Libri controversi per Dwight_Cover

Questa pagina mostra i libri più "controversi" in questa biblioteca, misurati in base alla più alta deviazione standard delle valutazioni in stelle dei membri.

Deviazione standard Valutazione media La tua valutazione Titolo
1.264 3.43 A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament di H. E. Dana
1.211 4.32 Figures of Speech Used in the Bible: Explained and Illustrated di E. W. Bullinger
1.194 3.77 Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament di Joseph Thayer
1.192 4.21 The Expositor's Bible commentary : Matthew, Mark, Luke, with the New international version of the Holy Bible (Expositor's Bible commentary, Vol.8) di Frank E. Gaebelein
1.169 3.67 The Gospel According to Mark: The English Text With Introduction, Exposition, and Notes (New International Commentary on the New Testament) di William L. Lane
1.138 3.54 Essentials of New Testament Greek di Ray Summers
1.133 4.06 Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar di H. F. W. Gesenius
1.12 3.73 In His Steps di Charles M. Sheldon
1.095 4.01 The Bible Knowledge Commentary: The New Testament di John F. Walvoord
1.071 4.1 A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 di W. Phillip Keller
1.065 3.7 Psalms 1-72 di Derek Kidner
1.063 3.73 Daily Study Bible: The Gospel of Mark di William Barclay
1.061 4.03 A Reader's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament di Sakae Kubo
1.054 3.47 If Only He Knew di Gary Smalley
1.052 3.95 The New Testament in Modern English di J. B. Phillips
1.045 3.85 Le 7 regole per avere successo di Stephen R. Covey
1.007 4.24 A Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians di Martin Luther
1.004 4.26 The Mystery of Marriage 20th Anniversary Edition: Meditations on the Miracle di Mike Mason
1.003 3.78 A Practical Grammar for Classical Hebrew di Jacob Weingreen
0.994 3.79 Ben Hur di Lew Wallace
0.988 4.08 The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon di Francis Brown
0.987 3.86 Spiritual Leadership di J. Oswald Sanders
0.981 3.88 Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 36: John di George R. Beasley-Murray
0.98 3.99 Hold On to Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers di Gordon Neufeld
0.958 3.9 Provocazioni: obiezioni di coscienza in tema di linguaggio, tecnologia, educazione di Neil Postman
0.949 3.81 Forgive and Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve di Lewis B. Smedes
0.939 4.02 The Love Dare di Stephen Kendrick
0.937 3.8 Chronological and Background Charts of the Old Testament di John H. Walton
0.933 4.29 Heaven: Biblical Answers to Common Questions di Randy Alcorn
0.931 4.12 The Truth War: Fighting for Certainty in an Age of Deception di John MacArthur
0.923 3.96 New Testament Greek for Beginners di J. Gresham Machen
0.913 3.81 Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words: A Comprehensive Dictionary of the Original Greek Words with their Precise Meanings for English Readers di W. E. Vine
0.911 4.26 Il cristianesimo così com'è di C. S. Lewis
0.909 3.67 The Book of Leviticus (New International Commentary on the Old Testament) di Gordon J. Wenham
0.906 4.02 Galatians di F. F. Bruce
0.899 4.09 ˆLa ‰tunica di Lloyd C. Douglas
0.894 3.9 Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, Second Edition di Kerry Patterson
0.893 3.88 The Message of Galatians (Bible Speaks Today) di John R. W. Stott
0.891 3.99 How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth di Gordon D. Fee
0.89 4.27 A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament di Bruce M. Metzger
0.883 4.19 The Pursuit of Holiness di Jerry Bridges
0.878 3.91 Escape From Reason: A Penetrating Analysis Of Trends In Modern Thought di Francis A. Schaeffer
0.866 3.93 La scomparsa dell'infanzia di Neil Postman
0.855 4.21 Introducing Biblical Hebrew di Allen P. Ross
0.853 3.85 The Hermeneutical Spiral: A Comprehensive Introduction to Biblical Interpretation di Grant R. Osborne
0.849 4.2 Hell's Best Kept Secret di Ray Comfort
0.847 4.49 The Greek New Testament di Eberhard Nestle
0.843 4.24 Exegetical Fallacies di D. A. Carson
0.839 4.45 Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament di R. Laird Harris
0.838 4.13 Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business di Neil Postman
0.838 4.35 A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. Vol. 1. Romans 1-8 di C. E. B. Cranfield
0.838 4 The Message of Romans: God's Good News for the World (The Bible Speaks Today) di John R. W. Stott
0.826 4.31 The Text of the New Testament di Bruce M. Metzger
0.818 4.42 Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics di Daniel B. Wallace
0.813 4.19 The Message of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7 : Christian Counter-Culture) di John R. W. Stott
0.809 4.42 Nine Marks of a Healthy Church di Mark Dever
0.805 4.1 The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate di John H. Walton
0.795 4.56 A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature di Walter Bauer
0.789 4.14 A Tale of Two Sons: The Inside Story of a Father, His Sons, and a Shocking Murder di John MacArthur
0.783 4.29 This Momentary Marriage: A Parable of Permanence di John Piper
0.778 3.68 Acts (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries) di I. Howard Marshall
0.774 4.35 An Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax di Bruce K. Waltke
0.763 4.48 Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith di Michael Reeves
0.763 3.6 Protestant Biblical Interpretation: A Textbook of Hermeneutics di Bernard L. Ramm
0.757 4.31 Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes di Kenneth E. Bailey
0.757 4.5 Ephesians: An Exegetical Commentary di Harold W. Hoehner
0.755 4.41 Septuaginta (Greek Edition) di Alfred Rahlfs
0.737 4.59 Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia di Karl Elliger
0.728 4.39 Synopsis of the Four Gospels di Kurt Aland
0.726 4.18 New Testament Introduction di Donald Guthrie
0.691 4.54 Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament di G.K. Beale
0.671 4.48 Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace di Heath Lambert
0.617 4.4 Sex and the Supremacy of Christ di John Piper