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A Princess of Landover

di Terry Brooks

Serie: Ciclo di Landover (06)

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9921421,812 (3.52)18
Ben Holiday, High Lord of the magic kingdom of Landover, and his wife Willow have sent their 15-year-old daughter Mistaya to our world to attend a prestigious girls' boarding school. Mistaya, Misty to her friends, is not pleased with the arrangement. She is forbidden to use her magic for any reason, can't understand why other girls her own age don't revere the natural world, and is too clever for her own good in coming up with activities definitely not contained in the private school charter.… (altro)
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Non all'altezza degli altri del ciclo di Landover, si lascia comunque leggere anche se alcuni passaggi sono lenti e noiosi.
Alcuni personaggi andavano sviluppati di più. ( )
  maxliscia | Aug 7, 2017 |
This was just another tired rehash. About Ben and Willow's daughter.
She is a teenager and rebellious and is sent off to a library to fix it. She rebels, Edgewood Dirk the prism cat convinces her to go anyway, she goes, discovers an evil magician [there only seem to be evil or inept magicians in Landover by the way] who is trying to open a gate to Abaddon

In the end she takes care of everything and learns a valuable lesson about listening to her elders and yet doing exactly what she wants to anyway.

I am not sure I can stomach much more of Brooks' stuff. ( )
  BookstoogeLT | Dec 10, 2016 |
Good addition to this series, not as engaging or quite as readable as previous Brooks entries in the world of Landover, but still interesting. I do find the character of Mistaya a bit harder to get into than other characters in this series. Apparently, Nightshade is making future appearances in this series, as she escapes at the end. ( )
  utbw42 | Dec 8, 2014 |
I really enjoyed the series until this point. I was very excited to hear about it and very disappointed with the read. I understand that things need to move on but I did not enjoy the Princess and I was not interested in a Young Adult novel with a flimsy lesson. I found it predictable and dull. ( )
  sraedi | Aug 28, 2014 |
Count on romance and other kinds of magic occurrences in this lighthearted tale.
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To Shawn Speakman,

for Web Druid sevices expertly rendered
and valued friendship freely given
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The crow with the red eyes sat on the highest branch of the farthest tree at the very back of the aviary, dreaming it's dark and terrible dreams.
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

Ben Holiday, High Lord of the magic kingdom of Landover, and his wife Willow have sent their 15-year-old daughter Mistaya to our world to attend a prestigious girls' boarding school. Mistaya, Misty to her friends, is not pleased with the arrangement. She is forbidden to use her magic for any reason, can't understand why other girls her own age don't revere the natural world, and is too clever for her own good in coming up with activities definitely not contained in the private school charter.

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Media: (3.52)
1 5
2 12
2.5 1
3 39
3.5 10
4 42
4.5 1
5 21

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