La mia biblioteca
I don't have a favorite genre when it comes to book, if i like the summary or the prologue i'll read the book. If i don't like its summary or prologue i won't.
Informazione su di me
I love TV shows like:
The Good Doctor,Lucifer,The Golden Girls,I Love Lucy Castle,Bones,Perception,Lie to me,Bull, Reba, Fresh Prince,Love Thy Neighbor, Neverland etc. I Love to read books online or physically, to do puzzles, and crosswords, i love wattpad and FF.Net, I love music doesn't matter what genre if it's good i listen to it. I also love movies like: Shirley Temple, Suicide Squad, Narnia, Harry Potter, Mr Right, The Legend of 1900, Broken, Bad Moms, Big Mama, I LOVE MADEA MOVIES AND PLAYS, The Search, Ghosts of Mississippi
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