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Magic Kingdom for Sale/Sold (Magic Kingdom…
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Magic Kingdom for Sale/Sold (Magic Kingdom of Landover) (edizione 1992)

di Terry Brooks (Autore)

Serie: Ciclo di Landover (01)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiConversazioni / Citazioni
4,509662,661 (3.59)3 / 114
Fantasy. Fiction. Thriller. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:Here in his first non-Shannara novel, Terry Brooks has written a gripping story of mystery, magic, and adventure—sure to delight fantasy readers everywhere.
Landover was a genuine magic kingdom, with fairy folk and wizardry, just as the advertisement has promised. But after he purchased it, Ben Holiday learned that there were a few details the ad had failed to mention.
The kingdom was in ruin. The Barons refused to recognize a king, and the peasants were without hope. A dragon was laying waste the countryside, while an evil witch plotted to destroy everything.
Ben's only followers were the incompetent Court Magician; Abernathy, the talking dog who served as Court Scribe; and the lovely Willow—but she had a habit of putting down roots in the moonlight and turning into a tree. The Paladin, legendary champion of the Kings of Landover, seemed to be only a myth and an empty suit of armor.
To put the final touch on the whole affair, Ben soon learned that the Iron Mark, terrible lord of the demons, had challenged all prospective Kings of Landover to duel to the death—a duel which no human could hope to win.
The task of proving his right to be King seemed hopeless. But Ben Holiday was stubborn. . . .
… (altro)
Titolo:Magic Kingdom for Sale/Sold (Magic Kingdom of Landover)
Autori:Terry Brooks (Autore)
Info:Time Warner Books Uk (1992), 352 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere

Informazioni sull'opera

Magic Kingdom For Sale—SOLD! di Terry Brooks

  1. 20
    A Spell for Chameleon di Piers Anthony (Scottneumann)
  2. 20
    A Princess of Landover di Terry Brooks (Scottneumann)
  3. 20
    Il drago e il George di Gordon R. Dickson (wolfjack)
    wolfjack: I believe anyone who enjoys a light read involving those of our world entering a fantasy land of magic and battle will also love this book.
  4. 10
    The Warriors di Joel Rosenberg (wolfjack)
    wolfjack: I believe anyone who enjoys a light read involving those of our world entering a fantasy land of magic and battle will also love this book.
  5. 00
    Hard Sell di Piers Anthony (Scottneumann)
  6. 00
    Cronache del ghiaccio e del fuoco di George R. R. Martin (Utente anonimo)
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    The Silent Tower di Barbara Hambly (wolfjack)
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» Vedi le 114 citazioni

acquisto regno incantato ( )
  LLonaVahine | May 22, 2024 |
An easy fun read, nice to read between other dense doorstopper fantasy books...... ( )
  ilsevr1977 | Mar 20, 2023 |
Ben Holiday buys a magic kingdom that he doesn't believe in and learns to love it. This was fun enough to read, but a bit slow with all the tramping around the kingdom. The main character had lots of doubts and recriminations instead of getting on with the story. That being said, he did get on with it, whether he believed in himself or not. I will try more by this author. ( )
  MrsLee | Jan 29, 2023 |
This was a really fun book. It is a bit slow, leading up to Landover and pretty much just spending everyday day with Ben and his company. Much time is spent with everyone walking, talking, eating. Then, there is also epic action scenes. Thrilling enemies and obstacles. Brooks spends time with the characters and I really care about every one of them. Ben is loyal but frightened, rightfully so. The climax was not what I guessed but very fulfilling for the story.
I read this book because someone close to me who recently passed away read this book. It was interesting and surprising to see the main character, Ben also struggle with grief and letting go. Although Ben enjoyed his old life in our world it was okay to let ago and embrace the new world. In fact, Ben had to let go in order to be a happier and better king. A slightly dark but light, fun book about a man buying a kingdom, with themes of grief and confidence. ( )
  HeartofGold900 | Dec 3, 2022 |
This book may have been written over thirty years ago, but it holds up well. Ben Holiday's crazy adventure after purchasing the throne of a fantasy kingdom, Landover, shows that some things never change, no matter what world you're in. ( )
  RsReading | Nov 4, 2022 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (3 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Brooks, Terryautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Pingault, EmmanuelleTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Shapiro, ShellyMapautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Sweet, Darrell K.Immagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Valla, RiccardoTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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The Witch of the North seemed to think for a time, with her head bowed and her eyes upon the ground. Then she looked up and said, "I do not know where Kansas is, for I have never heard that country mentioned before. But tell me, is it a civilized country?"

"Oh, yes," replied Dorothy.

"Then that accounts for it. In the civilized countries I believe there are no witches left, nor wizards, nor sorceresses, nor magicians. But, you see, the Land of Oz has never been cvilized, for we are cut off from all the rest of the world. There we still have witches and wizards amongst us."

L. Frank Baum, The Wizard of Oz
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For Kennard, Vernon, Bill, John and Mike

It happened something like this...
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The catalog was from Rosen's, Ltd.
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Risorse esterne che parlano di questo libro

Wikipedia in inglese (1)

Fantasy. Fiction. Thriller. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:Here in his first non-Shannara novel, Terry Brooks has written a gripping story of mystery, magic, and adventure—sure to delight fantasy readers everywhere.
Landover was a genuine magic kingdom, with fairy folk and wizardry, just as the advertisement has promised. But after he purchased it, Ben Holiday learned that there were a few details the ad had failed to mention.
The kingdom was in ruin. The Barons refused to recognize a king, and the peasants were without hope. A dragon was laying waste the countryside, while an evil witch plotted to destroy everything.
Ben's only followers were the incompetent Court Magician; Abernathy, the talking dog who served as Court Scribe; and the lovely Willow—but she had a habit of putting down roots in the moonlight and turning into a tree. The Paladin, legendary champion of the Kings of Landover, seemed to be only a myth and an empty suit of armor.
To put the final touch on the whole affair, Ben soon learned that the Iron Mark, terrible lord of the demons, had challenged all prospective Kings of Landover to duel to the death—a duel which no human could hope to win.
The task of proving his right to be King seemed hopeless. But Ben Holiday was stubborn. . . .

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Media: (3.59)
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