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The Paying Guests di Sarah Waters
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The Paying Guests (originale 2014; edizione 2015)

di Sarah Waters

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3,2612014,236 (3.58)255
It is 1922, and London is tense. Ex-servicemen are disillusioned, the out-of-work and the hungry are demanding change. And in South London, in a genteel Camberwell villa, a large silent house now bereft of brothers, husband and even servants, life is about to be transformed, as impoverished widow Mrs Wray and her spinster daughter, Frances, are obliged to take in lodgers.… (altro)
Titolo:The Paying Guests
Autori:Sarah Waters
Info:Virago Press Ltd (2015), Paperback, 608 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Gli ospiti paganti di Sarah Waters (2014)

  1. 40
    Ladra di Sarah Waters (queencersei)
  2. 21
    Life Mask di Emma Donoghue (BookshelfMonstrosity)
    BookshelfMonstrosity: Intimate friendships between women give rise to scandalous rumors and interpersonal drama in these character-driven historical novels. Although both London-set stories are atmospheric and richly detailed, The Paying Guests opens in the 1920s, Life Mask in the late eighteenth century.… (altro)
  3. 10
    Frog Music di Emma Donoghue (sturlington)
  4. 00
    Burnt Bones di Michael Slade (Sandwich76)
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1-5 di 205 (prossimo | mostra tutto)
A real page turner. 1922 London, and the country is still suffering the lost of so many men in the Great War. Mrs. Wray and her spinster daughter Frances are going broke, as besides losing to brothers to the war, it turns out that Frances' deceased father left them with nothing but debts. They have a big house, and they rent out rooms to a young couple, and the book is about their relationship.

Waters' writing is very descriptive, especially in its middle portion when all hell breaks loose. She also uses the tropes of mystery novels and especially noirs, really well, as all through the book you feel the inevitability of what is coming, and it really puts an effective dark cloud over everything. You can see what's coming, but it's not predictable.

This isn't as strong a book as The Little Stranger, but I couldn't put it down, driven mostly by her descriptive writing. ( )
  pstevem | Aug 19, 2024 |
[a:Sarah Waters|25334|Sarah Waters|] can be relied upon for sustained tension and plot twists that catch you off guard. I read 'The Paying Guests' faster than expected, as the tense atmosphere rapidly hooked me. The book begins with early 1920s social awkwardness, as Frances and her mother are forced to rent out the top floor of their house to lodgers. The couple who move in are below Frances' family on the social scale, which creates some initial tension. Then Frances bonds with the housewife, Lilian, while her husband is out at work. Given this is a Sarah Waters novel, I was unsurprised that Frances turned out to be a lesbian and fell in love with Lilian. Subsequent events, however, definitely kept me on my toes. After becoming close friends, Frances and Lilian begin a passionate affair. This is fraught with difficulty, given that it must be kept secret and Lilian is married. I appreciated the fact that both women periodically asked themselves and each other what they were doing, whether this infatuation had any meaningful basis. It would be unrealistic if they did not and Waters is adept at showing that their bond is strong and meaningful.

I knew from the blurb ('...a love story that is also a crime story...') that at some point there would probably be a murder. Lilian taking illegal abortifacients then accidentally killing her husband Leonard in the same evening was still a shocking twist. With incredible level-headedness, Frances manages to cover up both. I am not a great fan of whodunnits and get much greater enjoyment from novels like this, in which the reader knows exactly what happened and the suspense comes from whether anyone (or everyone) else finds out. The last 350 pages of 'The Paying Guests' are compulsive to read for just this reason. The police investigate Leonard's death; Frances and Lilian consider confessing to manslaughter, decide it is too late, then reconsider repeatedly after a young man is arrested for Leonard's murder. The final twist, that the man is acquitted and the two women reunite as they still love each other, took me by surprise. I was expecting a downbeat, tragic ending and was pleased to find it hopeful instead.

'The Paying Guests' evokes London a hundred years ago very vividly, with many details of personal grooming, housework, class differences, etc. Frances' perspective conveys the psychological claustrophobia of sharing a home with strangers better than anything else I've read for a long time. Although it wasn't as ingenious as [b:Fingersmith|8913370|Fingersmith|Sarah Waters||1014113], I found 'The Paying Guests' highly involving and beautifully written. ( )
  annarchism | Aug 4, 2024 |
This writer is smooth as silk... I did not even get through the first full page and I felt myself floating inward.... into her world.
Looking forward to the adventure of this book. ( )
  asl4u | Jul 21, 2024 |
Um, I didn't finish. This book is BORING! ( )
  kwagnerroberts | Jun 24, 2024 |
Despite being overly long and drawn out, it is a great story beautifully written. The sheer joy and excitement of an unexpected and forbidden love. A desire constantly questioned emotionally as real or simply a humiliating delusion. Is this fragile love worth the price of total ruin. Exquisite! ( )
  dale01 | Mar 8, 2024 |
"Some novels are so good, so gripping or shattering that they leave you uncertain whether you should have ever started them. You open “The Paying Guests” and immediately surrender to the smooth assuredness of Sarah Waters’s silken prose. Nothing jars. You relax. You turn more pages. You start turning them faster. Before long, you resemble Coleridge’s Wedding-Guest: You cannot choose but read. The book has you in thrall. You will follow Waters and her story anywhere. Yet when that story ends, you find yourself emotionally sucked dry, as much stunned as exhilarated by the power of art."
aggiunto da lorax | modificaWashington Post, Michael Dirda (Sep 10, 2014)
The superbly talented Sarah Waters — three times shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize — leads her readers into hidden worlds, worlds few of us knew existed. And so it is with The Paying Guests. ..Amid this heart-crushing drama, uncaring London grinds on, a cacophony of “hooves, voices, hurrying steps, the clash and grinding of iron wheels” that threatens to destroy the hopes of summer: an utterly engrossing tale.
Novel tackles big themes but lacks bite...Yet the love story’s progression – to say more would give too much away – is not entirely convincing by the end..Characterisation has a hint of familiarity, as if characters have been derived from Waters’ bank of past creations, and they lose some of their gleam for it, though the story stays emotionally-charged...
The Paying Guests, Sarah Waters' superb, bewitching new novel, is set in 1922 London...My only quibble with The Paying Guests is its length; the last hundred pages or so chronicle a court trial and feel padded, the first time I've ever had that reaction to a Sarah Waters novel. Otherwise, this is a magnificent creation, a book that doubles as a time machine, flinging us back not only to postwar London, but also to our own lost love affairs, the kind that left us breathless — and far too besotted to notice that we had somehow misplaced our moral compass.
This fascinating domestic scenario might have made for an absorbing short novel;... Its pastiche propriety and faux-Edwardian prose (people are forever "colouring" and "crimsoning" and "putting themselves tidy") become irritants; and the novel's descent into melodrama as a murder is committed – and the inspector called – turns this engaging literary endeavour into a tiresome soap opera....Waters's unusual gift for drama and for social satire is squandered on the production of middlebrow entertainment:.. it would be good to see Waters produce something corrective and sharp, in which her authoritative and incisive dramatic style was permitted to be sufficient satisfaction on its own.

» Aggiungi altri autori

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Waters, Sarahautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Stevenson, JulietNarratoreautore principalealcune edizioniconfermato
Bützow, HeleneTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Carra, LeopoldoTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Defossé, AlainTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Groen, NicoTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Jong, Sjaak deTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Leibmann, UteTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Lyng, HildeTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Mörk, YlvaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Versluys, MarijkeTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Zulaika, JaimeTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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To Judith Murray,
with thanks and with love
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The Barbers had said they would arrive by three.
Many books helped to inform and inspire this one. (Author's Note)
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He took the life of the room with him.
When she and Lilian escaped from the house at last, Frances felt as she imagined a fly might feel when, by some miracle, it had managed to prise its limbs free from a strip of sticky paper.
The pavement threw up heat like a griddle; they kept to the shade as much as they could as they made their way down the hill, but it was warm even on the platform of the station, in the bluish dusk of the railway cut.
The crowd was a Saturday-night one. People were heading to theatres, picture-houses, dancing-halls. The men had an oiled-and-varnished look.
The air was soupy with smells: meat, fish, ripe fruit, perspiring bodies.
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Wikipedia in inglese (2)

It is 1922, and London is tense. Ex-servicemen are disillusioned, the out-of-work and the hungry are demanding change. And in South London, in a genteel Camberwell villa, a large silent house now bereft of brothers, husband and even servants, life is about to be transformed, as impoverished widow Mrs Wray and her spinster daughter, Frances, are obliged to take in lodgers.

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