huong, Duong Thu - Paradise of the Blind Book 340
✔ Eco, Umberto - Foucault's Pendulum Book 528
✔ Atwood, Margaret - Cat's Eye Book 1006
✔ Banville, John - The Book of Evidence Book 387
Zwagerman, Joost - Gimmick!
Atxaga, Bernardo - Obabakoak
✔ Murnane, Gerald - Inland Book 958
✔ Irving, John - A Prayer for Owen MeanyBook 673
✔ Esquivel, Laura - Like Water for Chocolate Book 538
✔ Saramago, Jose - History of the Seige of Lisbon Book 1124
✔ Galloway, Janice - The Trick is to Keep Breathing ✔ Book 596
✔ Walker, Alice - The Temple of My Familiar Book 977
✔ Tharoor, Shashi - The Great Indian Novel Book 850
Krasznakorkai, Laszlo - The Melancholy of Resistance
✔ Ishiguro, Kazuo - Remains of the Day Book 672
✔ Doctorow, E. L. - Billy Bathgate Book 494
Amis, Martin - London Fields
✔ Auster, Paul - Moon Palace Book 429
✔ Winterson, Jeanette - Sexing the Cherry Book 991
✔ Kelman, James - A Disaffection Book 1086
✔ Moore, Lorrie - Like Life Book 1059
✔ Cunningham, Michael - A Home at the End of the World Book 1036
✔ Kureishi, Hanif - The Buddha of Suburbia Book 714
✔ Byatt, A.S. - Possession

Modificato: Ott 13, 2023, 8:17 pm

1990 to 1999

✔ Ghosh, Amitav - The Shadow Lines Book 599
✔ Kotzwinkle, William - The Midnight Examiner Book 292
✔ O'Brien, Tim - The Things They Carried Book 792
✔ Auster, Paul - The Music of Chance Book 529
✔ Dodge, Jim - Stone Junction Book 514
✔ McGahern, John - Amongst Women Book 796
✔ Leonard, Elmore - Get Shorty Book 728
✔ Carter, Angela - Wise Children Book 461
✔ de Bernieres, Louis - Senor Vivo and the Coca Lord
✔ Sinclair, Ian - Downriver Book 293
✔ Matesis, Pavlos - The Daughter Book 778
✔ Sebald W.G. - Vertigo Book 851
✔ Pynchon, Thomas - Vineland Book 790
✔ Easton Ellis, Bret - American Psycho
✔ Palmen, Connie - The Laws Book 617
✔ Mankell, Henning - Faceless Killers Book 769
Fakinou, Eugenia - Astradeni
✔ Barker, Pat - Regeneration
Powell, Padgett - Typical
✔ DeLillo, Don - Mao II Book 347
✔ Amis, Martin - Time's Arrow Book 147
✔ Chang, Jung - Wild Swans
✔ Crace, Jim - Arcadia Book 485
✔ Freud, Esther - Hideous Kinky Book 585
✔ McEwan, Ian - Black Dogs
✔ Gupta, Sunetra - Memoirs of Rain Book 619
Doolittle, Hilda - Asphodel
✔ Toibin, Colin - The Heather Blazing Book 853
✔ Oates, Joyce Carol - Black Water Book 1114
✔ McCabe, Patrick - The Butcher Boy Book 788
✔ Hoeg, Peter - Smilla's Sense of Snow
✔ Perez- Reverte - The Dumas Club Book 884
Winterson, Jeanette - Written on the Body
✔ Banks, Iain - The Crow Road Book 545
✔ Warner, Marina - Indigo Book 760
✔ Ondaatje, Michael - The English Patient Book 864
✔ Morrison, Toni - Jazz Book 812
Walker, Alice - Possessing the Secret of Joy
✔ Marias, Javier - A Heart So White Book 774
✔ McCarthy, Cormac - All the Pretty Horses Book 793
Ghose, Zulfikar - The Triple Mirror of Self
✔ Doxiadis, Apostolos - Uncle Petros and Goldbach's Conjecture Book 519
✔ Mulisch, Harry - The Discovery of Heaven Book 817
Ozdamar, Emine - Life is a Caravanserai
✔ Arenas, Reinaldo - Before Night Falls Book 1005
✔ Tartt, Donna - The Secret History
✔ Sebald, W.G. - The Emigrants Book 927
✔ Atwood, Margaret - The Robber Bride
✔ Ackroyd, Peter - The House of Doctor Dee Book 227
✔ Mutis, Alvaro - The Adventures and Misadventures of Maqroll Book 826
✔ Malouf, David - Remembering Babylon Book 684
✔ Mukherjee, Bharati - The Holder of the World Book 814
✔ Eugenides, Jeffrey - The Virgin Suicides Book 542
✔ Shields, Carol - The Stone Diaries
✔ Seth, Vikram - A Suitable Boy
✔ Coe, Jonathan - What a Carve Up! Book 476
✔ de Botton, Alain - On Love Book 493
✔ Banks, Iain - Complicity Book 157
✔ Roth, Philip - Operation Shylock Book 449
✔ de Loo, Tessa - The Twins Book 211
✔ Kennedy A.L. - Looking for the Possible Dance Book 282
✔ Faulks, Sebastian - Birdsong Book 283
✔ Welsh, Irvine - Trainspotting Book 983
✔ Proulx, E. Annie - The Shipping News
✔ Klima, Ivan - Waiting for the Dark, Waiting for the Light Book 710
✔ Timm, Uwe - The Invention of Curried Sausages Book 968
✔ Dabydeen, David - Disappearance Book 343
✔ Endo, Shusaku - Deep River Book 539
✔ Trevor, William - Felicia's Journey Book 326
✔ de Bernieres, Louis - Captain Corelli's Mandolin
✔ Kelman, James - How Late It Was, How Late Book 1039
Topol, Jachym - City Sister Silver
✔ Tabucchi, Antonio - Pereira Declares: A Testimony Book 962
✔ Murakami, Haruki - The Wind-up Bird Chronicle Book 743
✔ Coetzee, J.M. - The Master of Petersburg Book 944
Vallejo, Fernando - Our Lady of the Assassins
Kyung-ni, Park - Land
✔ Houellebecq, Michael - Whatever Book 261
Hollinghurst, Alan - The Folding Star
✔ Auster, Paul - Mr. Vertigo Book 331
✔ Ferrante, Elena - Troubling Love Book 571
✔ Markaris, Petros - The Late-Night News Book 258
Davis, Lydia - The End of the Story
✔ Rose, Gillian - Love's Work Book 912
✔ Mistry, Rohinton - A Fine Balance Book 816
✔ Schlink, Bernhard - The Reader Book 795
Sebald, W.G. - The Rings of Saturn
✔ Roth, Philip - Sabbath's Theatre Book 1090
✔ Rushdie, Salman - The Moor's Last Sigh Book 1045
✔ Amis, Martin - The Information Book 993
✔ Martinez, Tomas Eloy - Santa Evita Book 776
✔ Warner, Alan - Morvern Callar Book 978
✔ Ishiguro, Kazuo - The Unconsoled Book 247
✔ Atwood, Margaret - Alias Grace Book 347
Pelevin, Victor - The Clay Machine-Gun
✔ Wallace, David Foster - Infinite Jest Book 288
Haase, Hella - Forever a Stranger
✔ Barker, Pat - The Ghost Road Book 160
✔ Michaels, Anne - Fugitive Pieces Book 651
✔ Duncker, Patricia - Hallucinating Foucault Book 523
✔ Ballard, J.G. - Cocaine Nights Book 544
✔ Mendoza, Eduardo - A Light Comedy Book 257
✔ MacDonald Ann-Marie - Fall on Your Knees Book 762
✔ Barrico, Alessandro - Silk Book 389
✔ Banville, John - The Untouchable Book 163
✔ Roth, Philip - American Pastoral Book 563
✔ Roy, Arundhati - The God of Small Things
Pynchon, Thomas - Mason & Dixon
Hemmerechts, Kristien - Margot and the Angels
✔ Pelevin, Victor - The Life of Insects Book 879
✔ Piglia, Ricardo - Money to Burn Book 887
✔ Carey, Peter - Jack Maggs
✔ DeLillo, Don - Underworld Book 190
✔ McEwan Ian - Enduring Love
✔ Self, Will - Great Apes Book 327
✔ Golden, Arthur - Memoirs of a Geisha
Miyabe, Miyuki - Crossfire
✔ Kingsolver, Barbara - The Poisonwood Bible Book 691
✔ Coelho, Paulo - Veronika Decides to Die Book 207
✔ Cunningham, Michael - The Hours Book 486
✔ Barker, Pat - Another World Book 186
✔ Ellis, Bret Easton - Glamorama Book 531
✔ Waters, Sarah - Tipping the Velvet Book 960
Nooteboom, Cees - All Souls Day
✔ Banks, Russell - Cloudsplitter Book 386
✔ McEwan, Ian - Amsterdam Book 794
✔ Kureishi, Hanif - Intimacy Book 1057
Delibes, Miguel - The Heretic
✔ Houellebecq, Michel - Elementary Particles Book 649
✔ Murakami, Haruki - Sputnik Sweetheart Book 821
✔ O'Hanlon, Ardal - The Talk of the Town Book 862
✔ Gutierrez, Pedro Juan - Dirty Havana Trilogy Book 620
✔ Bolano, Roberto - Savage Detectives Book 165
✔ Coetzee, J.M. - Disgrace Book 845
✔ Rushdie, Salman - The Ground Beneath Her Feet Book 336
Drakulic, Slavenka - As If I Am Not There
✔ Stephenson, Neal - Cryptonomicon Book 953

2000 to 2009

✔ Mishra, Pankaj - The Romantics Book 807
✔ Auster, Paul - Timbuktu Book 379
✔ Maron, Monika - Pavel's Letters Book 1105
Volpi, Jorge - In Search of Klingsor
Ugresic, Dubravka - The Museum of Unconditional Surrender
✔ Nothomb, Amelie - Fear and Trembling Book 847
✔ Kennedy, A.L. - Everything You Need Book 706
✔ Saunders, George - Pastoralia Book 706
✔ Oates, Joyce Carol - Blonde Book 1052
Danielewski, Mark Z. - House of Leaves
✔ Ballard, J.G. - Super-Cannes Book 1010
Vila-Matas, Enrique - Bartleby and Co.
✔ Esterhazy, Peter - Celestial Harmonies Book 540
✔ Peace, David - Nineteen Seventy-Seven Book 878
✔ Kundera, Milan - Ignorance
Deshpande, Shashi - Small Remedies
✔ Murakami, Haruki - After The Quake Book 263
✔ Atwood, Margaret - The Blind Assassin
✔ Roth, Philip - The Human Stain Book 180
✔ Self, Will - How the Dead Live Book 934
✔ Doctorow, E.L. - City of God Book 640
✔ Smith, Zadie - White Teeth Book 173
✔ Faber, Michel - Under the Skin Book 569
✔ Mda, Zakes - The Heart of Redness Book 802
✔ Kadare, Ismail - Spring Flowers, Spring Frost Book 686
✔ Coelho, Paulo - The Devil and Miss PrymBook 185
✔ Sharma, Akhil - An Obedient Father Book 935
✔ Cahbon, Michael - The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay Book 464
✔ Llosa, Mario Vargas - The Feast of the Goat Book 231
✔ Ammaniti, Niccolo - I'm Not Scared
✔ Cercas, Javier - Soldiers of Salamis Book 467
✔ McEwan, Ian - Atonement
✔ McGowan, Heather - Schooling Book 799
Sebald, W. G. - Austerlitz
✔ Kureishi, Hanif - Gabriel's Gift Book 1089
✔ Auster, Paul - The Book of Illusions Book 1008
✔ Martel, Yann - The Life of Pi
✔ Palahniuk, Chuck - Choke Book 871
✔ O'Neill, Jamie - At Swim, Two Boys Book 866
✔ Rushdie, Salman - Fury Book 248
✔ DeLillo, Don - The Body Artist Book 209
✔ Mazzantini, Margaret - Don't Move Book 785
✔ Franzen, Jonathan - The Corrections Book 144
✔ Houllebecq, Michel - Platform Book 1080
✔ Pamuk, Orhan - Snow Book 308
✔ Hemon, Aleksandar - Nowhere Man Book 637
✔ Banks, Iain - Dead Air Book 995
✔ Coetzee, J. M. - Youth Book 202
✔ Eugenides, Jeffrey - Middlesex
✔ Banville, John - Shroud Book 152
✔ O'Brien, Edna - In the Forest Book 349
✔ McGahern, John - That They May Face the Rising Sun Book 1107
✔ Trevor, William - The Story of Lucy Gault Book 971
✔ Foer, Jonathan Safran - Everything is Illuminated Book 441
✔ Saramago, Jose - The Double Book 780
✔ Waters, Sarah - Fingersmith Book 791
✔ Mistry, Rohinton - Family Matters Book 298
Sinclair, Iain - London Orbital
✔ Coetzee, J. M. - Elizabeth Costello Book 260
✔ Murakami, Haruki - Kafka on the Shore
✔ Shields, Carol, - Unless Book 918
✔ Sleigh, Dan - Islands Book 272
✔ Lahiri, Jhumpa - The Namesake Book 715
✔ Pierre, DBC - Vernon God Little
✔ Kadare, Ismail - The Successor Book 230
Somoza, Jose Carlos - Lady Number Thirteen
✔ Hustvedt, Siri - Book 652
✔ Swift, Graham - The Light of Day Book 299
✔ Garner, Alan - Thursbitch Book 598
✔ Tremain, Rose - The Colour Book 322
✔ Boyle, T. Coraghessan - Drop City Book 382
✔ Haddon, Mark - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time
✔ Oz, Amos - A Tale of Love and Darkness Book 253
✔ Marias, Javier - Your Face Tomorrow Book 666
✔ Mitchell, David - Cloud Atlas Book 306
Sinclair, Iain - Dining on Stones
✔ Ackroyd, Peter - The Lambs of London Book 146
Markson, David - Vanishing Point
Schatzing, Frank - The Swarm
✔ Nemirovsky, Irene - Suite Francaise Book 841
✔ Toibin, Colm - The Master Book 667
✔ Roth, Philip - The Plot Against America Book 830
✔ Drabble, Margaret - The Red Queen Book 521
✔ Enquist, Per Olov - The Book about Blanche and Marie Book 534
✔ Levy, Andrea - Small Island Book 738
✔ Bolano, Roberto - 2666 Book 421
✔ Hollinghurst, Alan - The Line of Beauty Book 1082
✔ Smith, Ali - The Accidental Book 321
✔ Manson, Peter - Adjunct: An Undigest Book 906
✔ Coetzee, J.M. - Slow Man Book 268
✔ Smith, Zadie - On Beauty Book 943
✔ McEwan, Ian - Saturday
✔ Ishiguro, Kazuo - Never Let Me Go Book 206
✔ Banville, John - The Sea
✔ Lewycka, Marina - A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian
✔ Kehlmann, Daniel - Measuring the World Book 689
✔ Krauss, Nicole - The History of Love Book 712
✔ St Aubyn, Edward - Mother's Milk Book 896
✔ Hyland, M.J. - Carry Me Down Book 222
✔ Pynchon, Thomas - Against the Day Book 255
✔ Desai, Kiran - The Inheritance of Loss
✔ Littell, Jonathan - The Kindly Ones Book 750
✔ Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi - Half of a Yellow Sun
✔ Hamid, Mohsin - The Reluctant Fundamentalist Book 143
✔ DeLillo, Don - Falling Man Book 170
✔ Sinha, Indra - Animal's People Book 941
✔ Barbery, Muriel - Elegance of the Hedgehog Book 182
✔ Enright, Anne - The Gathering Book 527
✔ Diaz, Junot - The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao Book 191
✔ Frank, Julia - The Blind Side of the Heart Book 583
✔ Kelman, James - Kieron Smith, Boy Book 235
✔ Robinson, Marilynne - HomeBook 909
✔ Adiga, Aravind - The White Tiger
✔ Robinson, Roxana - Cost Book 910
✔ Auster, Paul - Invisible Book 543
✔ Byatt, A.S. - The Children's Book Book 169
✔ Meyer, Philipp - American Rust Book 303

2010 to 2019

✔ Murakami, Haruki- 1Q84 Book 215
✔ Saramago, Jose - Cain Book 925
✔ Moore, Lorrie - A Gate at the Stairs Book 296
✔ Franzen Jonathan - Freedom Book 578
✔ Roth, Philip - Nemesis Book 178
✔ Eugenides, Jeffrey - The Marriage Plot Book 1056
✔ Barnes, Julian - The Sense of an Ending Book 393
✔ Egan, Jennifer - A Visit from the Goon Squad Book 530
✔ Smith, Ali - There but for the Book 295
✔ Harbach, Chad - The Art of Fielding Book 626
✔ Tartt, Donna - The Goldfinch Book 892
✔ Eggers, Dave - The Circle Book 1055
✔ Aidiches, Chimamanda Ngozi - Americanah Book 990
Kushner, Rachel - The Flamethrowers
✔ McBride, Eimear - A Girl is a Half-formed Thing Book 787
✔ MacDonald, Helen - H is for Hawk Book 754
✔ Lerner, Ben - 10:04 Book 928
Ferrante, Elena - The Story of the Lost Child
✔ Smith, Ali - Winter Book 765
Barker, Nicola - H(A)PPY
✔ Loos, Anita - Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Barry, Kevin - Night Boat to Tangier
✔ Kehlmann, Daniel - Tyll Book 1062

Modificato: Ago 31, 2020, 5:06 pm

I liked the alphabetically by author approach I’ve used over the last few years so will recommence with the “A” authors in my TBR pile.

1002. Broad and Alien is the World - Ciro Alegria. The story of the plight of an indigenous village in the mountains of Peru at the turn of the century. This starts off nicely describing the rhythm of the seasons in the hard but contended life of the village. However this isn’t destined to last as corrupt and powerful landowners seek to seize the land and enslave the people. All quite depressing but well written. 4/5

Set 22, 2020, 7:08 am

1003. Lucky Jim - Kingsley Amis. Jim Dixon is a lecturer at an English university and needs the support of Professor Welch to get on the permanent staff. This novel appears on not only the Boxall list but also the Guardian 1000 and Mustichs 1000, so I was expecting a bit more from this. There is some good humour in the skewering of academic pretensions, but I found Jim to be annoying rather than endearing and I found it hard to take his side in the various trials he endures. 3/5

Set 27, 2020, 7:35 pm

1004. The Commandant - Jessica Anderson. Patrick Logan is the brutal commander of the penal settlement of Moreton Bay in 1830s Australia. There are many novels dealing with the brutality meted out to convicts in the early days of settlement of Australia. What makes this one different is that it deals with the period when such treatment was being questioned by many and reformers were gaining the upper hand. I liked this novel not only for this perspective but also for its interesting characters and plot. It is a pity that only 87 LT members have this in their collection. 4/5

Set 28, 2020, 4:35 pm

>8 puckers: It was fantastic, wasn't it? Definitely a gem from the list.

Set 28, 2020, 7:24 pm

>9 Yells: Yes, I was surprised as it is one of the more obscure (in terms of popularity) books on the list. I hadn't heard of Jessica Anderson before even though she won the Miles Franklin (Australia's best known literary award) twice (not for The Commandant). Finding these sort of books is one reason I keep on with the Boxall list.

Set 30, 2020, 7:46 am

1005. Before Night Falls - Reinaldo Arenas. The autobiography of a gay Cuban poet. This book opened my eyes to life under Castro's regime in Cuba. The regime opposed both intellectuals and homosexuals so Arenas' life was spent either under surveillance or in prison. His descriptions of this life were pretty horrific and you can understand the ongoing hostility of Cuban exiles to the Castro regime. He doesn't pull any punches in condemning those who supported Castro, including Gabriel Garcia Marquez ("a born opportunist") . The book also lists numerous sexual encounters he enjoyed which got a little monotonous. Worth reading for its insights in to Castro's Cuba. 3.5/5

Ott 4, 2020, 1:30 pm

for those of you interested in that period of Australia's penal history, I'd recommend For the Term of His Natural Life. Not on the 1001 list but a darn good read... a kind of Ozzie Monte Cristo

Ott 4, 2020, 1:31 pm

> 11 : I assume you've read the Dirty Havana Trilogy puckers. How did Before Night Falls compare?

Ott 4, 2020, 3:07 pm

>13 arukiyomi: Arenas’ book is much more political and anti-Castro (and understandably so if you believe everything he describes). Both books do wallow in a lot of pointless/random sex (Arenas numbers his encounters in multiple thousands!) so it may have been a sign of the times.

>12 arukiyomi: yes that is probably the best known of the convict novels out of Australia, and worth reading.

Ott 7, 2020, 4:21 pm

1006. Cat’s Eye - Margaret Atwood. An artist returns to her native Toronto for a retrospective of her work, and reflects on her life. The writing is good, and there were nostalgic moments for me (her school must have been modelled on my 19th century primary school in Scotland). However I didn’t care much for the central character or her story. 3/5

Ott 10, 2020, 4:45 am

1007. The Twilight Years - Sawako Ariyoshi. Akiko finds her life turned upside down when she becomes the primary carer for her senile father in law. Very readable and so straightforward that you wonder why it is on the Boxall list. However it was a best seller in Japan, and opens a window to the issue of Japans ageing population and the role of working women in traditional Japanese society. 3/5

Ott 15, 2020, 5:12 pm

>8 puckers: Being an Aussie, I studied Jessica Anderson in high school, although we did Tirra Lirra By The River. I immediately read all her other books (that is just the kind of book nerd I am!) She is definitely an Australian treasure. I also read all of Elizabeth Jolley at about the same time and a little later, Amy Witting.
There will never be enough time to discover all the amazing authors out there. We can only try!

Ott 15, 2020, 7:17 pm

The Commandant was not on my radar. I've put it on my TBR list. Thanks!

Ott 18, 2020, 7:26 pm

1008. The Book of Illusions - Paul Auster. A man grieving over the loss of his family writes a book about a filmmaker who disappeared in 1929; shortly thereafter he receives a letter inviting him to meet the missing filmmaker in New Mexico. I’ve enjoyed most of Austers list books (this is my 7th and last), and this one mostly delivers again. It occasionally gets bogged down in self indulgence and self loathing, but Auster maintains a sense of mystery up to the last page, and it raises thought provoking questions around the purpose of a life. 4/5

Ott 25, 2020, 3:13 am

1009. The End of the Road - John Barth. Jacob Horner takes up a teaching post as therapy for his paralysis as a result of indecision. A black comedy that is quite amusing to begin with and then gets blacker to the point of having no comedy, and the endless analysis of motives and actions makes this ultimately somewhat dull. 2.5/5

Modificato: Nov 5, 2020, 5:11 am

1010. Super-Cannes - J.G.Ballard. A high-tech commercial park in the hills above Cannes. This was my seventh Ballard from the Boxall list, and it follows a similar plot to a number of others - a utopian community with an undercurrent of violence and abuse. I was entertained (and occasionally offended) by this, with its mass-murder mystery the outcome of which you think you can predict but enough twists to keep you guessing. I wonder though why Boxall needed to have this along with Cocaine Nights and High-Rise on the list as they are all pretty much the same plot and setting. Boxall presumably had similar thoughts, removing all three from the 2008 edition! 3.5/5

PS Not part of the review, but I was struck that the central characters wife was a doctor who "tracing the spread of nasal viruses...has a hunch that if people moved their chairs a further 18 inches apart they'd stop the infectious vectors in their tracks"!

Nov 5, 2020, 4:43 am

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Nov 11, 2020, 5:41 am

1011. The Story of the Eye - Georges Bataille. Two young people go on an orgy of sex, violence and defilement. Some parallels with de Sade, The Story of O and Ballards Crash, and like those novels it becomes more over the top and pushes the boundaries of taste as it progresses. 2/5

Nov 11, 2020, 5:47 am

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Nov 11, 2020, 6:01 am

>23 puckers: warning heeded, one I'll probably pass on. I read The Story of O *shudder*

Nov 20, 2020, 8:44 pm

1012. Jacob the Liar - Jurek Becker. Jakob Heym lives in the Jewish ghetto of an unnamed town. The story revolves around Jakob’s claim that he has a radio (illegal but imagined) from which he gleans stories of the Russian advance to liberate the town from Nazi occupation. A quirky but moving story with sympathetic characters, and it raises questions about whether it is right to bring hope to a hopeless situation through “white lies”. 4/5

Nov 24, 2020, 5:26 am

1013. Watt - Samuel Beckett. Watt goes to work in the house of Mr. Knott. Typical Beckett, observing everyday things in obsessive detail. This is more accessible than some of his work, and there is much wry humour to enjoy. However he does overdo repetitive lists, frequently combining objects (footwear, furniture etc) in every possible combination over several pages. 3/5

Nov 30, 2020, 7:07 pm

1014. Borstal Boy - Brendan Behan. An autobiography of 16 to 19 year old Behan's time in prison and borstal after conviction for IRA bombing offences. Normally you would expect a "youth in prison" story to be a depressing tale of institutional abuse and violence, but Behan spends much of his time relating the day-to-day work and distractions in what we now refer to as "juvenile detention", and the strong friendships made there. Well written. 4/5

Modificato: Dic 5, 2020, 10:41 pm

1015. Camilla - Fanny Burney. Young naive Camilla Tyrold finds herself falling in to various snares as she enters society. The heart of this book is a frustrated (and for the reader frustrating) romance between Camilla and Edgar Mandlebert. The fact that they spend so much time in each other’s proximity yet are unable to utter one articulate sentence about their feelings means the novel is 500 pages longer than it needs to be. Nevertheless the writing is entertaining enough. Jane Austen was inspired by Burney’s books; had she written this one it would have gone by the title “Pride and Stupidity”. 3/5

Dic 6, 2020, 12:00 pm

>29 puckers: I'm reading this right now and struggling! I actually loved Evelina and liked Cecilia, but this one is really frustrating me. I'll keep on, but going at the bottom of my list for Burney's novels!

Dic 6, 2020, 1:45 pm

>30 japaul22: Depending on where your up to you, you will have a fair bit of “here we go again” to get through, then a large section of tottering, falling lifeless to the ground and melodramatic bewailing before the threads get pulled together in the last 50 pages. Good luck!

Dic 7, 2020, 5:26 am

1016. Henderson the Rain King - Saul Bellow. American millionaire Henderson travels to a remote part of Africa in search of meaning to his life. The story gets bogged down in philosophical discussions, but leaving those aside I ended up quite liking the inept, insensitive but restlessly energetic Henderson. 3/5

Modificato: Dic 7, 2020, 4:10 pm

>1015 Glad for the warning on this one. I just read and really liked Cecilia but I don't think I could slog through one that was even more uselessly long with yet another couple dogged by endless degrees of miscommunication. Maybe in another decade or so.

And like everybody else above, I too loved The Commandant!

Dic 14, 2020, 4:08 am

1017. Wittgenstein's Nephew - Thomas Bernhard. The author recalls his friendship with Paul Wittgenstein, great-nephew of the Austrian-born philosopher. A typical Bernhard structure with only one paragraph for the entire novel. However I found the writing compelling and (surprisingly for a novel focusing on death) entertaining. 4/5

Dic 20, 2020, 2:36 am

1018. The Woodlanders - Thomas Hardy. Love, lust and snobbery in Hardy’s rural Wessex. A nicely written story that threatens to end happily but being Hardy has tragedy, loss and poignancy. 4/5

Dic 20, 2020, 12:11 pm

>35 puckers: Oh you sum up Hardy so well.

Dic 21, 2020, 2:03 am

>36 gypsysmom: You learn not to invest too much hope in the happiness of his heroes/heroines, though this one is more bitter-sweet.

Dic 23, 2020, 5:28 pm

1019. Ormond - Maria Edgeworth. Harry Ormond is raised by two patrons in 18th century Ireland. This is readable but never really gets out of first gear and I struggle to think of anything memorable that happened in it. 2.5/5

Modificato: Gen 15, 2021, 5:51 am

1020. The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum - Heinrich Boll. Katharina Blum takes a man home who is (unknown to her) wanted by the police; the press and police subsequently paint her as a conspirator with a shady past, with violent consequences. A fitting book to read given the recent high profile "fake news", conspiracy theories and violent reaction. 3/5

Gen 15, 2021, 5:50 am

1021. This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen - Tadeusz Borowski. A collection of short stories based on the authors experiences in Auschwitz. The routine/ordinariness of life in the camps while millions are gassed and incinerated close by is the most disturbing aspect of this most necessary collection of stories. 4/5

Gen 15, 2021, 10:46 pm

Congrats, what an achievement!

Gen 18, 2021, 1:19 am

>41 Tess_W: Thanks!

Gen 20, 2021, 7:55 pm

1022. We - Yevgeny Zamyatin. Engineer D-503 lives in a totalitarian state that controls every aspect of individuals lives and ensures conformity through a creed that you cannot have happiness and freedom. This took a time to get in to due to a somewhat disjointed style of writing, but once you understand who's who (only referred to by numbers) it was an interesting satire on dystopian society, and thought to be a major influence on Orwell and others. The book was ultimately suppressed in his native Russia and Zamyatin had to emigrate to France. 3.5/5

Gen 28, 2021, 5:43 pm

1023. The Way of all Flesh - Samuel Butler. The narrator is the godfather of Ernest Pontifex, a young man brought up in a stern unloving family who seeks to make his own way in the world. The book was published after the authors death in 1903 but was written in the 1870s in the typical Victorian style that I like. The characters however are unlikable, and the central focus is on ecclesiastical debates of the time which get dull. 3/5

Feb 2, 2021, 2:41 am

1024. Lost Illusions - Honore de Balzac. A young printer marries the sister of a budding poet in rural France. Made up of three books from Balzac’s Comedie Humaine, the title tells you the young people’s launch in to life is not going to be easy, but Balzacs writing is again readable and entertaining. 3.5/5

Feb 3, 2021, 5:21 pm

1025. Willard and his Bowling Trophies - Richard Brautigan. The Logan brothers are hunting for their stolen bowling trophies; they are in a flat in San Francisco surrounding a papier-mâché bird called Willard. The set-up as per my summary is bizarre enough to spark initial interest, but the story then seems to peter out without the hoped for inventive twists and turns. A quick read though. 2.5/5

Feb 9, 2021, 5:26 am

1026. A World of Love - Elizabeth Bowen. A teenage girl finds an old packet of letters in the attic of a crumbling Irish country house. My last of the six Bowens on the list delivered what I expected - structurally disorienting writing with vague conversations (quite Woolf like) but an overall intriguing set of relationships including a deceased cousin/fiancée who's (unread) letters revive old unresolved issues. Improves with reflection. 3/5

Modificato: Feb 10, 2021, 6:15 am

1027. The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas - Machado de Assis. A wealthy Brazilian man recalls his life and loves. A strikingly modern novel with chatty playful narrative and some amusing asides. However apart from an intense affair nothing much happens in the life of Bras Cubas and I was left wondering what the point of it all was, which may be point the author is making about life. 3/5

Feb 11, 2021, 5:24 am

1028. Nadja - Andre Breton. Breton, the father of surrealism, describes his encounters with a young woman he calls Nadja. Described as a Surrealist romance, the plot has some intrigue and my book has many photos to assist with a story that doesn’t always hang together. 3/5

Modificato: Apr 9, 2021, 5:02 pm

1029. The Guiltless - Hermann Broch. Stories involving a young Dutch businessman who rents a room from a baroness in pre-Nazi Germany. Broch adapted this from existing short stories of his, adding others and linking them with sections of poetry. The basic story I quite liked, but I glazed over during the more philosophical sections and the linking poetry was just so many words thrown together on the page. 2.5/5

Mar 3, 2021, 4:57 am

1030. The Path to the Spiders’ Nests - Italo Calvino. A young boy Pin runs in to trouble during the war and joins a group of Italian Resistance fighters. Calvino’s first novel. This lacks the playful inventiveness of his later works but I enjoyed much of this piece of Italian neorealism. Calvino’s Preface written 18 years later is insightful as to the mood that lead to him writing this novel. 4/5

Modificato: Mar 5, 2021, 2:53 pm

1031. The Rebel - Albert Camus. Camus explores rebellion and revolution, nihilism and freedom, in the light of 200 years of European history. I started this book about five years ago and gave up, the only List book I’ve failed to finish. This time I made it to the end but still struggled to concentrate on Camus’ intellectual analysis. I can see that it would be essential reading for students of history but for me this was a 1.5/5

Modificato: Apr 9, 2021, 5:02 pm

1032. The Ambassadors - Henry James. Lambert Strether is sent on a mission to bring his future son-in-law back from Paris to the USA, but finds himself seduced by the place and its people. I always find James hard to read with his endless convoluted sentences and his ambiguous incomplete conversations. Hence I listened to this as an audiobook which means someone else has to work out how the sentences should work. Whether it was the excellent narration by John Chancer, or a certain wistfulness as I tackled my sixth and last Henry James from the list, I ended up quite enjoying this, even though nothing much happens in its 500 pages. It covers familiar ground for James, with an American adrift in European culture, but this one worked better for me than most of his other novels. 3.5/5

Mar 12, 2021, 5:10 am

1033. The Passion of New Eve - Angela Carter. A young Englishman escapes New York as it descends in to chaos. An apocalyptic vision of the USA, and there are many distasteful and brutal scenes that I found off putting. However the surreal landscape that Carter creates maintains interest like the underground sanctuary of a many breasted fertility goddess and the revolving glass palace of an ageing silent movie star. 3/5

Mar 13, 2021, 6:30 pm

I just picked up an anthology of Italian Folktales by Italo Calvino (free at a book sale!!) and I'm so excited... Calvino's style is one I really appreciate.

Mar 22, 2021, 6:20 pm

1034. The Real Charlotte - Edith Somerville and Martin Ross. Young and attractive Francie Fitzpatrick goes to stay with her scheming older cousin Charlotte in rural Ireland and soon has three men chasing after her. A good read with a variety of well drawn characters. Entertaining, though I question the Daily Telegraph's "very funny indeed" given the number of tragic deaths involved. 4/5

Apr 1, 2021, 5:40 am

1035. Journey to the Alcarria - Camilo Jose Cela. The author walks through the Alcarria region of Spain. Written in the third person (the author refers to himself as “the traveller”), nothing really happens in this story. However I very much enjoyed his descriptions of the local life and places he visits, many of which evoked memories of similar people and places I’ve encountered on walking trips overseas. A nice antidote as Australia enters its second year with no international travel. 4/5

Apr 8, 2021, 9:49 am

Wow, you made it to 1001, congratulations! And then didn't just call that crazy adventure done but kept going, haha.

Apr 8, 2021, 2:48 pm

>58 ursula: Thank you. Definitely slowed down now as I work my way through many neglected non-list books, but hoping to hit 1200 eventually.

Apr 9, 2021, 5:09 am

Congrats for a milestone achievement!

Apr 9, 2021, 5:04 pm

>60 elik82: Thank you!

Apr 15, 2021, 6:58 pm

1036. A Home at the End of the World - Michael Cunningham. A gay man, his best (straight) friend and an older woman form an unconventional family unit. I enjoyed Cunningham's writing style and the initial "coming of age" story was quite compelling. However it then got bogged down and I ended up feeling somewhat dissatisfied with its lack of resolution. Also the book is told from the different POVs of each character, but their voices seem pretty much the same. 3/5

Apr 21, 2021, 8:27 pm

1037. Claudine's House - Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette. Colette recalls her idyllic childhood. A very pleasant read with wonderful atmosphere of a bygone era in a fun-filled and chaotic house. 4/5

Mag 14, 2021, 8:29 am

1038. Cakes and Ale - W. Somerset Maugham. A writer recalls his encounters with a famous author and his flirtatious wife. I very much enjoyed this read. Maugham’s turns of phrase are frequently delightful, and the story rolls along revealing the famous author in a light his admirers would prefer to conceal. 4/5

Giu 21, 2021, 6:51 pm

1039. How Late It Was, How Late - James Kelman. Glaswegian petty criminal Sammy wakes up from a drunken coma, hits a policeman and ends up being blinded in police custody. Notwithstanding the inconclusive plot and dense stream of consciousness profanities, I liked this novel. It certainly helps to be familiar with the environment and modes of speaking/patter when reading this style of book. My favorite Kelman so far. 4/5

Modificato: Giu 29, 2021, 4:21 pm

1040. Maldoror - Comte de Lautreamont. A satanic creature travels around witnessing and inflicting scenes of brutality. A dense collection of scenes with a constant air of blasphemous sinister savagery makes this a difficult book to relax with so it took quite a few days to read. Many of the images are vivid and startlingly surreal, hence a higher rating than I really wanted to give it. The author is no more a count than you or I, being an obscure Uruguayan youth living in Paris who wrote this at 20 and died at 24. Something different. 3/5

Lug 20, 2021, 7:11 am

1041. The Possessed - Fyodor Dostoevsky. A group of anarchists in pre-revolution Russia. The story takes a while to get going but builds to a crescendo that is fatal to most of the characters. Sometimes a bit preachy but also quite humorous passages. Overall I liked this. 3.5/5

Lug 20, 2021, 4:48 pm

1042. Fortunata and Jacinta - Benito Perez Galdos. The story of the wife (Jacinta) and devoted lover (Fortunata) of a rich but worthless man. Poverty-stricken Fortunata’s story is the more interesting and gets most of the focus in this lengthy and atmospheric novel. 3.5/5

Modificato: Lug 29, 2021, 7:12 am

1043. Native Son - Richard Wright. A young African American from a poor ghetto murders his employers daughter. The “Fear” and “Flight” sections of this novel I found compelling, but the courtroom “Fate” conclusion was a bit long winded. Despite the lengthy courtroom defence and an outrageously racist/bigoted prosecutor I had little sympathy for the violent young man. 4/5

Ago 10, 2021, 4:26 pm

1044. Pierre and Jean - Guy de Maupassant. A family threatens to fall apart when one brother becomes sole heir to an inheritance. Nicely written and engaging enough without rising to any great heights. 3/5

Ago 15, 2021, 4:15 am

1045. The Moor’s Last Sigh - Salman Rushdie. The story of four generations of an Indian spice trading dynasty told by the last surviving male. My seventh and last list Rushdie. Rushdie is more restrained with both his magic realism and showing off his intellect and consequently I found this novel more straightforward and entertaining than some others. 3.5/5

Ago 15, 2021, 7:55 am

>71 puckers: I've not yet read any books by Salmon Rushdie and I would like to get to his books soon. Are there one or two from the list that you'd recommend most highly?

Modificato: Ago 16, 2021, 4:22 pm

>72 japaul22: his two most famous books Midnight’s Children and The Satanic Verses are the who’s I enjoyed least - too much assumed background knowledge and difficult to connect with. My favourite was Shame, a parody of Pakistani politics with lots of dark humour. I also enjoyed Grimus and The Moor’s Last Sigh above. There is no doubting that he is a clever and intellectual writer, but sometimes he leaves you behind as he shows off these qualities.

Ago 15, 2021, 4:51 pm

>73 puckers: Thank you, that's very helpful! I got Midnight's Children from the library about a year ago and just never made the time for it. I'll look at some of the others you mention.

Set 1, 2021, 7:06 pm

1046. Rameau's Nephew - Denis Diderot. The narrator and the decadent nephew of the title converse on philosophical issues in a coffee shop. A short and quite readable book, with some quotable one-liners. Many of the contemporary references to people were lost on me, but still some fun in parts. 3/5

Modificato: Set 5, 2021, 5:03 pm

1047. Democracy - Joan Didion. A politicians wife has an affair with a shadowy arms dealer. One of those books that crept up on me. Initially it seemed like a pretentious disorganised slog, but pieces kept slotting in to place and ultimately it became quite witty and satisfying. Didion regularly interposes herself into the narration of what she describes at the end as “this novel of fitful glimpses”. 3.5/5

Set 15, 2021, 7:28 am

1048. Manhattan Transfer - John Dos Passos. The ups and downs of the lives of various people in New York in the early 20th century. The story changes perspective rapidly and frequently and I sometimes lost a handle on who was who. The main achievement was a great sense of time and place, and the beating heart of New York. 3.5/5

Ott 2, 2021, 1:32 am

1049. Berlin Alexanderplatz - Alfred Doblin. Franz Biberkopf emerges from prison and tries to make his way in 1920s Berlin. I can see it is List worthy - touches of Joyce (Greek tragedy, Biblical references, dream like passages as a man lives the life of a city) and Dos Passos (multiple stories and newspaper extracts capturing life in a jazz age city), but ultimately I found it too rambling and for enjoyment this was 2.5/5 for me.

Modificato: Mar 24, 2022, 5:16 pm

1050. Cat and Mouse - Gunter Grass. Loner and clown Mahlke becomes a war hero in Danzig. Told through the eyes of obsessed fellow student Pilenz, you never get inside Mahlke’s head and therefore I didn’t care much about him or his fate. 3/5

Ott 9, 2021, 8:25 pm

1051. The Book of Daniel - E. L. Doctorow. Loosely based on the real life case of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg who were executed for treason in the 1950s. Told through the eyes of their son Daniel, the narrative is fractured and incomplete and takes some time to get in to. However you feel the anger and frustration of the narrator and his sister. 3/5

Nov 12, 2021, 6:35 pm

1052. Blonde - Joyce Carol Oates. The life of Marilyn Monroe from mentally abused and abandoned child to self-doubting Hollywood icon. The basic facts seem to line up with Monroe’s life, but Oates adds a lot of imagined interior thoughts and motivations which make the glittering stars life a continual nightmare. A compelling and depressing read that sadly might be true. 4/5

Nov 13, 2021, 7:23 pm

1053. The Lover - Marguerite Duras. A French schoolgirl in Saigon has an affair with a young Chinese millionaire. I found this very disjointed and therefore difficult to get any emotional connection. Like abstract art - interesting but not my thing. 3/5

Nov 20, 2021, 6:48 pm

1054. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes - Anita Loos. This book appeared in a 2012 edition of Boxall's list and has been retained in some if not all editions since then. I read this in 2018 and gave it 2 stars at the time - supposed to be humorous but I found it all rather dull and silly. An "armchair tick" as we say in birding circles.

Nov 26, 2021, 5:49 am

1055. The Circle - Dave Eggers. A global social media/search engine giant seeks to control everyone in the world. The novel raises some significant and very current issues around choice and privacy, but I found the writing style a bit juvenile with an unrealistic plot arc and a naive main character. 3/5

Modificato: Dic 3, 2021, 3:02 am

1056. The Marriage Plot - Jeffrey Eugenides. Follows a college student and her two suitors. While the closing paragraphs declare this to be a unique twist on the Regency romantic novel (Austen et al) it didn’t really work for me - there was no one likeable enough to root for, lots of backtracking, and no twists to maintain interest. 3/5

Dic 4, 2021, 4:02 pm

> 85 Not just me then. I finished it thinking that it may be cleverer than I am, but there again it may just be ridiculous. Couldn't make my mind up over it at all.

Modificato: Dic 6, 2021, 1:33 pm

1057. Intimacy - Hanif Kureishi. A man muses over his relationships on the night before he leaves his wife and children. This is (maybe unsurprisingly) all very morose and self-indulgent, and I found nothing much in his experiences that I could identify with. Consequently I was little invested in this story. 2.5/5

Dic 6, 2021, 6:39 am

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Modificato: Dic 9, 2021, 3:56 am

1058. Go Down, Moses - William Faulkner. Seven stories around an extended inter-racial family from the time of slavery to the early twentieth century. This is the last of my list Faulkner's and his distinct dense but powerful voice speaks through them all. There are parts of this that are a little difficult to follow but, like his other books, when you get into his groove he is sublime. Overall this one 4/5

Dic 20, 2021, 12:18 am

1059. Like Life - Lorrie Moore. Eight short stories about people who's lives aren't quite what they'd like them to be. I can understand the admiration of Moore's writing, but these stories were largely slices of unfulfilled lives that meandered through to another unfulfilled point. The cruel twist at the end of "Vissi D'Arte" made this a story I enjoyed but I didn't quite see the message in the others. 3/5

Dic 28, 2021, 3:00 am

1060. Where Angels Fear To Tread - E.M. Foster. A young English woman marries an Italian, precipitating adverse reactions from her English family. Foster’s first novel deals with cultural differences that become a recurring theme in later novels. This novel is quite engaging but it’s brevity results in some rapid changes in characters attitudes that could have benefited from longer development. 3/5

Gen 14, 2022, 6:47 pm

1061. Extraordinary Life of Martinus Scriblerus - Alexander Pope and others. An 18th century satire on the getting of knowledge. A bit of a shambles, but I did find much of it quite amusing. 3/5

Gen 15, 2022, 3:55 am

1062. Tyll - Daniel Kehlmann. The 30 Years War in Germany seen through various encounters with travelling entertainer and court jester Tyll Ulenspiegel. While there are dark passages in the story the tone is of a comic grotesque and I liked it. 4/5

Gen 18, 2022, 3:43 am

1063. The Cider House Rules - John Irving. Dr Larch runs an orphanage in Maine, with an abortion clinic on the side. As with other Irving books this is a long quirky tale with interesting characters and some serious subject matter. The book does deal with abortion at length but is even-handed/non-judgmental and somehow it doesn't distract from an entertaining and at times moving book. 4/5

Modificato: Gen 27, 2022, 4:27 pm

1064. A Maggot - John Fowles. In 1736 a mysterious group of travellers appear in the West Country of England; later one is found hung and the other travellers vanished. The mystery sucked me in and I enjoyed much of the reveal through the lawyers Q&A. However the sci-fi twist and lengthy theological argument in the last third of the book lost my interest. Overall 3.5/5

Modificato: Gen 27, 2022, 5:36 pm

>95 puckers: Agreed! I enjoy Fowles, but I couldn't figure out what he was doing. The Magus remains one of my surprise favorites from the list.

Modificato: Gen 27, 2022, 5:59 pm

>96 amaryann21: I very much enjoyed The French Lieutenant's Woman and the creepy The Collector, but couldn't quite see the point of this one, particularly as at the end he directly relates this to a historical character yet is deliberately 12 months out on her birth date. As he says in his intro, a "maggot" is also defined as a whimsy, but this was a bit too "out there" for me.

Feb 1, 2022, 10:20 am

>97 puckers: It always makes me wonder what's happening in an author's life when they write something that seems to differ so much from the style of other work. "Out there" is a apt description!

Feb 9, 2022, 5:18 am

1065. Tom Jones - Henry Fielding. The various misadventures of young Tom Jones as he seeks the hand of a Sophia, a local squires daughter. There was a lot of slapstick humour in this 250 year old picaresque novel, much of which I found amusing. The middle of the novel consists of various side adventures which could have been severely pruned without affecting the plot one jot, but the authors tongue-in-cheek asides carry you through this and, despite himself, Tom ends up living happily ever after. 4/5

Feb 21, 2022, 5:12 pm

1066. No-one Writes to the Colonel - Gabriel Garcia Marquez. An aged ex-colonel waits in poverty for a pension that never arrives, and pins his hopes on his fighting rooster. A short story which is very readable but is too brief for the legendary author to show off his full skills. 3/5

Mar 10, 2022, 4:12 pm

1067. Red Harvest - Dashiell Hammett. A private investigator is summoned to the town of Personville where he precipitates a gang war. Classic hard boiled crime fiction with a mix of dark wisecracks and much violence. Gets a bit messy with numerous crime bosses introduced (and subsequently dispatched) but an entertaining piece of writing. 4/5

Mar 12, 2022, 1:13 am

1068. The Immoralist - Andre Gide. A young man tells the story of his quest to break from societies norms. It is hard to empathise with the narrator as he selfishly seeks self fulfilment at the expense of his wife’s health. I believe his admiration of young labourers and Arab boys caused a stir at the time but there’s really barely anything in this aspect of the story to raise an eyebrow these days. 3/5

Mar 27, 2022, 11:58 pm

1069. Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Wilhelm leaves town and joins a travelling troupe of actors following a thwarted love affair. The sections with the actors and putting on plays in various locations was entertaining enough, but when our hero is away from them his tale gets rather dull. 3/5

Mar 28, 2022, 6:22 am

1070. The Nose - Nikolai Gogol. A man wakes to find his nose has disappeared! A Russian author with a sense of humour - who’d have thought. Very short (read in half an hour) and not sure there was any hidden meaning here. 3/5

Apr 1, 2022, 5:38 am

1071. July’s People - Nadine Gordimer. The white Smales family flee a violent revolution in the cities of South Africa to live with their black servants extended family in the bush. An original scenario where cultural norms and power structures subtly move. Interesting, and presumably unsettling in apartheid South Africa where it was banned. 3.5/5

Apr 5, 2022, 4:33 am

1072. Mother - Maxim Gorky. The mother of a young Socialist finds herself taking a more active role in spreading pamphlets following his arrest. The progression from an illiterate oppressed woman to an active and admired revolutionary is quite moving to follow, though a lot of the conversations are rather preachy in this pre-revolutionary Russian novel. 3/5

Modificato: Apr 9, 2022, 3:09 am

1073. The Opposing Shore - Julien Gracq. A young army officer is sent to a remote neglected fort overlooking a sea that separates two countries in a suspended decades-old conflict. I admire authors who can transport you to a place using words alone and Gracq certainly has that skill as he paints a dreamlike country with a crumbling fort near a faded Venice-like coastal town. At first I found his exaggerated use of adjectives and similes a bit overwhelming ("Purple Prose" I think is the description of this). However over time I got absorbed in the slow evolution of the story, though I did skim through some of his more laboured and lengthy paragraphs. 3/5

Apr 15, 2022, 7:43 pm

1074. Dog Years - Gunter Grass. Follows two frenemies in Germany from 1920s to 1950s. Not a straightforward narrative but I quite liked the first two sections. The final postwar portion however was very obscure and surreal, and I was glad to get it over with. Maybe more meaningful to those with a knowledge of postwar German history. 2.5/5

Mag 1, 2022, 7:46 am

1075. Blindness - Henry Green. Green’s first novel involves a 17 year old boy who is blinded in an accident. Different perspectives (diary, interior monologue and external conversations) show the 20 year old Green experimenting with style. Some potentially interesting characters are brought in then abandoned in this imperfect short story. 3/5

Modificato: Mag 13, 2022, 3:51 am

1076. The Goalie’s Anxiety at the Penalty Kick - Peter Handke. A man commits a murder and then travels to a remote border town in Austria. The story is told through the rather random, paranoid and amoral view of the murderer. Most of the story is dull, though the closing pages explain the novel’s unusual title. 2.5/5

Modificato: Mag 17, 2022, 6:19 am

1077. The Hand of Ethelberta - Thomas Hardy. A poetess rising in London society goes to extreme lengths to hide her humble origins. I quite enjoyed this. There are four suitors after her hand and the tense ending fails to satisfy it’s romantic buildup but at least avoids Hardy’s usual tragic finale. 3.5/5

Mag 31, 2022, 5:28 pm

1078. The Marble Faun - Nathaniel Hawthorne. Four young people (three Anglo American artists and a mysterious Italian count) travel around Rome and beyond. A strange novel, mixing travelogue with fantasy-romance. The latter is all rather melodramatic with large gaps in logic and I found this all very dull. 2/5

Modificato: Giu 5, 2022, 5:09 am

1079. The Sun also Rises - Ernest Hemingway. A newspaper writer joins a group of friends for the bullfighting fiesta in Pamploma. Hemingway is divisive both for his terse writing style and his ‘masculine’ subject matter (in this case bullfighting, fishing and getting drunk). I generally like his style and have rated his best 5/5. Thus one I got in to even if it doesn’t really go anywhere and I thought it 3.5/5

Giu 12, 2022, 5:15 pm

1080. Platform - Michel Houellebecq. Entrepreneurs see sex as the future of package tourism. A strange novel - some wit, some social philosophy, some serious violence, a couple of unrelatable central characters and a lot of graphic sex, which when mixed up felt pointless and distasteful. 2.5/5

Giu 18, 2022, 8:26 am

1081. The Glass Bead Game - Hermann Hesse. Follows the rise of Joseph Knecht to the highest levels in the structure of the glass bead game. The glass bead game is never fully described but it appears to be some sort of intellectual game involving music, mathematics and meditation, and no glass beads. There is little excitement in this story; I preferred the three tales at the end which dwell on the quest for meaning in life and death. 3/5

Lug 1, 2022, 8:49 pm

1082. The Line of Beauty - Alan Hollinghurst. Nick Guest, a gay Oxford graduate, lives with Tory MP and his family during the Thatcher years. I really liked the writing in this - many beautifully observed moments. The various parties have a Proustian air about them as our detached hero observes the quirks of various titled and powerful people around him (including one scene with "The Lady"). The often explicit gay sex scenes seemed unnecessary, but do lead to the increasing doom of HIV-Aids towards the novel's end. 4/5

Lug 7, 2022, 6:10 am

1083. Eyeless in Gaza - Aldous Huxley. Anthony Beavis' life from schoolboy to middle age is told through a rather bewildering series of stories and diary entries on mixed timelines. This and dense philosophical digressions made this all a bit of disjointed slog. Most of the characters are rather weak and unhappy and the overall effect was rather depressing. 2.5/5

Modificato: Lug 11, 2022, 6:08 am

1084. A Pale View of Hills - Kazuo Ishiguro. A Japanese woman living in England, and coming to terms with her eldest daughters suicide, reminisces about a woman and child whom she befriended in Nagasaki. Ishiguro's first novel raises more questions than it answers about the motivations of various characters and you never really get to grips with anyone in the story. Easy to read though. 3/5

Lug 19, 2022, 3:42 am

1085. The Last Temptation - Nikos Kazantzakis. A non-traditional view of the life of Christ. Kazantzakis presents a more conflicted, human figure than the Christ of the Gospels, and his disciples are similarly much less reliable and focused. The role of Judas and Christs' use of him was the most interesting aspect of the story, particularly in the closing pages. There are obviously many overlaps with the Gospel stories, the parables and the trial and crucifixion to give the novel a hint of "reality" but as a church-going Christian of 50 years I can't say I was offended by the novel and while parts of it were hard work (way too much melodrama and raving) it was worth a read. 3.5/5

Ago 9, 2022, 5:13 pm

1086. A Disaffection - James Kelman. A stream of consciousness novel inside the head of a disillusioned 29 year old high school teacher in Glasgow. I was about half way through the book when I mislaid it and haven’t relocated it! I was quite enjoying the typically dark Glasgow humour, but the story wasn’t going anywhere and based on other Kelman list books I suspect nothing much more was going to happen. Will update if the book resurfaces. Based on what I read I’d give this 3.5/5

Ago 11, 2022, 2:29 am

>120 puckers: Well, at least it wasn't a thriller or a mystery where the ending really does matter - that would have been annoying!

Ago 12, 2022, 4:29 am

>121 Henrik_Madsen: I managed to find the book under a pile of papers (the hazards of “working from home”). There were a couple of twists in the latter half, though still no great change in the expected trajectory of the story. I continued to enjoy the “patter” and might rate this 4/5 for provoking nostalgia from my Glasgow days.

Modificato: Ago 20, 2022, 6:26 am

1087. The Case Worker - George Konrad. A welfare worker reflects on impact of his work on the society he lives in. A grim portrait of life for many in Budapest, and the (futile?) efforts of one man to bring empathy to the lives of some. Best summed up in the closing line “let all those come who want to; one of us will talk, the other will listen; at least we shall be together”. 3.5/5

Set 1, 2022, 6:20 pm

1088. Fan Man - William Kotzwinkle. Horse Badorties is a hippy living in squalor in 1970s New York. This is short and easy to read, and I found a few parts mildly amusing, but I suspect you needed to have been of that era and on some of the featured substances to get full value from this book. 3/5

Set 9, 2022, 2:43 am

1089. Gabriel’s Gift - Hanif Kureishi. Gabriel is the son of two artists in London who’s relationship is falling apart. I quite liked the story though the ending was unrealistically happily ever after given the build up. 3/5

Set 23, 2022, 7:08 am

1090. Sabbath's Theatre - Philip Roth. Oversexed, aging street puppeteer Mickey Sabbath reflects on his life. This is skillfully written but has an unlikable central character in Sabbath, and rather too much graphic sex. 3/5

Set 23, 2022, 7:41 am

1091. The Making of Americans - Gerturde Stein. Stein attempts to tell a family history in a unique style. I can see why this book is on the Boxall list - I've never read anything like it, and frankly never want to read anything like it again! The conventional plot points could be detailed in less than 5 pages, leaving 950 pages to be filled with incredibly repetitive and circular analysis of different types of people written in an odd grammatical style:

A sample: "He was being living every day. He would be knowing every day what he was meaning by being living that day, and he was knowing every day that he was being living that day. Every day he was knowing he was being living, that day. He was being living every day. He was knowing every day that he was being living on that day. He was knowing every day that he was being living. He would know that he was meaning being one being living every day. He would be one being living every day and knowing every day he was being living that day and would be knowing every day the meaning in being living that day. He was being living every day. He was every day knowing he was being living. He was every day knowing he was knowing the meaning of being living that day".... and so on for 950 pages.

Not the worst book on the list, but certainly the most tedious. 1.5/5

Set 28, 2022, 6:19 pm

1092. Nada - Carmen Laforet. 18 year old Andrea goes to live with her disfunctional relatives in Barcelona. Nicely written and atmospheric, but rather melodramatic (as you might expect when seen through the eyes of an 18 year old living with violent and sadistic relatives). 3/5

Modificato: Ott 5, 2022, 2:09 pm

1093. The Fox - D.H. Lawrence. A young returning soldier finds two women living in the farm house he previously lived in. Only 70 pages long but Lawrence packs a lot of misery and tension into this short story. 3/5

Ott 9, 2022, 6:11 pm

1094. Down Second Avenue - Es'kia Mphahlele. The author describes his life in apartheid South Africa from childhood until he emigrated to Nigeria. The childhood reminiscences are the most engaging parts of the story; his struggles to live as a teacher and writer without compromising his integrity are drier as they describe politics and the law but still of interest and reminder of the oppressive apartheid regimes in the 1950s. 3.5/5

Ott 12, 2022, 12:41 am

1095. The Blind Owl - Sadiq Hidayat. The narrator describes the deaths of two women. It is repetitive but intriguing as you try to work what (if anything) is reality and what is (drug induced?) hallucination. Apparently there are many allusions to the state of Iran in the 1930s and to the works of Omar Khayyam, but being ignorant of both I missed these references. 3/5

Ott 20, 2022, 5:53 am

1096. The German Lesson - Siegfried Lenz. A 20-year-old boy in juvenile detention is assigned the punishment of completing an essay in solitary confinement. He writes the story of his father, a policeman in the war, who obsessively harasses his friend when his paintings are banned as degenerate. It sounds a little grim but actually is quite a delight - interesting characters in an atmospheric coastal area of Germany bordering the North Sea, and the overarching theme of duty (in Nazi Germany) overriding friendship and fairness. Best list read in a while. 4.5/5

Ott 24, 2022, 4:26 pm

1097. La Brava - Elmore Leonard. Photographer Joe LaBrava gets involved with a former film actress and two small time hustlers. Hard boiled crime fiction which flagged until a twist halfway through. 3.5/5

Nov 1, 2022, 3:46 am

1098. The Diaries of Jane Somers - Doris Lessing. Janna Somers is a widow in her 50s who’s life is changed by befriending a cantankerous old woman and later a married man. Originally released under a pseudonym, these two books are thoughtful stories of aging and cross generational relationships. The first story about angry nonagenarian Maudie Fowler was particularly interesting. 3.5/5

Nov 2, 2022, 11:11 am

>134 puckers: I recently finished this one as well. I definitely found the first book more interesting and engaging than the second- the character showed a little more heart, perhaps.

Nov 2, 2022, 2:27 pm

>135 amaryann21: I think Lessing tried to cover too much in the second book - the central love affair, his stalking children, her aimless sulky niece, another angry old woman, her oldest friend drifting apart, workplace dynamics….. I felt more was definitely less.

Nov 6, 2022, 2:47 pm

1099. If Not Now, When? -Primo Levi. A band of Jewish partisans fight behind German lines in the closing months of WW2. Based on true stories this is well told and not as grim as you might expect. 4/5

Nov 15, 2022, 12:11 am

1100. Anniversaries: From a Year in the Life of Gesine Cresspahl - Uwe Johnson. The life of Gesine Cresspahl is told in two parallel stories - in Germany through the WW2 and subsequent Soviet occupation, and New York from August 1967 to August 1968. A long (1900 pages) and at times rambling and confusing book as the author switches unexpectedly between time periods and perspectives (first person to third person). The German story is the more interesting (what East Germans had to go through in the 1940s and 50s). The New York story is more setting you up for what will happen on 21 August 1968. Much longer than it needed to be for me, but much of interest historically that still resonates in Eastern Europe today. 3.5/5

Nov 15, 2022, 6:45 am

1100, wow! Congratulations! Great title for the milestone.

Nov 15, 2022, 7:12 am

>138 puckers: Congratulations! Such an impressive accomplishment!

Nov 20, 2022, 4:42 pm


Modificato: Nov 28, 2022, 5:44 pm

>139 BentleyMay: >140 NinieB: >141 paruline: Thank you!

1101. The Apes of God - Wyndham Lewis. Horace Zagreus takes a dull-witted young man under his wing to educate him on the pretentious and talentless artists of the 1920s. Wyndham Lewis used this book to attack the monied middleclass artists and writers of his day (Bloomsbury Group etc), and the wealthy Sitwell family. I enjoyed this more than expected - the writing is colorful and there are some humorous scenes, albeit other parts drag. 3.5/5

Dic 2, 2022, 2:02 pm

1102. Hour of the Star - Clarice Lispector. The story of Macabea, a plain and poor young woman eking out an existence in the slums of Rio. This is a short novella (75 pages) but deserves to be read slowly with many interesting turns of phrase, and the authors voice interposing to explain the difficulties of controlling the direction of the story. 3.5/5

Dic 13, 2022, 1:18 pm

1103. The War of the End of the World - Mario Vargas Llosa. A fictional account of the War of Canudos, where a religious charismatic set up a town in Bahia (Brazil) and preached against the recently established Republic. Seen as a threat, four military campaigns were launched against the town resulting in brutal slaughter on both sides (30,000 dead). Fascinating to read about a period of history I’d never heard of, this is a long slow book which only really got going at the heights of the last two campaigns against Canudos. 3.5/5

Dic 25, 2022, 2:18 am

1104. Martin Eden - Jack London. Rough uneducated sailor Martin Eden undertakes an intense self education to lift himself up in the world. Londons hero is often frustrating and his realization that the grass isn’t always greener makes more a poignant ending. 3.5/5

Feb 10, 2023, 3:19 pm

1105. Pavel’s Letters - Monika Maron. The author seeks to recreate the life and death of her grandparents (victims of the Holocaust) through a handful of photos and letters. A combination of investigation, speculation and musings on memory and “what if”. A touching and stimulating read. 4/5

Modificato: Feb 17, 2023, 4:54 am

1106. The Tin Flute - Gabrielle Roy. Describes the life of poverty of a working-class family in Montreal at the start of WW2. The book doesn't appear to be anything remarkable by today's standards but apparently it was quite revolutionary at the time (1945) with its raw depiction of urban poverty going against the prevailing romanticism of life in Quebec by other novelists - to that extent I presume it deserves its place on a list of books charting the development of the novel (leaving aside the fact that Zola and others had been doing this elsewhere 70 years earlier).

Despite the predictable lack of silver linings in the story, I ended up quite liking it and found parts touching - a variety of characters mostly making the best of a bad situation, with the central dogged mother trying to keep her family together in some sort of dignity and security. 3/5

Mar 10, 2023, 4:07 pm

1107. That They May Face The Rising Sun - John McGahern. Life in a rural Irish community. When I started this book I wasn’t sure I’d get in to - many characters flitting in and out and no real plot. However like many such books you get into the rhythm and eventually was completely absorbed. Set during “the troubles” around 1970s, one suspects this slow pace of life based around the seasons has largely vanished now. 4/5

Mar 27, 2023, 3:30 am

1108. Tropic of Capricorn - Henry Miller. A prequel to Tropic of Cancer, there is entertainment at the start of this book as he describes his dead end job and the characters he employs. However he soon goes off on an endless stream of consciousness on his early sex life which is both explicit, dull and regularly unreadably weird (reminded me of Burroughs). The early section saves this from a worse rating. 2.5/5

Modificato: Ott 13, 2023, 8:07 pm

1109. The Time of Indifference - Alberto Moravia. A widow and her adult children are entangled emotionally and financially with the widow's lover. There are only five characters in this novel, and they are as self-serving, dull and unlikable as each other. I didn't care for any of them and consequently wasn't taken by this story. 2/5

Mag 1, 2023, 6:47 am

1110. Anton Reiser - Karl Phillipp Moritz. Anton is a young man who seeks public recognition but who's impetuosity and quickness to take offence finds him forever snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. My Kindle version of this story was woefully translated which, together with my frustrations with the title character's approach to life, meant this was not an enjoyable read. 2/5

Modificato: Mag 12, 2023, 7:17 pm

1111. Song of Solomon - Toni Morrison. Macon Dead goes on a quest to discover his family’s past. An entertaining mix of African-American history and some magic realism. 4/5

Mag 15, 2023, 4:25 am

1112. The Beggar Maid - Alice Munro. Short stories that follow a Canadian woman from her poor childhood to her various failed relationships with men. I felt the format presented superficial snapshots so I never got to fully understand Roses motivations. Not my cup of tea. 2.5/5

Mag 25, 2023, 6:33 pm

1113. Petals of Blood - Ngugi wa Thiong’o. The struggles of a Kenyan village after independence. Both the density of the writing and the relentless crushing of hope made this a difficult read. The author was imprisoned without trial following its publication so a list-worthy book in any case. 2.5/5

Giu 12, 2023, 6:34 pm

1114. Black Water - Joyce Carol Oates. Recreates the Chappaquiddick incident through the recollections/experiences of the drowning girl trapped in a submerged car. This repetitious novella doesn’t really go anywhere. 2.5/5

Giu 15, 2023, 4:40 am

1115. August is a Wicked Month - Edna O’Brien. A young separated mother goes to the French Riviera to break out of her monotonous life. The book is short and readable, but the characters not engaging. 3/5

Giu 16, 2023, 2:45 am

1116. The Poor Mouth - Flann O'Brien. A satire on rural Irish poverty, misfortune, weather and potatoes. Quite amusing. 3.5/5

Giu 30, 2023, 7:05 am

1117. Life of Christ - Giovanni Papini. Papini retells the Gospel stories. His approach is to add colour and context to the life of Christ as told in the four gospels, without questioning the miracles or inconsistencies in some of the events. As a church-going Christian there was nothing much new for me here but as always the stories throw down personal challenges to reflect on. 3.5/5

Lug 14, 2023, 6:25 pm

1118. The Sorrow of Belgium - Hugo Claus. The Nazi occupation of Belgium seen through the eyes of a teenage school-boy. I found it a bit of a slog at times with characters and plotlines appearing randomly and then disappearing, only to reappear 100 pages later when I couldn't recall who people were and what they did. Having said that, I found the last 50 pages or so the best - the dark humour in the comings and goings of Louis' extended family, and Louis still lying and fantasizing his way through his late teens.

The reviews on the back cover of my book reference A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulysses and there is certainly something Joycean about the style of this - a book written from the POV of a young man whose imagination moves between fantasy and reality within the same paragraph, and the dwelling on minutiae while major events are happening all around (Nazi occupation, destructive Allied bombing, post-war retribution).

I suspect the book would resonate more with those familiar with the issue of the Flemish speakers within Belgium, and any subtly in the language was certainly lost on me. 3/5

Modificato: Lug 25, 2023, 5:49 am

1119. The Man Without Qualities - Robert Musil. Ulrich, a young Austrian, finds himself involved in driving "The Parallel Campaign", an ill-defined nation-building program to mark Emperor Franz Josef's 70th Jubilee. This is a long book (1120 pages in my edition) and unfinished. Despite its length, nothing much really happens, maybe as a consequence of its incompleteness (but other commentary I read explained that Musil himself couldn't work out a resolution and described the book as "a bridge into space"). Way too much philosophy but some interesting characters. 2.5/5

Lug 30, 2023, 8:39 pm

1120. Life: A User's Manual - Georges Perec. The lives and possessions of the residents of an apartment block in Paris. Perec uses the symbol of a jigsaw puzzle (the obsession of one of the apartment residents - my favourite of the many stories here) throughout the novel and uses 99 chapters to work through every nook and cranny of the building like completing a jigsaw. I liked many of the stories, and the obsessive listing of the vast array of curios and antiques owned by each resident was initially fascinating. However even I (who enjoy both lists and antiques) found this a bit wearing after several hundred pages. Would have given a higher rating if the novel had been half as long 3.5/5

Lug 31, 2023, 3:00 pm

>161 puckers: I've read exactly that: half! I've been trying to psych myself to read the rest - it's been two years, so maybe I've forgotten enough to consider it new again and re-embark in what is a very interesting premise.

Ago 3, 2023, 4:18 am

>162 Cecilturtle: there is a 50 page index at the end of the book so you might be over halfway! Apart from a twist in the last few pages, there is little to distinguish the two halves, but a two year break might make it all fresh again.

Ago 3, 2023, 5:26 pm

1121. One, No One and One Hundred Thousand - Luigi Pirandello. A wife’s chance comment on the shape of his nose results in a man questioning his identity and spiraling into increasingly irrational behavior. I read an “accessible” translation of the book by Kevan Houser which the translator admits follows the spirit of the original while simplifying the structural convolutions. Purists may like to track down the other translations but this one worked for me. 3/5

Ago 17, 2023, 10:33 pm

1122. A Question of Power - Bessie Head. A woman and her child live in a Botswanan rural community as refugees from South Africa. There are two parallel stories running here - her attempts to integrate into the village through a community farming project, and her mental breakdown as she is tormented by demons in her nightmares. The former aspects I liked, but the latter larger portion of the story proves repetitive and graphic and makes for an overall somewhat tedious read. 2.5/5

Ott 1, 2023, 6:05 am

1123. V - Thomas Pynchon. Loosely plotted around the quest for “V” (a woman or a place), for reasons that weren’t obvious to me. Pynchon’s typical chaos and multitude of characters dominate, but some of the historical sections were unexpectedly coherent, for better (the plot to smuggle Botticelli’s “Birth of Venus” out of the Ufizzi in a pot plant) or worse (grim rape and slaughter in German SW Africa). Five down one to go. 2.5/5

Ott 2, 2023, 12:40 pm

>166 puckers: You made it! It was my third Pynchon, and feels like the most chaotic one (others were The Crying of Lot 49 and Vineland).

Modificato: Ott 2, 2023, 2:35 pm

>167 amaryann21: The Crying of Lot 49 is my highest rated Pynchon - it’s short which limits the number of tangents he can plunge off in into. My remaining list book is Mason & Dixon which is certainly not short!

Ott 5, 2023, 8:11 am

>168 puckers: I have 3- Mason & Dixon, Against the Day and Gravity's Rainbow. I'm not in a hurry. I don't remember how long Rainbow is, but the others are doorstops!

Ott 12, 2023, 6:02 pm

1124. History of the Siege of Lisbon - Jose Saramago. A proof-reader inserts a "not" into a book which results in a change of direction for his life. Like other novels by Saramago, the pages long paragraphs are intimidating and make the novel hard to dip in and out of, but it is all quite readable. Not as interesting/entertaining as some of his other works though. 3/5

Nov 2, 2023, 6:16 am

1125. The Swarm - Frank Schatzing. Mass destruction by sea creatures is traced to a mysterious luminescent jelly-like substance. I'm always nervous about ecological sci-fi novels as they can be either dry, preachy and earnest, or so OTT as to be silly. This novel strays into both areas, but for much of its 900 pages this is a page-turning thriller. Apart from its ecological credentials I'm not sure why this on the 1001 list, and some of the characters (particularly the military/CIA) are Hollywood one-dimensional, but I quite enjoyed this read. 3.5/5

Nov 2, 2023, 5:57 pm

1126. Lieutenant Gustl (aka "None But the Brave") - Arthur Schnitzler. A very short story involving the reaction of a young army officer to a perceived insult. Told in the form of an interior monologue, you get a good sense of the young man's character and his distorted sense of honour. Quite entertaining. 3/5

Nov 4, 2023, 8:39 pm

>171 puckers: Apparently, this has been turned into a television series. I haven't found where it's streaming yet, but I ran across it recently. I liked this one as well!

Nov 6, 2023, 12:08 pm

>173 amaryann21: It was written like a movie so I’m not surprised. An unexpectedly mainstream read late in my 1001 journey.

Nov 15, 2023, 5:57 am

1127. Austerlitz - W.G. Sebald. Austerlitz, a foster child brought up in Wales, begins to trace fragments of his parents' history back to wartime Prague. A slow book written without one paragraph break and interspersed with black-and-white photos (mainly of buildings) that create a mood of haunting detachment. It isn't a difficult read despite this format and there are some beautiful descriptive passages. 3.5/5

Nov 20, 2023, 2:26 pm

>175 puckers: I was surprised at how engaging this book was, and I don't know why I thought it wouldn't be. I enjoyed the photographs as part of the story.

Gen 29, 3:54 am

1128. Cancer Ward - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Follows patients in a cancer ward in 1950s Russia. On paper this premise sounds depressing on several levels, but Solzhenitsyn's writing is excellent and makes for a great read even amongst all the patient's pain and the injustice of Stalin's Russia (the story is set in the period immediately after Stalin's death but the backstories go back to the purges and forced-labor camps). 4/5

Gen 29, 2:15 pm

>177 puckers: I didn't know what to expect, I buckled up for a long arduous read, and I ended up loving it. So raw and incisive.

Feb 2, 10:46 pm

1129. Tale of the Bamboo Cutter - anonymous. A bamboo cutter finds a baby girl in a field. She grows up to be a beautiful young woman courted by several important men before being whisked off back to the moon by aliens. A short and sweet fairytale, the earliest surviving Japanese work of fiction (9th or 10th century) and the first story anywhere to involve extraterrestrial life. 3/5

Feb 13, 10:11 am

>179 puckers: Studio Ghibli made a beautiful movie based on the fairytale several years ago : The tale of the Princess Kaguya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3Se53lqGRM

Feb 16, 11:37 am

>180 paruline: That looks delightful! Now I'm curious about the original tale (and the aliens).

Feb 16, 3:44 pm

>179 puckers: Going straight onto my TBR list!

Feb 18, 1:01 pm

>181 Cecilturtle: >182 annamorphic: it’s available for borrowing from archive.org. For some reason I could only borrow for an hour, but that is long enough to read it all.

Feb 19, 9:48 pm

1130. The Charwoman's Daughter - James Stephens. A young Irish woman dreams of love and escaping poverty. The story is short and easy to read, and unusually for a list book set in poverty, appears to hint at a happy ending. Just not quite sure why it is on the list. 2.5/5

Modificato: Mar 14, 8:29 pm

1131. Emile or on Education - Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Rousseau expounds his theory of educating children (boys). He is opposed to all formal education and proposes letting nature and reason take its course. He explains this over hundreds of pages which gets a bit wearing, and the book is a product of its age with education of girls being a secondary issue (as well as a bit of racism and classism thrown in), but much of what he says makes sense. 3/5

Mar 29, 6:17 pm

1132. London Orbital - Iain Sinclair. The author walks the length of London’s orbital motorway, the M25. I approached this book with some trepidation having disliked Downriver, but was pleasantly surprised to find myself enjoying the tramp with the cynical/jaded Sinclair and his companions. It’s a bleak view of the “progress” that the M25 has wrought on the green belt, but one I empathize with. It helps to be familiar with the areas he describes, and listening to the audiobook narrated by the author. 4/5

Modificato: Apr 8, 3:15 pm

1133. As a Man Grows Older - Italo Svevo. A middle-aged man becomes infatuated with a younger woman who continues to have liaisons with other men. A tale of obsession that is obviously doomed from the start, but as neither character is likeable you don’t really care. 3/5

Modificato: Mag 11, 12:21 am

1134. By the Open Sea - August Strindberg. A government official is sent to a remote Swedish island to introduce more advanced fishing techniques. The official treats the task as an intellectual exercise and inevitably rubs everyone up the wrong way. The novel is written entirely from the POV of the aloof official and consequently no other character is fleshed out, resulting in a rather cold and uninteresting novel. However, the descriptions of the island and its surrounds are atmospheric. 3/5

Mag 14, 1:00 pm

Having read so much of the list, do you find that reading the list has changed how you read at all, or how you experience books? It's certainly done so for me, but I don't know many others who are on this journey.

Modificato: Mag 14, 4:02 pm

>189 amaryann21: Interesting question. It has certainly raised the bar for me in terms of recognising well written books and becoming less tolerant of “bad” literature, even if the well written List book isn’t always an enjoyable read. However my fundamental tastes haven’t really changed and I still enjoy regular non-list reads of humour, thrillers and fantasy novels.

Mag 15, 10:36 am

>190 puckers: I think I'm similar- it hasn't taken away my enjoyment of what I am typically drawn to, but I have far less patience for poorly written books. I also feel like I better understand what "literature" is, where I didn't necessarily get the distinction before.

I also feel like my understanding of history has expanded dramatically through reading the list. I was never a fan of history in school, admittedly, and didn't retain a lot of what I learned. Reading the list has given me a different window into parts and times of the world that I hadn't previously considered.