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Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Oct 2, 2006
Nome vero
Informazione su di me
Hiya :)

Yay, LibraryThing! There IS a God/dess out there! My bibliophile heart is joyful!


I'm a pagan and neoshaman living in Portland, OR with my husband, Taylor Ellwood, our cats Sun Ce and Ember, and more art supplies and books than we know what to do with--but this is hardly a bad thing.

We're both published authors; I've written "Fang and Fur, Blood and Bone: A Primal Guide to Animal Magic", "A Field Guide to Otherkin", "DIY Totemism: Your Personal Guide to Animal Totems", and I edited "Talking About the Elephant: An Anthology of Neopagan Perspectives on Cultural Appropriation". Taylor cowrote "Creating Magical Entities" and wrote on his own "Pop Culture Magick", "Space/Time Magic", "Inner Alchemy", and his newest, "Multi-Media Magic", as well as editing "Magick on the Edge: An Anthology of Experimental Occultism", "Manifesting Prosperity: A Wealth Magic Anthology", and "The Pop Culture Grimoire". We cowrote "Kink Magic: Sex Magic Beyond Vanilla".

When I'm not writing, I enjoy making ritual tools, jewelry, and other artwork out of leather, fur, feathers, bone, beads and other such things. I'm also, as you can probably guess, a voracious reader. I mostly read nonfiction, but I occasionally take a break and read novels or comic books.

I'm currently a graduate student working on a Master's in counseling psychology with an emphasis on ecopsychology. I am also a semi-professional book reviewer specializing in pagan and occult titles; you may see my reviews at http://paganbookreviews.com .

You can find me online at http://www.thegreenwolf.com , http://www.kinkmagic.com , http://paganbookreviews.com (my book review blog), http://therioshamanism.com (shamanism blog) and http://lupabitch.livejournal.com (personal blog).

Beyond that...well..just ask :)
Portland, OR
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