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The Maze Runner Series Complete Collection (Four Books)

di James Dashner

Serie: Il Labirinto (1-4)

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760830,278 (3.96)1
Science Fiction. Suspense. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:This four-book collection of the blockbuster phenomenon The Maze Runner series now features chapters from the highly-anticipated series conclusion, The Fever Code, the book that finally reveals the story of how the maze was built!

When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his name. He's surrounded by strangers—boys whose memories are also gone.
Outside the towering stone walls that surround them is a limitless, ever-changing maze. It's the only way out—and no one's ever made it through alive.
Then a girl arrives. The first girl ever. And the message she delivers is terrifying.
Remember. Survive. Run.
The Maze Runner and Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials are now major motion pictures featuring the star of MTV's Teen Wolf, Dylan O'Brien; Kaya Scodelario; Aml Ameen; Will Poulter; and Thomas Brodie-Sangster. The third movie, Maze Runner: The Death Cure, will hit screens in 2018.

Also look for James Dashner's edge-of-your-seat MORTALITY DOCTRINE series!

Praise for the Maze Runner series:
A #1 New York Times Bestselling Series
A USA Today Bestseller
A Kirkus Reviews Best Teen Book of the Year
An ALA-YASLA Best Fiction for Young Adults Book
An ALA-YALSA Quick Pick

"[A] mysterious survival saga that passionate fans describe as a fusion of Lord of the Flies, The Hunger Games, and Lost."—

"Wonderful action writing—fast-paced...but smart and well observed."Newsday

"[A] nail-biting must-read."

"Breathless, cinematic action."—Publishers Weekly

"Heart pounding to the very last moment."—Kirkus Reviews

"Exclamation-worthy."—Romantic Times

"James Dashner's illuminating prequel [The Kill Order] will thrill fans of this Maze Runner [series] and prove just as exciting for readers new to the series."—Shelf Awareness, Starred
"Take a deep breath before you start any James Dashner book."-Deseret News.
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 I read dashner: the maze runner1 non letto / 1da-man101, Gennaio 2016
I enjoyed this series. First book was great. Second was pretty good. Third was a a little disappointing, especially the ending but overall I liked it very much. Different premise. Would definitely recommend. ( )
  Crystal423 | May 1, 2017 |
I like adventure this book kept me curious.
Loved it ( )
  preetnagra | Dec 11, 2015 |
The main character is Thomas. Thomas is special outside of the glade. The glade is in the middle of a giant maze that they think is unsolvable. When Thomas wakes up all he remember is his name nothing from his old life just his name. In the glade there is a bunch of jobs so they can survive in the glade. For example a farmer, animal hunting, cooking and there is one job that Thomas really pays attention to. Thomas sees the walls open and is curious why one of the rules is not to leave the glade. So he walks up to the wall to take a closer look. There is a whole bunch of different paths and as he looks he sees people come back. Thomas then asks the leader of them Alby ( he was the first one there so he had to survive a whole month before some one came) why there was some one in the maze. He told him that they where runners. Then he said he wanted to be one. He told him that no one wanted to be a runner. Later in the book he sees min-ho and alby trying to get back a min-ho is dragging ably. Thomas watching in horror as the doors shut. He thinks to himself there not going to make it; so he runs out in the maze and brakes the rules. He survives the night also killing a griever by standing by a cliff and the griever ( creatures in the maze ) flew off. Then later the doors don't shut at night. A bunch of grievers destroy the glade. Thomas and Min-ho decide that the way they think there going to leave might work. So it did and the left the maze.
My opinion on the book is that this book is really good. I started reading it because the title looked cool and my sister had it so I picked it up. The begging wasn't bad nor was the middle or end. I was always in the book and never bored. The book was so good that I had to read the second one. There was a good ending too. I think the characters in the story are smart and cool. I thought how they made it so you never knew how it was going to end. Also how you did not know what was going to happen next. If i was rec-emending this to some one i would say you should read it if your into adventure and really descriptive story's. ( AND AMAZING BOOKS) ( )
  IsaacM.B1 | Oct 21, 2015 |
A bit disappointing - not as good as The Hunger Games. ( )
1 vota cazfrancis | Jan 4, 2015 |
PERSONAL RAMBLINGS- I read The Maze Runner in record time it was just so good! I had never even heard of The Maze Runner until I stumbled across the game on my phone (which is totally awesome by the way! All you fans of Temple Run 1 and 2, I highly suggest you get it!). The game includes the trailer to The Maze Runner movie that just came out, I watched it and immediately looked forward to watching the movie. But then I found out that there was a whole series, so of course I bought all the books (which were on sale at Amazon;-) So here is my review for the first book in The Maze Runner Series, The Maze Runner!

ACTUAL REVIEW-The Maze Runner grabbed my attention from page 1 and still has yet to let it go as I continue the series. I love the way James wrote this book, in 3rd person but focusing solely on Thomas so we are not jumping around from character to character. The story was greatly thought out and I loved each and everyone of the characters. Even though this book was on the tense side, my favorite character (Minho) kept the book light and I found myself laughing in some of the tensest moments because of his sarcastic comments.

QUESTIONABLE CONTENT- I was very surprised at how little the Q.C was, there was absolutely no cussing and no kissing. But there was some crass talking that some might find irritating and the Gladers have their own vocabulary that they use to "cuss" (For example "shuck-it"), and they call each other many things such as "shuck-face", "shank", "klunk-head" etc. The words in our vocabulary that are used by the Gladers, are "sucks", "crap" and a few others along these lines, but again no cuss words. The violence in The Maze Runner was mild throughout the book, but sky-rocketed towards the end. Though the violence was not overly detailed, it was enough to give you some visuals that could be somewhat disturbing depending on how well the reader pictures what he/she is reading.

OVERALL RATING- I rate The Maze Runner 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it to anyone who is an avid fan of Y.A. You will not regret reading this series!

*Note: I am already over halfway finished with book 2, The Scorch Trials. And I am just giving a small warning, the violence in The Scorch Trials is A LOT more than that of which is present in The Maze Runner and I have stumbled across several cuss words and God's name has been taken in vain many times.* ( )
  RayleighAnn | Dec 20, 2014 |
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He began his new life standing up, surrounded by cold darkness and stale, dusty air. Metal ground against metal; a lurching shudder shook the floor beneath him.
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WICKED is good
Everything is going to change.
The problem is simple: the world has too many people and not enough resources.
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This is an omnibus for the prequel, volume 1, volume 2, and volume 3.
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Science Fiction. Suspense. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:This four-book collection of the blockbuster phenomenon The Maze Runner series now features chapters from the highly-anticipated series conclusion, The Fever Code, the book that finally reveals the story of how the maze was built!

When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his name. He's surrounded by strangers—boys whose memories are also gone.
Outside the towering stone walls that surround them is a limitless, ever-changing maze. It's the only way out—and no one's ever made it through alive.
Then a girl arrives. The first girl ever. And the message she delivers is terrifying.
Remember. Survive. Run.
The Maze Runner and Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials are now major motion pictures featuring the star of MTV's Teen Wolf, Dylan O'Brien; Kaya Scodelario; Aml Ameen; Will Poulter; and Thomas Brodie-Sangster. The third movie, Maze Runner: The Death Cure, will hit screens in 2018.

Also look for James Dashner's edge-of-your-seat MORTALITY DOCTRINE series!

Praise for the Maze Runner series:
A #1 New York Times Bestselling Series
A USA Today Bestseller
A Kirkus Reviews Best Teen Book of the Year
An ALA-YASLA Best Fiction for Young Adults Book
An ALA-YALSA Quick Pick

"[A] mysterious survival saga that passionate fans describe as a fusion of Lord of the Flies, The Hunger Games, and Lost."—

"Wonderful action writing—fast-paced...but smart and well observed."Newsday

"[A] nail-biting must-read."

"Breathless, cinematic action."—Publishers Weekly

"Heart pounding to the very last moment."—Kirkus Reviews

"Exclamation-worthy."—Romantic Times

"James Dashner's illuminating prequel [The Kill Order] will thrill fans of this Maze Runner [series] and prove just as exciting for readers new to the series."—Shelf Awareness, Starred
"Take a deep breath before you start any James Dashner book."-Deseret News.

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