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di Lauren Oliver

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2,3422026,762 (3.98)122
After she dies in a car crash, teenage Samantha relives the day of her death over and over again until, on the seventh day, she finally discovers a way to save herself.
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  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
I should have really disliked this book, because (1) it’s YA, which usually wallows in feelings I left behind decades ago, and (2) it’s mostly written in first-person-present-tense, which I usually hate with the heat of a thousand fiery suns. I was convinced to give it a try by two excellent reviews from people I trust, and I decided to go with audio as the FPPT style is usually less obnoxious when read aloud.

And… I truly enjoyed it. It’s well-written, and the FPPT style actually fits with the story, and I could get over the adolescent drama, because getting over it is really what this book is about. I won’t go into plot details, because that’s been done elsewhere by more skilled reviewers, but I will mention the few flaws that made this a 4 star read for me. The mawkish romance toward the end felt like an obligatory addition to the plot, because apparently, all YA must include a love story and a teen girl’s life is incomplete without it. And the love interest was a male version of the manic pixie dream girl, and the only truly unrealistic character in the book.

A word of caution: As the book starts out, the main character is a truly unpleasant person, and I felt crazy impatient with her and her friends. I might have DNF’d if I hadn’t known that this was the point of the story. I’m glad I stuck with it.

Audiobook, via Audible. Sarah Drew provides an excellent performance.

( )
  Doodlebug34 | Jan 1, 2024 |
I enjoyed this, but not as much as I think I would have if I was still a high schooler.

The maladies of the MC were a little annoying, and the use of the R-word was not fun to say the least. However, the idea was fun and I really liked and appreciated the growth of all of the characters. ( )
  Danielle.Desrochers | Oct 10, 2023 |
Samantha Kingston lo tiene todo a su favor: es guapa, es popular y sale con el chico perfecto. El viernes 12 de febrero debería ser un día más en su fácil vida, pero no lo es: el el último día. O más bien, los últimos, porque Samantha se despierta una y otra vez en la mañana del viernes 12 de febrero y vuelve a vivir la misma jornada siete veces... hasta que se da cuenta de que en su mano está realizar cambios minúsculos que supondrán diferencias enormes.
  Natt90 | Mar 28, 2023 |
Full Review on my blog!

I was watching the movie trailer for the new Fifty Shades movie and I saw a trailer for Before I fall, I recognized the title and I knew there was a book by Lauren Oliver.

This book was such a amazing surprise. I honestly didn’t think that it would be so good and I was amazed that it was. It was so heart breathtakingly beautiful, it was so thought provoking and powerful. I’ve never read a book like this, where the same day plays over and over again, and its different every time. I’ve seen a ton of movies like this but never really read a book like it, It was different, good different. I really enjoyed it. Even though it had elements of supernatural (being brought back to life and all) but this book is so realistic especially how high school is. The book describes the whole high school atmosphere and being a teenager perfectly.

I didn’t expect it to turn out the way it did, but I’m sure glad it did. So amazing. Lauren Oliver is an amazing writer, and has managed to make Sam’s story come alive in a way that made me unable to put the book down.

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  AnaCarter | Mar 13, 2023 |
Although somewhat predictable, the plot drives forward and teens will want to see where Sam's choices lead.
aggiunto da khuggard | modificaSchool Library Journal, Amy J. Chow

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Lauren Oliverautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Drew, SarahNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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In loving memory of Semon Emil Knudsen
Peter: Thank you for giving me some of my greatest hits. I miss you.
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They say that just before you die your whole life flashes before your eyes, but that's not how it happened for me.
"Beep beep", Lindsay calls out. A few weeks ago my mom yelled at her for blasting her horn at six fifty-five every morning, and this is Lindsay's solution.
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''Here's one of the things I learned that morning: if you cross a line and nothing happens, the line loses meaning.''
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Please do not combine with the enhanced version which has two short stories and an essay in addition to this novel.
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After she dies in a car crash, teenage Samantha relives the day of her death over and over again until, on the seventh day, she finally discovers a way to save herself.

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