Serie dei libri per lumardha

Serie a cui appartengono i libri della biblioteca di lumardha

Riepilogo: 42 Serie

All-American Girl

Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed Book Series

The Belgariad

Belgariad universe

The Book of Lost Things

Books of Pellinor

Dark Heavens


Dolphin Ring Cycle - Chronological order

Dolphin Ring Cycle - Publication order

Eagle of the Ninth Trilogy

Earth's Children

The Farseer Trilogy

Harry Potter

Harry Potter's Schoolbooks

Heaven Books

The Heroes of Olympus

Howl's Castle

Inheritance Cycle

Jack West Junior

The Kane Chronicles

The Kingkiller Chronicle

Legends of the Riftwar

Lumatere Chronicles

Mortal Engines Quartet

The Mortal Instruments

The Night Angel Trilogy

Percy Jackson and the Olympians

The Quickening

Realm of the Elderlings

The Riftwar Cycle, Alternative Reading Order

The Riftwar Cycle, Chronological Order

The Riftwar Cycle, Publication Order

The Riftwar Cycle, Publication Order

The Riftwar Saga


The Shadowhunter Chronicles: Author-recommended order

The Starkin Crown

Twilight Saga

The Wheel of Time

Xuan Wu