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The Testaments: The Sequel to The Handmaid's…
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The Testaments: The Sequel to The Handmaid's Tale (edizione 2019)

di Margaret Atwood (Autore)

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6,5352281,531 (4.06)2 / 314
<>. Hai fra le mani un'arma pericolosa, caricata con i segreti di tre donne di Gilead. Stanno rischiando la vita per te. Per tutti noi. Prima di entrare nel loro mondo, forse vorrai armarti anche di questi pensieri: <>. <>… (altro)
Titolo:The Testaments: The Sequel to The Handmaid's Tale
Autori:Margaret Atwood (Autore)
Info:Nan A. Talese (2019), Edition: First Ed, 432 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

Informazioni sull'opera

I testamenti di Margaret Atwood

Aggiunto di recente daballet31599, wbwilkin, RWVLibraries, biblioteca privata, Ro1, Clevercasey, ckok, amymagnet70, BooksRBrainFood6
  1. 70
    Il racconto dell'ancella di Margaret Atwood (sturlington)
    sturlington: Obvious connection but there you go.
  2. 01
    Abigail di Magda Szabó (Dilara86)
    Dilara86: One is speculative fiction, the other isn't, but they both take place in a girls-only school at a time of war/unrest and describe female microcosms, friendships between teenage girls and ambiguous authority figures.
  3. 02
    La casa futura del Dio vivente di Louise Erdrich (vwinsloe)
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I think I liked this one more than the first part. At first I thought it's unnecessary to write a sequel 35 years later, but this is exactly what's needed. In a way, it serves a a redemption of Aunt Lydia which I really liked, but also as a inside look at how such regimes can be destroyed - from within. ( )
  aljosa95 | Aug 23, 2024 |
I was in the middle of reading another book when the opportunity to read this one came along. I was hesitant, but knew it'd take a long time before I'd get another chance. So I dumped the other book and read this one. I'm SO glad I did!!! I loved this book almost more than The Handmaid's Tale! I really appreciated getting some background on how Gilead got its start, as well as behind-the-scenes points of view of Wives, Commanders, and Aunts. It was really just so perfect! I was worried that Atwood wouldn't be able to pick up where she'd left off, or that it wouldn't work well enough. I worried for no reason!!! This book was fabulous and my faith in humanity is restored! :) ( )
  trayceebee | Aug 23, 2024 |
Margaret Atwood's "The Testaments" is the story of three females, each of whom tells a tale of loss, defiance, and courage. Agnes Jemima is a child who lives in Gilead, a dystopian society of religious fanatics who are corrupt, sexist, and repressive. Only a chosen few know how to read and write and access to books is strictly limited. Daisy is the tough and determined daughter of Canadian shopkeepers. Lydia, one of the most powerful women in Gilead, has risen through the ranks, thanks to her brilliant mind and talent for deception.

The opening chapters are a bit confusing, since Atwood shifts back and forth between the three central characters. In addition, readers must learn new definitions for such words as Martha, handmaid, aunt, commander, angels, and eye, all of which have special connotations. Moreover, the narrators use frequent flashbacks to fill in details that explain how various events came to pass. Once we grow accustomed to the premise and the nomenclature, however, we begin to identify with Agnes, Daisy, and Lydia, while we despise the selfish and immoral dictators who preserve their theocracy with the threat of torture and summary executions. Fortunately, there is hope, since there is an underground network whose members are determined to end Gilead's reign of terror.

"The Testaments" reminds us to be wary of those who would stifle dissent while deflecting attention from their own misdeeds. Atwood's evocative descriptive writing, meticulously constructed and suspenseful plot, and atmospheric setting keep us invested in the ultimate fate of those who risk their lives to expose the hypocrisy and degeneracy of Gilead's leaders. There are quite a few humorous passages that keep the narrative from becoming too bleak. This is a satisfying and thought-provoking novel in which the author champions the right of everyone to be treated with dignity; speak out against injustice; worship freely; and make basic life choices, such as whom he or she wishes to marry. Kudos to Margaret. Atwood for creating an imaginative, moving, and meaningful work of fiction that celebrates the strength of the human mind and spirit. ( )
  booklover1801 | Aug 9, 2024 |
An excellent sequel and compelling read. I listened to the audiobook, which had a full cast that made the story that much more immersive.

I enjoyed how the story progressed by jumping from one character’s perspective to the other. It really helped illustrate and solidify how each of the characters lived in such different and alienating worlds when exposed to the others, even to those living within Gillead.

I really appreciated the back story on Aunt Lydia, and how she came to be such a significant and complex figure. Her life story was a true roller coaster ride. I’m very curious to know how long it took for Gillead to crumble after she leaked the crime files.

I’m curious about how Agnes dealt with the downfall of Gillead. She thought her mission was for the salvation of Gillead, so how did she react when she found out it was really to destroy Gillead? Did she feel lied to and betrayed, especially after having learned (if she ever did learn) about Becca’s death? And how did she adjust to life as a free woman?

I only wish Becca didn’t have such a tragic end. I thought she was only supposed to hide for a couple days. Why did she have to die? It felt like an unnecessary loss.

( )
  H4ppyN3rd | Jun 28, 2024 |
Es kommt nicht an den ersten Teil heran - viel weniger düster und packend und überhaupt nicht eindringlich.
Kann allerdings auch daran liegen, dass ich mich mit den Figuren schwer getan habe. Ich kann mir einfach nicht vorstellen, dass innerhalb einer Generation die Mädchen so schicksalsergeben werden wie Becky und Victoria/Agnes in Gilead... Auch Daisy fand ich als Charakter nicht überzeugend.
Der Schreibstil und die Perspektivenwechsel allerdings haben mir sehr gut gefallen. Am Ende war es dann zu schnell zu Ende, das hätte für mich gerne noch etwas ausführlicher sein dürfen. ( )
  Katzenkindliest | Apr 23, 2024 |
Agency and strength, Atwood seems to be suggesting, do not require a heroine with the visionary gifts of Joan of Arc, or the ninja skills of a Katniss Everdeen or Lisbeth Salander — there are other ways of defying tyranny, participating in the resistance or helping ensure the truth of the historical record. The very act of writing or recording one’s experiences, Atwood argues, is “an act of hope.” Like messages placed in bottles tossed into the sea, witness testimonies count on someone, somewhere, being there to read their words [...]

» Aggiungi altri autori (16 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Atwood, Margaretautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Bar, NomaImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Biekmann, LidwienTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Cardinal, TantooNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Dean, SuzanneProgetto della copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Dowd, AnnNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Howard, Bryce DallasNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Jacobi, DerekNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Stheeman, TjadineTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Whitman, MaeNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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. Hai fra le mani un'arma pericolosa, caricata con i segreti di tre donne di Gilead. Stanno rischiando la vita per te. Per tutti noi. Prima di entrare nel loro mondo, forse vorrai armarti anche di questi pensieri: .

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THE TESTAMENTS: Want to talk about it? in Atwoodians

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