April AlphaKIT: U and O

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April AlphaKIT: U and O

Mar 14, 8:13 am

Welcome to the 2024 AlphaKIT.
This is an unofficial challenge for the 2024 Category Challenge Group. Each month has two letters selected for you to use however you choose.

There are no rules. Have fun and enjoy reading. April letters are: U and O


If You like, update the WIKI with your reading:

Mar 14, 8:58 am

I do need to update my March readings to the wiki!

Thank you for all you do.

Mar 14, 9:46 am

I'm planning on Under the Heavens by Ruth Fox as my 'U' book, and Owls and Other Fantasies by Mary Oliver as my 'O' Book.

Mar 14, 10:16 am

Mar 14, 10:43 am

Surprisingly enough I have quite a few possibilities, so I'll wait and see how they fit with other challenges first

Mar 14, 2:18 pm

Planning to knock out both letters with The Regional Office Is Under Attack! by Manuel Gonzales.

Mar 14, 8:12 pm

My book club is reading Oath & Honor by Liz Cheney that will fit.

Mar 14, 8:14 pm

My book club is reading Oath and Honor by Liz Cheney so hopefully I'll get to that.

Mar 14, 11:38 pm

U is always a bit "trickier". I generally will have something on the tbr, but it's less likely something else I'm reading anyway will fit. I'll take a closer look on the weekend to see what I've got.

Mar 15, 12:08 pm

I hope to read two books that have been very high on my to read list for a long time:

Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth by J.R.R. Tolkien
Owuors Heimkehr by Stefanie Zweig

O and U are both letters that I do not have many books for, so I expect that these will remain the only ones.

Mar 15, 5:11 pm

I am counting Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers for this one, and not sure what else I will choose.

Mar 15, 5:42 pm

I am planning on reading In the Blood by Lisa Unger and, finally, The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary.

Mar 16, 6:01 am

I'm planning on Montmorency on the Rocks by Eleanor Updale and Ocean State by Stewart O'Nan but we'll be away for a couple of weeks so I'm not sure.

Modificato: Mag 1, 3:12 pm

missed the April thread announcement. I'm late!

Death Of a Chocoholic ✅
Death Of a Coupon Clipper ✅
Death Of an English Muffin ✅
Digging Up History ✅
Every Time I Go On Vacation, Someone Dies ✅
Murder Checks Out
Murder Once Removed
Overdue or Die
Serving Up Spite
Sign Of Four Spirits ✅
Underground Library ✅

Apr 2, 1:03 am

Finished an O: Opposite of Always

Apr 2, 6:39 am

I'm listening to The man who mistook his wife for a hat by Oliver Sacks for O.

Apr 2, 11:12 am

I just finished Ellis Peters's One Corpse Too Many.

Apr 2, 1:51 pm

I read On Retreat with Thomas Merton which was not what I expected, but the black and white photos were interesting.

Apr 2, 8:21 pm

Starting "Darius The Great Is Not Okay" by Adib Khorram

Apr 4, 3:04 pm

Finished The Regional Office Is Under Attack! by Manuel Gonzales, which hits both letters.

Apr 6, 9:20 am

I've finished Montmorency on the Rocks by Eleanor Updale.

Apr 6, 8:01 pm

Finished another O: One Cowboy, One Christmas

Apr 7, 5:14 am

COMPLETED A Leg To Stand On by Oliver Sacks

Starting "Language Unlimited" by David Adger

Apr 8, 1:55 pm

I changed my mind and read The Art of Inheriting Secrets by Barbara O'Neal for my "O" book this month.

Apr 8, 10:28 pm

Requiem / Lauren Oliver
3.5 stars

This is book 3 of (I believe) a trilogy. The gist of this dytopian trilogy is that people are “cured” of a disease with a surgery when they come of age. That disease is love. They will no longer feel love. They are then paired with someone to marry. But there is a group of people who don’t want this to happen, at least to them. This book follows Lena and Hana, once best friends. Their points of view alternate.

Possible spoilers for previous books: Lena is living with a group of people in the “wilds”; she has not had the surgery nor does she want to. Hana has had the surgery and is slated to marry Fred. Fred’s father was the mayor, but he died in an uprising and Fred is now mayor. He emphasizes how much he despises the uncured. He was married previously to Cassie, but Cassie seems to have disappeared.

I listened to the audio and this was good. Once again, it took a bit for me to figure out who many of the characters were (though I knew the main characters). It was interesting to see Hana’s and Lena’s different viewpoints, given where they each were at this point in their lives. I found Hana’s POV a bit more interesting than Lena’s. I did like how it ended.

Apr 9, 4:11 am

Apr 11, 12:02 am

Apr 11, 1:25 am

I finished The man who mistook his wife for a hat by Oliver Sacks for O. It was interesting, but felt a bit like being presented with a series of freaks at the fair. Language was rather technical for a non-specialist and, in places, it showed its age.

Apr 11, 3:07 pm

I left my original plan and listened to The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama as my first O book.

Apr 12, 12:49 am

For U, I read All That’s Left Unsaid by Tracey Lien
Ky Tran, a Vietnamese-Australian journalist, decides to investigate the murder of her younger brother, Denny in Australia. The examples of racism are well known nowadays, as are the strict rules of immigrant parents. A promising debut novel but it was slow and went on a bit too long.

Apr 14, 12:18 pm

May AlphaKIT is up.

Apr 14, 3:30 pm

Up and Down / Terry Fallis
4 stars

David used to work in Ottawa, but moved to Toronto to be closer to his dying mother, who has been mostly taken care of by his sister. His new job is with a PR firm and he is thrown into the fire immediately to help with a NASA campaign. Some love, some don’t, his idea of a “citizen astronaut” campaign. People can enter to randomly be selected to go up to space, as long as they can pass the training requirements. But the people at NASA who matter love the idea and it’s on. There will be one winner from the US and one from Canada. But someone (in the DC office of the PR firm) have specific ideas about who they think should win the “random” draw. And the random person in Canada? Definitely not what anyone expected!

This was fun! Fallis’ books are humourous and this was definitely that. And I loved L Percival, Canada’s winner. There were interesting “side” stories for both David and L Percival. The PR guy in DC was horrible! But, I suppose, for the humourous slant of the novel, it makes sense to have some over-the-top characters. I really should read more of Fallis’ books (I’ve already read the political ones with Angus, but no others -- yet.)

Apr 15, 7:49 pm

I read Ordinary Men by Christopher Browning for another O.

Apr 16, 3:49 am

Starting Just By Looking At Him by Ryan O'Connell

Apr 16, 12:59 pm

I have completed my reads of In the Blood by Lisa Unger and The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary.

Modificato: Apr 19, 4:35 pm

I finished Jewels of the Sun by Nora Roberts; I'm also planning on reading One by One by Ruth Ware.

Apr 19, 4:59 am

I have finished a re-read of Post Captain by Patrick O'Brian.

Apr 21, 7:12 am

Another book for O is L'Ombre du Vétéran, historical fiction from the Napoleonic Wars.

Apr 21, 7:25 pm

Finished Owls and Other Fantasies by Mary Oliver as my 'O' book! Full review written, but this calm little book of poetry is a lovely read.

Apr 22, 6:07 pm

For O: I read Over My Dead Body by Jeffrey Archer
Archer can be relied on to write a page-turner in perfect English and without resorting to sex, swearing or violence. This is the 4th in the William Warwick series and I’m looking forward to the next two episodes that will close the series.

Apr 23, 11:08 pm

I read The Imposition of Unnecessary Obstacles by Malka Older for both letters.

Apr 24, 10:32 am

I just finished The Other Side of Disappearing by Kate Clayborn for O. Still need to read a U book for this month...I've got a couple options and just hope I can find time for them!

Apr 24, 12:20 pm

Finished Under the Heavens by Ruth Fox and wrote a full review. I did enjoy it, but I admit it wasn't quite what I was hoping for. The book is a blend of space opera, climate fiction, and young adult dystopian, and I'd hoped for a little bit more of the climate element and a little bit less of the YA angst. I probably won't go on with the series, but if Fox turns to writing adult material, I'll definitely pick it up. (I've given it 4 stars because, in large part, I think the book just wasn't for me vs. that it has many failings as the book it is--I suspect it would be 5* for a lot of writers who enjoyed YA stuff more.)

Apr 24, 8:27 pm

I read Other Men's Horses and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Modificato: Apr 25, 1:58 am

Apr 25, 3:19 am

I finished The Lies we Sing to the Sea by Sarah Underwood for U.
It's compared to Circe and Song of Achilles. Trust me - it's not in that league.

Apr 27, 6:21 pm

I finished one more U, Much Ado about Nada by Uzma Jalaluddin.

Apr 28, 9:16 am

I have finally read a book for U: Undine und andere Erzählungen, which contains three classic stories from the German Romantic period. The style is very much over the top for modern tastes. It also provides a review written by Edgar Allan Poe.

Apr 28, 1:53 pm

I finally finished The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story by Nikole Hannah-Jones, for another O book.

Apr 29, 11:18 am

Hooray, I finished my U book, Under a Dark Moon by Stella Riley. Fans of historical romance should definitely check out her work!

Apr 30, 5:32 am

Another book for O is Der grüne Fürst by Heinz Ohff. A biography of Prince Hermann Pückler-Muskau who led an incredibly adventurous life and left two famous English gardens.

Mag 1, 1:29 pm

No U books this month, but here are my O books:

Mad Monkton and Other Stories, Wilkie Collins (1881)
"Oedipus the King" from The Three Theban Plays by Sophocles
How the Other Half Lives, Jacob Riis (1890)

Mag 16, 11:27 am

I wish to add my second O book and my only U book of the month:

Heartstopper Vol 1 by Alice Oseman
Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth by J.R.R. Tolkien, ed. by Christopher Tolkien

Mag 16, 6:20 pm

>56 MissBrangwen: Have you seen the TV adaptation of Heartstopper? I haven't read the books because I don't want any spoilers for the adaptation, but I gather season 1 covers volumes 1 and 2 and season 2 covers volume 3 and a bit of volume 4. Season 3 is coming out at the beginning of October.

Mag 17, 4:23 am

>57 Robertgreaves: I haven‘t seen it so far but I want to after I have finished the books. So far I have only watched a few scenes on YouTube and I think that the actors were chosen incredibly well!