
Mar 4, 2007
Catalogo privato
La mia biblioteca
An eclectic collection of oddities summarizes both ourselves and our books. We've slowly assembled a large-ish collection covering many varied topics, of which we estimate numbers around 4000 titles. We've been slowly putting these into LT, as we acquire new titles and re-shelve our existing ones.

We're in the process of building new shelving to double the capacity in Souden, which should balance out our tag space, and by mid next year, we plan to have completed the cataloguing of all the titles in Norden.

If you take the time to browse our virtual shelves, please leave your thoughts. ^_^

Also, take a look at our wish-list: seataf-wants
Informazione su di me
You see a tawny wolf and a white cat, in a tight embrace: Seamora and Tafyrn, forever as one. Reader and writer, speaker and listener, leader and follower, creator and consumer, we are both and and we are none.
Cascadia, North America
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Luoghi preferiti

Librerie: ABC Book and Comic Emporium, Banyen Books and Sound, Bolen Books, Book Alley, Crown Publications Inc., Dharma Center Bookstore, Duthie Books, Fields Book Store, Foyles (old Charing Cross branch), Friends of the Whittier Public Library Book Center, Little Old Bookshop, MIT Coop, Oscar's Art Books - CLOSED, Powell's City of Books (Portland), Powell's Technical Books, Quantum Books, SFU Bookstore, Stanford Bookstore, Tanglewood Books, The Atlantis Bookshop, The Gift Goddess, Treadwell's, UBC (University of British Columbia) Vancouver Bookstore, UVic Bookstore

Altro: SFU Summer Publishing Workshops