Serie dei libri per ableal

Serie a cui appartengono i libri della biblioteca di ableal

Riepilogo: 153 Serie

Alexander Trilogy (Renault)

American Gods



Ariadne Oliver

Asimov's Choice


Aurelio Zen

Bantam Conan

Bernie Gunther

Bernie Rhodenbarr

Blackford Oakes

Blandings Castle

Bob Skinner

The Book of the Long Sun

The Book of the New Sun

Books of the South

Charlie Mortdecai

Chronicles of the Black Company

Chronicles of the King's Blades

Colonel Race

Commissario Montalbano

Conan Series

Conan's Journeys


Crime Through Time

D. D. Harriman

Dark Ages {Massie}

Darkwar Trilogy



Discworld Companion

Discworld Mapps

Discworld: City Watch

Discworld: Death

Discworld: Gods

Discworld: Industrial

Discworld: Rincewind

Discworld: Susan

Discworld: Tiffany Aching

Discworld: Witches

Discworld: Young Adult

Dozois Year's Best Science Fiction


Dragaera: Khaavren Romances

Dragaera: Vlad Taltos: Chronological Order

Dragaera: Vlad Taltos: Publication Order

Dragaera: Vlad Taltos: Wheel Order


Drake Maijstral

Dread Empire

Dread Empire's Fall

Drones Club

Elvis Cole

Far Frontiers

The Flashman Papers

Future History

Garrett P.I.

George Smiley

Glittering Stone

The Golden Age

Golf stories, or The Oldest Member

The Great Game

Guardians of the Flame

A Handful of Men

Harry James Denton Mysteries

Heinlein Juveniles

Hercule Poirot

Hoke Moseley

The Hugo Winners

Inspector Morse

Inspector Wexford

Isaac Asimov Presents Great Science Fiction

Island in the Sea of Time Trilogy

Jack Frost


Karla Trilogy

Keeper's Chronicles

Kindle County

The King's Blades

Known Space

Krishna series

Krishna series: publication order

The Laundry

Lazarus Long


Lew Archer

London Below

Lord Peter Wimsey

The Lords of Creation

Lou Boldt

Mammoth Book of Best New Science Fiction

A Man of His Word {Dave Duncan}

Man-Kzin Wars

Marcus Corvinus Mysteries

Marcus Didius Falco

Masters of Crime


Mick Stranahan

Montague Egg

Monty Bodkin

Mr. Mulliner

Nantucket Event

Nebula Award Stories

Nero Wolfe

Nero Wolfe: Arnold Zeck Trilogy

New Destinies

Number Of The Beast

The Omar Books

The Orphans Trilogy

Otto Prohaska

The Pandemia Books

Die Pandemia-Saga

Peter Wimsey & Harriet Vane

Philip Marlowe



Los premios Hugo


The Queendom of Sol

Rarities Unlimited

Revelation Space

Robert Amiss

The Sandman

Saturn's Children

Scobie Malone

Serie Conan



Solar Cycle

The Soldier Series



Stewart Hoag Mysteries

Superintendent Battle

Takeshi Kovacs

Tecumseh Fox

Theseus Myth

Three Men

Tom Ripley


Uncle Fred

Viagens Interplanetarias: publication order

Viscount of Adrilankha

Vorkosigan: Chronological Order

Vorkosigan: Publication Order


Wimsey Sequels

World As Myth

World's Best SF

Xeelee Sequence

Year's Best SF

Die zweiten Chroniken von Pandemia