Foto dell'autore

Deborah Harkness

Autore di Il libro della vita e della morte

21+ opere 25,086 membri 1,202 recensioni 69 preferito


Deborah Harkness was born in 1965. She received a B. A. from Mount Holyoke College in 1986, a M. A. from Northwestern University in 1990, and a Ph. D. from the University of California at Davis in 1994. She is a professor of history at the University of Southern California. Harkness is a mostra altro well-regarded historian of science and medicine, specializing in the fifteenth through seventeenth centuries. Her first novel, A Discovery of Witches, was published in 2011. She is the author of the All Souls Trilogy. In 2006, she began a wine blog entitled, Good Wine Under $20. It provides an online record of her search for the best, most affordable wines. She made The New York Times Bestseller List with The Book of Life and Shadow of Night. (Bowker Author Biography) mostra meno


Opere di Deborah Harkness

Il libro della vita e della morte (2011) 11,660 copie, 725 recensioni
L'ombra della notte (2012) 5,942 copie, 277 recensioni
Il bacio delle tenebre (2014) 4,547 copie, 163 recensioni
Il figlio del tempo (2018) 1,575 copie, 26 recensioni
The All Souls Trilogy (2014) 427 copie, 4 recensioni
The Blackbird Oracle (2024) 121 copie, 1 recensione
A Discovery of Witches: Series 2 (2021) — Executive Producer — 20 copie
A Discovery of Witches: Series 3 (2022) — Executive Producer — 15 copie

Opere correlate

The Voynich Manuscript (2015) — Introduzione — 418 copie, 4 recensioni


2011 (80) 2012 (100) 2012-letti (86) 2014 (88) Alchimia (221) All Souls Trilogy (186) Audiolibro (102) Biblioteca (110) da leggere (2,265) daemons (154) Demone (123) EBook (299) Fantasy (1,695) favoriti (106) Francia (131) Goodreads (97) Inghilterra (213) kindle (273) letto (264) magia (482) Mistero (80) Narrativa (1,322) Oxford (144) Paranormale (490) posseduto (115) Romanzo (81) Romanzo (527) Romanzo paranormale (153) romanzo storico (236) Serie (249) SFF (73) Soprannaturale (223) Storia (148) storico (74) streghe (1,016) Stregoneria (112) Urban fantasy (235) Vampiri (1,048) Vampiro (123) Viaggio nel tempo (321)

Informazioni generali



Great concept and well-written. Harkness does fall into the trap of flooding the reader with extraneous details about surroundings, unnecessary characters, and minutiae but it's not enough to turn me away from the story.
WhiskeyChick | 724 altre recensioni | Jul 17, 2024 |
2.5 stars. There was way too much trying to happen here, and I don't think many of the threads were successfully pulled together in the end. This was the only book in the series I've read, which was my mistake. I didn't realize this was a series until I was too far into the book to quit. I think the characters were really promising, and the lore is interesting, but the pacing and side quests were just nonsense.
KallieGrace | 162 altre recensioni | Jul 10, 2024 |
What a winding journey through time! More history for my history-loving self. I found myself unhappy during the first section of the book with time spent at the School of Night. I'll be honest, I was doubting whether this series was for me even though I enjoyed the first book. For the first 100 pages or so, it felt like Michael and Diana were at odds amongst some rude gentlemen, stuck and unable to move forward. Then, finally, the plot began to move again and the relationship finally developed! While I think the hops from place to place felt a little forced (just as I was getting comfortable they were travelling again), I was enamored with how Harkness tied the history and culture in with the storyline. The book was a little long in my opinion, with time spent introducing a near-overwhelming number of characters and on details that have yet to tie into the plot. Nonetheless, I'll certainly be reading the next book!… (altro)
hestia0 | 276 altre recensioni | Jul 5, 2024 |
I read this book as a kid, then watched the first season of the show, then happened upon this book again while wandering through the library and thought I'd give it another read. On this second read as an adult, I was so very impressed with the history woven into this story. Unfortunately, the relationship between Matthew and Diana left a bit to be desired. Their boundless devotion to each other without the act that would consummate their marriage, it just doesn't add up. You can't be apart for like more than a day without a panic attack but let's take things slow? It feels a bit too "purity culture" for a setting that is supposed to be mostly contemporary. With what we've been given n terms of their personalities, I can't make any sense of it. Regardless, I'm definitely reading the next book. The world is unique enough to keep my interest. Hopefully things will fall in line between those two more plot points are revealed.… (altro)
hestia0 | 724 altre recensioni | Jun 28, 2024 |


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