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Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Mar 6, 2008
Nome vero
La mia biblioteca

At the beginning of 2020, one intention I had was to write a few sentences here for every book I read that year; hence the increase in reviewing which I continued through most of 2023. The “reviews” are really just notes for myself, although I will add things that may be beneficial to others as well, such as some content warnings (& people who say they’re not needed can GFY). Since they are for my own memories, I’ve decided not to stress myself about them and only make notes when I’m feeling like it.

I've been deliberately keeping track of each book I've read since 2004 (in an elaborate and anal-retentive system which was streamlined thanks to LT), but there are many others not here that have been lost from my memory. I’ve been adding some as I remember and have been relegating them to decades read rather than specific years. There are quite a number of "library book" tags since I check out so many (hooray for public libraries!), and any audiobook I listen to (I'm learning to really enjoy them) has been checked out from the library as well.

How I star books for myself:
5 stars = Adored it (squee!!!), will reread, likely will buy it if I don’t own it already.
4.5 stars = Loved it, will likely reread, might buy it, missing the internal squee.
4 stars = Enjoyed it, would recommend, but might only buy if I need to complete a collection/series.
3.5 stars = Feel bad about giving it 3 stars but doesn’t deserve 4.
3 stars = A general meh for me, but at least I actually finished the book rather than giving up.
Anything below 3 = Me just playing around with my loathing (but I did finish the book--I don't star any book that I didn't complete).
Informazione su di me
Spinster in my forties; when not reading, I love to hand sew and craft (quilting, cross stitch, crochet), explore art museums, and before the quarantimes I was slowly learning to enjoy domestic travel (haven't made it international yet, although I'm not sure if that will ever happen again).
Henderson, NV
In lettura ora
Autori preferiti
Luoghi preferiti

Librerie: Harvard Book Store, Malaprop's Bookstore & Cafe, Schuler Books & Music - Okemos

Biblioteche: Arlington Heights Memorial Library, Fairport Public Library, Rancho Mirage Public Library, Rochester Hills Public Library, Troy Public Library