Anita (FAMeulstee) goes on wherever the books take her in 2024

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Conversazioni75 Books Challenge for 2024

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Anita (FAMeulstee) goes on wherever the books take her in 2024

Dic 31, 2023, 6:05 pm

Welcome to my first thread in 2024!

I am Anita Meulstee (60), married with Frank (62) since 1984. We live in Lelystad, the Netherlands. We both love modern art, books and walking.


I have been hanging around in this group a few months after finding LibraryThing in March 2008.
I read (almost) everything, from childrens and YA books to more serious literature, mysteries, historical fiction, fantasy, and I try not to forget to throw some non-fiction into the mix.

Modificato: Feb 1, 4:43 am

total books read in 2024: 16
2 own / 14 library

total pages read in 2024: 5,378

currently reading:
Een dramatische liefde (Correspondence: Ingeborg Bachmann and Paul Celan) by Ingeborg Bachmann, 335 pages, TIOLI #15

books read in January 2024: 16 books, 5,378 pages, 2 own / 14 library)
book 1: De wereldwandelaars by Wim Willems, 381 pages, TIOLI #10 (msg 100)
book 2: In het vervloekte hart by Rima Orie, 446 pages, TIOLI #15 (msg 101)
book 3: De mierenmaatschappij (Empire of Ants) by Susanne Foitzik, 314 pages, TIOLI #3 (msg 102)
book 4: Nicolas en de verdwijning van de wereld by Anne Eekhout, 251 pages, TIOLI #15 (msg 151)
book 5: Zolang de citroenbomen bloeien (As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow) by Zoulfa Katouh, 392 pages, TIOLI #3 (msg 152)
book 6: Biljarten om half tien (Billiards at Half Past Nine) by Heinrich Böll, 298 pages, TIOLI #3 (msg 154)
book 7: Wen er maar aan by Maike Meijer, 191 pages, TIOLI #10 (msg 247)
book 8: Het verhaal van een leven (The Story of a Life) by Aharon Appelfeld, 210 pages, TIOLI #10 (msg 248)
book 9: Iets ter grootte van het universum (About the Size of the Universe) by Jón Kalman Stefánsson, 358 pages, TIOLI #14 (msg 249)
book 10: Echte Amerikaanse jeans by Jan Guillou, 318 pages, TIOLI #11 (msg 250)
book 11: Opwaaiende zomerjurken by Oek de Jong, 270 pages, TIOLI #15 (msg 264)
book 12: De kunst van het veldspel (The Art of Fielding) by Chad Harbach, 533 pages, TIOLI #15 (msg 265)
book 13: Madame le Commissaire en de dode non by Pierre Martin, 301 pages, TIOLI #11 (msg 267)
book 14: Lily by Tom De Cock, 396 pages, TIOLI #15 (msg 268)
book 15: In het duister (Set in Darkness; John Rebus 11) by Ian Rankin, 464 pages, TIOLI #15
book 16: Zeg maar Agaath by Margôt Ros, 255 pages, TIOLI #8

Modificato: Gen 31, 12:51 pm

January 2024 reading plans

TIOLI January 2024
#1: Read a book with a word or phrase related to time in its title
#2: Read a book with a garden or floral themed title or cover art
#3 is to read a book where a title word begins with one of A, B, C, Do, Re or Mi
- Biljarten om half tien (Billiards at Half Past Nine - Heinrich Böll, 298 pages
- De mierenmaatschappij (Empire of Ants) - Susanne Foitzik, 314 pages (e-library)
- Zolang de citroenbomen bloeien (As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow) - Zoulfa Katouh, 392 pages (e-library)
#4: Read a book that's on a Best of 2023 list
#5: Read a book with a new chapter/section starting on p. 53, 53 in the ISBN, or an author's first name in the top 25 for Alabama in 1971
#6: Read a book by an author whose name is next to one of the big names in your author cloud
#7: The "Agatha" Challenge
#8: Read a book with the rules for a trip down the river Rhine
- Zeg maar Agaath - Margôt Ros & Jeroen Kleijne, 255 pages (e-library)
#9: Read a book dealing with business, finance or financial shenanigans
#10: Read a book where the author’s first and last name begins with the same letter
- Het verhaal van een leven (The Story of a Life) - Aharon Appelfeld, 210 pages (e-library)
- Wen er maar aan - Maike Meijer, 191 pages (library)
- De wereldwandelaars - Wim Willems, 381 pages (e-library)
#11: Read a book by an author who you first read in 2023
- Echte Amerikaanse jeans - Jan Guillou, 318 pages (library)
- Madame le Commissaire en de dode non - Pierre Martin, 301 pages (e-library)
#12: Read a book with a pronoun or Who/Whom/Whose in the title
#13 : Read a book about the Roman Empire (Fiction or Non-Fiction)
#14: Read a book whose title and/or subtitle includes a noun starting with “Un”
- Iets ter grootte van het universum (About the Size of the Universe) - Jón Kalman Stefánsson, 358 pages (e-library)
#15: Read a book with 250 pages or more
- In het duister (Set in Darkness; John Rebus 11) - Ian Rankin, 464 pages (e-library)
- In het vervloekte hart - Rima Orie, 446 pages (e-library)
- De kunst van het veldspel (The Art of Fielding) - Chad Harbach, 533 pages (e-library)
- Lily - Tom De Cock, 396 pages (e-library)
- Nicolas en de verdwijning van de wereld - Anne Eekhout, 251 pages (e-library)
- Opwaaiende zomerjurken - Oek de Jong, 270 pages
#16 Read a book for the Zodiac challenge (Capricorn - mythical creature in title/author's name)

Modificato: Gen 30, 6:14 pm

February 2024 reading plans

TIOLI February 2024
#1 Read a book whose title begins with the same letter as your screen name
- Spitsroeden (For kicks) - Dick Francis, 246 pages (e-library 11/2)
- Voetsporen (Footsteps) - Pramoedya Ananta Toer, 421 pages (library)
#2: Read a book whose average rating on LT is 4.0 or above
- North woods (North Woods) - Daniel Mason, 395 pages (e-library 9/2)
- De verloren zoon (Brother Cadfael's Penance) - Ellis Peters, 251 pages (library)
#3: Read a love story
- Een dramatische liefde (Correspondence: Ingeborg Bachmann and Paul Celan) - Ingeborg Bachmann, 335 pages (library 8/2)
#4: Read a book that has something to do with hair
#5: Rolling Challenge - Match First Letter of Book Title with the phrase "Hearts and Flowers"
- Carambole (Hour of the Wolf) - Håkan Nesser, 344 pages (library)
#6: Read a book where changing one letter makes a new title.
#7: Read a book with the name of a city in the title or author's name
#8: Read a book published in a Year of the Dragon (1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)
- Hemelsblauw - Jan Lauwereyns, 94 pages
#9: Read a book whose title conveys menace
#10: Read a book whose author has the same number of letters in both their first and surnames
- De geschiedenis van de liefde (The History of Love) - Nicole Krauss, 289 pages (e-library 17/2)
- Ik ben de sterkste - Christian Frascella, 270 pages (DJP, library)
#11 Read a book for the Zodiac challenge (Aquarius - author or character born Jan 20 to Feb 18)
#12: Read a book about the Soviet Union's former "sphere of influence", or by an author from that region, or about Vladimir Putin's regime
#13: Read a book set predominantly in a European capital city
- 1968 - Jan Guillou, 349 pages (library)
#14: Read a book with two or three words in the title
- Kruistocht in spijkerbroek (Crusade in Jeans) Thea Beckman, 307 pages
- Een soort Engeland - Robert Anker, 280 pages (Libris, e-library 21/2)
? Het vege kolkje - Alet Schouten, 139 pages

Modificato: Dic 31, 2023, 6:09 pm

Reading plans in 2024
Reading books from the 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die lists
Read some big tomes (1000+ pages)
Read books by Nobel Prize for Literature winners

I join the TIOLI (Take It Or Leave It) challenges each month.

Modificato: Dic 31, 2023, 6:10 pm

Trying to read an author from every country in the world

Afghanistan: Khaled Hosseini
Albania: Ismail Kadare
Algeria: Kamel Daoud
Angola: José Eduardo Agualusa
Argentina: Alberto Manguel
Armenia: Nairi Zaryan
Aruba: Denis Henriquez
Australia: John Marsden
Austria: Marlen Haushofer
Azerbaijan: Kurban Said
Belarus: Svetlana Alexievich
Belgium: Els Beerten
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Saša Stanišic
Brazil: Malba Tahan
Bulgaria: Elias Canetti
Cameroon: Ferdinand Oyono
Canada: Naomi Klein
Chile: Isabel Allende
China: Cao Xueqin
Colombia: Gabriel García Márquez
Croatia: Slobodan Šnajder
Curaçao: Frank Martinus Arion
Czechia: Pavel Kohout
Danmark: Tove Ditlevsen
Dominican Republic: Junot Díaz
Egypt: Nagieb Mahfoez
Finland: Väinö Linna
France: Annie Ernaux
Georgia: Nino Haratischwili
Germany: Uwe Johnson
Ghana: Yaa Gyasi
Greece: Yanis Varoufakis
Hungary: Miklós Bánffy
Iceland: Hallgrimur Helgason
India: Vikram Seth
Indonesia: Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Iran: Hushang Moradi Kermani
Iraq: Rodaan Al Galidi
Ireland: Paul Murray
Israel: David Grossman
Italy: Elena Ferrante
Japan: Junpei Gomikawa
Lebanon: Hoda Barakat
Lithuania: Romain Gary
Malaysia: Tan Twan Eng
Mexico: Mariano Azuela
Morocco: Fayza Oum'Hamed
Netherlands: Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer
New Zealand: Margaret Mahy
Nigeria: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Norway: Marta Breen
Palestine: Sayed Kashua
Peru: Mario Vargas Llosa
Poland: Olga Tokarczuk
Portugal: António Lobo Antunes
Romania: Herta Müller
Russia: Konstantin Paustovski
Senegal: Mohamed Mbougar Sarr
Slovakia: Sándor Márai
South Africa: Trevor Noah
South Korea: An Na
Spain: Almudena Grandes
Suriname: Anton de Kom
Sweden: Henning Mankell
Switzerland: Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz
Syria: Khālid Khalīfah
Tanzania: Abdulrazak Gurnah
Tibet: Tenzin Gyatso
Trinidad and Tobago: V.S. Naipaul
Turkey: Orhan Pamuk
Ukraine: Isaac Babel
Venezuela: Miguel Bonnefoy
United Kingdom: Robert Macfarlane
United States: John Steinbeck
Vietnam: Viet Thanh Nguyen

visited 74 countries (32.8%)

Modificato: Dic 31, 2023, 6:10 pm


Totals since 2008:

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My reading in previous years
2008: 130 books -   35,152 pages   (96.0 ppd)
2009:   78 books -   21,470 pages   (58.8 ppd)
2010: 121 books -   38,209 pages (104.7 ppd)
2011:   84 books -   30,256 pages   (82.9 ppd)
2012:   53 books -   18,779 pages   (51.3 ppd)
2013:   13 books -     3,692 pages   (10.1 ppd)
2014:   17 books -     3,700 pages   (10.1 ppd)
2015:   29 books -   10,080 pages   (27.6 ppd)
2016: 253 books -   72,391 pages (197.8 ppd)
2017: 453 books - 110,222 pages (302.0 ppd)
2018: 534 books - 111,906 pages (306.6 ppd)
2019: 413 books - 110,873 pages (303.8 ppd)
2020: 226 books -   79,216 pages (216.4 ppd)
2021: 288 books -   94,339 pages (258.5 ppd)
2022: 323 books - 102,275 pages (280.2 ppd)
2023: 278 books -   92,617 pages (253.8 ppd)

Modificato: Dic 31, 2023, 6:11 pm

Modificato: Gen 30, 2:55 am

Series I read, a list to keep track

Alan Banks by Peter Robinson (re-read 4/20)
1 Stille blik; 2 Nachtlicht; 3 Tegenstroom; 4 Zondeval; 5 Schijnbeeld; 6 Woensdagkind; 7 Zwanenzang; 8 Innocent Graves (not translated); 9 Dead Right (not translated); 10 Verdronken verleden; 11 Kil als het graf; 12 Nasleep; 13 Onvoltooide zomer; 14 Vuurspel; 15 Drijfzand; 16 Hartzeer; 17 Duivelsgebroed; 18 Overmacht; 19 Uitschot; 20 Dwaalspoor; 21 Dankbare dood; 22 Slachthuisblues

Ari Thór Arason (Dark Iceland) by Ragnar Jónasson 4/4
1 Sneeuwblind; 2 Inktzwart; 3 Poolnacht; 4 Ademloos

Bernie Gunther by Philip Kerr 8/14
1 Een Berlijnse kwestie; 2 Het handwerk van de beul; 3 Een Duits requiem; 4 De een van de ander; 5 Een stille vlam; 6 Als de doden niet herrijzen; 7 Grijs verleden; 8 Praag fataal; 9 De man zonder adem; 10 De vrouw van Zagreb; 11 De schaduw van de stilte; 12 Pruisisch blauw; 13 Vergeven en vergeten; 14 Metropolis

Broeder Cadfael by Ellis Peters 19/20
1 Het heilige vuur; 2 Het laatste lijk; 3 Het gemene gewas; 4 De kwade knecht; 5 De eenzame bruid; 6 De kille maagd; 7 Het vege lijf; 8 De duivelse droom; 9 De gouden speld; 10 Een wisse dood; 11 Een hard gelag; 12 De ware aard; 13 Een witte roos; 14 Het stille woud; 15 De laatste eer; 16 Het rechte pad; 17 Een zijden haar; 18 Een lieve lust; 19 De heilige dief; 20 De verloren zoon

De Cock by A.C. Baantjer 59/70

Cormoran Strike by Robert Galbraith 6/6
1 Koekoeksjong; 2 Zijderups; 3 Het slechte pad; 4 Witte dood; 5 Kwaad bloed; 6 Inktzwart hart; 7 Stromend graf

George Smiley by John Le Carré 6/9
1 Telefoon voor de dode; 2 Voetsporen in de sneeuw; 3 Spion aan de muur; 4 Spion verspeeld; 5 Edelman, bedelman, schutter, spion; 6 Spion van nobel bloed; 7 Smiley's prooi; 8 De laatste spion; 9 Een erfenis van spionnen

De grote eeuw by Jan Guillou 6/10
1 Bruggenbouwers; 2 Dandy uit het noorden; 3 Tussen rood en zwart; 4 De kop in het zand; 5 Blauwe Ster; 6 Echte Amerikaanse jeans; 7 1968; 8 Zij die dromen doden slapen nooit; 9 De tweede hoofdzonde; 10 Het einde van het verhaal

Guido Brunetti by Donna Leon 30/31
1 Dood van een maestro; 2 Dood in den vreemde; 3 De dood draagt rode schoenen; 4 Salto mortale; 5 Acqua alta; 6 Een stille dood; 7 Nobiltà; 8 Fatalità; 9 Vriendendienst; 10 Onrustig tij; 11 Bedrieglijke zaken; 12 De stille elite; 13 Verborgen bewijs; 14 Vertrouwelijke zaken; 15 Duister glas; 16 Kinderspel; 17 Droommeisje; 18 Gezichtsverlies; 19 Een kwestie van vertrouwen; 20 Dodelijke conclusies; 21 Beestachtige zaken; 22 Het onbekende kind; 23 Tussen de regels; 24 Ik aanbid je; 25 Eeuwige jeugd; 26 Wat niet verdwijnt; 27 Vergiffenis; 28 De troonopvolger; 29 Duister water; 30 Vluchtig verlangen; 31 Liefdadigheid; 32 So Shall You Reap (not translated)

Isabelle Bonnet by Pierre Martin 5/6
1 Madame le Commissaire en de verdwenen Engelsman; 2 Madame le Commissaire en de uitgestelde wraak; 3 Madame le Commissaire en de dood van de politiechef; 4 Madame le Commissaire en het mysterieuze schilderij; 5 Madame le Commissaire en de dode non; 6 Madame le Commissaire en de dode minnaar; 7 Madame le Commissaire und die Frau ohne Gedächtnis (not translated); 8 Madame le Commissaire und die panische Diva (not translated); 9 Madame le Commissaire und die Villa der Frauen (not translated); 10 Madame le Commissaire und die Mauer des Schweigens (not translated)

John Rebus by Ian Rankin 11/20
1 Kat & muis; 2 Blindeman; 3 Hand & Tand; 4 Ontmaskering; 5 Zwartboek; 6 Vuurwerk; 7 Laat maar bloeden; 8 Gerechtigheid; 9 Door het lint; 10 Dode zielen; 11 In het duister; 12 Valstrik; 13 Lazarus; 14 Een kwestie van bloed; 15 De rechtelozen; 16 Gedenk de doden; 17 Laatste ronde; 18 Cold case; 19 Saints of the Shadow Bible (not translated); 20 Even Dogs in the Wild (not translated); 21 Rather Be the Devil (not translated); 22 Een web van leugens; 23 Een lied voor duistere tijden

Konráð by Arnaldur Indridason 4/5
1 Smeltend ijs; 2 Boven water; 3 Smeulend vuur; 4 Vallende stenen; 5 Razende storm

Konrad Sejer by Karin Fossum 6/14
1 Eva's oog; 2 Kijk niet achterom; 3 Wie de wolf vreest; 4 De duivel draagt het licht; 5 De Indiase bruid; 6 Zwarte seconden; 7 De moord op Harriet Krohn; 8 Een andere voorkeur; 9 Kwade wil; 10 De waarschuwer; 11 Veenbrand; 12 De fluisteraar; 13 De verduistering; 14 Zwanenzang

Martin Servaz by Bernard Minier 5/7
1 Een kille rilling; 2 Huivering; 3 Verduistering; 4 Schemering; 5 Weerzin; 6 Afdaling; 7 Afrekening

Oliver von Bodenstein & Pia Kirchhoff by Nele Neuhaus 10/10
1 Een onbeminde vrouw; 2 Moordvrienden; 3 Diepe wonden; 4 Sneeuwwitje moet sterven; 5 Wie wind zaait; 6 Boze wolf; 7 De levenden en de doden; 8 Het woud; 9 Moederdag; 10 Eeuwige vriendschap

De Rougons-Macquarts (The Rougon-Macquarts) by Émile Zola 4/20
1 Het fortuin der Rougons; 2 De buit; 3 De buik van Parijs; 4 De verovering van Plassans; 5 De misstap van pastoor Mouret; 6 Zijne excellentie Eugène Rougon; 7 De nekslag; 8 Liefde; 9 Nana; 10 In troebel water; 11 In het paradijs voor de vrouw; 12 Levensvreugde; 13 De mijn; 14 Het werk; 15 Het land; 16 De droom; 17 Het beest in de mens; 18 Het geld; 19 De ondergang; 20 Dokter Pascal

Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle 4/8
1 Een studie in rood; 2 De vallei der verschrikking; 3 De hond van de Baskervilles; 4 Het teken van de vier; 5 Het laatste probleem; 6 Het avontuur van de duivelsklauw; 7 Zijn laatste buiging; 8 De onbekende avonturen van Sherlock Holmes

De tandeloze tijd by A.F.Th. van der Heijden 1/11
0 De slag om de Blauwbrug; 1 Vallende ouders; 2 De gevarendriehoek; 2.1 Weerborstels; 3.1 Het hof van barmhartigheid; 3.2 Onder het plaveisel het moeras; 3.4 Doodverf; 4 Advocaat van de hanen; 5 De helleveeg; 6 Kwaadschiks; 8 Stemvorken

Van Veeteren by Håkan Nesser 6/11
1 Het grofmazige net; 2 Het vierde offer; 3 De terugkeer; 4 De vrouw met de moedervlek; 5 De commissaris en het zwijgen; 6 De zaak van Münster; 7 Carambole; 8 De dode op het strand; 9 De zwaluw, de kat, de roos en de dood; 10 Van Veeteren en de zaak-G; 11 De vereniging van linkshandigen

Modificato: Dic 31, 2023, 6:13 pm

Books acquired in 2024: 0

January (0)

Modificato: Dic 31, 2023, 6:24 pm


2024 has started here, so it was time for a new thread in the new group!

I will make the rounds later, now I hope the fireworks stop soon, so I can go to bed.

Dic 31, 2023, 6:47 pm

Happy New Year and Happy New thread, Anita!
All the best wishes for you and Frank.

Modificato: Dic 31, 2023, 6:55 pm

Anita--I am so in awe of the amount of reading you do, not to mention the quality. I am going to try to do a better job of keeping up with your thread this year (not to mention my own thread).

>3 FAMeulstee: Back around the time Boll won the Nobel, I read most of his books that had been translated up until then. I remember liking Billiards at Half Past Nine. It's still on my shelf. Maybe I should revisit it.

Best wishes for a good New Year to you and Frank!

(ETA--The last book I read for 2023 was by an author from Curaçao, Tip Marugg, who writes in Dutch. Have you read anything by him?)

Dic 31, 2023, 7:36 pm

Welcome back, Anita!

Dic 31, 2023, 7:41 pm

Hi Anita!

Wishing you a great one!

Dic 31, 2023, 7:42 pm

Happy new thread and Happy New Year, Anita.

Love to Frank too!

Dic 31, 2023, 8:11 pm

Happy New Year Anita and Frank!

Gen 1, 12:22 am

All the best to you Anita in 2024 for a wonderful year of reading and hiking.

Gen 1, 12:26 am

Happy New Thread, Anita, and Happy New Year to you and Frank!

Gen 1, 1:39 am

Gen 1, 4:59 am

>13 SirThomas: Thank you, Thomas, all the best for you and your wife in 2024!

>14 arubabookwoman: Thank you, Deborah, always glad to see a mesage from you. My reading has changed a lot through the years. From mainly YA to much more variety, and LT has helped to change my reading.
We have some books by Böll on the shelves, but I haven't read any by him yet. So Billiards at Half Past Nine is going to be my first.
Tip Marugg also resides on the shelves unread, you probably read The Roar of Morning, I will put it on my list to read this year.

Wishing you and yours all the best in 2024!

Gen 1, 5:03 am

>15 drneutron: Thank you, Jim!
And thanks for all you do to keep our wonderful community going on LT!

>16 quondame: Thank you, Susan, I had to look twice before I saw it were penguins ;-) Lovely image.
Wishing the same to you and yours!

Gen 1, 5:05 am

>17 PaulCranswick: Thank you, Paul, may 2024 bring all you wish for!
And of course also to your lovely family.

>18 Kristelh: Thank you, Kristel, happy New Year to you and your family!

Gen 1, 5:09 am

>19 mdoris: Thank you, Mary, all the best and happy reading in 2024.

>20 vancouverdeb: Thank you, Deborah, happy New Year to you and Dave!

Gen 1, 5:09 am

>21 Berly: Thank you, Kim, happy 2024!

Gen 1, 5:18 am

I sincerely wish you health, happiness, contentment and many exciting books.

Gen 1, 6:44 am

Happy New Year, Anita!

Gen 1, 6:48 am

Happy new year Anita - wishing you and Frank health and happiness for 2024 (and dry weather for your walking!)

Gen 1, 7:16 am

Happy new thread and new year, Anita!

Gen 1, 8:12 am

Happy New Year, Anita and Frank!

Gen 1, 8:59 am

Happy New Year, Anita and Frank!

Gen 1, 9:20 am

Happy New Year, Anita.

Gen 1, 9:43 am

>27 Ameise1: Thank you so much, Barbara, all the same and a happy retirement to you!

>28 DianaNL: Thank you, Diana, happy New Year!

Gen 1, 9:44 am

Happy new year, Anita!

Gen 1, 9:45 am

>29 charl08: Thank you, Charlotte, and the same to you from both of us. Especially your last wish is appriciated ;-)

>30 jessibud2: Thank you, Shelley, happy 2024!

Gen 1, 9:49 am

>31 PersephonesLibrary: Thank you, Käthe, lovely to see you around. Happy New Year!

>32 EllaTim: Thanks, Ella, happy New Year to you and Marc!

Gen 1, 9:49 am

>33 BLBera: Thank you, Beth, happy New Year!

Gen 1, 10:22 am

Hi Anita! Happy New Year, and happy first thread.

>1 FAMeulstee: Love the pics of you and Frank.

Best wishes for a stellar reading year.

Gen 1, 11:37 am

>39 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen, happy New Year!

Thanks again, may the books treat us well again in 2024.

Gen 1, 11:59 am

Happy New Year and new thread! Hope 2024 is kind to you and Frank!

Gen 1, 12:38 pm

Happy 2024, Anita! Howinaheck did we get to the middle of the third decade of the new millennium when it's supposed to be 1993?

Gen 1, 2:53 pm

Happy New Year Anita, I look forward to finding more book bullets this year.

Gen 1, 2:55 pm

Happy New Year Anita!

Gen 1, 3:19 pm

>41 ChelleBearss: Thank you, Chelle, I wish the same to you, Nate and the girls!

>42 richardderus: Thank you, Richard dear, happy 2024 to you!
I dunno, time travel? I certainly don't want to be back there in the 1990s, it was not our best time...
2024 still sounds like SF to me ;-)

Gen 1, 3:21 pm

>43 Caroline_McElwee: Thank you, Caroline, happy New Year.
We will find some BBs on eachothers threads again this year :-)

>44 SandDune: Thank you, Rhian, happy New Year to you and your family!

Gen 1, 3:41 pm

Some impressive reading numbers there! I hope 2024 brings you reading enjoyment!

Gen 1, 4:37 pm

Hi Anita! Happy new year, and happy reading (of course). You, being a reading machine, will no doubt be at 75 by March!

Gen 1, 7:02 pm

>47 Tess_W: Thank you, Tess, the last years have been great reading years. I am sure 2024 will bring many new reading adventures.

>48 LovingLit: Thank you, Megan, happy New Year to you and your family. Looking at my stats it could be April ;-)

Gen 1, 8:18 pm

Nice hat!!

Happy New Year, Anita!

Gen 1, 9:32 pm

>3 FAMeulstee: I don't think that I have ever done a TIOLI challenge. Looks like fun.

Happy New Year! I have you starred.

Gen 2, 3:21 am

>50 AMQS: Thank you, Anne, and a very useful hat :-)
Happy New Year to you!

>51 figsfromthistle: Thank you, Anita, happy New Year!
The TIOLI challenges are fun, doing them for years now. Each month a new chance to join.

Gen 2, 7:59 am

Happy New Year, Anita. I hope you and Frank have a safe and healthy 2024. Looking forward to another year of sharing and chatting about books.

Gen 2, 8:33 am

A happy and healthy new year to you and Frank, Anita. May your year be filled with good books.

Gen 2, 9:06 am

all the best in 2024

Gen 2, 9:09 am

>53 msf59: Thank you, Mark, the same to you and Sue.
I am sure we will share and chat about birds and books again, you can keep the beer for yourself :-)

>54 Matke: Thank you, Gail, happy New Year. Looking forward to the places the books will take us all.

Gen 2, 9:11 am

>55 paulstalder: Thank you, Paul, the same to you!

Gen 2, 9:12 am

Happy New Year, Anita! The usual hug for Frank, and tell him he has to hug you back.

Gen 2, 9:48 am

>58 ronincats: Thank you, Roni, hugs given. I waited with my reply until Frank came back with the groceries.

Gen 2, 10:08 am

Happy New Year!! A little late...

Gen 2, 10:17 am

I hope your year is starting off to be great, and continues to do so! I’ve set my star, and will be with you daily. Good readingbto you!

Karen O

Gen 2, 10:50 am

Happy New Year, Anita & Frank!

Gen 2, 11:32 am

>60 hredwards: You are never late, Harold, and happy wishes always welcome. Happy New Year!

>61 klobrien2: Thank you, Karen!
I hope 2024 is kind to you, and brings you many good reads.

Gen 2, 11:33 am

>62 humouress: Thank you, Nina, happy New Year to you and yours!

Gen 2, 12:13 pm

Happy New Year, Anita! May it be filled with good books, good friends, and good times!

Love the pics in >1 FAMeulstee:. (That’s my kind of hat!)

Gen 2, 2:09 pm

Happy new year, Anita. I'm looking forward to following your walking (and your reading, of course)

Gen 2, 2:50 pm

Hi Anita, stopping by to wish you a Happy New Year and best wishes for 2024!

Gen 2, 3:28 pm

Happy New Year and happy new thread! Thanks for visiting mine!

Gen 2, 3:32 pm

>65 Storeetllr: Thank you, Mary, wishing you the same!
It is a perfect summer hat, saw it last year on Anne's thread (AMQS), and was happy to find one for me :-)

>66 RebaRelishesReading: Thank you, Reba, happy New Year. We'll walk the last part of the Pieterpad in March.

Gen 2, 3:35 pm

>67 lkernagh: Thank you, Lori, so nice to see you back. Happy New Year!

>68 foggidawn: Thanks, Foggi, happy New Year!

Gen 2, 3:37 pm

Happy New Year, Anita!

Gen 2, 3:44 pm

>71 Carmenere: Thank you, Lynda, happy 2024. I just visited your new thread :-)

Gen 2, 4:01 pm

I hope your 2024 is filled with good books and energizing walks, Anita!

Modificato: Gen 2, 5:07 pm

>73 Familyhistorian: Thank you, Meg, I think both will be plenty in 2024. And happy New Year to you!

Gen 2, 5:32 pm

>2 FAMeulstee: Happy New Year and happy reading!

Gen 2, 8:34 pm

Happy new year, Anita! I wish you a year of great reading!

Gen 3, 4:37 am

>75 ocgreg34: Thank you, Greg, happy New Year and may the books treat you well!

>76 cbl_tn: Thank you, Carrie, wishing you a happy 2024, filled with good books!

Gen 3, 6:15 am

Read, not yet reviewed:
#1: De wereldwandelaars by Wim Willems

Reading now:
In het vervloekte hart by Rima Orie
Biljarten om half tien (Billiards at Half Past Nine) by Heinrich Böll

Gen 3, 12:16 pm

Happy New Year, Anita & welcome to the group!

Gen 3, 1:16 pm

Happy New Year to you and Frank! I hope 2024 is a good one for you both.

Gen 3, 3:05 pm

>79 ChrisG1: Thank you, Chris, happy 2024!

>80 Sakerfalcon: Thank you, Claire, happy New Year from both of us.

Gen 4, 4:48 pm

Hi Anita my dear, Happy New Year and i will be visiting throughout 2024.

Gen 4, 7:45 pm

Wishing you a great year of reading!

Gen 5, 3:57 am

Happy new year, Anita - I hope 2024 is treating you well so far.

Wow, your reading map of the world is looking very well-filled in!
I'm looking forward to tracking your reading this year - I'm sure the numbers will be as impressive as ever.

Gen 5, 5:51 am

Happy new year, Anita and happy new thread. Good to see it as active as always. I'll try to be more active this year... but still may be a touch busy! Looking forward to seeing what you are reading though.

Gen 5, 6:40 am

>82 johnsimpson: Thank you, John.
Happy New Year to you and Karen & all other members of your family!

>83 thornton37814: Thank you, Lori, the same to you!

Gen 5, 6:58 am

>84 PawsforThought: Thank you, Paws, the year has started very well.
The map is filled with my reading of the last 15 years, with only the last year focussed on getting to more countries. I will see how far I can get, some countries are unavailable in Dutch translation.

>85 sirfurboy: Thanks, Stephen, happy New Year!
Just listing my reading gives an active thread. Good luck trying to be more active ;-)

Gen 5, 6:59 am

Read, not yet reviewed:
#1: De wereldwandelaars by Wim Willems
#2: In het vervloekte hart by Rima Orie
#3: De mierenmaatschappij (Empire of Ants) by Susanne Foitzik

Reading now:
Biljarten om half tien (Billiards at Half Past Nine) by Heinrich Böll
Nicolas en de verdwijning van de wereld by Anne Eekhout

Gen 5, 3:10 pm

Happy New Year, Anita, and wishing you a wonderful year of reading!

Gen 5, 4:23 pm

Happy weekend-ahead's reading, Anita!

Gen 5, 5:06 pm

>89 aktakukac: Thank you, Rachel, may 2024 be filled with good books to read!

>90 richardderus: Thank you, Richard dear, happy weekend!

Gen 5, 5:19 pm

Happy new year and happy new thread!

Gen 5, 8:45 pm

You are such a reader Anita! Happy New Year.
>10 FAMeulstee: I hope to be reading some John Rebus novels by Ian Rankin this year too.

Gen 5, 9:51 pm

Stopping by to say hi, Anita. You already got several books under your belt!

Gen 5, 10:02 pm

Hello, Anita, and a belated Happy New Year! I'm dropping a star and look forward to following your reading and other adventures this year.

Gen 5, 11:44 pm

Hi Anita. I found your thread so I'm dropping off my star and wishing you and Frank a very happy new year!

Gen 6, 4:11 am

>92 witchyrichy: Thank you, Karen, happy New Year to you!

>93 RBeffa: Thank you, Ron, I can spend a lot of my time on reading. Happy New Year!
I enjoy the John Rebus books, I hope to get to book 11 next month.

Gen 6, 4:14 am

>94 vancouverdeb: Hi, Deborah, nice to see you here!
I should get to reviewing them, before they are expired and vanish from my Kobo reader.

>95 atozgrl: Thank you, Irene, Happy New Year!
Glad to see you are back, we will see what this year will bring us.

Gen 6, 4:16 am

>96 EBT1002: Thank you, Ellen, happy first retirement year to you and P. from both of us!

Modificato: Gen 6, 11:57 am

book 1: De wereldwandelaars by Wim Willems
library, e-book, non-fiction, Dutch, no translations, 381 pages
TIOLI Challenge #10: Read a book where the author’s first and last name begins with the same letter

In 1911 three young men, two from The Hague and one from Amsterdam, leave their homes to go and walk around the world. They all come from workers families, and don't want to follow their fathers footsteps to become workers themselves. They all have communist/socialist ideals, are vegetarians, pacifists, and teetotalers. So Gerard Perfors, Frans van der Hoorn, and Bram Mossel walk trough Europe. They make a living by selling photographs from themselves. Later Marie Zwarts, Gerard's fiancee, joins them in Egypt. When WW I starts Frans is stuck in Palestine, the others manage to get back to the Netherlands. Frans will stay in Palestine, Bram's life ends in WWII, and Gerard and Marie stay together and have some children.

I found the travel part the most engaging. Sadly that was only one third of the book, the rest is about their life after their common adventures. There were also some big mistakes, saying that Maria Magdalena was Jesus mother?!? And a few more like this :-(

Title translated: The worldwalkers

Modificato: Gen 6, 5:49 am

book 2: In het vervloekte hart by Rima Orie
library, e-book, YA, fantasy, Dutch, no translations, 446 pages
TIOLI Challenge #15: Read a book with 250 pages or more

This was the Best YA Book written in Dutch (Beste Boek voor Jongeren, oorspronkelijk Nederlandstalig boek) in 2023.

Priya Chkadhari is a boodchild with magical powers, born during the bloodmoon. Usually these children are killed right after their birth, as most see them as cursed, but Priya's mother has managed to keep it a secret. When Priya gets the chance to be accepted as a student in Kuwatta, the largest militairy fort of the rebellions, she finds that her powers are needed in the fight against the colonists. She even finds friends among the other bloodchildren. Eventually Priya ends up in a war, the colonists are not the only threat, as in the fort lives an evil demon with zombie helpers.

An exiting read, fantasy set in a place that looks a lot like Suriname, with a similair mix of people from different decent.

Title translated: In the cursed heart

Gen 6, 5:22 am

book 3: De mierenmaatschappij by Susanne Foitzik
library, e-book, non-fiction, translated from German, English translation Empire of Ants also Planet of the Ants, 314 pages
TIOLI Challenge #3 is to read a book where a title word begins with one of A, B, C, Do, Re or Mi

An extended portrait of the large variety of ants around the world. All kinds of ants have different ways of living, depending on where their habitat is. They live in colonies, work together in sometimes peculiar ways. And in some ways they are similair to humans.

I found this book on Richards thread last year, and he has a way better way with words, see his review of Planet of the Ants.

Dutch title translated: The antsociety

Gen 6, 10:07 am

Hi Anita, and happy Saturday to you.

Gen 6, 10:17 am

>100 FAMeulstee: That error is a BIG one, Anita. It would make me question everything I'd read.

Gen 6, 10:20 am

>102 FAMeulstee: I'm glad I inspired you to pick this one up. I think it's underappreciated how much we owe to ants and their society!

*smooch* for a good weekend-ahead's reads.

Modificato: Gen 6, 4:53 pm

>103 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen, happy Saturday!

>104 richardderus: Indeed, Richard dear, you made me realise 3* was still to much. Lowered it to 2½*, as I did enjoy part of it.

>105 richardderus: The book is underappriciated too, I hope others will pick it up. It was an enjoyable read, and I learned a lot.
*smooches* right back at you, I hope your weekend is uneventful :-)

Gen 6, 5:58 pm

Hi Anita! Just starred you. Will come back a bit later and actually read about what you’ve been up to. Have been out a good part of the day before coming home to finish off my first book of the year and now I have to go and throw something together for supper. Never, ever enough time in the day.

Gen 6, 8:12 pm

The book about ants is looking really interesting to me, Anita. Think I’m going to track that puppy down.

Gen 6, 8:18 pm

Happy new year! And great jump on your reading already.

Gen 6, 11:16 pm

Happy New Year, Anita!

Gen 7, 2:24 am

Happy new year of reading Anita! :)

Gen 7, 3:31 am

See you have made your usual solid reading start, Anita, though your titles are not immediately familiar to me.

Have a lovely Sunday.

Gen 7, 3:40 am

>107 Fourpawz2: Nice to see you here, Charlotte!
Never enough time to do all we want. At least I don't have to worry about supper, as that is Frank's responsebility ;-)

>108 Fourpawz2: I hope you can find a copy.

Gen 7, 4:02 am

>109 banjo123: Thank you, Rhonda, happy New Year! My reading year started well :-)

>110 Copperskye: Thank you, Joanne, happy New Year!

Gen 7, 4:06 am

>111 WhiteRaven.17: Thank you, Kro, may we al read some wonderful books in 2024!

>112 PaulCranswick: Thank you, Paul, happy Sunday.
I started the year with some Dutch books, I have a few more like that planned this month. Only the book about ants is available in English.

Gen 7, 4:07 am

>115 FAMeulstee: We have more than enough ants over here already, Anita!

Gen 7, 4:14 am

>116 PaulCranswick: Maybe that is a reason to get more informed about ants? :-D

Gen 7, 4:15 am

>117 FAMeulstee: Hahaha quite possibly so, Anita!

Gen 7, 4:19 am

>118 PaulCranswick: The book is well worth reading, Paul, go for it! Richard recommeded it too :-)

Gen 7, 4:20 am

>119 FAMeulstee: If two of my besties in the group both liked it, Anita, I have little choice but to go and look for it. xx

Gen 7, 4:24 am

>120 PaulCranswick: I hope to see it soon among your acquisitions, Paul :-D

Gen 7, 4:30 am

>120 PaulCranswick: I have to find it first, Anita, but you can rest assured that I will do so.

Gen 7, 3:44 pm

Hi Anita! May 2024 yield many great books for you!

Gen 8, 12:32 am

Looks like you have made a good head start on your reading, Anita!

Gen 8, 5:18 am

>124 The_Hibernator: Thank you, Rachel, the same to you! And a happy 2024 to you and your family.

>125 Familyhistorian: Thank you, Meg, I just finished book #4 :-)

Gen 8, 5:45 am

Wow, you've already read a lot. Congratulations, Anita.

Gen 8, 10:21 am

Woah, I’m inspired now!

Gen 8, 12:06 pm

It looks like your New Year is starting out wonderfully! Four books read (and reviewed!) and over 128 posts! My head is spinning!

Happiest of New Years to you and Frank. I look forward to following your book and walking adventures.

Gen 8, 5:26 pm

>127 Ameise1: Thank you, Barbara, well on my way :-)

>128 yolana: Thanks, Yolana.

>129 streamsong: Thank you, Janet, the threads always move fast in the early days of January.
Thanks again, and happy New Year from both of us. We will see what reading and walking brings this year.

Gen 8, 5:58 pm

Found both of the ant books on my preferred book website and have wish-listed them both, Anita. Am really looking forward to reading them.

Gen 8, 6:11 pm

>131 Fourpawz2: How nice to see you here, Charlotte.
Don't get them both, it is the same book re-published with an other title!

Gen 8, 7:26 pm

Oh good! Thanks. That makes it a lot easier to decide which to get first. Either but not both.

Gen 8, 10:19 pm

You're off to a great start this year, Anita!

Gen 9, 3:26 am

>133 Fourpawz2: You are welcome, Charlotte, I hope you get to it some day.

>134 EBT1002: Thank you, Ellen.
Nice to see you have the time to visit the threads :-)

Gen 9, 8:57 pm

I'm late with my star, Anita. I've been on a short trip, but now I'm ready to read my way through the new year.

Wishing you many good books throughout 2024. You're off to a good start. The book about walking around the world sounds interesting despite the error about Mary Magdalene. Someone got their Mary's confused. ;-)

Gen 9, 10:12 pm

Just stopping in to look at all the action here, Anita.

Gen 10, 9:20 am

>136 Donna828: Thank you, Donna, you are welcome ant time that suits you :-)
If the Mary's confused had been the only error, I would have given it half a star more. Sadly he had also mixed up socailists, communists and social-democrats, or just no idea about the differences...

>137 ronincats: Thanks for visiting, Roni, finished a few more. See my next message :-)

Gen 10, 9:22 am

Read, not yet reviewed:
#4: Nicolas en de verdwijning van de wereld by Anne Eekhout
#5: Zolang de citroenbomen bloeien (As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow) by Zoulfa Katouh
#6: Biljarten om half tien (Billiards at Half Past Nine) by Heinrich Böll

Reading now:
Het verhaal van een leven (The Story of a Life) by Aharon Appelfeld
Wen er maar aan by Maike Meijer

Gen 10, 9:35 am

Look at you!! Already done with 6. : )

Gen 10, 10:00 am

Happy New Year (if only a little late)! Happy New Thread, Anita! Looking forward to being hit with a bunch of BBs this year.

Gen 10, 1:43 pm

Hi Anita! I just realized I hadn't made it to your thread yet this year. Happy new year!!

Gen 10, 4:43 pm

>140 Berly: Have done better in previous years, Kim, but content for now ;-)

>141 alcottacre: Thank you, Stasia, I will do my best. January has some untranslated Dutch books in it, so no BBs for you. I am sure there will be plenty later in the year ;-)

>142 curioussquared: Thank you, Natalie, happy New Year and kudo's to your lovely dogs!

Gen 11, 8:59 am

Happy Thursday to you, Anita, just passing through.

Modificato: Gen 11, 2:46 pm

>144 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen, happy Thursday!

Got my blood tested for thyroid again yesterday, and the Free T4 is still a bit high, and TSH on the low side. So for the third time in four months the dose has to be lowered. I expect a further downfall in my reading, still I'll probably read more than most around here :-)
Hardest part will be to lower my expectations in my monthly planning. I will adjust in time.

Gen 12, 2:16 am

Belated Happy New Year, Anita! I look forward to seeing what you share with us this year. May 2024 be full of joy and good health. 😁

Modificato: Gen 12, 3:23 am

>145 FAMeulstee: Hope the dose change goes smoothly Anita.

My library system has Heinrich Böll in their reserve stock,.so I've asked for a copy of Billiards at Half Past Nine.

Gen 12, 6:37 am

>146 PlatinumWarlock: Thank you, Lavinia, happy New Year!
Books will be read, and walking holidays reported :-)

>147 charl08: Thank you, Charlotte, going down is easier that going up with the dosage.
I hope you enjoy Billiards at Half Past Nine as much as I did. I hope to get to the review tomorrow, it was a very good read.

Gen 12, 3:51 pm

Glad you liked Billiards at Half Past Nine. Have you read his book Group Portrait With Lady? I think that is my favorite of his. I read a lot of his books about the time he won the Nobel Prize, but haven't read anything by him recently. I'd be up for a reread of either of those two, but there are so many good books waiting that I haven't yet read.

Gen 13, 3:54 am

>149 arubabookwoman: Thank you, Deborah, this was my first Böll. I was way to young to read any of his books, when he won the Nobel Prize ;-)
My husband did read some when he was in highschool, and we still have those German editions on the shelves. I won't be able to read them in German, so have to get them from the library. I will keep Group Portrait With Lady in mind.

Gen 13, 4:08 am

book 4: Nicolas en de verdwijning van de wereld by Anne Eekhout
library, e-book, Dutch, Beste Boek voor Jongeren 2020, no translations, 251 pages
TIOLI Challenge #15: Read a book with 250 pages or more

Nicolas is eight year old, his mother is pregnant and his father makes long days at work.
The announcement that a black hole is approching earth turns the whole country in depression, people start to act strange, riots and food shortage make life difficult. Nicolas wants to save the world, just like the superhero from his favorite comics. But what can an eight year old really do?

Way to dystopic and depressing to me, I finished it because it won Best Dutch YA Book in 2020 and I am a completist :-)

Title translated: Nicolas and the disappearance of the world

Gen 13, 4:26 am

book 5: Zolang de citroenbomen bloeien by Zoulfa Katouh
library, e-book, translated, Beste Boek voor Jongeren 2023, original title As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow, 392 pages
TIOLI Challenge #3 is to read a book where a title word begins with one of A, B, C, Do, Re or Mi

Salama was studying pharmacy, when the Arab Spring reached Syria. At first it looked like life would change for the better, but now the city is bombed into ruins. Her parents are dead, and she and Layla, her sister-in-law, still hope for a sign of life from her brother, who might be in prison, or might be dead.
Salama volunteers in the remains of the hospital, she isn't trained to be a doctor, still acts like one, as there are barely doctors left. She promished her brother to keep Layla safe, leaving the country, but she is torn between the thought of leaving and her duties in the hospital.

A look into the life of a refugee, so desperate that the only way out is to leave all behind and hope there is a safe place somewhere. It won Best translated YA Book in 2023.

Dutch title translated: As long as the lemon trees flower

Gen 13, 4:30 am

Wow! Already 8 books in 2024 ! Amazing, Anita. Best wishes as you adjust your thyroid medication.

Modificato: Gen 13, 4:50 am

book 6: Biljarten om half tien by Heinrich Böll
1001 books, own, translated from German, Nobel Prize, English translation Billiards at Half Past Nine, 298 pages
TIOLI Challenge #3 is to read a book where a title word begins with one of A, B, C, Do, Re or Mi

September 6th, 1958 is the 80th birthday of Richard Fähmel. We go through this day from different perspectives. The secretary of Richards son, Robert Fähmel, his grandson Joseph Fähmel and some others. At first this is a bit odd, but slowly the pieces come together. They all look back in time.
At the start of the 20th century Richard was the architect of the abbey, his son Robert destroyed the abbey in the last days of WWII, and his grandson is rebuilding the abbey.
In the parts about Hitler's time the Nazi's are never mentioned, instead those who took "the host of the buffalo" and "the lambs" are opposites. Most of the lambs died, and most of the buffalo followers are back in charge now...

A very good read, I am sure I would even see more if I read it again. I hope to do so one day.

English and Dutch title are the same

Modificato: Gen 13, 5:32 am

>153 vancouverdeb: Thank you, Deborah, I just keep reading :-)
It feels like I am slowing down a bit overall. Still in good spirits, no signs of depression or phobia's, so that is good.

Oh, and I got myself a pair of nice snowboots, to keep my feet warm when it freezes. They come from Canada, so I had to think of you when I bought them:

Gen 13, 5:35 am

>154 FAMeulstee: Hi Anita, great review. My library has got an audio copy of it. I'll take it the next time I'll be there.
>155 FAMeulstee: Love your new boots.

Gen 13, 5:38 am

>155 FAMeulstee: Nice boots, Anita!

I don't know why but I have never quite got along with most of the German writers of that era. Boll is deceptively easy because most of his books are relatively short but they seem very deep and I'm often feeling that I am missing something.

Gen 13, 9:11 am

>145 FAMeulstee: Hope the thyroid medication change isn't getting you down too much. You are still managing to read more than most, as you say!

>155 FAMeulstee: Love the boots! Wish I could justify a great pair of snow boots. Here it is all rain.

Happy weekend!

Gen 13, 9:24 am

Happy Saturday, Anita. Nice snow boots. Only 8 books this month? You are slipping. LOL.

Gen 13, 11:48 am

>156 Ameise1: Thank you, Barbara, I would expect you had read it, being a German classic. Enjoy!
Thanks, the boots are very comfy and warm.

>157 PaulCranswick: Thank you, Paul.
I think there is a fairly large cultural gap between post war Germany and the UK. We Dutch are in between. Just quit thinking you are missing anything could help ;-)

Gen 13, 11:58 am

>158 witchyrichy: Thank you, Karen, changing the thyroid meds is always difficult.
My mood is still good, so I shouldn't worry to much. I know my reading numbers will go down, no big thing, but I did enjoy the time it lasted. And I have had way worse reading years in the past.
The label indicated that the boots are also waterproof.

>159 msf59: Thank you, Mark, I am very happy with the boots, and so are my feet.
Yes, I know I am slipping, I read a bit slowat the moment. At least I still can read :-)

Gen 13, 5:38 pm

>152 FAMeulstee: BB. Sounds interesting
>154 FAMeulstee: Another BB. I have read this for school, of course. Can’t remember a single thing. It’s a pity, lots of books I was just too young for.

Good luck adjusting your thyroid meds! Good mood sounds very helpful.

Gen 13, 7:44 pm

Great looking snow boots! I don't suffer from cold feet, but if the temperatures got low enough, I think those would suit me just fine!

Gen 13, 8:16 pm

>155 FAMeulstee: I love these snow boots, Anita. My plan is to stay indoors when it snows. Haha.

I hope your change in medicine continues to go smoothly. There is nothing wrong with slower reading. Like you, I’m just glad I can still read with my bad eyesight. I listen to books occasionally, but I prefer books in print.

Gen 14, 12:06 am

>160 FAMeulstee: Even though I speak German, that doesn't mean that I've ever read a book by all German authors. Böll wasn't on my list at grammar school either. But I'm looking forward to this book.

Gen 14, 5:15 am

>162 EllaTim: Thank you, Ella. Glad to hit you ;-)
I never read Böll before, I dropped all languages at school as soon as possible. It was worse enough I had to do Dutch and English, being dyslexic. Besides, I wouldn't have grasped half of it back then.
I am glad thyroid meds exist, without I would not be around. But the never ending adjustments is no fun.

>163 LovingLit: Thank you, Megan, I am very happy to have found them. I like the color, I always like unusual colors and patterns.

Gen 14, 5:37 am

>164 Donna828: Thank you, Donna. Staying indoors has it's charm, but I don't want to miss my daily walk, even when it is cold. So now I am well prepared :-)
I don't listen to books at all, tried it, but my mind wanders off while listening.
For years I could not read at all, so everything I have read in the past years feels like a gift. In recent years everybody here got used to the high numbers, I still know it can be way different.
I a glad my eyes still work well, I have glasses, but only needed for distance.

>165 Ameise1: Sorry, Barbara, I didn't mean it that way. I finally got to some Dutch classics because others here were reading them, reminding me of their existance. I hope you like Böll as much as I did.

Gen 14, 8:01 am

All the best for your health, Anita.
Have a wonderful day!
With us the sun is delurking and we will go for a cold walk.

Gen 14, 9:26 am

Nice snow boots! Hope they keep your feet warm
It's chilly here today (-12c) so I will need to break out my boots to leave the house. I have a nice faux fur lined pair that keep my feet toasty

Gen 14, 9:39 am

>168 SirThomas: Thank you, Thomas!
A little envious, no sunshine in sight here. After a few cold and dry days, we are back to rain. I hope it clears later in the afternoon, I would like a dry walk.

>169 ChelleBearss: Thank you, Chelle, the producer claims the boots are good up to -40°C!
Not that we ever have temperatures like that. Coldest we ever had was -22°C at night.
Your boots sound good for a cold day like yours today :-)

Gen 14, 9:42 am

Read, not yet reviewed:
#7: Wen er maar aan by Maike Meijer
#8: Het verhaal van een leven (The Story of a Life) by Aharon Appelfeld
#9: Iets ter grootte van het universum (About the Size of the Universe) by Jón Kalman Stefánsson

Reading now:
Echte Amerikaanse jeans by Jan Guillou
Opwaaiende zomerjurken by Oek de Jong

Gen 14, 12:20 pm

Hi Anita!

>145 FAMeulstee: I know that any changes in your thyroid medication take a long time to kick in, and am sorry that you’re having to adjust again. ((hugs))

>155 FAMeulstee: Gorgeous boots. Good choice. I wish I could justify such a purchase – we have so few very cold days that I’d rather spend the money on books!

Gen 14, 6:36 pm

Hi Anita! Nice boots.

I really like Boll; I took German in college and was able to read some of his short stories in German. (which I could not do now!). I think that I read Billiards but can't find it on my LT list, so maybe not?

Gen 14, 10:10 pm

Hi, Anita, I hope the coming week will be a good one for you. Those thyroid med changes can be the very devil, can’t they? I’m feeling pretty good with my latest adjustment, but who knows how long that will last?

You’ve interested me in the Boll book. And who could resist a title like that?

Gen 15, 12:39 am

I like your boots very much , Anita! I have a good pair of Merrel Winter boots, water proof with an " arctic grip" . They are nice and warm and have a fairly good grip in the ice, though nothing is perfect.

Here is a link - I'm so bad at sizing here on LT.

Modificato: Gen 15, 7:27 am

Those are good looking boots Anita. They are like mine in general look and height but I suspect yours are warmer. Mine saw use only once last year, but this year looks to be a bit more snowy. I’d be okay with them languishing in the closet until next winter though!

Gen 15, 7:49 am

>172 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen, right thyroid dose never lasted long, so I should be used to it. But it is never easy.
We only have a few freezing days each year, but my feet get easily cold, and I found a corner to store them. I do hope they last for the rest of my life.

>173 banjo123: Thank you, Rhonda, I was pleased to find the boots :-)
It was my first Böll, and I will read more by him.
How nice you took German in college, any other writers you found there that stood out?
I read many books before LT, and never recorded them back in the days. Maybe you did the same?

Gen 15, 8:01 am

>174 Matke: Thank you, Gail, wishing you a good week ahead. Yes, the changes are hard, if I get to low the phobia's return, to high my doctors get worried. It feels like the dosage isn't very stable at the moment. Sorry you know how it is :-(
I hope you get to Billiards at Half Past Nine, and like it as much as I did.

>175 vancouverdeb: Thank you, Deborah, I was pleased to find them (on sale!)
Yours look good too! It is important to keep your feet warm.

>176 Fourpawz2: Thank you, Charlotte, they are very warm. After using them my feet were warm the whole evening. I have used them twice now, and might not need them again. Like you I won't mind if they stay unused the next months.

Gen 15, 4:39 pm

>155 FAMeulstee: I'll add my compliments for the boots. I love the color! I'm in the same boat as >172 karenmarie: ; I can't justify the expense for such a nice pair. But they look very comfy and warm.

I hope you get your thyroid medication dosages stabilized soon. I know its no fun having to go through the adjustment.

Modificato: Gen 15, 8:51 pm

>173 banjo123:. I did enjoy the German, but didn't get too far with it. And I don't remember any other authors we read...somehow Boll was easy enough. Maybe we read some children's things, by Erich Karstner? We read a book of short stories, the one I remember was "Auch Kinder Sind Zivilisten". It was an interesting look at post-war Germany.

Gen 15, 9:24 pm

>155 FAMeulstee: I love those boots! They have color!

I was at Century City mall to go to the Apple Store and ever body but me was wearing black/grey/navy with a bit of off-white - even the children! I, of course, was head to toe teal, with burgundy and yellow patterned bands knit into my duster length cardigan.

Gen 16, 1:54 pm

Love those boots, Anita. I'm due for some new winter books, too.

You got me with As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow.

Gen 16, 2:17 pm

>179 atozgrl: Thank you, Irene, I hadn't expected to much love for my boots ;-)
The thyroid adjustments are neverending, and indeed no fun. I am sorry you know how that is.

>180 banjo123: Glad you enjoyed taking German, Rhonda. I disliked it, in Dutch there are only a few remains of grammatical cases, I found those hard to learn. I only read German books in Dutch translation.
Yes, that could have been Erich Kästner, with Emil and the Detectives and Lisa and Lottie. I had to search for 'Auch Kinder Sind Zivilisten', it is a short story by Böll.

Gen 16, 2:25 pm

>181 quondame: Thank you, Susan, that is why I bought them. I love color, like you. Love the description of your outfit!
My pet peeve is color in cars, since 2008 almost all cars are white, grey or black. Our car is bright red/orange and we had a yellow car before this one. Both easy to spot on a parking place :-D

>182 AMQS: You might be able to find these, Anne. The brand name is Kamik, from Canada, and the model Momentum.
As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow is very popular here at the moment, I hope you like it when you get to it.

Gen 16, 7:58 pm

>184 FAMeulstee: I cannot express how much I hate the bland coloring of modern cars. And for a year now, flat grey is IN. How could they!
Candy Apple Red lacquer, The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby, racing stripes and flames from the engine block, purple and blue and two tone lovelies. What have we come to!

Gen 17, 2:45 pm

>184 FAMeulstee: Dang! As a former owner of a bright yellow VW convertible (in my younger days), I continuously compain about the lack of color in modern cars. I still drive a 2003 Nissan Altima because it is green! :D

Gen 17, 3:02 pm

I agree about car colors! My current ride is a fairly boring dark blue, but my last car was a bright teal color that I really loved.

Gen 17, 4:41 pm

>183 FAMeulstee: Hi, Anita! I guess I wasn't clear in the way I worded it. To clarify, I don't personally know what it's like to deal with the thyroid issues. I just meant that I understood what you're going through. One of my best former bosses had to deal with it, and I know it wasn't easy for her.

I like colorful cars as well. But it's not as bad here as it was when I spent a year in Japan in the late 70's. The cars there all seemed to be silver and gray. I didn't know how they could find their own cars in a big parking lot.

Gen 17, 4:44 pm

I, and roughly half of San Diego, had a silver Prius at one point. One time I actually opened the door to an unlocked one and started to put my groceries in before I realized that the "stuff" on the floor wasn't mine...and quickly crept away.

Gen 17, 5:39 pm

I have a white car and it's all my husband's fault. I wanted red or at least blue, but he said , oh the police will come after you in a red car , and blue - it will heat up so much. Drat him! Then he needed a new car last year and we got on a waiting list , they said 6 months or so for a white, grey or black , so he went for white. After 6 months passed, I called the dealership and asked when we might expect the car. They told us 1 to 2 years . But then they called back and said they had a Toyota Corolla in a dark blue that some else had cancelled their order on. So he got the nice dark blue. Ah well.

Modificato: Gen 18, 3:12 am

>185 quondame: >186 SqueakyChu: >187 foggidawn: >188 atozgrl: >189 RebaRelishesReading: >190 vancouverdeb:
Thanks for all the colored car love, ladies!

Sorry for my short repy, I am a bit under the weather. I probably have a bug of some kind, flu, RS and Covid are all around. At Frank's work almost everybody is ill or has been ill. Luckely Frank is not affected.
For myself a slight temperature, no appetite and coffee doesn't taste like it should. Not very bad, but next Monday we have a holliday house booked from Monday to Friday... So I should be better soon to enjoy our short stay away.

Gen 18, 3:22 am

>191 FAMeulstee: I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I hope it's over soon.

Gen 18, 3:30 am

Anita, I hope you are feeling better soon.

Gen 18, 4:49 am

Get well soon, Anita!

Gen 18, 5:58 am

>191 FAMeulstee: Oh no! I hope it is something that will pass quickly. Sending speedy healing vibes to you!

Gen 18, 9:41 am

Happy New(ish) Year, Anita. I hope that your illness resolves quickly and completely.

Gen 18, 10:44 am

Get better soon, Anita! Thursday *smooch*

Gen 18, 12:21 pm

>155 FAMeulstee: Nice coincidence =

From here in Token Creek, Wisconsin, I ordered a pair last week from Amazon - very warm and comfortable!

Gen 18, 2:40 pm

Hope you're better soon, Anita!!

Modificato: Gen 18, 5:38 pm

Sending get well wishes from NC. Hope you feel well soon!

Gen 18, 9:07 pm

Wishing you rapid healing so you can enjoy your outing.

Gen 19, 5:08 am

Sending good wishes, Anita.

Modificato: Gen 19, 6:35 am

>192 quondame: >193 Whisper1: >194 SirThomas: >195 figsfromthistle: >196 kidzdoc: >197 richardderus: >199 RebaRelishesReading: >200 atozgrl: >201 Kristelh: >202 charl08:

Thanks to all, the well wishes are very much appriciated.

I am feeling slightly better today and go out now for a short walk. I have been inside for two days, that hasn't happened in a long time! I have slept a lot, doing naps in the afternoon, and also longer at night. But the coffee tasted a little better this morning, and appetite returned.
Not reading much, so I renewed all my library books.

Not up to answer everyone individually, sorry.
Also awfully behind with all the threads, I hope I can catch up before we leave. If not it will have to wait until our return.

>188 atozgrl: I did understand it wasn't you, Irene, but thought it was a close family member or friend. Anyway I feel for all that struggle with the same, and those near to them.

>198 m.belljackson: Welcome on my thread, Marianne.
That is indeed a nice coincidence, did you get them in the same color? I had 4 colors to choose from.

Gen 19, 3:28 pm

>203 FAMeulstee: Yes - same color - even better than the photograph.

Modificato: Gen 20, 7:53 am

I hope you're feeling better Anita.

Unfortunately I can't see the photo of your boots but they sound lovely. I'm another person who loves colour; my car is (officially) Flamenco Red. At the time I bought it, everyone else seemed to have neutral coloured cars but they seem to have followed my lead since. I've even seen holographic colours and things like hot pink and fluorescent orange - though I feel that may be taking things too far.

Gen 20, 8:14 am

Happy Saturday, Anita. I hope you are even feeling better today, so you can get back to those walks and those books. 🤞

Gen 20, 4:11 pm

I hope you are feeling better for your getaway. My car 🚙 is blue and my last one was red. The one before that was grey and I got cut off when I was driving. I don’t think other drivers could see me well as grey tends to blend in to paved roads and grey skies.

Gen 21, 1:23 am

I hope you feel better soon and can enjoy your holiday home. Where are you going to?
Sending lots of healing vibes.

Gen 21, 3:24 am

>204 m.belljackson: Indeed, the are a bit more red.

>205 humouress: Thank you, Nina, I am slowly improving.
Glad you have a car that brightens the road :-)
I appriciate any colour in cars, even fluorescent.

Gen 21, 3:28 am

>206 msf59: Thank you, Mark, happy Sunday.
Yesterday I managed to walk our shortest round in the neighborhood, 4 km. The reading is still a bit slow.

>207 Familyhistorian: Thank you, Meg, I think I will be good enough to travel tomorrow.
Happy to see so many here with nice colored cars. They are way better visible and brighten the road :-)

Gen 21, 3:30 am

>208 Ameise1: Thank you, Barbara, we are going to Friesland near Sneek.
Our walking holidays are always with Guido, and now it is just the two of us going away for a few days.

Gen 21, 4:55 am

>211 FAMeulstee: I hope you have good weather. Do you have any hikes planned?
I've never been to Friesland, but would love to go there one day.

Gen 21, 5:05 am

>212 Ameise1: The weather predictions give higher temperatures, Barbara, around 7 or 8 °C. Some rain but mostly in the evening and night, so we seem to be lucky. No long hikes planned, we will probably visit Sneek. Mainly we want to rest and read.
We have been to Friesland before. We went to Harlingen a few years back, a city with a harbor at the Waddenzee, and we have been in Leeuwarden a few times.

Gen 21, 5:29 am

>213 FAMeulstee: Sounds exciting. I'm looking forward to your photos. Enjoy it and have a good rest. 📚😀

Gen 21, 5:48 am

>214 Ameise1: Thank you, Barbara, I will try not to forget my photo camera :-)
You go to Davos next month as always?

Gen 21, 7:58 am

>215 FAMeulstee: Yes, we'll be setting off on 17th. I hope I'll be fit again by then. I have longcovid and am not working at the moment, but I'm doing a lot of therapy.

Gen 21, 8:14 am

Glad to hear that you are on the mend. Safe and relaxing travels, Anita.

Gen 21, 8:48 am

Cold Sunday *smooch*

Gen 21, 2:17 pm

Glad your health is on the mend. Safe travels!

Gen 21, 5:17 pm

>216 Ameise1: I hope you will feel better by then, Barbara!

>217 jessibud2: Thank you, Shelley.

>218 richardderus: Thanks, Richard dear *smooch*

>219 thornton37814: Thank you, Lori.

Modificato: Gen 21, 5:28 pm

Well, today went not as expected.
We went to The Hague to visit my father, but when we arrived at his appartment, my brother was there, as my father was in hospital.
This morning in church my father fainted and was taken to hospital. It isn't exactly known what is wrong yet, and there was no bed available in the hospital in The Hague, so this evening he was transfered to Delft.

We visited him in the ER in The Hague before his was transfered, and then went with my brother to his house to have diner.
We are back home now, and will go to Friesland tomorrow. We aren't much further away there, and my brother will keep an eye on my father.

No way I can manage to catch up with the threads now, sorry, that has to wait until my return.

Gen 21, 5:48 pm

I'm sad to hear about your father and I hope it works out well for him.

Gen 21, 6:39 pm

I'll say a prayer for your father and your family, Anita.

Gen 21, 7:10 pm

Anita, I am very sorry to hear about your father. I hope he recovers quickly, and you, too.

If there is an official Colorado car it would probably be a Subaru Outback, which is my car. Red. I have been frustrated attempting to get into one that turned out not to be mine before.

When I was growing up Subarus were also everywhere, and my friend and I had heard a rumor that a Subaru key would unlock all Subarus. We had an opportunity to test this when she accidentally locked her key in her Subaru and we waited by another one in the parking lot and then asked its owner if he would unlock our car. He found the experience very unnerving, but we were glad for the security lapse!

Gen 21, 8:00 pm

Thinking about you and your father. Thoughts and prayers. Enjoy your trip and hopefully it will be relaxing.

Gen 21, 8:27 pm

Best wishes for your father, Anita.
And have a good trip to Friesland, be careful driving there, stormy weather.

Gen 22, 12:58 am

Thinking of you and yours. Sending lots of healing vibse. 💖😘

Gen 22, 3:35 am

All the best for you and your father, Anita.
I hope you can still enjoy your holiday.

Modificato: Gen 22, 7:52 am

Keep us posted on your father's progress, Anita. We are thinking about you. ❤️

Gen 22, 9:20 am

I hope nothing serious is wrong with your father, Anita! We will see you around the threads when you have time and energy to be active here.

Gen 22, 1:06 pm

Sending best wishes for your father! Mine fainted in a store last summer and ended up having his gallbladder removed. He has been well since. Hope the same for you and that you can enjoy some time away.

Gen 22, 10:46 pm

I will add my best wishes for your father's recovery! And I hope you will be able to enjoy your holiday, and that your health also continues to improve.

Gen 23, 12:29 pm

Praying for your family Anita!!

Gen 23, 1:10 pm

Keeping my fingers crossed for your father, Anita. I hope you are feeling better too, and that your holiday will help recovery, while still being near enough to family if needed.

I don't think anyone will mind not having messages individually replied to with all that is going on Anita, you can do without the extra pressure.

Gen 23, 4:07 pm

So sorry this has happened to your father. I'll be praying for him!

Gen 24, 5:41 am

Thank you all, all good thoughts and prayers are very much appriciated.

My father is back home, still no cause is found. His heart seams fine, he passed all tests without problem. Of course he does worry that nothing was found, and was a bit irritable on the phone.

We are still in Friesland, trying to enjoy our time here. We will go home on Friday.

Gen 24, 6:58 am

>236 FAMeulstee: Thank you very much, Anita for the update. I'm glad that your father is back at home and that nothing suspicious was found. Does he have low blood pressure? I have that and so there are always situations where I get dizzy.
Enjoy Friesland 😃

Gen 24, 8:56 am

>236 FAMeulstee: Glad to know your dad is home again, and I would be grouchy too if they could not find a reason I fainted!

Have a more relaxed holiday now that all is okay, if not well.

Gen 24, 10:29 am

Glad that your father is doing ok. It is always a bit scary when there is no cause found....

Enjoy the rest of your vacation!

Gen 24, 11:24 am

Glad to hear that your father has returned home. It is frustrating to not know why something happens.

Gen 25, 12:31 am

Hi Anita. Yikes, your father's fainting episode sounds scary. I'm glad he is back home and I hope it was a one-off.

You piqued my interest with both As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow and Billiards at Half Past Nine.

Gen 25, 4:20 am

I am sorry to hear about your father, Anita. I'm glad that your brother is keeping an eye on him. Do enjoy your holiday and hi to Frank.

Gen 25, 5:30 pm

Glad your father is home again. And wishing you a nice holiday with Frank, enjoy!

Gen 27, 3:42 am

Yesterday we came back home. We had a lovely time in Friesland, way to short ;-)

Thanks Susan, Darryl, Anne, Kristel, Ella, Barbara, Thomas, Mark, Richard, Karen, Irene, Harold, Caroline, Jim, Barbara, Richard, Anita, Kristel, Ellen, Deborah and Ella for your lovely messages this week. They mean a lot to me.

>237 Ameise1: My father does have some trouble with his bloodpressure. But the problem is that it is sometimes very high and sometimes way to low. No cause for it was found last year when it was first discovered. It wasn't the cause this time.
>241 EBT1002: I hope you can find copies of both books.

Gen 27, 4:58 pm

>244 FAMeulstee: Welcome home! I have been keeping you in my thoughts. Glad you were able to have some time away but it is not ever enough, is it?

Gen 28, 5:01 am

>245 witchyrichy: Thank you, Karen. We had a good time and Frank went back to work last night.
If the place where you stay is nice, it is never enough. And it is long enough when it isn't what you hoped it would be ;-)

Gen 28, 5:19 am

book 7: Wen er maar aan by Maike Meijer
library, Dutch, no translations, 191 pages
TIOLI Challenge #10: Read a book where the author’s first and last name begins with the same letter

Ment to be a funny account of an unemployed actress in menopause.
Not my kind of humor.

Title translated: Get used to it

Modificato: Gen 28, 5:27 am

book 8: Het verhaal van een leven by Aharon Appelfeld
library, e-book, translated from Hebrew, English translation The Story of a Life, 210 pages
TIOLI Challenge #10: Read a book where the author’s first and last name begins with the same letter

Memoir, telling about his happy youth in place that was Romanian back then, and is now Ukraine.
WWII started when he was 8 years old. He survived the gettho and managed to escape the camp, hiding in the woods, sometimes staying a while with farmers in remote places. After the war his wanderings brought him to Italy, and from there he went to Palestine. Raised with German as his primary language (and some Romanian and a local dialect) he had a hard time learning a new language, Hebrew, that lacked words he needed to become a writer.

English and Dutch title are the same

Gen 28, 5:35 am

book 9: Iets ter grootte van het universum by Jón Kalman Stefánsson
library, e-book, translated from Icelandic, English translation About the Size of the Universe, 358 pages
TIOLI Challenge #14: Read a book whose title and/or subtitle includes a noun starting with “Un”

Sequel to Fish Have No Feet, the continued story of Ari, who returned to Keflavik, where he suddenly left his wife and children some years ago.
His father is dying and there are still so many things that keep them apart. Their family story is filled with violence and betrayal. So we lean more about Ari's family, and the changes in Iceland in the 20th century.
All told in poetic language with a touch of dark humor.

Dutch title translated: Something about the size of the universe

Gen 28, 5:46 am

book 10: Echte Amerikaanse jeans by Jan Guillou
library, translated from Swedish, no English translation, 318 pages
TIOLI Challenge #11: Read a book by an author who you first read in 2023

De grote eeuw book 6
Eric, a grandson of Oskar, takes us through the 1950s in letters to his aunt Johanne. He writes his story in the late 1960s. The title refers to American culture that slowly finds his way into the Swedish society. There were high import taxes on American clothes, to protect the Swedish producers, so having 'real American jeans' was almost impossible, but had high status for teenagers.

Title translated: Real American jeans

Gen 28, 5:49 am

Read, not yet reviewed:
#11: Opwaaiende zomerjurken by Oek de Jong
#12: De kunst van het veldspel (The Art of Fielding) by Chad Harbach
#13: Madame le Commissaire en de dode non by Pierre Martin

Reading now:
Een dramatische liefde (Correspondence: Ingeborg Bachmann and Paul Celan) by Ingeborg Bachmann and Paul Celan
In het duister (Set in Darkness; John Rebus 11) by Ian Rankin
Lily by Tom De Cock

Gen 29, 2:16 am

Glad you had a good trip, Anita. And I hope your dad's blood pressure doesn't cause any more problems for him, that sounds worrying.

I thought of you yesterday, I went to Tate Britain to see an exhibition on feminist protest and art.I wondered what you and Frank would have thought.

Gen 29, 4:14 am

>252 charl08: Thank you, Charlotte, I will put some pictures on my thread when I can bring myself to get them from my camera.
All these problems my father has, without finding any cause, is worrying. On the other hand he is 93, and had more than 90 very healthy years. But it is hard to all of us.

Oh, that sounds like a great exhibition. I wish we were able to see it with you!

Gen 29, 4:16 am

Sorry your dad fainted and that the cause is unknown. I hope it is an isolated experience. Glad you had fun on your trip. And nice catching up on your reviews. Wishing you a great week ahead. : )

Gen 29, 5:59 am

>254 Berly: It was the third time in a year he ended up at the ER, Kim.
A year ago he fell at night from his bed and had a concussion. Spend a few days in hospital.
He then got medicines to lower his bloodpressure, but later was found that his bloodpressure goes way up and way down during the day (cause unknown). So after the next ER visit he had to stop with those, because the bloodpressure lows got dangerously low.

Gen 29, 10:15 am

Hoping the new week is boring in real life, and exciting in books.

>250 FAMeulstee: 1960s Europe could support an American with a suitcase full of jeans wherever they went. Weird what people get hung up on, is it not.

Gen 29, 10:57 am

Hi Anita, I google some pictures of Friesland and it looks beautiful. I suppose it was cold at this time of year? I know you like the cold:) I am relieved your father is at home and seems to be feeling more like himself.

Gen 29, 4:25 pm

>256 richardderus: Thank you, Richard dear! I would love the boring part, but a dentist appointment tomorrow and a visit to my father on Saturday stand in the way. I have good hope for the other days ;-)
Indeed very weird, personally I never liked jeans.

>257 AMQS: It is a beautiful province, Anne. It was on the warm side for the time of year, just below 10°C (50°F). I downloaded the pictures from my camera to my computer, so the first step is done. Now sorting them out and deciding what to put on my thread. Might take a few days again ;-)
Thank you, we will try to visit my father again next Saturday.

Gen 30, 2:57 am

Best wishes for your dentist appointment, Anita!

Gen 30, 4:36 am

>259 SirThomas: Thank you, Thomas, it is just the regular check up, and I know this dentist for a long time now. She is nice, and in the last years I have had no troubles with my teeth. But I am always anxious for any doctor/dentist appointment :-(

Gen 30, 10:21 am

>260 FAMeulstee: All went well at the dentist, no problems. Just a little cleaning and I am good for 6 months again :-)

Gen 30, 10:42 am

>143 FAMeulstee: Oh, I am absolutely sure that I will be hit with multiple BBs throughout the year!

Being so many posts behind, I am not even going to try and catch up but As Long As the Lemon Trees Grow caught my eye and I have added it to the BlackHole. Thank you for that recommendation!

Have a terrific Tuesday, Anita!

Gen 30, 5:57 pm

>262 alcottacre: Of course you will find BBs, Stasia, you already found one!

Tuesday was well after leaving the dentist :-)
Happy Wednesday!

Feb 1, 3:59 am

book 11: Opwaaiende zomerjurken by Oek de Jong
own, Dutch, no translations, 270 pages
TIOLI Challenge #15: Read a book with 250 pages or more

Edo Mesch sketched in three parts of his life. As a 7 year old, rather spoiled and very attached to this mother. Ten years later at 17 he is obsessed by his aunt. The last part he is 30, hasn't reached what he wanted and leaves his girlfried behind after a trip to Rome.

I expected to like it more than I actually did.

Title translated: not sure hoe to translate, summer dresses blown up by the wind

Feb 1, 4:07 am

book 12: De kunst van het veldspel by Chad Harbach
1001 books, library, e-book, translated, original title The Art of Fielding, 533 pages
TIOLI Challenge #15: Read a book with 250 pages or more

Henry Skrimshander is a baseball talent, recruted by Mike Schwartz to play for a small college. He shares his room with Owen Dunne. When Henry trows a ball one day, it goes the wrong way and Owen is badly hurt. From that day on Henry's preformances spiral down.
Other main characters are the director of the college, Guert Affenlight, and his estranged daughter Pella.

English and Dutch title are the same

Feb 1, 4:10 am

>236 FAMeulstee: >255 FAMeulstee: glad he is OK and hope the blood pressure fluctuations can be sorted!

>224 AMQS: Apparently the most bought car (if you can call it that) here is Ford Ranger. I despise them as toxic-masculinity-man-beast-mobiles. They are too big for any city car park, and most of them look like the have never been off a sealed road.

Subaru Legacies were huge here in the early 2000s....we drive a 1996 Nissan Bluebird- it just keeps on trucking!

Feb 1, 4:18 am

book 13: Madame le Commissaire en de dode non by Pierre Martin
library, e-book, translated from German, no English translation, 301 pages
TIOLI Challenge #11: Read a book by an author who you first read in 2023

Isabelle Bonnet book 5
A dead nun is found on the beach. It seems she fell down from the rocks above, but it turns out she was murdered. Isabelle Bonnet and her assistant Apollinaire have a hard time solving this case.

Again an enjoyable book in this series, set in a fictional village in the south of France.

Title translated: Madame le Commissaire and the dead nun

Feb 1, 4:31 am

book 14: Lily by Tom De Cock
library, e-book, Dutch, Best Dutch YA book in 2022, no translations, 396 pages
TIOLI Challenge #15: Read a book with 250 pages or more

Set in a future, where climate change has changed earth. Rich people live in enclaves in Europe and the USA, behind giant walls that have to keep the rised sealevels out. Due to many virusses and other diseases, everyone lives in their own disinfected cocoon. Lily lives in Brussels with her two daddy's, and her daily hairstyle video's, sponsoned by a manufacturer, are the main income of her family.
One day Lily gets the chance to go to New York, there she discovers that not everyone is living the rich life. In other parts of earth circumstances are much harder. When Lily gets involved and exposes the governments, she becomes a target...

At first it was hard to get into the story, but about half way it got better and I rooted for Lily.
The book won the prize for best Dutch YA book in 2022.

Title translated: Lily

Feb 1, 4:39 am

>266 LovingLit: Thank you, Megan, we sure hope so, but so far no luck in finding a cause.

With you on dislike of toxic-masculinity-man-beast-mobiles (love this way of expression!), cars like that are even here, although there is no real use for them.
How nice to have a car that long! We have our Volkswagen Polo since May 2012 and I hope it will go on als long as your Nissan.

Feb 1, 4:40 am

Two more reviews to go, I hope to write them later today, so I can make the stats.
A new thread has to wait until then.

Feb 2, 3:14 am

book 15: In het duister by Ian Rankin
library, e-book, translated, original title Set in Darkness, 464 pages
TIOLI Challenge #15: Read a book with 250 pages or more

John Rebus book 11
At the building site of the new Scottish Parliament a body is found, hidden in a wall. A homeless man commits suicide, and a politican is murdered. John Rebus has to work under Derek Linford, a young ambitious police officer who is supported by those in charge.

Dutch title translated: In the dark

Feb 2, 3:21 am

book 16: Zeg maar Agaath by Margôt Ros
library, e-book, Dutch, no translations, 255 pages
TIOLI Challenge #8: Read a book with the rules for a trip down the river Rhine

Agaath is 78 years old and recently widowed. She always followed her husband Henri, but now she is free. She hires a young man to help her clean out the house, as she will move soon to an appartment, one of the last things Henri arranged. When Karim finds old love letters at the attic, he persuades Agaath to try to find Jeppe, the love of her youth.

Feelgood with some humor.

Title translated: Just say Agaath

Feb 2, 3:22 am

January 2024 in numbers

16 books read, 5,378 pages, 173.5 pages a day


• own books: 2
• from the library: 14

• male author: 10
• female author: 6

• originally written in Dutch: 7
• translated into Dutch: 9
• original language of translated books:
    English: 3
    German: 3
    Hebrew 1
    Icelandic: 1
    Swedish 1

• fiction: 14
• non-fiction: 2

• paper books: 4
• e-books: 12

• mystery/police procedural: 2
• childrens/YA: 3
• 1001 books: 2
    Total 1001 books since 2008: 326
• Dutch Canon: 0
    Total Dutch Canon since 2008: 59 of 125


0 - 100 pages: 0
101 - 200 pages: 1
201 - 300 pages: 5
301 - 400 pages: 7
401 - 500 pages: 2
501 - 999 pages: 1
1000+ pages: 0

• longest book 533 pages
• shortest book 191 pages
• average book 336 pages

date first published:

20th century
1950s: 1
1970s: 1
1990s: 1

21st century
2000s: 1
2010s: 6
2020s: 6



best books in January

Biljarten om half tien (Billiards at Half Past Nine) by Heinrich Böll
Iets ter grootte van het universum (About the Size of the Universe) by Jón Kalman Stefánsson

Feb 2, 3:29 am

January turned out to be my worst reading month since July 2020.

The combination of lowering the thyroid medicines again, that reduced my reading capability, and the scare with my father, that reduced the actual time I could use reading, is clearly visible.

So I reduced my expectations for next month, and planned way less than usual. We will see how it turns out.

Sorry for not leaving any messages elsewhere lately. I do try to read the threads, but find myself unable to respond much.

Feb 2, 2:13 pm

>271 FAMeulstee: I still have some Ian Rankin John Rebus I have not read, though I did read past Set in Darkness, though I might well remember so little as to make it feel new - but that was before LT, so I don't know whether I'd enjoy a re-read.

Feb 2, 4:32 pm

>275 quondame: I like them, Susan, sometimes the violence is on the edge of what I can handle. Although violence in print is easier on me than on the screen.
I always forget the plot, so I have never a problem with re-reading ;-)
Questa conversazione è stata continuata da Anita (FAMeulstee) goes on wherever the books take her in 2024 (2).