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The Kill Order (Maze Runner, Book Four;…
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The Kill Order (Maze Runner, Book Four; Origin): Book Four; Origin (The Maze Runner Series) (edizione 2014)

di James Dashner (Autore)

Serie: Il Labirinto (4 (prequel 1))

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5,449831,971 (3.48)30
"Mark struggles to make sense of his new, post-disaster world in this prequel to The Maze Runner"--
Titolo:The Kill Order (Maze Runner, Book Four; Origin): Book Four; Origin (The Maze Runner Series)
Autori:James Dashner (Autore)
Info:Delacorte Press (2014), Edition: Reprint, 384 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:Science Fiction

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I got through the prologue and then stopped. This is just a handful of pages, if even. I felt the writing was fairly mediocre. But I thought the setting was intriguing. Postapocalyptic and with mysterious machines and science reminding of Shin Megami Tensei IV. However I found the characters so dislikeable that I couldn't continue with it, the book was making me feel bad.

The protagonist watches, in the prologue, her best friend undergo some horrific operation wiping his mind. A lot of repetition is made over the point that she (the protagonist) has built a wall within herself, between her and her own emotions. The horror of watching her friend in pain, and of losing him, of course makes her start to feel her emotions, and she builds up that wall again and again. I really can't stand this kind of thing. Characters who mindlessly block off their emotions and live in a kind of dumb state, until eventually we find out, wa-hey, they shouldn't block off all of their emotions. Whoop-dee-do. No thanks.

The original author is American. Having this character's experience thrown in my face made me feel like the toxic American society is imposing itself onto me, I hated it. ( )
  Jharrison142 | Jun 14, 2024 |
I'm officially DNF-ing this one at 41%. I just can't read more of it. I wasn't crazy about The Maze Runner series, but this book felt like a big step down in writing quality and characterization. It's frankly boring and I'm finding I don't care what happens to any of the characters.
  escapinginpaper | May 18, 2024 |
I know anyone who reads this review is probably going to be shocked by this, but "The Kill Order" is actually my favorite book of the Maze Runner franchise thus far. I don't know, man. This just feels like a much more solid read than the previous three books.

For one thing, Dashner's writing style isn't that bad this time around. The dialogue doesn't feel that shallow and annoying anymore. Sure, there is the occasional "he was starting to like her more and more" that has grown to be my least favorite phrase in the entire franchise because of how lazy it is, but, for the most part, the dialogue feels like it comes from real human beings in this book. It's just a lot more organic and vibrant.

In addition, the characters are pretty solid. I actually enjoy reading them more than I do the characters from the previous three books. They're less shallow. I really empathize with their struggles and hardships. These characters go through absolute hell throughout the course of 12-18 months, and you really start to root for them by the end. Despite the fact that the characters in the Maze Runner trilogy go through even more trauma than these people, I honestly couldn't give a crap by the end of that trilogy because the writing was so bad and the characters were so unlikeable.

Mark's development in this story is extremely fascinating. Through flashbacks, you see how he started off as a laid-back, carefree teenager who wanted nothing more than to screw his next-door neighbor. However, as the book progresses, you watch him become stronger, fiercer, and more resolved. By the end, not only has he become a hardened soldier who has persevered through so much trauma, but he's also become extremely compassionate and caring. The scenes where he rescues Trina and Deedee from the basement of a house and from the barracks of the Berg are absolutely incredible. You see how truly resolved he is to keep the girls safe. While all this is happening, though, he is slowly succumbing to the Flare and becoming more and more insane. Despite that, he fights with every ounce of willpower he possesses to remain sane long enough to complete his final task: getting Deedee to the PFC so she can help develop a cure. He is a great character, and it makes me all the more angry that his, Alec's, and Trina's sacrifices all go to waste because Dashner decided to pull fast one on us and deliver one of the worst endings to any franchise ever with "The Death Cure". Sigh.

This book is also easily the bloodiest, goriest, and scariest book of the series thus far. Dashner doesn't hold back with the horror elements here. Things get pretty intense. However, it never feels gratuitous nor forced. It just feels like a good zombie-apocalypse story, one with a heavy emphasis on the theme of survival.

I enjoy this book quite a bit, but I wouldn't classify it as great or anything. I did get quite emotional in the last 75 or so pages, but most of the rest of the book is just... fine. The only parts I really like besides the final sections are the flashbacks. They're pretty nicely spaced apart, and they're quite interesting, honestly. I do kinda wish we got some more view-points of when the Flare first struck the Earth, but I'd say I'm quite satisfied with what we got.

So, yeah, I like a lot of things about this book, but it is just okay for the most part. Honestly, if the whole franchise was written as well as this one was, I would have a lot less to complain about. ( )
  Moderation3250 | Feb 24, 2024 |
This book was a slow but i did enjoy it. I felt it was little bit hard to get invested in the main characters because they were almost all going to die. But the ending of the story saved it for the reveal about one of the main characters. I just missed the main character from the main series but overall i think it gave you so much info that makes series book 1-3 make more sense. It was not my favorite book but i like the new characters that we met, i i wish we had more time with them. ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
This book was a slow but i did enjoy it. I felt it was little bit hard to get invested in the main characters because they were almost all going to die. But the ending of the story saved it for the reveal about one of the main characters. I just missed the main character from the main series but overall i think it gave you so much info that makes series book 1-3 make more sense. It was not my favorite book but i like the new characters that we met, i i wish we had more time with them. ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
The Death Cure by. James Dashner/The maze runner series
Great book,Keeps you on your heels
Thomas,Minho,Teresa,Newt, Frypan and of of group B has just gotten to
the safe haven in the Scorch trials which transported him back to WICKED
headquarters now the goal is to get out of it . When they do they go to
Denver.In Denver they are searching for the Right Arm. Some people who
are immune to the flare.
Once they found them they had then made a plan to destroy the
WICKED headquarters.Once in the headquarters building they are sent
back to the maze to get 200 more immunes that WICKED had hidden.Can
they make it? Read to find out.
Don’t Miss this book it is one of the best books i’ve ever
read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I feel that you should be at least 11 to read this book.
aggiunto da sophia.vanwyk | modificaNone

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For Kathy Egan. I really miss you.
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Prologue: Teresa looked at her best friend and wondered what it would be like to forget him.
Chapter 1: Mark shivered with cold, something he hadn't done in a long time.
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"Mark struggles to make sense of his new, post-disaster world in this prequel to The Maze Runner"--

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