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Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jun 28, 2007
Nome vero
La mia biblioteca
I used to work in a bookstore and during the time got hooked on buying books. Now my focus is on reading them and culling things I may never read. I've also become a huge proponent of library use (both where I work and my town's public) and am trying to keep from buying books I don't intend to keep. What will be here are what I own now.
Informazione su di me
30something female whose two great passions are the esoteric and books. Works well together, doesn't it? I work in a university library, am starting to work on my MLS degree, read voraciously, spend too much time on the internet, blog at Livejournal and Wordpress (ask for now, I may link later)
In lettura ora
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Librerie: Books & Company

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