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Molto rumore per nulla (1600)

di William Shakespeare

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10,855101666 (4.07)1 / 355
Drama. Fiction. HTML:

Shakespeare's comedy play Much Ado About Nothing pivots around the impediments to love for young betrothed Hero and Claudio when Hero is falsely accused of infidelity and the "lover's trap" set for the arrogant and assured Benedick who has sworn of marriage and his gentle adversary Beatrice. The merry war between Benedick and Beatrice with the promptings of their friends soon dissolves into farcical love, while Hero's supposed infidelity is shown to be little more than "much ado about nothing".

.… (altro)
  1. 90
    Orgoglio e pregiudizio di Jane Austen (Shuffy2)
    Shuffy2: Beatrice and Benedick and Lizzie and Darcy- there are some similarties! This is my favorite of Shakespeare's comedies! Two characters who love to spar with words, 2 couples who love each other, and a bad guy! Perfect mix...
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» Vedi le 355 citazioni

Book 249 Much Ado about Nothing. William Shakespeare. My 100 books that changed the world has Shakespeare's Folio's in. Now it's fair to say that as I tried and failed to read Romeo and Juliet 42 years ago I am never going to read all 36 in the collection. To make it easier Peter downloaded the talking book from the library. I actually did enjoy the wit (sarcasm?) and humour and the plot. So this becomes my 34/100 books that changed the world which means I am over a third of the way. But I am 63.... 6/10 ( )
  janicearkulisz | Jul 24, 2024 |
Just taught this with a group of 8th graders, and I really wasn't sure how it was going to go. They took to it like ducks to water! After getting them over the initial intimidation factor of Shakespeare, they rocked it. Also, Dogberry is my favorite. Friggin hilarious! ( )
  Library_Guard | Jun 17, 2024 |
I had fun using this as the first Shakespeare my 8th graders read. ( )
  johanna.florez21 | May 27, 2024 |
I find this story to be a bit shallow, but its a play, not easy to do character development. And its a play written in the early 1600's, where the caste system was in play, every person had a place with certain duties, requirements, and not much leeway for deviation. As a result, these stories are a bit constrained. I think its partly why Shakespeare is still read - he is brilliant at telling a story within these constraints, with double entendres and meanings within meanings. As a result, the story can be understood on many different levels (while also bringing in enough people to pay the rent).

Reading it on a modern level is difficult. Between not understanding common phrases of the day, and words meaning different things today and 400 years ago (for an example, look at the word gay), It also doesn't help that most readers (even back then), won't get references to ancient Greek writings, or even contemporary references to "best sellers" of the day.

Onto the story itself - this is a story about love, but love in the 16th century, where making a good match is more important than actual compatibility between partners. That Claudio and Hero are actually in Love (after only a day after knowing each other, without any sort of conversation) is actually a bonus.

Where the story shines is the relationship between Beatrice and Benedict - always circling each other with quick witted barbs, proclaiming that each other is the worst of the worst. Of course, this is not normally accepted behavior on the part of Beatrice. But Shakespeare allows for it by making her an orphan, being raised by her uncle. She is one of the few woman who actually has some sort of say in what happens in her life.

And, it brings to Don John, the bastard brother of Don Pedro, Prince of Arragon. Don John is actually an evil character. He just wants to cause chaos and watch it all burn, and I think he's a great character. No ulterior motives accept to screw over the establishment.

As for this story, I have a hard time with how poor Hero is condemned so quickly. I know, product of its time, but man, what an awful thing, to be completely ruined by rumor. And Claudio, a man who has only met this girl, doesn't even know her well enough to recognize her voice, when someone pretends to be her. Its fairly standard stuff, and without the witticism's of Beatrice and Benedict, this story would probably be considered one of Shakespeare's lesser story.

And on the edition - I read the Revised Penguin Edition from 1986 - I think the Signet Editions are better put together. I rather have the footnotes on the same pages as they occur, so I don't have to flip pages. Also, I think the Signet books have better information about the play, and drama in Shakespeare's time. ( )
  TheDivineOomba | Dec 3, 2023 |
Ganz schön, ist wahrscheinlich besser als Theaterstück zu sehen. ( )
  Maxim2 | Nov 15, 2023 |

» Aggiungi altri autori (363 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Shakespeare, Williamautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Baudissin, Wolf Heinrich vonTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Bennett, Josephine WatersA cura diautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Brooke, C. F. TuckerA cura diautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Craft, KinukoImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Dennis, JohnIntroduzioneautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Dillon, JanetteA cura diautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Foakes, R. A.A cura diautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Gray, Henry DavidA cura diautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Hudson, Henry N.A cura diautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Kredel, FritzProgetto della copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Lewalski, BarbaraA cura diautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
McEachern, ClaireA cura diautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Mowat, Barbara A.A cura diautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Newcomer, Alphonso G.A cura diautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Shaw, ByamIllustratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Stevenson, David L.A cura diautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Trenery, Grace R.A cura diautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Werstine, PaulA cura diautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Wright, Louis B.A cura diautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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I learn in this letter that Don Pedro of Aragon comes this night to Messina.
Dati dalle informazioni generali inglesi. Modifica per tradurlo nella tua lingua.
He wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat.
Silence is the perfectest herald of joy: I were but little happy, if I could say how much.
I thank God I am as honest as any man living that is an old man and no honester than I.
What a deformed thief this fashion is.
Is it not strange that sheep's guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?
Ultime parole
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This work is for the complete Much Ado About Nothing only. Do not combine this work with abridgements, adaptations or simplifications (such as "Shakespeare Made Easy"), Cliffs Notes or similar study guides, or anything else that does not contain the full text. Do not include any video recordings. Additionally, do not combine this with other plays.
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Wikipedia in inglese (2)

Drama. Fiction. HTML:

Shakespeare's comedy play Much Ado About Nothing pivots around the impediments to love for young betrothed Hero and Claudio when Hero is falsely accused of infidelity and the "lover's trap" set for the arrogant and assured Benedick who has sworn of marriage and his gentle adversary Beatrice. The merry war between Benedick and Beatrice with the promptings of their friends soon dissolves into farcical love, while Hero's supposed infidelity is shown to be little more than "much ado about nothing".


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