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True Grit: A Novel di Charles Portis
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True Grit: A Novel (originale 1968; edizione 2012)

di Charles Portis (Autore)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiConversazioni / Citazioni
4,3742122,728 (4.15)1 / 322
Fiction. Western. Mattie Ross, a fourteen-year-old girl from Dardanelle, Arkansas, sets out to avenge her Daddy who was shot to death by a no-good outlaw. Mattie convinces one-eyed "Rooster" Cogburn, the meanest U.S. marshal in the land, to ride along with her. In True Grit, we have a true American classic, as young Mattie as vital as she is innocent outdickers and outmaneuvers the hard-bitten men of the trail in a legend that will last through the ages.… (altro)
Titolo:True Grit: A Novel
Autori:Charles Portis (Autore)
Info:Harry N. Abrams (2012), Edition: Reprint, 240 pages
Collezioni:2023, La tua biblioteca
Etichette:fiction and literature

Informazioni sull'opera

Il grinta di Charles Portis (1968)

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    amelielyle: Each of these enthralling yarns is a coming of age story in which the youthful narrator bravely faces the cruelties and dangers of life in an untamed western wilderness. Each comes to maturity in facing situations far too difficult for their tender ages. Touches of humor lighten the tone of two otherwise serious plotlines.… (altro)
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 Westerns: True Grit5 non letti / 5Sergeirocks, Dicembre 2016

» Vedi le 322 citazioni

Inglese (207)  Spagnolo (2)  Danese (1)  Olandese (1)  Tutte le lingue (211)
1-5 di 211 (prossimo | mostra tutto)
laughed for two hours straight after reading this. “the naïve elegance of the American voice” ( )
  kaeriot | May 29, 2024 |
#765 in our old book database. Not rated.
  villemezbrown | Apr 28, 2024 |
This was a great book made better by narrator Donna Tartt, who captured the language, the 'Twang', the salt and spice of the American West with every word. She was excellent. I read this book on the recommendation of Scott Smith and it did not disappoint.

But I suppose some credit is due to the author. You really get the sense that this was a lived experience or Portis, so well does he settle you into the milieu of his world. It's so full of rich detail on so many aspects of life in the period and in the place that it's no wonder it's been adapted into movies several times. It was a brilliant stroke to make his main character a female in this world, and make her push so hard against the patriarchy at every step. That enriched the characters and the storytelling and gave you a hero to cheer for at many points along the way.

It as also fun to meet the (in)famous Rooster Cogburn on the page, having seen several depictions on film. He is quite a character, but even he seems small in the presence of Mattie Ross. She's just one of the great, best drawn characters, male or female, in American literature. ( )
1 vota jsmick | Apr 19, 2024 |
I am always on the lookout for novels about the old west, and novels that look and feel like my favourite book of all time--Lonesome Dove. I had never read True Grit before, although I had seen both of the movies. This book is so raw and funny, and so enjoyable that I don't know why it hadn't come to my attention before. The book is narrated by a girl called Mattie Ross who is fourteen when all the action in this book takes place. If anyone in the book has "true grit", it is Miss Mattie Ross. Her courage and no-nonsense attitude put even the old war horse Rooster Cogburn to shame. Team old Rooster up with the younger Texas Ranger by the name of La Boeuf, and you have a pretty formidable team, but add young Mattie Ross to the mix, and you have a group of bad-ass manhunters. The best part of the book is the repartee among these three characters, and the shenanigans that occur when they are together. One of the most memorable things about this very entertaining book is the host of memorable characters that populate its pages. The bad guys are numerous, and each has their own personality which are each depicted very clearly in the book. This world that Charles Portis created is a winner. it is a fast-paced and gripping read, and will appeal to anyone who enjoys old-fashioned storytelling. Highly recommended. Pick up this little book and expect to be entertained by this timeless tale. 5 glorious stars! ( )
  Romonko | Feb 28, 2024 |
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (11 potenziali)

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Charles Portisautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Asmussen, DesIllustratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Tartt, DonnaPostfazioneautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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A mia madre e mio padre
La gente non riesce a credere che una mocciosa di quattordici anni è capace di andarsene di casa in pieno inverno per vendicare la morte del padre, ma a quei tempi non sembrava tanto stravagante, anche se devo ammettere che non capitava tutti i giorni.
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Fiction. Western. Mattie Ross, a fourteen-year-old girl from Dardanelle, Arkansas, sets out to avenge her Daddy who was shot to death by a no-good outlaw. Mattie convinces one-eyed "Rooster" Cogburn, the meanest U.S. marshal in the land, to ride along with her. In True Grit, we have a true American classic, as young Mattie as vital as she is innocent outdickers and outmaneuvers the hard-bitten men of the trail in a legend that will last through the ages.

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Media: (4.15)
0.5 1
1 4
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2 21
2.5 12
3 166
3.5 53
4 391
4.5 77
5 399

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