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Mr. Darcy's Diary

di Amanda Grange

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1,1314618,164 (3.51)37
Monday 9th September "I left London today and met Bingley at Netherfield Park. I had forgotten what good company he is; always ready to be pleased and always cheerful. After my difficult summer, it is good to be with him again. ..." The only place Darcy could share his innermost feelings was in the private pages of his diary... Torn between his sense of duty to his family name and his growing passion for Elizabeth Bennet, all he can do is struggle not to fall in love. Mr. Darcy's Diary presents the story of the unlikely courtship of Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy from Darcy's point of view. This graceful imagining and sequel to Pride and Prejudice explains Darcy's moodiness and the difficulties of his reluctant relationship as he struggles to avoid falling in love with Miss Bennet. Though seemingly stiff and stubborn at times, Darcy's words prove him also to be quite devoted and endearing - qualities that eventually win over Miss Bennet's heart. This continuation of a classic romantic novel is charming and elegant, much like Darcy himself. Pride and Prejudice has inspired a large number of modern day sequels, the most successful of which focus on the rich, proud Mr. Darcy.… (altro)
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» Vedi le 37 citazioni

Fun read!!! ( )
  bellac89 | Jul 29, 2023 |
This is Darcy's point of view of Pride and Prejudice, writing a diary of his thoughts and actions mainly in relation to Elizabeth Bennet. I have read other POV's which have included much more detail about his life but this was still an interesting and easy read. ( )
  Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
Amanda Grange is a great author and I feel this is a very well written retelling of Pride and Prejudice that makes you want to keep reading and not put the book down until you are done. If you don't love Mr. Darcy before you read this retelling you will by the end and if you do love him already you will love him even more! ( )
  Chelsea_K | May 28, 2019 |
I think if I did not like P&P so much I would have given this a two. I am not sure I quite like the diary format. I would have just preferred the storied been today from Mr. Darcy's point of view. The dairy format made the story very choppy especially in the beginning. I did not quite buy he complete loss of snobbery. I felt it was rushed and that some more understanding as to where it originated from and how he could so easily change his ways would have been useful. ( )
  MicrobeMom | Mar 23, 2018 |
I adore Mr. Darcy so I loved being able to go back through the original story but this time through Darcy's eyes. Swoon. ( )
  pennma05 | Jan 29, 2018 |
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Monday 9th September "I left London today and met Bingley at Netherfield Park. I had forgotten what good company he is; always ready to be pleased and always cheerful. After my difficult summer, it is good to be with him again. ..." The only place Darcy could share his innermost feelings was in the private pages of his diary... Torn between his sense of duty to his family name and his growing passion for Elizabeth Bennet, all he can do is struggle not to fall in love. Mr. Darcy's Diary presents the story of the unlikely courtship of Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy from Darcy's point of view. This graceful imagining and sequel to Pride and Prejudice explains Darcy's moodiness and the difficulties of his reluctant relationship as he struggles to avoid falling in love with Miss Bennet. Though seemingly stiff and stubborn at times, Darcy's words prove him also to be quite devoted and endearing - qualities that eventually win over Miss Bennet's heart. This continuation of a classic romantic novel is charming and elegant, much like Darcy himself. Pride and Prejudice has inspired a large number of modern day sequels, the most successful of which focus on the rich, proud Mr. Darcy.

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