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Ralph Steadman has been Gardening Correspondent for Rolling Stone for thirty years.

Comprende i nomi: Steadman Ralph, Ralph Staedman

Fonte dell'immagine: copyright Ralph Steadman, photograph by Anna Steadman


Opere di Ralph Steadman

Gonzo: The Art (1998) 244 copie
I, Leonardo (1983) 164 copie
Sigmund Freud (1979) 143 copie, 1 recensione
Untrodden Grapes (2005) 75 copie
Tales of the Weirrd (1990) 73 copie
America (1974) 63 copie
Between the Eyes (1984) 52 copie (2000) 50 copie
The Big I Am (1988) 46 copie
Scar Strangled Banger (1987) 44 copie
The Comics Journal Library: Drawing the Line (2004) — Interviewee; Collaboratore — 39 copie
Extinct Boids (2012) 39 copie, 1 recensione
Garibaldi's Biscuits (2008) 39 copie, 2 recensioni
Jones of Colorado (1995) 37 copie
The Ralph Steadman Book of Dogs (2010) 34 copie, 2 recensioni
Little Treasury of Limericks Fair and Foul (1973) — Illustratore, alcune edizioni; Illustratore — 31 copie, 1 recensione
Paranoids (1986) 27 copie
Nextinction (2015) 27 copie, 1 recensione
Ralph Steadman: A Life in Ink (2020) 22 copie, 1 recensione
No Room to Swing a Cat (1989) 20 copie
Teddy! Where Are You? (1994) 16 copie
Cherrywood Cannon (1978) 16 copie, 1 recensione
That's My Dad (1986) 13 copie
Dogs bodies (1970) 13 copie
Critical Critters (2017) 13 copie, 1 recensione
The Bridge (1975) 11 copie
Near the Bone (1990) 10 copie
Jelly Book (1970) 9 copie, 1 recensione
The Little Prince and the Tiger Cat (1968) — Illustratore — 9 copie
No Good Dogs (1983) 9 copie
Little Red Computer (1969) 8 copie
Two Donkeys and a Bridge (1983) 3 copie
Freud (2016) 3 copie
Again! (2017) 3 copie
Red Alert (1990) 2 copie
Plague & The Moonflower (1999) 2 copie
First Glimps of America (1974) 1 copia
Wine Buyer's Record Book (1994) 1 copia

Opere correlate

La fattoria degli animali (1945) — Illustratore, alcune edizioni60,890 copie, 886 recensioni
Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie (1865) — Illustratore, alcune edizioni27,640 copie, 484 recensioni
Alice nel paese delle meraviglie: attraverso lo specchio (1865) — Illustratore, alcune edizioni25,899 copie, 294 recensioni
Paura e delirio a Las Vegas (1971) — Illustratore, alcune edizioni14,496 copie, 193 recensioni
Alice nel mondo dello specchio (1871) — Illustratore, alcune edizioni7,940 copie, 129 recensioni
Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72 (1973) — Illustratore, alcune edizioni2,992 copie, 36 recensioni
La caccia allo Snark (1876) — Illustratore, alcune edizioni1,312 copie, 40 recensioni
La miseria in bocca (1973) — Illustratore, alcune edizioni985 copie, 18 recensioni
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and Other American Stories (Modern Library) (1996) — Illustratore, alcune edizioni724 copie, 6 recensioni
Gonzo: The Life of Hunter S. Thompson (2007) — Collaboratore — 609 copie, 9 recensioni
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / Through the Looking Glass / The Hunting of the Snark (1901) — Illustratore, alcune edizioni505 copie, 3 recensioni
Midnite: The Story of a Wild Colonial Boy (1967) — Illustratore, alcune edizioni149 copie, 2 recensioni
Withnail and I [1987 film] (1987) — Immagine di copertina, alcune edizioni137 copie, 1 recensione
The Mildenhall Treasure [essay] (1999) — Illustratore, alcune edizioni114 copie, 1 recensione
The Wasp in a Wig (1977) — Illustratore, alcune edizioni103 copie, 1 recensione
"Private Eye's" Bumper Book of Boobs (1973) — Illustratore, alcune edizioni49 copie
Inspector Mouse (1980) — Illustratore, alcune edizioni47 copie, 1 recensione
The Smoke Ring: Tobacco, Money and Multinational Politics (1984) — Immagine di copertina, alcune edizioni35 copie, 1 recensione
O the Clear Moment (2008) — Immagine di copertina — 21 copie
Have I Offended Someone? (2012) — Immagine di copertina — 10 copie
Two Cats in America (1970) — Illustratore — 3 copie
Varoom! 11 (2009) — Collaboratore — 2 copie
Studies in Illustration, no. 24, Summer 2003 (2003) — Collaboratore — 2 copie
OZ 42, May/June 1972 (1972) — Illustratore — 2 copie
New Scientist, 12 August 2017 (2017) — Artist — 1 copia
Linus (1969) n.4 — Autore — 1 copia


Alice (897) Alice in Wonderland (611) Allegoria (905) animali (609) Avventura (448) bambini (1,091) britannico (689) classici (3,456) Classico (3,514) Comunismo (853) da leggere (3,051) Distopia (1,087) droghe (552) EBook (539) Fantascienza (437) Fantasy (4,591) Folio Society (415) Giornalismo (611) Gonzo (534) illustrato (627) Inglese (573) Letteratura (2,165) letteratura britannica (834) letteratura classica (407) Letteratura inglese (996) Letteratura per ragazzi (1,253) letto (1,757) Lewis Carroll (511) libri per bambini (443) Narrativa (10,549) Novecento (604) per bambini (1,736) Poesia (403) Politica (1,482) posseduto (508) Romanzo (1,477) Saggistica (735) Satira (1,501) Umorismo (761) XIX secolo (718)

Informazioni generali



What a gorgeous book! Actually, it made me cry. The author and artist drew fantastic ink drawings of a cat named Jones who lived at the mountain home of author Hunter S. Thompson. This cat was master of his own fate and owed no one anything. Years ago, I had a feral cat named Lord Bravery who was just like Jones. Therefore I loved reading about this cat's interactions, however brief, with others. For the beautiful artwork and the author's appreciation of a cat's personality, I say that this is a book not to be missed by those who love individuals of the feline persuasion.… (altro)
1 vota
SqueakyChu | May 1, 2024 |
In the spring of 1970, artist Ralph Steadman went to America in search of work and found more than he bargained for. At the Kentucky Derby he met a former
associate of the Hell’s Angels, one Hunter S. Thompson. Their working relationship resulted in the now-legendary Gonzo Journalism. The Joke’s Over tells of a remarkable collaboration that documented the turbulent years of the civil rights movement, the Nixon years, Watergate, and the many bizarre and great events that shaped the second half of the twentieth century. When Thompson committed suicide in 2005, it was the end of a unique friendship filled with both betrayal and under­standing.

A rollicking, no-holds-barred memoir, The Joke’s Over is the definitive inside story of the Gonzo years.
… (altro)
Karen74Leigh | 7 altre recensioni | Oct 6, 2023 |
In the world of fiction there exists a plethora of dynamic duos — Batman and Robin, Sherlock Holmes and Watson, Timmy and Lassie, but in the more narrowly focused world of quasi-real fact-bending narrative, there stands one couple towering over the masses, Hunter S. Thompson and Ralph Steadman. Originally just a marketing moment for one artist to help illustrate an article for a crazed, rebellious writer on the upswing, what sprung from the meeting of these two wild minds left an impression on the American literary landscape for generations to come. Millions have already turned the legendary pages of Mr. Thompson, while others have memorized the famous drug-catalog listing monologue from the opening of the film, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, based on Thompson’s most famous book of the same name. Yet, as with many famous duos, we are all used to hearing from the front man -Batman, Holmes, Timmy (Lassie was really never the big conversationalist), but now we get to see of those integral sidekicks step out into his own right and tell the world how things looked from his perspective, standing off to the right and half in the shadow of a highly intelligent, self-medicated madman.

The Joke’s Over is a vicious eulogy to a carnivorous collaboration of passion, friendship and art. Dangerous at best, suicidal at worst. Getting connected with Thompson, Steadman found himself plugged into a self-propelled generator of creative energy, one that would steamroll over most other people, but he held on, gnashed his teeth in and went for the ride. The partnership shuttled back and forth between being a connected pair of best friends attempting to take over the world to a pair of artistic geniuses desperately trying not to tear each other’s throats out. The ride through their friendship is terrifying, but the results they found are awe-inspiring.

When I first picked up the book I thought I was only in for more stories about Thompson’s eccentricities and crazy drug binges, albeit from a closer perspective, but what I got was only partially that. The unexpected side of the story is hearing about Thompson’s rage, paranoia and continued ability to try and destroy all the close relationships in his life. Being best friends with him is detailed out like a full-time job that only provides partial benefits, but when that one week of paid-vacation comes each year, it feels that much better due to the work you put in to get it. Steadman lists out numerous occasions when Thompson screamed at him, in person or via phone, fax and smoke signals, decrying proof he recently discovered showing that Steadman was only riding his coattails and subconsciously attempting to destroy the power of his literary ambrosia. But before you can feel our rage rising, decrying the treatment of someone who seems to be a soft-spoken, great friend, Steadman would share other messages, like olive branches across the deep, blue ocean that separated them:

[from Thompson to Steadman]

“…Keep in mind that I am always both ahead and behind you in the same moment (an eerie Truth that we both understood in our blood and which you have, in fact, explained more than once, in print…)”

As much as Steadman battled to understand and accept the tumultuous waves of their friendship, it seemed that Thompson himself struggled constantly not to burn the bridge that kept him connected to the real world and real people.

To be fair, even with the letters and reprinted faxes from Thompson, this is all from Steadman’s perspective and it is his autobiography about those infamous years. At times he paints himself the humble hero, while others creates a much sadder picture of an artist beat down and abused by his muse. Far from the wordsmith that Thompson was, a fact Thompson constantly reminded him of, the book is enjoyable, but suffers from subconscious reminders of a more powerful writer. For true worshippers of Steadman’s artwork, the book does raise its own value by detailing numerous other places beyond Thompson’s books where you can find his maddening and wild imagery (personally, I am looking into buying Steadman’s version of Alice in Wonderland. Now that should be a real trip down the rabbit hole.)

My recommendation, it's an interesting look behind the scenes for the devoted followers of intangible excellence that sprang from Thompson and Steadman.
… (altro)
LukeGoldstein | 7 altre recensioni | Aug 10, 2021 |
I can’t think of a better gift to the world, and especially fan’s of Ralph Steadman’s visceral work. I have never been brought to tears, joy, and anger in a single book before, especially in an art collection volume, but that is a power of Steadman and his weapon of choice.
LukeGoldstein | Aug 10, 2021 |


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