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America perduta: in viaggio attraverso gli USA (1989)

di Bill Bryson

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

Serie: Bill Bryson's Travels (1)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
6,4381301,533 (3.66)98
Travel. Nonfiction. HTML:

In an ageing Chevrolet Chevette, he drove nearly 14,000 miles through 38 states to compile this hilarious and perceptive state-of-the-nation report on small-town America.

From the Deep South to the Wild West, from Elvis' birthplace through to Custer's Last Stand, Bryson
visits places he re-named Dullard, Coma, and Doldrum (so the residents don't sue or come after him with baseball bats). But his hopes of finding the American dream end in a nightmare of greed, ignorance, and pollution. This is a wickedly witty and savagely funny assessment of a country lost to itself, and to him.

Travel through small-town America with Kerry Shale's popular BBC Radio 4 reading of Bill Bryson's comic travelogue.

… (altro)
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    rockhopper_penguin: I read these two books one after another. It wasn't a deliberate decision, but the two did seem to work well together. The books visit a few of the same places, and it's interesting to note how differently they are portrayed in each.
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    bnbookgirl: most enjoyable
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    The Small Town in American Literature di David M. Cook (RedEyedNerd)
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Uno dei migliori saggi di viaggio che ho letto.
In ogni caso uno dei migliori libri di Bryson. ( )
  ginsengman | Apr 25, 2017 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (11 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Bryson, Billautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Schalekamp, JeanTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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To my father
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I come from Des Moines. Somebody had to.
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For one giddy careless moment, I was almost serene myself. It was a strange sensation, and it soon passed.
"I don't know, dear," my mother would answer mildly. My mother only ever said two things. She said, "I don't know, dear." And she said, "Can I get you a sandwich, honey?" Occasionally on our trips she would volunteer other pieces of intelligence like "Should that dashboard light be glowing like that, dear?" or "I think you hit that dog/man/blind person back there, honey," but mostly she kept quiet.
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Risorse esterne che parlano di questo libro

Wikipedia in inglese (2)

Travel. Nonfiction. HTML:

In an ageing Chevrolet Chevette, he drove nearly 14,000 miles through 38 states to compile this hilarious and perceptive state-of-the-nation report on small-town America.

From the Deep South to the Wild West, from Elvis' birthplace through to Custer's Last Stand, Bryson
visits places he re-named Dullard, Coma, and Doldrum (so the residents don't sue or come after him with baseball bats). But his hopes of finding the American dream end in a nightmare of greed, ignorance, and pollution. This is a wickedly witty and savagely funny assessment of a country lost to itself, and to him.

Travel through small-town America with Kerry Shale's popular BBC Radio 4 reading of Bill Bryson's comic travelogue.


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Media: (3.66)
0.5 4
1 29
1.5 11
2 86
2.5 23
3 351
3.5 97
4 527
4.5 26
5 248

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