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Nicholas Graham
La mia biblioteca
"Books, books, books. I read, I find, I lose, I find again, again I lose. At last a certain whole becomes formed in my mind. I see the unbroken line of thought and knowledge which passes from century to century, from age to age, from country to country, from one race to another; a line deeply hidden beneath layers of religions and philosophies which are, in fact, only distortions and perversions of the ideas belonging to the line. I see an extensive literature full of significance which was quite unknown to me until recently, but which, as now becomes quite clear to me, feeds the philosophy we know, although it is scarcely mentioned in the text-books on the history of philosophy. And I am amazed now that I did not know it before, that there are so few who have even heard about it. Who knows, for instance, that an ordinary pack of playing-cards contains a profound and harmonious philosophical system? This is so entirely forgotten that it seems almost new." ~ P.D. Ouspensky, "A New Model of the Universe" (2nd ed., 1934)
Informazione su di me
My name is Nicholas Graham, author of "The Four Powers" (2007, Megalithica Books). I am a dedicated Christian Hermetic, mystic and magician. Outside of my spiritual pursuits, my interests include art, psychology, weird fiction, folklore and physics.
Pittsburgh, PA
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